Projected to Fall Short for 7* Yoda


  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Those numbers are QUITE far from the ones I got from Windu. Since last event was over till today I made a total big number of HALF that prediction, burning every single Cantina energy and doing his hard node. from ¿0? to 140-170 shards (I dont remember how many I had at start, probably in the range of 20-30), finally made it to six stars a couple hours ago. But if I say that the drop rates are not the 33 percentage, the Pikachu of confirmation bias will show cause, you know, Im crazy and the game have the exact drop rates that people calculated months ago...........

    I have 33% drop rate quite now, there is no change. Started 3 weeks ago with Barriss and need 79 shards for 7 star today.

    Drake23, Its a trap
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    Unlocking Yoda this time, maybe, if I'm really lucky, I'll get him to 6*. But that's it. And the team I'm using is not exactly what I'd call "powerful". At this moment I have:
    - 7* LumI
    - 6* Eeth Koth
    - 5* QGJ
    - 5* Mace Windu
    - 5* JC

    Even if I get the final three to 6*, they might not be able to handle a 6* Yoda. Don't know what he's like, but heard there's a drast8c spike in difficulty between 5 and 6*.
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    Didn't have the guys to unlock Yoda last time:
    had 7* Lumi, 6* JC, 3* Ahsoka, 4* Ima

    Started farming hard when I heard about the event

    7* Lumi, 7* JC, 7* Ahsoka, 7* Eath, and as of this morning 7* Mace

    Started farming QuiGJ
    in case this 7* team can't get it done.
    All toons are level 68 or above.
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    Drake23 wrote: »
    Those numbers are QUITE far from the ones I got from Windu. Since last event was over till today I made a total big number of HALF that prediction, burning every single Cantina energy and doing his hard node. from ¿0? to 140-170 shards (I dont remember how many I had at start, probably in the range of 20-30), finally made it to six stars a couple hours ago. But if I say that the drop rates are not the 33 percentage, the Pikachu of confirmation bias will show cause, you know, Im crazy and the game have the exact drop rates that people calculated months ago...........

    I have 33% drop rate quite now, there is no change. Started 3 weeks ago with Barriss and need 79 shards for 7 star today.

    You are lucky. Im in the range of 10-20/100 since the last update in Cantina. Could do the maths cause i have been consistent in only farming Windu and I have burned, as said, every single Cantina energy in him. I wouldnt have done it without the hard node, that worked at 33/100, so 1 shard/day, no more no less, but I was supposed to reach Windu over Koth (from 0), or Ahsoka (through Cantina Shipments from exactly four stars). Both were supposed to be slower than Windu, yet Windu was the last... Hard nodes seems still at level, except Rey, that barely hit a 10/100, getting 2-3 shards each 2 days out of 18 tries.
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    You are lucky. Im in the range of 10-20/100 since the last update in Cantina. Could do the maths cause i have been consistent in only farming Windu and I have burned, as said, every single Cantina energy in him. I wouldnt have done it without the hard node, that worked at 33/100, so 1 shard/day, no more no less, but I was supposed to reach Windu over Koth (from 0), or Ahsoka (through Cantina Shipments from exactly four stars). Both were supposed to be slower than Windu, yet Windu was the last... Hard nodes seems still at level, except Rey, that barely hit a 10/100, getting 2-3 shards each 2 days out of 18 tries.

    I think you don't push the button right! Do you have closed your eyes during pushing? That will help :-P
    Drake23, Its a trap
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    I was hoping RNG would be nice to me and help me have a shot at 7* Yoda, but looks like I will have to settle for 6* Yoda (falling short on Ashoka Tano). At least I will be mostly done with these Jedi so I can switch focus to something else. Anyone else in the same boat?

    50 Crystals and get 'er done!
    2761 posts Member
    I will be attempting 7 * this time. I got him at 5 star and then 6 star on the last day of the event in February. Those that say this event has derailed their progress, I question. Why not run QGJ, Yoda, Lumi, GS, another DPS arena, that is the team to beat right now,
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Only going to be able to get him at 5* as qgj takes forever haha have lumi and jc at 7, koth halfway to 7, mace will be 6 by the even but qgj will only be 21/85 when the event starts (I only have enough crystals for 1 cantina refresh a day)
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    Only going to be able to get him at 5* as qgj takes forever haha have lumi and jc at 7, koth halfway to 7, mace will be 6 by the event but qgj will only be 21/85 when the event starts (I only have enough crystals for 1 cantina refresh a day)
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    I just dropped 20 bucks for a Chromium 8 pack and got lucky and got 25 Eeth Koth shards... Took me to 61 shards on him, so I will be able to take him to 7* in 3 or 4 days. Anyone know how long the event is going to last this time? As long as it's at least two days, he'll be my 5th 7* and I should be able to max Yoda. Not bad for someone who's only spent $5 here and there on the game.
    2761 posts Member
    I would imagine that it would last a week again and will continue to last a week every month it comes around. I don't think it will ever go away as new players will continue to come and will want access to Yoda.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    I don't know yet it's going to be very close. JC or Barriss may not make it if things don't heat up. Its been a little cold lately for farming.
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    There's no way in heck, if I'm going to maintain a decent team and progress in GW and Arena, I can throw my time away on 5 star jedis to 7 star which are essentially useless anyways. Why blow my time gearing and rnaking characters I primarily don't need to get a character at 5 star I already have whose abilities are primarily unlocked anyway? A 7 star yoda is an expensive luxury I cant afford right now.
    Luminara, Barriss, Jedi Consular and Qui-Gon Jinn would like to have a word with you.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Luminara, Barriss, Jedi Consular and Qui-Gon Jinn would like to have a word with you.
    That's my thought. Those are all characters I want at 7 stars anyway. The only thing I'm losing is a month of farming in Arena, but I already have Sid and Han, who are the only two I'm super excited about.

  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Mine will be 6* this thursday and 7* next month.
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    garublador wrote: »
    Luminara, Barriss, Jedi Consular and Qui-Gon Jinn would like to have a word with you.
    That's my thought. Those are all characters I want at 7 stars anyway. The only thing I'm losing is a month of farming in Arena, but I already have Sid and Han, who are the only two I'm super excited about.

    Yep, you buy 7* Eeth Koth, and you get a free Yoda. Seems like a nice two-for-one deal to me.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Inggold
    74 posts Member
    Can't take the grind any more settling for 6* for now. Gear grind and other priorities with cantina for now.
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    I personally am going for 7*
    The only thing that took my resources away was to farm Anakin. And he's a very good toon especially when I get 7* Yoda.

    I've been working on Ahsoka since I began in the game and QGJ is the meta so I ended up winning on him too. Lumi and JC were already there as well. So this event was right up my alley.
    Also to mention I have Barris at 69/85.
    So by the end of this event I'll have 7, 7* Jedi
    99 posts Member
    I originally thought that levelling up all these Jedi would be a waste, but ever since getting Barriss up properly, I have started clearing GW's with less hassle. JC, Lumi and Barriss are now a core element of my GW team, QGJ is a mainstay in my PVP team which leaves only one Jedi that I don't really use. I love Yoda's utility in PVP especially since so many are using Sid and Dooku now.
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    garublador wrote: »
    Luminara, Barriss, Jedi Consular and Qui-Gon Jinn would like to have a word with you.
    That's my thought. Those are all characters I want at 7 stars anyway. The only thing I'm losing is a month of farming in Arena, but I already have Sid and Han, who are the only two I'm super excited about.

    Yep, you buy 7* Eeth Koth, and you get a free Yoda. Seems like a nice two-for-one deal to me.
    And a bunch of crystals, credits and some Vader shards. Best deal in the arena shipments by far. ;)

  • scuba
    14159 posts Member
    Mine will be close if the RNG gods are nice I might make it. I need 84 Ahsoka shards.
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    So tell me this: provided I manage to get my Jedi to 7* by next month, does a team of QGJ (L), Lumi, JC, Mace Windu and Eeth Koth stand any chance against a 7* Yoda?
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    Ring wrote: »
    So tell me this: provided I manage to get my Jedi to 7* by next month, does a team of QGJ (L), Lumi, JC, Mace Windu and Eeth Koth stand any chance against a 7* Yoda?

    I hear it is very difficult to do without bariss.
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    I should be able to squeeze in second to last day.
  • Wetwurx
    193 posts Member
    I'm on track to 6* Yoda on Thursday. Just need to wrap up 7th stars for Mace (62/100), QGJ (60/100) and Eeth (55/100). Should be able to bang those out before the event ends. I'm excited, Yoda works well in my lineup at 5* and I'll get to upgrade him to 6 in a couple days. He should be a beast at 7.
  • LukeSkywalker420
    460 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I might be able to take a shot at 7* Yoda on the last day. I am 29/100 on Ashoka everyone else will be 7* in a few days. Gonna be close but still on pace. But my squad will be Lumi, JC, Ashoka, Eeth Koth and Mace. So either way it is a long shot.
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    Darn, I thought the challenge would start over. Essentially, if we earned 100 shards last event we could earn the same 100 again... Seems like everyone is saying "no, you will pick up in the event where you last left."
  • Wetwurx
    193 posts Member
    Seems like everyone is saying "no, you will pick up in the event where you last left."

    That is the general assumption most are making.
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    Now, those of us going in for 7 star Yoda have a disadvantage, anakin in the first event was bugged and made it a lot easier. I'm hoping they nerf the event a bit and make it fair.
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    I made the mistake of farming mace to 5*, so I'll settle for 5* this time. I don't think I can get QGJ and Barriss to 6* before it's over. 7* Lumi, 7* Koth, 6* JC, 5* Mace and 5* QGJ will hopefully unlock him.
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