Losing interest in the game. GW is not fun anymore.



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    When you get to lvl 70 gw is a piece of cake, just lvl/max gear your 5 main toons

    I dunno which GW you have been playing lately... but you are pulling lucky draws if you find this to be true.

    Lately, it takes me upwards of an hour with all the tedium to retreat and re-do problem nodes (typically anywhere from turn 4 to turn 11 lately) of fully starred 70 squads that will always kill one character without multiple tries to find the exact solution through the battle.

    I run a full squad of 70s that are geared full Tier VIII with many almost maxed out on partial Tier IX, in addition to several Tier VII-VIII characters on standby. Only Sid/Lumi/Phasma are 7* at this time, the rest are anywhere from 4-6*.

    The tedium is what really makes GW into a huge slog. When the AI uses "RNG" that is relatively determinant, it just becomes a brute force rinse/repeat cycle to figure out a path through each node, which starts to grate a bit when it simply takes so much time, imho.
    SWGoH Ally Code: 988-869-147 GM of [Elite Casual]
    May the Force be with you.
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    I agree

    I use to breeze by it

    until I gained an extra "500" power

    now I face full 7* squads as of battle 3-4

    I finished it today... but barely.

    The chanllenge is not what bothers me, it's the fact it went from taking me 25mins or so to who knows how long. People say there's RNG, but that's not true, do the same thing, the same thing will happen every time... (ex: dooku not stunning a jedi, no matter how many time you restart, if he isnt meant to stun, he never will... or an AI evading an attack... etc)

    But now I face squads that can kill 1-2 of my toons on first turn... how deep a squad do you need to do that for another 8 battles

    It went from super easy to almost impossible... where's the in between lol

    They seem to have brackets of squad power. Could be something like 24001-26000 and then 26001-28000. Once you get into the lower end of the higher brackets, you'll face much strange competition than you did in the previous bracket.
  • m0rality
    167 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I am lvl 70. It has been harder since lvl. Some tricks that I use...

    1. Use JC, RG, Chewie, and Daka. They are surprisingly useful in GW.
    2. Other role players are Ventress and MW
    3. Use your low level tools to absorb early special attacks...of course they die.
    4. Sometimes a second wave of hitters like FOTP, IG, LS, BD, etc. Can take out Sid or another trouble maker after the scrubs get beat.
    5. This softens up the tools for your main team
    6. Be very careful how you finish even when you win. Keep the weak enemies alive until the end so that you can heal and build your special powers back up.
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