Looking for GW advice

OK so I now need a suicide squad on the second level in GW and all the levels moving forward. I don't have 10 suicide teams. I hear what is being said about the battles being based on my highest team and wins - adjusting to use lower teams leaves me dead and I'm still totally at a loss. I have my top team at lvl 70 and my secondary team in the 60s, my third team in the 50s. I can't win GW and I'm super lucky if I make it half way. Have quit using luminara as leader with the recent changes to health regen. I have no idea what to do any more and I don't want to complain - so I either need some folks smarter than I am to make some suggestions or I need to quit GW completely. There has to be something wrong when I face a team 5 lvls lower than mine that aren't 7* and not all into the purple on tech and they still take out my strongest character with 2 hits. Please any strategy tips you have I would like to hear.


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    OK so I now need a suicide squad on the second level in GW and all the levels moving forward. I don't have 10 suicide teams. I hear what is being said about the battles being based on my highest team and wins - adjusting to use lower teams leaves me dead and I'm still totally at a loss. I have my top team at lvl 70 and my secondary team in the 60s, my third team in the 50s. I can't win GW and I'm super lucky if I make it half way. Have quit using luminara as leader with the recent changes to health regen. I have no idea what to do any more and I don't want to complain - so I either need some folks smarter than I am to make some suggestions or I need to quit GW completely. There has to be something wrong when I face a team 5 lvls lower than mine that aren't 7* and not all into the purple on tech and they still take out my strongest character with 2 hits. Please any strategy tips you have I would like to hear.
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    uh....thats weird lol my teams aren't as strong as yours but recently i've beaten GW like 7 x in a row.

    1/ All it takes for me is yes some players for a suicide squad , so they can use up their specials (which i dont usually have to use until maybe 8th battle)

    2/ have suicide tanks your willing to sacrifice like Chewy, Poe, Storm Trooper Han - which again i dont usually have to use until maybe half way through,

    3/ always take out Sidious ASAP since he will disable your teams ability to heal,

    4/ have luminara's heal ability at level 6 since that is when it really shines, use your heals wisely so you can use them when needed,

    5/retreat like crazy as soon as something bad happens (like dooku stunning two at a time, or your stun being resisted) keep trying different moves on different people and even changing your lineup - eventually something will give.

    6/Have daka on hand with a strong stun for the counter attackers like dooku or 5's (I HATE THHEEEMMMZZ!). Daka's revives are also amazing, when ever you have her on a team and somethings goes bad, don't retreat right away - she might be able to bring them back and then if you have Lumi she can heal them to 100% and BAM! you just got a new team.

    Thats what's been helping me, hope it is of use to you :smile:
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    Darthcranx gives good advice...here's some more:

    1) don't use 5 chars on your suicide squads. Usually 3 will get the job done. (conserve your suicide toons)It tells you you're entering without a full squad but if you just hit "go" again, it will throw you into the battle.

    2) Jedi Consular can heal every 2 or 3 turns depending. He can be a life saver in this regard

    3) Use powers strategically as needed. If you run a Lumi, make sure you use her second power to strategically ability block someone like Phasma who can change the round with turn meter manipulation.

    4) leave the weakest, highest hp toon on your enemies squad alive to last and do you rbest to kill them slowly, helping your team recover cooldowns and heal. (barriss is the absolute best for this since she does next to no damage and has tons of health)

    My A squad is the following:
    Lumi (leader)
    JC/Daka depending on the battle and my cooldowns.
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    GW is about health and cooldown management. Multiple healers is a necessity. Personally, I use Lumi, JC and Barriss since together, they strike a nice balance between healing power, cooldowns and ability to restore health through Heal Immunity.

    My other two main toons are Qui Gon Jinn and Sid. QGJ offers extremely high burst damage with his assist special and the ability to remove enemy buffs. He also has short cooldowns, good speed and does decent damage with his basic. Sid is mostly there for non-Jedi DPS and inflicting Heal Immunity. His damage isn't the best but it's solid and his high evasion (especially against Jedi when Lumi is leader) with strong self-heal gives him a lot of survivability.

    Some other general notes:
    • Never use Barriss' or Luminara's heal during the last half of the battle, if you can help it. Give them as many turns as possible to cooldown before the next battle.
    • If you need a late heal, use JC. His heal has a 2-turn cooldown that can be shortened even more by his basic.
    • Avoid specials in general during the last half of the battle. The idea is to start every battle with all abilities off cooldown and you can't do that if you're using them to finish off the last toon of the preceding battle.
    • Prioritize glass cannons and toons that inflict Heal Immunity. Anyone who can one-shot you needs to die before they get a chance to attack. Heal Immunity forces you to use your heals late in the battle, which screws you over for the next round so anyone who can inflict it needs to die early as well.
    • Save "tanks" for last. Guys like Chewie and Barriss who have tons of health, have a self-heal and deal low damage are perfect for letting your cooldowns recover at the end of a fight.
    • If anyone dies, retreat and start over. Be sure to use a different strategy (change which abilities you use and/or who you use them on) to ensure that the battle plays out different.
    • If, after maybe a dozen resets and different tactics, send in a suicide squad.
    • Use Sid as your leader and shake your phone at the moment you attack. It increases your chances for a critical hit.
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    This seems to be a common problem. I'm having the same problems. As i said in a previous post, it looks like all our hard work getting our characters to a high level count for nothing.
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    I've thought matchups have been mostly easier since GW retreat change. 2-3 healers, use abilities early so they are ready next battle, smart targeting. Bariss as leader is nice
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    Having characters at level 70 means little in terms of their strength.

    Star rating and gear level are far more important. If your guys are undergeared they will be weak.

    How about you list your main characters, level, stars and gear level, then maybe people can help advise you.
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    It's seems to be mostly luck based in terms of what you draw. I went two weeks on one of my accounts without being able to win once, then won 6 days in a row. My team got stronger over those two weeks, so saying it's harder based on strength doesn't seem accurate. Keep playing every day, and you'll get some easy draws to go with your hard ones.
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    Thanks for the pointers - using them is hit or miss on completion but at least I'm making it past round 6!
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    I do play every day, was not able to make it past lvl 6 most of the time. I switched my team to include 2 healers and started by using my second team and those seem to help a lot. Most of my top team are at 6* and all are gear level 8 or 9. Yesterday was the first day I didn't hit a lvl 70 opponent until the last 3 levels which was difficult but WAY better than hitting them at lvl 4!
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    I am level 70 with g8 toons. Even against other g8 max starred 70 or even lower (level means the least here) I've thrown in my level 58 4* Phasma as leader and cleaned house where using Lumi or Sid maxed resulted in death or severe punishment. Same with chewy, his 4 star blue geared mid 50, I'll throw him in as the sacrificial lamb but am surprised at times everyone finished full healt with cool downs reset. I've learned not to use the cannon fodder as often but will use most all sometimes on the 3rd to last node. I had been facing full geared maxed stars g8 on the 5th and 3rd node without relief for several days running but today while not a cake walk, I saw very few maxed level teams. It's all RNG to some degree as well as I believe, some of the nodes, always same, set against the player. But even substituting a single lower toon can turn the tide in your favor. Retreat early, change leaders, change primary targets, keep reworking the variables and save but use the suicide squads for the nodes like 3rd to last that are set against you. Leave tanks like chewy, Barris and healers for last. Let the healers heal the tanks so u can reset cool downs but be wary of Lumi's special and pay attention to kill or block her from using it late battle.
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    I am only level 63 but rarely face lvl70s until the last couple battles... I don't face a lot of high DPS (usually only see a limited number of FOTP, GS, 86, etc.) but I'll tell you my strategy...
    I run Chewie as lead. This might be a waste for the first couple battles, but I really like his defense bonus, and his turn meter decrease on his basic comes in very handy. I run two healers, JC and lumi, and heal more often than not, even if only Dooku or someone on my team is injured. You rarely need to heal Chewie because of his health regain move. He also comes in very handy when I fight team that is basically all DPS, and I make him taunt after the 2nd turn... he's slow his 1 turn taunt is actually very long. He makes for a great suicide in those matches, and I don't mind losing him if it's one of the final 3-4 battles (I have about 8-9 viable characters only).
    My battles tend to take a little longer because I don't really use any DPS (Chewie, Sid, Dooku, Lumi, JC), so my players tend to get a lot of turns... because of that I usually use lumi's heal on the 2nd or 3rd turn, and ride out the heal over time for the next two turns, using JC's heal when needed because the cooldown is so short. I generally almost always take out Sid first so that he can't heal block, he usually only gets 1 turn off (his AoE, which is good because my Dooku now deals extra damage to him).
    I understand this may not work as well for you because you seem to be fighting more DPS than me, but hope it helps!
    "Sanitation?!" --- 793-259-249
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    I appreciate all the help. I've tried the suggestions with mixed results, sometimes making it to lvls 9-11 before getting stuck. I'll keep doing what I can but today they started me on lvl 1 against a team with 3 lvl 70 & 2 lvl 69so at this point I'm thinking I'll just stop playing GW completely. I don't have time to spend an hour on a single lvl that ends up being unbeatable.
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