Territory War Feedback



  • Argarath
    197 posts Member
    Better be before next tw is all I can say
  • MerciLesMing
    13 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Not to mention the disparity in rewards. We are outmatched in our current war 141 mil to 102...and they get the same rewards FOR LOSING that we would get FOR WINNING! Sorry, but we need to be matched by bracket, so winners and losers get same rewards. Them receiving our win prize as a loss prize is awful.
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    This update has made TW not enjoyable. I am in a 110GP guild against a 121GP guild in this TW. We have 47 people (at 106GP) vs their 50 people (at 121GP). It is tough to try to fill the sectors with 29 squads & have anything left for offense. I thought this update that increased the number of squads was for the titan guilds only.
    I am hoping things change back as soon as possible.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Updated OP:

    UPDATE MONDAY: 3/5/2018
    I'm still getting data. I'll try to provide insight tomorrow.

    Thanks for your patience!


    You know, you could collect data through beta testing BEFORE you release the update...
  • Ameepa
    20 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Our 46 mil vs 76 mil enemy here :)
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    If I may make a few suggestions...

    1) Please stop shoving out new content just prior to a weekend (then saying "Sorry! Have a great weekend!" when the usual and expected unexpected problems arise.)
    2) Please spend more time fixing bugs and issues that affect 100% of the player base, not "fixing" things that affect less than 5% of it.
    3) Please focus attention on hotfixes for content that people actually enjoy, rather than trying to close loopholes for the featured character of the month.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Shimrra
    109 posts Member
    35 squads for each section is way too much. It drains the pleasure of TW, it was fun now it's a pain.
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    My guild (107 mil) vs opponent (135 mil) ........ disaster.
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    Azza wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Updated OP:

    UPDATE MONDAY: 3/5/2018
    I'm still getting data. I'll try to provide insight tomorrow.

    Thanks for your patience!


    You know, you could collect data through beta testing BEFORE you release the update...

    THIS !

    Why not act like any regular company in the world out there and actually TEST before release ?
    Or also a business tip : communicate fairly with your customers base.


    Waiting your move, hoping it's a smart and reasonable one.
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    If 27m gp difference suppose to be normal and both guilds are in the same reward system than why even bother to create that leaderboard.
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    Still nothing... so next TW instead of a 27 mil disadvantage are we going for 60? I dont understand the lack of communication on this..
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    They have beta tested the initial dog pile of a release waited like 48 hours and took absolutely 0 critical feedback. So if you think beta testing is gonna help you are mistaken.

    Also it seems they work on hard deadlines and probably are coding up until the last moment. We as a group on the forum are not who they are looking to satisfy most times and the little bobbles here and there are overlooked based on the bottom line.
  • Flamethrow
    335 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Any news on this?
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    No news

    I guess cg doesn't Give a **** about the players. We been matched again with the guild 30 m gp stronger (78 mln vs. 108 mln).

    It'a not fun anymore!
    How much money you want from us to actually fix this **** matching system?


    Is this the way players with huge roster are going to demonstrate depth of their collection? By being matched with sandbag?
  • TheRealObiOne
    133 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    @Devs We are a 74M GP Guild (Arashikage) and we are up against this guy in this TW: https://swgoh.gg/u/dannyrmendoza/ He literally has every toon to G12 except for 2. He can fill over 5 maps on defense with G12 toons. How is this a fair match? HE HAS 124 G12 TOONS
  • scuba
    14149 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Updated OP:

    UPDATE MONDAY: 3/5/2018
    I'm still getting data. I'll try to provide insight tomorrow.

    Thanks for your patience!


    It is actually sad. With new sith raid and new characters the only thing that will be really remembered from this update is the blunder of TW and the fact that nothing was done. I understand the team is off chasing someway to nerf sth in the sith raid (yes no matter how you spin that it will 100% be a nerf) but I think this TW deal is issue number 1. Even the limited information shared about number of defense teams before this TW was just wrong.
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    I happen to be on the plus side of a 35m GP difference. I find it completely dissatisfying to enter into a battle with such disparity. Our opponent will have to set 35 squads per zone. I feel bad for them. There is no way they will have fun.

    I crave competition. Going into a battle knowing there is no possible outcome other than a slaughter is not fun for us nor for them.

    There was some very good changes. The battle ticker is awesome. Showing the defeated teams is awesome. The banner prevention for defense is awesome. All great additions to TW. Now for some of the bad:

    The repopulation of squads is annoying. When I am checking speeds and someone enters or leaves a battle, the teams shuffle around. This didn't happen before.

    35 squads per zone is a lot. I'm surprised at the increase. This can be toned down across the board. Some guilds had a rough time with 25/zone.

    The GP gap. I think this speaks for itself. I know there will be a GP gap almost always. The issue is the gap forcing smaller guilds to battle larger guilds and then forcing them to set 35 squads. The smaller guild is already at a significant disadvantage. To set 10 more squads across all zones is just too much.

    TW is my favorite part of the game (sith raid is really close). I know for a lot of players tw is their favorite feature too. Please communicate with your player base. Please consider adjusting some of the flaws almost everyone agrees is a flaw.

    Thank you.
  • Patche
    13 posts Member
    First TW after the QoL update, both guilds 50/50 yet we were down 25mil. Second TW, both guilds 49/50 and we’re at 99.5mil, they’re 120mil... 3 brackets above us, with potentially 200, 100k teams more than we have.

    And a sub 100mil registered guild needing to fill 30 defensive spots. Do they spend more than us and get auto wins? Even if we managed to “win” they’d get essentially the same rewards as us..
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Tuesday is still "tomorrow" from someone posting on Monday, correct? Or did CG nerf Tuesday too? ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • obidrew1
    115 posts Member
    Checking in to sound off on the recent changes to TW. Our guild is a 112m-ish guild that is having a very difficult time filling defensive slots with the new increase to defense slots. This leaves our guild very little in the way of character resources to devote to attack.

    In all, I like the changes to attack/defense: Showing the number of successful defenses, and, the diminishing returns for each subsequent attack. Great job!

    My only request is to diminish the capacity required to defend for those guilds in our power range and below.

  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    I feel for hoy guys, this TW we had 124M and we faced a 92M guild, worse thing is, another guild from our alliance, had 135M go and faced some 100M guild, can’t feel worse for our opponents.
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    Last update was terrible.

    There were no reason to change one of the few things they got right at first.

    Just implement the tie breaker system and let everything else the way it was. Most would agree that 30 defensive squads per territory is way too much and the matchmaking system is broken.

    Give us a sim option like they did to GW after ruining it.

This discussion has been closed.