General Grievous too hard too get?



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    BentWookie wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.

    the leader ability does not apply when you use GG as an ally. There is only one leader. An ally can't be a leader.


    How positive are you of this??? I would like to place a friendly wager...

    Pretty positive. :)

    @BentWookie so, you are saying that allies do not apply their leader ability?
  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    BentWookie wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.

    the leader ability does not apply when you use GG as an ally. There is only one leader. An ally can't be a leader.


    How positive are you of this??? I would like to place a friendly wager...

    Pretty positive. :)

    @BentWookie so, you are saying that allies do not apply their leader ability?

    No they do apply the ability. I quoted the wrong post. :D
    Reading is FUNdamental. :/

    Fixed it.

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    BentWookie wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    BentWookie wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.

    the leader ability does not apply when you use GG as an ally. There is only one leader. An ally can't be a leader.


    How positive are you of this??? I would like to place a friendly wager...

    Pretty positive. :)

    @BentWookie so, you are saying that allies do not apply their leader ability?

    No they do apply the ability. I quoted the wrong thread. :D

    Haha. Okay, you scared me for a second...
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    I want some free money too! Ally DOES apply leader skills to team (if ally has any). What's the bet?
  • SaintEaters
    412 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm not 100% sure on this, but I did a few test games and it seems that the crit reduction chance and damage is also applying to my team. I did this in GW. Yet, In the challenges it didn't penalize my team at all.

    The worst part of how badly it is broken is unheard of.


    I have never seen any leader ability that was able to be resisted. What is the point of even using him as leader if it is able to be resisted.

    I first noticed in GW that at the very start of the match one of the enemy toons had " resisted " pop up over them. So I was confused about what it was. I changed leader and it wasn't there. I put back GG leader and was there again. I then went to DS mission 7G bc their tenacity is insanely high in that mission. I started round 3 of 3 and right when the leader abilities show I just saw "RESISTED" over every single enemy toon.

    This really needs to be fixed. GG is an expensive paper weight. Why even put out one of the most requested characters with such a super high price tag and make him weak. I'm not sure if they meant for his leader ability to be able to be resisted, but if they did... I'm just left speechless at the thought of that.

    So I say, is he really a gift to the whales or hard core fans of him who spent many resources to get him...Or is he a big slap in the face while they bend you over?
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    I'm glad I'm not rich enough to have this problem
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    Look at my posts, I have already warned people....silly
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    Levelxxxxx wrote: »
    Look at my posts, I have already warned people....silly

    I wish I would've come across your post before I invested so much in him. And what makes it even worse is that EA/CG hasn't even mentioned anything about it or even told people what their reasoning was behind making GG as he is. They just let people waste resources and laugh.
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    Anyway, I just thought I would post this so that hopefully anyone thinking of getting to max out GG will see it and at least know what they are in for... A long wait until he is fixed :smiley:

    When he is fixed, will be be worth it? Probably not, but I had am idea for a squad I wanted him to lead so I'll probably keep going with him. I'll post a new thread after he is fully maxed with my thoughts on him.
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    Hello, I know general grievous is a very hard farm for a lot of people. That being said the reward for obtaining him feels like a slap in the face. He does not synergies well in a competitive team at present. Yes the is the hardest toon to gear. I believe his skills are interesting and do not believe they need modification. Instead his base stats are what holds him back from being viable in any top end team. The 97 speed is horrid especially for a character known for his ability to run away. His damage is nothing to write home about even on the best of days I have not seen him go beyond the 5k mark although for the gear I'm missing he can probably maybe hit 6k. His synergy with droids is even worse. The random taunt is less than ideal. The Tm gain gives rise to a possibility however even in Tm manipulation teams he is easily replaced by others. I'm not saying he needs to be a QGJ but really at this point he is nothing more than a trophy, GW suicide squad member and well frankly the best animated character in the game. Everyone should be able to have fun with him even at four stars. Yet the joy of unlocking him quickly dies when people realize he cannot even cut it in a droid team. Please consider giving the hands down best animated character in the game something to make him worth a spot on a team.
  • bngman
    369 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    18.000 shards (that's 1800 character shards) to unlock him. How long will that take? Then have to level him gear him up collect mats. And he still will only be 4 stars.
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    He's too expensive for weak he is. If they'd made his health a lot better, even paired with droids I could see why the cost would be so high. I have him 5 star and don't touch him. Casually buy shards if after I'm left with enough for Vader if he shows. That's just from daily gw extra shards
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Lmaooo I had to pick this one lol
    But seriously he's not over priced, because you can get him for free (it would take a long time) but look at characters like aayla, old Ben , cad bane, maul, kit fisto etc... You can't farm or obtain these characters unless you actually pay. And by the way it actually takes longer to 7* Vader than GG.
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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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