3 Strong! Looking for dedicated daily players

464 posts Member
edited August 2018
We are Cөmpany Alliance :
-SpectreCompany CST

-ShadowCompany EST

-SF WraithCompany PST

I'm here to recruit for our Alliance and help fill up WraithCompany.
At 87 GP and 41/50, these guys are dedicated with their daily 600 raid tickets and participation in every event given.

What our alliance offers, is a chance to grow within a tightly nit community of four guilds.
We use Discord, where all of our guilds share one extremely organized server.

Spectre 98GP 48/50
Shadow 50GP 49/50
Wraith 87GP 41/50

If you're looking for something stable, competitive, organized and mature, than we have a spot for you in this outstanding Alliance.

Just click this link and one of our officers will see to you getting a seat at the table

Post edited by Nthings on


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    Get your 600 and garunteed gk shards
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member

    Always looking for warriors at heart.

    Both guilds have fully active members who encourage and motivate each other.
    No level is low enough to join our Alliance.

    Come check us out on Discord
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    Come join us!! Our alliance is absolutely fun and laid back as long as you do what is expected of you. Best guild I've ever been in and never plan on leaving. Do what Anakin did and join the Darkside
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    Heard that Zaiah!
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    Our core has been together for alost 1.5 years.
    Of course, that time comes with experience.

    This alliance is not only 2 powerful guilds

    We raid non stop
    Everyone hits 0 damage and gets their 600 without being asked.

    We even have a fan club out there.

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    Come join the family. We have an amazing guild! Everyone works together to get the most out of the game. Our discord is set up amazing so it’s easy to learn, strategize, and have some fun with each other. You won’t find a better group of people to enjoy the grind with!
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    All levels are welcome.
    We are not interested in high gp

    Only interested in people who play daily and like to chat with their people
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    Nthings wrote: »
    Cөmpany Alliance is looking for dedicated daily players from across the universe.

    We've recently removed all JarJars and have some space in both our guilds for people who want a long term guild.

    ShadөwCөmpany Est
    PhantөmCөmany Pst

    We use a very organized discord server which is mandatory to join, both guilds have amazing officers and everyone enjoys the daily grind together.

    - Heroic Pit & Haat in both guilds

    - T5 Sith Raids

    - 25+ ☆ in both guilds

    Your search is over
    Click this link and your job is done

    This is the real deal, get your 600, follow your leaders and you will be welcomed into a very unique group of people who play to win, not pay to win.
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    This is how you do it
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    A great group of people. I was the leader of a lower GP guild for a long time (over a year) and merged everyone over into Phantom Company and am currently leading that guild as well. Best decision we ever made. Every one of us has grown a tremendous amount and continues to do so every day. The discord server is well organized and very easy to use and learn. So much information at your fingertips anytime and there is always someone around to help out or chat with! Seriously I can not recommend this alliance enough.
    Message me on discord if you have any questions: Stayalive#3463
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    I didn't even know what I was doing before I joined this guild last October. Since then ive raised my GP over 750K, and am taking top 3 places in all 3 raids.
  • salimakhdari05
    36 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Look! Wasted plenty of time deciding how to make prior Guild better. The how was found in the opportunity to merge those who'd be busy into this Machine of an Alliance! PhantomCompany (pst) and ShadowCompany (est) getting it in daily. If you are willing to put in your 600/day and communicate on Discord, this is where your continued growth and education in this game can happen. Great group of folks (men and women alike); great server! Don't wait any longer, we're here fam'.
    Discord me @ salimakhdari #1650
  • Cashmir
    7 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ELSEWHERE I helped lead another guild before this and we always missed out on TW and couldn't beat a HAAT. Now in THIS guild and Alliance we're beating a HAAT or HPit every day. It's so much fun!! If you're not in a guild like this you aren't getting the most out of this game. Guaranteed GK shards, having an entire guild ALL about to get GK, that opens up all kinds of possibilities in TW. Join us as we rule the galaxy with UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!
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    I went through two previous guild disintegrations before finding COMPANY ALLIANCE! Could not be happier with this group of players! Not only do we all love the game and help each other out but we also LOVE Star Wars and nerd out! Join up and let the rewards and good times pile up!
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    I was lost in SWGOH hell, wandering around trying to figure this game out. Then I found the Company Alliance and was welcomed in with open arms. Their goal: make me a better player and become a contributor to the Alliance. Their price: 600 raid tickets every day and participate on their awesome Discord server. The result: I'm having more fun playing this game now than ever before! I'm leveling up, raiding, and making great friends! Come join ShadowCompany and PhantomCompany. Welcome home!
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    ^^ everyone in these two guilds are helpful, talkative, and full of energy.

    I would like to see more people join our discord server to say hi and check us out.

    We hold voice chats with the Alliance every Saturday night
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    I've been in this guild for over a year, solid group, constant raids, full of friendly everyday players that only make this game better. Why waste your time with a guild that doesn't help you get the most out of your experience? Join us a few spots are open, but not for long.
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    Tired of 10 out of 50 members doing anything in your guild? Join here, all are active 600 a day members who use discord.
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    The Company Alliance is a well-oiled machine. We work together and build each other up. On top of that, we beat heroic raids daily and are constantly getting cool rewards! Join the Company Alliance now!
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    Before I joined Company Alliance: 250k GP, no idea what discord was, stuck in a raid doing Tier 3 Rancors once a week, and no idea what HAAT was.
    3 months later: 680k GP, in discord with folks who offer top of the line advice and help, 1 shard from a five star raid Han and closing in on GK.

    You can’t make a better decision and you can’t join a better guild. Make the right choice and join Company Alliance and start demolishing the game.
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    ShadөwCөmpany 45/50

    PhantөmCөmpany 48/50

    Looking for a few more daily players who want to start earning some General Kenobi shards
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    If your looking for gk shards come join our alliance. 600 mandatory
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    I'm excited to meet our next recruit.
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    Me too
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    We got a few in yesterday and they're doing great! We only have two spots left and looking for some dedicated daily players who want to grow and have a great time playing the game!
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    I joined Company Alliance 3 months ago and my gp has soared. An amazing group of people with a very an awesome discord server to help you grow. Join now and you won't regret it.
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    ShadөwCөmpany and PhantөmCөmany are now both 48/50


    Jump on this opportunity
  • Cashmir
    7 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    This guild IS for you
    Great bunch of people all working together to make sure we all get the best out of our squads. The Discord server setup is intuitive and well planned out. You'll save yourself a lot of headache if you just go ahead and join this alliance.

    One step just click this link https://discord.gg/FtfGh5V

    You won't regret it!
  • Nthings
    464 posts Member
    Race for the next 4 recruits.

    2 for each guild and it's show time.

    1 requirement

    Join discord
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    And 600 daily
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