Version update 11/22 MEGA


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    What difference it would make if you knew 3 weeks ago or now? You wouldn't have chimaera anyway. And ofc needing chimaera is possible, but don't post things based on possible rumors. Wait for confirmation to start complaining at least.
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    Thanks CG for the zeta materials, greatly appreciated! Also nice work on the game reworks, they make a positive difference. Just need to decrease the high number of waves on light side TB and we will be happy!
  • Fauztin
    1332 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I didn’t see any mention or reasoning in the update notes as to why the guild shipment store has increased the cost of Character Shards by 50, now at a cost of 450. With more slots available for more Character Shards, giving players the opportunity to purchase more of them, this makes no sense to me, other than “helping” those who have raids on farm status drain their buildup of currency.

    It seems especially odd to me because EVERY other shipment store still has Character Shards at a cost of 400, with the exception of GG in the Shard Shop and Hermit Yoda in the Guild Events Store. The only other difference would be Ship Blueprint shipments of four, but still at a cost of 400 (valuing individual blueprints higher than individual Character Shards).

    Thoughts? Opinions? Am I just downright mistaken, and I’ve overlooked the mentioning of this?

    EDIT: I do want to voice my gratitude for new content and QOL changes. I’m not trying to just nitpick the downsides and voice my entitlement. I’m FTP, just want to understand.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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    I think the Chewy Shards had to be an inside joke by EA. Funny as hell. I was rolling when I saw them
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    You get more tokens with the new territory wars twice a week, so the price not really increased because you get more then before
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    My guild mates seem to think it's due to fact that we'll be earning more guild tokens thanks to TB and TW. With an influx of tokens, it makes sense for them to raise the price a little to maintain the shard's value.
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    Gotta say thank y'all for the update and the gifts very appreciated
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    Maybe I would extend this to a general "thanks for all the great work". I'm not sure EA/CG gets enough thanks. This is by far my favorite and most engaging mobile game.

    Happy thanksgiving!
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    Is there still going to be the full pieces of gear in the guild store? The ones that were about 1200 tokens or so. If not, no big deal. Just wanna know so I don’t waste time waiting for them to pop up. Love the extra gear additions!
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    Supply and demand.
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    I like the extra choice in the guild store - but was there any need to increase the price of 5 shards in there to 450 ?
  • Fauztin
    1332 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    You get more tokens with the new territory wars twice a week, so the price not really increased because you get more then before

    I disagree. It still requires participation, meaning time and effort to earn that guild currency. More opportunity for additional income still means more time invested. This doesn’t create / solve currency inflation, it just incentivizes players to be even more engaged to uphold the same ratio of redeeming the shipment items, or risk falling behind and not being able to get as many shipments as they used to. I see it resulting in having to pick and choose which items to get, especially with more available slots.

    I’m looking at this similarly to a person that works at a job. Time and effort, get your currency reward. New content, pick up a second job. More time and effort, more reward. The gas station down the street doesn’t increase prices based on how many jobs you have. Respectively speaking.

    EDIT: I also don’t believe my thread warranted a merge with the general update discussion. If anything, move it from general discussion to feedback, for specific discussion about the state of currency values.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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    Angelloyd wrote: »
    What difference it would make if you knew 3 weeks ago or now? You wouldn't have chimaera anyway. And ofc needing chimaera is possible, but don't post things based on possible rumors. Wait for confirmation to start complaining at least.

    I suppose the difference is... Like the 12 hour-24hour Phases rollback or the 7*-5* CHS/HRS requirement, if we had known the requirements before the event actually starts tomorrow, we would have had time to voice our complaints, they could have changed either the requirement or they could have done us a solid and brought the event back.
    Chimera: required in DS TB phase4.
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    @CG_Kozispoon Is it a bug or is the time for guild store lose one of the free refreshes. It use to refresh with Fleet store..

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    KryptoAcid wrote: »
    @CG_Kozispoon Is it a bug or is the time for guild store lose one of the free refreshes. It use to refresh with Fleet store..

    I don’t know about losing a refresh, but it appears that the next one is scheduled for the New-Day refresh. For me, that’s a little less than 4 and a half hours from now. Usual fleet refresh appears to be on schedule, about an hour and a half from now.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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    Thanks for all the gift. I often complain about this and that, but this time you hit the nail square on the head!

    Looking forward to trying guild war and ds battle!
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    So I updated the game on iOS what’s with the guild token price gone up >_> 450 to farm characters now?
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    It looks like they went from about 200 for 5 shards to 400 for 5 shards. Is this WAI?
  • Sawedoffsam
    posts Member
    edited November 2017
    The new fights are so full of kittens. Why do you guys over power everything? It’s ok for people who have maxed out toons or someone who spends a lot of money on this game but some of us don’t. I know I know.... it’s all about the money to you guys. But you take a lot of entertainment out for us who do not spend money on the game.
    Post edited by HeroOfCanton on
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
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    Yup. Guild and guild event store both went up, but you do have more options available.
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    I second the - what?

    Are you talking about TB prelude?
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    That's kind of a bummer. Glad I finished baze last week. Other than that, the update is awesome!
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    TB prelude is a little OP. Tier one took me 4 tries because the 80s I fought were waaaaay OP. Like Wiggs devastating opener one shot my heavy mod Ezra and Hera and then the focus was Sabine by Chirrut Thrawn and Zeta Barriss.
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    Don’t be sad they have given us so much today and the guild store rework is the best thing yet! That gear
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    I believe he is referring to the new Territory Prelude battles. If you aren't experienced fighting those teams, I can see them being tough. I couldn't beat them with my standard 85 Imperial team. I had to make a character substitution and won on the first go. I do appreciate the extra gear from completing it.
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    They did go up, but we also got two more areas in the game to collect guild coins, they are just balancing it out.
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    True, But gear prices were cut in half in guild store just FYI

    And we will be getting much more currency now with territory Wars and ds tb
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    Ok I have to thank you. There is always so much hate towards you guys. But the anniversary rewards were awesome! And the reworked guild store is awesome too!
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