Anyone else constantly losing at Territory Wars???



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    I'm really surprised no one mentioned this yet but you shouldn't be looking at GP disparity, mods are the bigger gap. We've won all but 2 which were full clear ties, and first thing we do is look at other guilds swgoh and see how focused they were on mods.

    Too many people just assign ones willy nilly without thinking of synergy & speed.
  • Peer
    299 posts Member
    @Kyno and Kozispoon pointed out that active GP is not as important a factor as many think. Obviously they take into account how GP is distributed within your guild and per player. But how this is operationalized we dont know. Sometimes it seems that matchmaking somehow works like a pre-selection for strategy options. This means that the matchmaking algorithm picked a guild you could beat if you did this or that ...

    Our guild won ~60% of TW matches so far with one mismatch against a guild that was lead by 2 whales with a (near) full 7* G12 roster. When we finally opened their fleet territories we found out that their weakness was ships. But it did not help. We were not able to complete other territories.

    All others matches were kind of ok. Strategy is extremely important but experience is important as well. If you have a NS team and never used it because it has 65k and no Zetas you can still take out teams that are much stronger on paper. There are many counter teams that can take on opponents with +10k or even +20k power. Your guild needs to learn about that and you need to encourage to members to go and try and find out what works.

    From my perspective there is still a problem with matchmaking but it is not as relevant as it was in the beginning. Gather more knowledge and use any opportunity to test (if there are NS in GW, go and try teams on them, if you can afford to play around a bit in arena - do it).
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    To be honest I skimmed through this thread, but I didn't really see much mention of the sandbagging that is happening for TW. If the level you're fighting as is only determined by the total amount of GP that joins the battle then teams that have their whole team join that fall (for example) just under 70 million can end up facing a team that has a GP worth 80, that leaves a few members out and only has <70 million in the fight.

    Our guild has seen it multiple times, we have around +\- 75 Million GP, but when we look up our competitors they are in the 85+ range. We get 46 or more people to fight on our side, but the opposition will purposely leave out players so their total GP is under the 80 million mark, helping them get matched up against us. I know they leave people out because the total amount of squads we can place is usually 23 on each nod. When a team sandbangs it goes down to 20 or 21.

    Sure they have less people to set up defenses, and attack, but the team member they have join typically have better units overall because the individuals have better characters, and higher GP.

    The Dev's say its working as intended, because the total GP in the battle is close to matching, but in my opinion its a little one sided. Take a team with an average level of characters still developing their teams and set up, vs. a team that has gear level 12 toons, and P2P players, I'll let you guess who typically wins.

    Just my two cents. TW is fun, but they did not account for the sandbagging in order to make it easier for bigger stronger guilds to ensure they win more often.
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    Folks, you don't even know that "sandbagging" is a tactic that actually has any effect whatsoever. You assume it does because of the reward tiers. But devs have already said that matches are not based on reward tiers, so all that sandbagging does is reduce your own rewards.
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    Lost this one too. Can’t get past the first nodes. Too stacked.
  • Dramgon
    86 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Folks, you don't even know that "sandbagging" is a tactic that actually has any effect whatsoever. You assume it does because of the reward tiers. But devs have already said that matches are not based on reward tiers, so all that sandbagging does is reduce your own rewards.

    Yes, i've seen the Dev's say this, but its hard for me to believe when my guild has 75 million GP, and we get the majority of people into TW, usually between 71 and 73 million. Then we get placed against a team that has a maxed GP of 85+. So what kind of algorithm did they write that allows for such a gap then. I might understand us going up against a team with that much more GP if we won all the time, but our ratio is about 50%.

    You want a fix that will make my argument null in void. Then they should make it so the guild leader just accepts a TW and the whole guild is automatically entered. If you're in the guild, your in the TW war period. Don't contribute, well then the guild can take that into account and remove you or keep you.
    If they did it this way then my argument would hold no water.

    Would be interesting though, if they did it this way and all of a sudden we stopped facing teams with 10 million more GP then our guild.
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    Our guild got flogged first tw. Military strategy won our second in 2 hrs. I am lvl83 and pair up w/ a lvl85 to attack strongest enemy. I try to knock the shields off 85's preferred characters , then he goes in for the kill not worried with protection or character he asked me to kamikaze. We attacked weakest first trench and easily got to rear trenches b4 most of our 85's came online. Our front trench packed to gills with all lvl85 nightmare squads. Caused massive enemy attrition. Hope that helps:)
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    We put out hourly chat days b4 twars appears. We set precise rally times for att coordination. Nobody attacks without asking and also having a couple of wingmen for the assist. Loose orders for setting def or saving for attack, but all trenches clearly marked by tw commander what he wants in them. Even enemy trenches get marked with micro management orders also. Assists can be both kamikaze to knock protection or single character, or , cleaning up stragglers. In our guild, 3IC officer kamikaze's enemy strongest front trench, 2IC attack tank, 1IC(leader) is the fire brigade officer following 3IC's direction. Everybody follows orders, even leader and 2IC. Tw commander is god and bears full responsibility for failed tactics. No wild west cowboys.
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    We put out hourly chat days b4 twars appears. We set precise rally times for att coordination. Nobody attacks without asking and also having a couple of wingmen for the assist. Loose orders for setting def or saving for attack, but all trenches clearly marked by tw commander what he wants in them. Even enemy trenches get marked with micro management orders also. Assists can be both kamikaze to knock protection or single character, or , cleaning up stragglers. In our guild, 3IC officer kamikaze's enemy strongest front trench, 2IC attack tank, 1IC(leader) is the fire brigade officer following 3IC's direction. Everybody follows orders, even leader and 2IC. Tw commander is god and bears full responsibility for failed tactics. No wild west cowboys.

    Wow,. . And whatever works for you and your crew.
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    We won both the TW's since the last game update. Coincidence or did they fix something?
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    It's about shallow rosters. We're a 107m GP mostly F2P guild but get matched up against whale guilds. They have lower GP because they have a smaller collection of toons. The ones they have are geared and zetad and modded through the roof. GP is a weak metric and doesn't take into account important factors like super high secondary speed mods or the fact that 40% of your roster may be garbage while only 5% of your enemies is.

    Yeah, we lose a lot.

    Good thing that there is more involved to match making then simply GP then isn't it.
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    Good thing that there is more involved to match making then simply GP then isn't it.
    The snark is strong in this one. I guess you could have posted something useful - - even if it dates from three days ago so it's unsurprising I knew about it but you do you, buddy!

    Also, the official post is light on details as usual. How are mods compared to each other? You can place mods which are wrong for the character or incomplete sets. Are these considered? How about secondary speed which is still by far the most important stat? Think before you snark.

    If you have the link, then you already know that they are not going to tell us the finer details, however it is clear that GP , active or otherwise is not the huge determining factor, as such, good thing there is more then GP in determining match ups hey?
  • Wrotton
    88 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    We are facing a Guild that has over 20 million GP higher than us.

    Hard to make a good strategy when pure brute force can win.

    at this point its easier to just sign up and take the items.
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