Discussion about KRU kit



  • starplatinum
    176 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Mullato wrote: »
    I agree. I feel his stun should be undispellable, and maybe make it 1 turn instead to not be abused. Idk he needs something.

    Unfortunately, i don't think they will update his kit to be on par with legendary rey's abilities. But there's still hope with a future FO support! Let's imagine one has a zeta on unique granting that all stuns inflicted by FO allies cannot be dispelled until they expire. That would make FO squad sick!!
    Post edited by starplatinum on
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    KRU has a very nice balanced kit imo. And that’s the difference between LS and DS. DS toons are balanced. LS toons are overpowered..
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    How do you avoid raid Han from pooping on FOO's head, and thus negating your +120 speed mods every single arena match?

    Are we supposed to be modding FOO with prot/HP??

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    Shaunyvee wrote: »
    How do you avoid raid Han from pooping on FOO's head, and thus negating your +120 speed mods every single arena match?

    Are we supposed to be modding FOO with prot/HP??

    Well, if you give OG Kylo or FOST a decent set or mods, they can easily break 250 under KRU. So if FOO gets stunned, you have KRU taunting to protect him until one of them feeds the team TM.

    Another awesome combo is FOO and Thrawn, with them modded to be roughly the same speed (easily 260+). Then you have a cleanse, heal and 100% TM ready to go no matter who Zolo stuns.

    Honestly, CLS is much easier now against KRU, than Phasma was against Maul. Now that was a bunch of RNGBS. Kind of like the new Rey.
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    DeepChu wrote: »
    Halt should be undispellable

    You’re asking for another Fracture.
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    DarthApok wrote: »
    KRU has a very nice balanced kit imo. And that’s the difference between LS and DS. DS toons are balanced. LS toons are overpowered..

    My arena shard disagrees. They whine about how OP my NS are all the time.
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    Not a fracture, but something that cab be usefull to defeat meta teams.

    I'm not talking to hold on defense, just to win on offense and so a pure /mix FO team can add to the meta teams.

    I am having success against CLS teams with a mix of zzKRU zFOST Zylo thrawn and solo / zFOTP, (not using zylo aoe, if used FOST or KRU are dead in turn 1) on offense, but for example against a GK / zarris team with nihilus is imposible because zarris keeps cleaning nihilus from stun every turn and he is never stunned. You can take out solo / FOTP and put nihilus in, but again your nihilus is stunned way more ofen than his and he anihilates first.

    Technicaly if you have in your team zylo (stun almost every turn) KRU (2 turns stun) solo (stun every 2 turns) thrawn (fracture) you should keep control of the battle, but that is almost impossible with amost every meta team.

    That is why he needs something else or FO will never be part of arena meta.
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    DeepChu wrote: »
    That is why he needs something else or FO will never be part of arena meta.
    There's so much more to the game than arena. You have galactic war, events, raids, heroic raids, territory battles, territory wars, fleet arena... Arena is just one of several co-equal parts of the game. Not everything has to cater to just that one, narrow area.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I found at G12 he just gets stunned and dies so fast. Against meta, thrawn always fractures him, then cls does his second ability and he dies. I also found Biggs alone can solo him and shut him down. I had multiple matches where these 2 went back and forth until kru was dead and Biggs full health. Kru had 100% counter with taunt, Biggs gains 100% tm after surviving a critical so shoots kru, who counters, Biggs survives a critical and gains 100% tm. Had it happen 4 sepadate times and Biggs just shut him down, so I started avoiding those teams if possible. His basic did no damage to biggs.
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    Tyrael1701 wrote: »
    I found at G12 he just gets stunned and dies so fast. Against meta, thrawn always fractures him, then cls does his second ability and he dies. I also found Biggs alone can solo him and shut him down. I had multiple matches where these 2 went back and forth until kru was dead and Biggs full health. Kru had 100% counter with taunt, Biggs gains 100% tm after surviving a critical so shoots kru, who counters, Biggs survives a critical and gains 100% tm. Had it happen 4 sepadate times and Biggs just shut him down, so I started avoiding those teams if possible. His basic did no damage to biggs.

    This baffles me. Post your swgoh.gg please so I can see what you are running. At G12 he gets stunned and dies? From Thrawn and CLS? Those two don't have even close to enough damage to kill him. There are a multitude of reasons why this shouldn't be happening:

    1.) Enemy thrawn should not be going first -- equal mods and your team should be going well ahead of thrawn.

    2.) You should be stunning thrawn before he goes, or putting status affects on others before he goes so that he does his third ability first instead of facture.

    3.) On a thrawn fracture, his taunt goes down, so he won't be getting hit much anymore. FOST's taunt should be up already at this point.

    4.) Assuming Zhan hits your FOO, your team still should have enough resilience and be going fast enough for everyone to be alive with a lot of health for a while.
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    Hah! Yeah I've had that twice in GW.. From a lowly geared Biggs... Kru hits him like a wet noodle and eventually dies from the repeated counters.
    Having run both the meta and FO teams and finishing first in arena every day I can say that FO are still some ways off being as viable as several of the other teams currently sitting in top arena. Beating FO is as easy as this.. Stun FOO with zhan. Cls ignore taunt, kill FOO. You win.
    I could auto most battles using cls meta..FO needs careful strategy ...which don't get me wrong, that's actually quite fun. But knowing that on defense they're a walk in the park kinda ducks. .and drop like a rock comparatively.
    Heres what i know. In the current era of swgoh if you don't have critical immunity your probably screwed.
    Either squishy toons need a protection/health boost or damage needs to dialed down. The later will never happen. ..actually neither will.
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    lamatoe wrote: »
    Hah! Yeah I've had that twice in GW.. From a lowly geared Biggs... Kru hits him like a wet noodle and eventually dies from the repeated counters.
    Having run both the meta and FO teams and finishing first in arena every day I can say that FO are still some ways off being as viable as several of the other teams currently sitting in top arena. Beating FO is as easy as this.. Stun FOO with zhan. Cls ignore taunt, kill FOO. You win.
    I could auto most battles using cls meta..FO needs careful strategy ...which don't get me wrong, that's actually quite fun. But knowing that on defense they're a walk in the park kinda ducks. .and drop like a rock comparatively.
    Heres what i know. In the current era of swgoh if you don't have critical immunity your probably screwed.
    Either squishy toons need a protection/health boost or damage needs to dialed down. The later will never happen. ..actually neither will.

    Hmm, I’d say you’ve been fighting some crappy FO teams. If you stunned my FOO, my Thrawn would cleanse him next, FOO would give TM to FOST, and it’s business I’d usual.

    If I happen to be running pure FO, then OG Kylo would be next in line after FOO, and would feed everyone TM. Once FOST and KRU have their taunts up, would you really waste your dispel killing FOO instead of clearing a taunt or hitting FOTP?

    My point is it doesn’t matter who Zolo attacks first on my team, they are all capable of working as a team of 3 or 4.

    First Order is still a joke on defense, but if you have them geared and modded correctly, they are capable of beating any team on offense. If you don’t care about having a pure team, get Thrawn in the mix (he’s great with FOO, or replacing him) and they are a top tier team.
    Tyrael1701 wrote: »
    I found at G12 he just gets stunned and dies so fast.
    Against meta, thrawn always fractures him, then cls does his second ability and he dies. I also found Biggs alone can solo him and shut him down. I had multiple matches where these 2 went back and forth until kru was dead and Biggs full health. Kru had 100% counter with taunt, Biggs gains 100% tm after surviving a critical so shoots kru, who counters, Biggs survives a critical and gains 100% tm. Had it happen 4 sepadate times and Biggs just shut him down, so I started avoiding those teams if possible. His basic did no damage to biggs.

    I find this very strange, as my 4 Star, G11 KRU hasn’t had any trouble with this kind of thing. Sure, he’ll get fractured, but he still heals and definitely has enough hp to win a battle with Biggs. I love it when Biggs picks a fight with KRU or especially FOST, since he will just heal them and kill himself. Naturally, this is assuming you’ve taken out wedge and he’s not calling Zolo on the assists on something.

    If you link your swgoh.gg profile we may be able to help you figure out the problem, but first thing o would do is make sure he is modded for protection and health first, then offense, crit etc. He doesn’t need potency and in my opinion he doesn’t really need speed with all the TM from FOST and OG Kylo, plus you can always choose him with FOO and/or Thrawn if necessary. Frankly, I consider anything past the pretaunt and his stun to be a bonus, but I guarantee he will do more damage staying alive and countering hard, then going 30 speed faster.
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    I was trying to use him as a poor man GK sub since I do not have him yet in a mixed team. Cls lead, r2, kylo, chirrut, raid han. Maybe my other difficulty is zetas? I think everyone else has 1 or 2 on r2, and 1 to 3 on cls. I have been fighting all g12 rebel teams and Biggs hits for way more than kru can heal. Mods might be the other issue. I originally had tenacity but found it did nothing so switched it out.
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    Tyrael1701 wrote: »
    I was trying to use him as a poor man GK sub since I do not have him yet in a mixed team. Cls lead, r2, kylo, chirrut, raid han. Maybe my other difficulty is zetas? I think everyone else has 1 or 2 on r2, and 1 to 3 on cls. I have been fighting all g12 rebel teams and Biggs hits for way more than kru can heal. Mods might be the other issue. I originally had tenacity, but found it did nothing so switched it out.

    Ah, well, there you go. Yeah, he will not work as a sub for GK. In fact, he really needs to be in the lead and zetad for his kit to shine. Once you add the 8% heal from his unique to the 5% health and protection recovery, he is incredibly tough, almost like Zarriss and Gk rolled together ( although obviously not that OP).

    Both oils are designed to be used with FO, that's why OG Kylo has the AI use Lash Out over Outrage, in a FO squad, he gives them all TM, so 9 out of 10 times that's what you want.

    I can't realy offer any advice for using him outside of FO, I told CubsFanHan thought it was ridiculous to compare KRU to GK. Personally, I'd say FOST is the more adaptable of the two, and I prefer him to GK as my go to tank, although I acknowledge that GK is the best all around. Seriously though, FOST has self cleanse, which means he can't be stopped by buff immunity, he dispels, gives speed down and his zeta let's him call assist on counters. One of the most underrated toons in the game.

    You already have KRU and OG Kylo geared, why not just come over to the First Order? One of the most fun factions to use, and totally viable in arena once you have a couple good speed sets.

    Here's my team vs the new Rey from earlier today.
  • Tyrael1701
    87 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Just waiting on zetas. So slow to farm. I need 2 for r2 for pvp. Could use one for luke. Need one for kylo. Need one for bb8. So roughly 30-40 days for 1 zeta, so 150-200 days :(
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    Tyrael1701 wrote: »
    Just waiting on zetas. So slow to farm. I need 2 for r2 for pvp. Could use one for luke. Need one for kylo. Need one for bb8. So roughly 30-40 days for 1 zeta, so 150-200 days :(

    30-40 days for one Zeta?
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    I run him with zThrawn and zHan and just the three of them crush! I see Halt as a poor man's Fracture. Shoot First takes care of cleansers, as does Fracture and use Halt on your target of choice. He's actually one of my favorite tanks.
  • DeepChu
    185 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    You already have KRU and OG Kylo geared, why not just come over to the First Order? One of the most fun factions to use, and totally viable in arena once you have a couple good speed sets.

    I can set FOO to g12 in no time, can you give me advice to mod them for arena? I have tried several times an no way I can made FO arena viable (CLS is hard but beatable, GK Zarris no way and new Rey r2 bb8 gk old ben even worse)

    My collection: https://swgoh.gg/u/deepchu/collection/

    Any help is welcome.
  • Tyrael1701
    87 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Kyngzilla wrote: »
    Tyrael1701 wrote: »
    Just waiting on zetas. So slow to farm. I need 2 for r2 for pvp. Could use one for luke. Need one for kylo. Need one for bb8. So roughly 30-40 days for 1 zeta, so 150-200 days :(

    30-40 days for one Zeta?

    Every 2 days, I can buy a fleet zeta, so with only those 20 zeta*2=40 (upper) and then I have horrible luck with ships and zeta, usually 1 a week even though I get 4 attemps. So maybe 5 more for 5 weeks. 20 zeta - 5 from fleet is 15. 15*2=30 days? Think I did my math right...

    But still need to 7* ships like fo tie so slower if those pop in the store
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