Does Anything Matter in the Squad Arena?



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    That's got to be inconvenient working when your arena payouts are scheduled... I'm lucky to have a weird job schedule that leaves the whole of the afternoon open.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    It's super inconvenient. I take a lot more bathroom breaks than I used to...when I have time. ;)
    I need a new message here.
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    NicWetster wrote: »

    Check this guys account. The highest he has climbed was rank 127. He doesn't have CLS or Kenobi.
    Now watch in a month once he has CLS at G11 or G12....I will bet you that he gets into the top 100 and probably get as far as Rank 70.

    Why? Is it because of his speed? Nope, nope's gonna be because of Commander Luke Skywalker.

    Better toons are more important than speed and allow you to climb higher. Add speed mods and you'll make it into the top 10.

    I'll add this thread to my favorites and be back to say I told you all so!

    He has crap mods. Thanks for making my point for me.
    My Alt doesn't have CLS or Kenobi. I take 1st whenever I feel like playing. Why? Because Mods.
  • DoraTheDestroyer
    12 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    NicWetster wrote: »

    Check this guys account. The highest he has climbed was rank 127. He doesn't have CLS or Kenobi.
    Now watch in a month once he has CLS at G11 or G12....I will bet you that he gets into the top 100 and probably get as far as Rank 70.

    Why? Is it because of his speed? Nope, nope's gonna be because of Commander Luke Skywalker.

    Better toons are more important than speed and allow you to climb higher. Add speed mods and you'll make it into the top 10.

    I'll add this thread to my favorites and be back to say I told you all so!

    I hold top 20 overnight (average rank 1) with meta toons and what this guy says is correct. the first most important thing in arena is squad composition i.e. meta toons, or ex-meta toons (wiggs, zaul, imperial etc). ONLY when u have a competitive squad composition will speed be the next important consideration.

    do keep in mind that the point of arena is 1) swgoh graph looks nice and 2) supplementary crystal income. no point having god-like speed mods when your arena team drops like a rock overnight (i.e. 2 refreshes or more to get top 5) because u look different from the top 20.
  • BloodearlGK
    140 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    It makes me kind of sad ...

    here is a guy, who asks for help and all the sudden this thread turns into a personal discussion, which won´t help him at all.

    @OP: I sent you a PN. Feel free to contact me.
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    It makes me kind of sad ...

    here is a guy, who asks for help and all the sudden this thread turns into a personal discussion, which won´t help him at all.

    @OP: I sent you a PN. Feel free to contact me.

    When I got to your message I asked myself what was the original post about? So I guess that proves your point. @OP talk to this guy. It helps to find a few old players that you can talk to one on one and get some pointers. Also don't stress about the choices you make to much. No one really knows which way the game is going to go. If someone 6 months ago said they were going to work on nightsisters for arena. Everyone would have ridiculed them. Now ns are fairly common.
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    Mod is really everything as the shard develops. For like a 2 week old shards, yeah the characters mean a lot. A team of Nihilus, Dooku, Savage, Maul, Sidious will certainly do better than a team of clone wars chewie lead teams. However, 4~6 months later, everyone starts to get R2, Thrawn, CLS, GK, Chaze, Han Solo and stuff. Another 3~4 months later everyone gets all of their Arena characters maxed out except some zetas. Vast majority of the shardmates will use similar team comp, all nearly maxed out. Then mods determines who gets the better rewards. The one with insane speed mods is more likely to hold better
  • Gawejn
    1144 posts Member
    NicWetster wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »
    Drazz127 wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »
    Drazz127 wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Speed matters a lot. Most speed comes from mods, and a 30 speed arrow counts for as much GP as a 5% offense arrow, even though the 30 speed is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better and more important.

    Get there firstest with the mostest and you'll win a lot of fights you shouldn't.

    OP there are people on the forums that dont give the best advice and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. This guy^^^^^is one of them.

    If speed is the deciding factor in this game, then should shouldn't have an arena average of 176/ a highest rank of 129/ or a current rank of a whopping 193. That's what not having the right toons gets you!

    OP take advice from people that actually get rank 1 on a daily basis. You do need some speed...but most importantly you need to use the right toons. Kenobi and Luke would be a start...something that @NicWester doesn't have.

    Speed can only get you so far if you are using mediocre toons.

    Better slower toons>Medecore fast toons.

    PLEASE don't listen to this guy.
    Speed is everything in arena. Find good mods and you'll be successful for a long time.
    If you don't want to drop from the top 10, then find good mods and good toons.
    Good toons alone will only get you so far.

    Speed is everything in arena? ok Switch out your Jedi training Rey for a resistance team and see just how high you climb and stay overnight.

    My original post DiD Say " You do need some speed"!! But speed isn't everything like you all are making out to be. Someone can have 1 speed lower or 20 speeds lower than their opponent and still win.

    Having the right toons matter most..but when you do add speed your chances of winning go up.

    JTR, BB8, and R2 are resistance. Sorry to burst your bubble. I've also seen well modded zFinn teams easily take first in arena.

    And how Finn hold overnight? yeah that's what I thought.

    Learn comprehension...I know Rey and bb8 is resistance when I said remove them and see how resistance does obviously I was talking about nicwesters team.

    But let's try other factions with only speed mods Jedi? Scoundrels? Sith? Jawa? How many of those teams sit in the top 10 only because of speed?

    You won't see those teams in the top 10 because they aren't good enough. I don't care if they have + 275 speed on each toon....they still aren't good enough. That right there is proof enough that speed isn't the end all be all of winning an arena fight.

    The right toons are more important than speed.

    When you have the right toons plus speed...that's when it becomes a deadly combination.

    In my Arena shard there is no team that can hold on defense. You can be first and you can easilly drop to 20-30. Your argument about holding on defense is a joke. It doesnt matter really. Every team can be beaten by almost 50 teams in top 50.

    You're team can hold defense overnight...but certain teams that consist of Kenobi/zBaris etc can hold enough to where you don't drop more than 10 ranks a night. I know this for a fact because I'm on a 2 year old shard and I never drop out of the top 20.

    In my Arena it doesnt matter if You have Kenobi/Bariss team. To say the truth those teams are quite easy to beat. You can drop 20-30. If You never drop out from 20 your arena is just very lazy.
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    TVF wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »
    You do need some speed...but most importantly you need to use the right toons. Kenobi and Luke would be a start...something that @NicWester doesn't have.

    Speed can only get you so far if you are using mediocre toons.

    An odd point to make. Of course Meta characters like GK and CLS are better than mediocre toons with good speed mods.

    But most of us, us F2Pers, only have mediocre toons and not the Meta.

    So - speed mods are super, super important in the Arena.

    Kenobi/R2/zBaris/Nihilus/CLS/Thrawn are all f2p you can't use that as an excuse to not run the meta.

    Perhaps they're all technically f2p toons but that doesn't mean they're equally achievable for f2p.

    Kenobi - Have to join a HAAT guild.
    R2 - Have to build up five empire toons
    Barris - Easiest to farm by far.
    Nihilus - One 20 energy hard node.
    CLS - Have to build up five 7* empire toons to get 7* R2 then have to farm Leia, FBLuke, Old Ben, and STH to 7* and then have to wait for the CLS event.
    Thrawn - Have to build up five Phoenix toons.

    You understood my point, thank you.

  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Another ”secret” is that you need to be able to put at least five attacks before your payout, either to climb or defend your position.

    I’m still waiting for the chance to choose a payout time that doesn’t overlap family time :(
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    NicWetster wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »
    Check this guys account. The highest he has climbed was rank 127. He doesn't have CLS or Kenobi.
    Now watch in a month once he has CLS at G11 or G12....I will bet you that he gets into the top 100 and probably get as far as Rank 70.

    Why? Is it because of his speed? Nope, nope's gonna be because of Commander Luke Skywalker.
    Except by then everyone will have Luke, so the key differentiator between Lukes will be............ The speed of the Luke. Unless you're also saying that I'll have Kenobi by then, but you didn't.

    Also you severely over-estimate how much I care about arena rank. I'll probably get to 99 and call it a day most of the time.

    Having both would help more...but you will get into the top 100 because of Luke.

    Luke is gonna get you more crystals and prove to these naysayers that "speed doesnt matter more than toons". Speed is important yes...but toons are more important and you getting into the top 100 after you get CLS will prove it.

    I'm rooting for you Nick!! Really I am. I know we don't see eye to eye and we don't get along but I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. Gear that Luke up and go kick some butt!

    You can get inside 100 without luke
  • Options
    Drazz127 wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »

    Check this guys account. The highest he has climbed was rank 127. He doesn't have CLS or Kenobi.
    Now watch in a month once he has CLS at G11 or G12....I will bet you that he gets into the top 100 and probably get as far as Rank 70.

    Why? Is it because of his speed? Nope, nope's gonna be because of Commander Luke Skywalker.

    Better toons are more important than speed and allow you to climb higher. Add speed mods and you'll make it into the top 10.

    I'll add this thread to my favorites and be back to say I told you all so!

    He has **** mods. Thanks for making my point for me.
    My Alt doesn't have CLS or Kenobi. I take 1st whenever I feel like playing. Why? Because Mods.

    No you don't have Kenobi or Luke...but you do have Han, R2 and Thrawn. Aren't they part of the meta atm? Seems like that helps you get higher ranks. Do you think if you switch out that team you're currently using for Chewie,JediConsular, QGJ, or any of the other beginning characters that the OP is using...could you still get rank 1 whenever you feel like playing? That's what the Nic guy is talking about.
    The world is watching as I take my last breathe.
  • Options
    Drazz127 wrote: »
    NicWetster wrote: »

    Check this guys account. The highest he has climbed was rank 127. He doesn't have CLS or Kenobi.
    Now watch in a month once he has CLS at G11 or G12....I will bet you that he gets into the top 100 and probably get as far as Rank 70.

    Why? Is it because of his speed? Nope, nope's gonna be because of Commander Luke Skywalker.

    Better toons are more important than speed and allow you to climb higher. Add speed mods and you'll make it into the top 10.

    I'll add this thread to my favorites and be back to say I told you all so!

    He has **** mods. Thanks for making my point for me.
    My Alt doesn't have CLS or Kenobi. I take 1st whenever I feel like playing. Why? Because Mods.

    No you don't have Kenobi or Luke...but you do have Han, R2 and Thrawn. Aren't they part of the meta atm? Seems like that helps you get higher ranks. Do you think if you switch out that team you're currently using for Chewie,JediConsular, QGJ, or any of the other beginning characters that the OP is using...could you still get rank 1 whenever you feel like playing? That's what the Nic guy is talking about.

    OP is using a very good offensive team. The AI just can't hold them with defense, as they don't know how to attack exposed characters. If he had good mods, he can take Rank 1, just not hold well. And no Chewie and JC wouldn't be able to make it, but that's like me saying a CLS, Zolo, R2, Thrawn, GK wouldn't be able to make it top 100 without mods, which they wouldn't.
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