Regarding calling stunned characters for assist (Please don't buff GS/QGJ)!

364 posts Member
edited February 2016
So people have complained about stunned characters getting called in for assists (which does nothing) and it seems the devs have listened and decided to agree on changing that. Here's the latest confirmation from EA_Jesse:
Are stunned characters supposed to be called upon for an ally assist?
  • It’s also silly and it’s also something we’re working on fixing.

I have to strongly disagree that this is silly in anyway. Why exactly is it silly? This change will only further strengthen dominant characters such as QGJ and Geo Soldier by ensuring that their very strong special attacks never fail (outside of dodges/deflections). It will remove stuns as a potential (and already unreliable) counter-play to such dominant characters.
If for some reason the devs find this mechanic unbearably silly for other reasons such as for flavor, then I propose these attacks get a slight nerf to compensate for the counter-play removal.
Post edited by Heisen on
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