Bb-8 tier six. Need help

By the time I get my first turn one too two of my first order are gone. All of my first order are lvl 72 too 75, all of them are gear tier 8 and they all have ability lvl 6 and up. Is this not enough for their six. Is there a certain order I should go after them. Should I order my characters in a certain way to mess with the AI. What do I do.


  • Spirit_of_Exar_Kun
    48 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    T6 is the hardest because BB starts with full TM and ID is off cooldown, so he uses it right away. Mod for as much speed as you can, keep BB8 stunned as much as you can, and kill Rey>Han>Chewy>BB>Finn. Might need to omega a couple abilities to help with TM boosting/control.
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    Thank you so much.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    T6 is the hardest because BB starts with full TM and ID is off cooldown, so he uses it right away. Mod for as much speed as you can, keep BB8 stunned as much as you can, and kill Rey>Han>Chewy>BB>Finn. Might need to omega a couple abilities to help with TM boosting/control.

    Exactly what I did, other than killing BB8 last. Didn't need any omegas, G8 all except G9 FOTP, and Levels were all 70 except 75 Kylo. Got me through 6 and 7.

    Good luck.
    I need a new message here.
  • 3PO
    32 posts Member
    I cleared T6 yesterday.
    It was really difficult.
    If you have bad feelings about the beginning, retreat immediately.
    I tried it ten times with the specs below.

    And, I can challenge the T7 before this event is over.
    Can anyone compare T7 difficulty?
  • 3PO
    32 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    3PO wrote: »
    Can anyone compare T7 difficulty?

    I just found it, it looks hopeful.
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    Just finish... T7 need only one time, and T6 need at least 10 times.... and RNG help. All FO team Gear 8 with goods mods and Zeta Kylo. I attack first Rey>Han>Cherry>BB8>Finn. Don't care about stun BB8.
  • Osik
    235 posts Member
    i was able to beat tier 7 with mostly g8, FOO had 208 speed, and i just kept feeding tm to kylo whenever it was off cd, i lost 3 in tier 6 and took 2 tries to tier 7, some omegas no zetas, 66K total for the team...
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    T7 felt noticeably easier.

    FWIW, I used G10 Zylo, G9 FOST/FOTP, G8 FOO/Phas
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    G9 Kylo, G8 the rest, FOO/FOST both L82. No Omegas except Kylo's Lash Out. Pretty mediocre mods.

    At first I followed advice and tried to kill Rey before BB got off Destiny (incl. trying to stun BB, remove TM), but didn't have the firepower. Probably went 10 tries where my team was mowed down w/o a single turn after ID.

    Then I had one run where I got down to Finn/BB but Phasma and Kylo were near death. Considered Zeta'ing Kylo but remembered the golden rule of RNG: Eventually the stars will align if you're patient enough. I tried a few variations (Han first, Chewie first) but finally decided to stun Rey, then kill Han before ID. Moved a few mods to get a little speed boost and finally did it - with all 5 of my team alive.

    This was pretty much the story with both 6 and 7-star runs. So even if your gear/mods aren't great as long as you follow the basic plan - which a few have pointed out - you'll get there.
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    I have redone this battle 37 times, I'm about to say f it and try next year. This is by far the most unfair thing I have ever experienced in this game. I've been so jaded by this **** fight.
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