Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    Natos wrote: »
    I found this too, but I think it just illustrates the flip side of the coin most everyone in this thread is talking about. Meaning in 1.0, the Home One challenge in particular required a lot of firepower to push through that Mace fleet, now that it's 3 starter ships it easier to manage him. Why? Because he can't reinforce to recover from losing a ship early like he did before.

    Same thing happens in reverse in ship arena now.

    Which is a pretty bad thing since it means that the variance/ has definitely increased since 1.0 - and a big complaint about 1.0 was how much rng affected it (though back then it really wasnt much of an issue for me).
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »
    Scabmaggot wrote: »
    Like this

    Well, that’s the thing: that isn’t me.

    Why not show yours then

    I feel like you missed the rest of the conversation. I simply asked a question
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    Bane1492 wrote: »
    Here's just one example of what goes on regularly now.

    I got the first 2 moves when the battle started because my pilots are higher geared and my ships are faster. After AI got done going, mind you I already had 2 turns, the fleets looked like this:


    Before I knew it, it looked like this:


    This isn't a once in a blue moon thing, but often. Sometimes you can't even kill enemy biggs because enemy team goes and goes, target locking constantly giving him protection. Yet your biggs dies faster than any other ship in the fleets.

    Fix this. Change it back.

    This is how a majority of battles end up for me as well. Either 4 vs 1 or 5 vs 1... on one side or the other.

    God bless America I hate ships so much I wish I didn’t even have to do my one daily battle.
  • MntMan
    281 posts Member
    Sorry I'm tardy to the party and haven't read all of the above.What I love best about Ships 2.0 is the variety it created. I mean think about it. I can structure my team as a Chimaera with Tie Advanced, Imperial Tie Fighter and Biggs X-Wing, or I can change it up to a Chimaera, Biggs X-Wing, Imperial Tie Fighter THEN the Tie Advanced or if i'm feeling sassy and really want a challenge at the top I can go with Chimaera, Imperial Tie Fighter, Biggs X-Wing THEN the Tie Advanced.

    The options are limitless really. You're just held back by your own imagination. And it's so much more fun this way and exciting and more skill based now as opposed to just leaving it to RNG. I doing this right? trying to be positive, but I feel i's turning me into a bold faced liar.
  • Boofpoof
    344 posts Member
    MntMan wrote: »
    Sorry I'm tardy to the party and haven't read all of the above.What I love best about Ships 2.0 is the variety it created. I mean think about it. I can structure my team as a Chimaera with Tie Advanced, Imperial Tie Fighter and Biggs X-Wing, or I can change it up to a Chimaera, Biggs X-Wing, Imperial Tie Fighter THEN the Tie Advanced or if i'm feeling sassy and really want a challenge at the top I can go with Chimaera, Imperial Tie Fighter, Biggs X-Wing THEN the Tie Advanced.

    The options are limitless really. You're just held back by your own imagination. And it's so much more fun this way and exciting and more skill based now as opposed to just leaving it to RNG. I doing this right? trying to be positive, but I feel i's turning me into a bold faced liar.

    The issue isnt about diversity. I dont mind retraining my brain to figure out what works against what. Its about such an obvious RNG change that has myself and others throwing our hands up in the air. I just hit auto now. Why? Because no matter how much better gear I have in my fleet it doesnt matter to RNG Jesus.

    What really irks me is I had a guild mate suggest that I work on my fleet back in December. I actually made it a New Years resolution to pay attention to ships. My fleet arena was in the mid 100s to low 200s. I worked for five months on gearing up my fleet and toons. I farmed Shore Trooper and Death Trooper and got Tie Reaper (arguably the longest ship farm there is). And in May my ship fleet had me in the Top 10. And I did it with a 6* Chiaemera. I was proud of that accomplishment. And then Ships 2.0 landed. And to be honest I have gotten more mad with fleet battles the past two weeks than I have with Territory War matchmaking results. My Tie Reaper is basically wortless since the whole reason was to strip a capital ship of TM.

    I have lost more fleet battles the past two weeks than when my fleet ****. Again I dont mind changing tactics. But with nothing that seems to work it is a frustrating experience. And I know I am not in the minority here. 48 pages of reaponses says a lot.
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    IF Biggs had a counter ship to eliminate his taunt for a turn or 2(buff immunity)ability block does nothing with protection regeneration,ship formations would be so more diverse.Biggs is such a crutch in this game and its been forever.
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    I'm still awaiting an official response in this thread...

    What we understood (didn't know for sure, but it was mentioned) was a dog fight experience that had been around 15 months in development from Carrie's game changer video. Also, mobilegamer mentioned from his limited access Geonosians looked 'Very, very good.' plus going to 3v3. So, this was pretty much the extent of the info we had.

    Seemed interesting... Let's give it a go without pre-judging it, I said.

    No new ships, nerfs almost across the board, RNG overdose from 1.0 and going in blind with everyone. 15 months behind the scenes work and we knew diddly. That's an issue. Even game changers weren't really given a chance to play around with it and pick up the issues before it launched. This after the Sith Raid had dropped with the player base upset with mechanics, rewards, time sink and serious lack of enjoyment...

    Fleet was my preferred arena. Raids were still cool (bar the STR) and arena was fine. I simply don't understand how this was released without beta testing. The mind boggles.

    With communication from CG being high on their agenda, still nothing official. We're looking into it, you'll see why it'll be amazing soon, here's a questionnaire and tell us your opinion... Nope, nothing. Unreal...

    When you let the players down with silence, they can potentially let their frustration boil into anger. The sooner the current player base has an official statement here, the sooner frustrations subside before they feel they're not being listened to and look elsewhere for an enjoyable experience.

    Something is better than nothing :wink:

  • Whatelse73
    2210 posts Member
    So far I'm another having horrible RNG luck.

    Things I've noticed so far:

    If you strip Biggs' taunt with Tie Advanced, he often gains it right back after. So, you just wasted a turn because, without any other turns being taken to GIVE TL, he gains it right back. Yes, ships might have Target Lock already, but he shouldn't be gaining taunt without another ship being target locked (as it says in his description: gains taunt for 2 turns whenever an enemy "becomes" target locked.) Funny thing, I only ever see it happen for AI Biggs. (Almost as if the AI is cheating?)

    My ships (even my Gear 12 Vader crewed Tie Advanced) are not hitting with criticals. Even my Empire ships under a thrawn lead that have increased critical chance and critical damage. My ships might crit about 4-5 times in a match. Meanwhile, the AI ships are hitting with criticals as often as I'm not.

    Critical damage sucks. My crits, even with boosted offense, are hitting for 12-20K, rarely 30K. Meanwhile, the AI's fleet crits are 30, 50, even 111K damage. Yes, certain ships have higher crit damage, crit attacks, etc. My FOTF (if it even crits twice in a match) is hitting with crits at about 20K. Meanwhile, the AI's FOTF is critting for 40, 50, 60K damage. I actually saw a Tie Advanced with Offense DOWN crit against my vader for 32k, while my vader crit with no debuffs for 28K. Like, really? (Offense up might raise that up to help with hitting for 28-30K Crit)

    AI is reducing it's own cooldowns. At one point I had my Thrawn ship ready to use his Nuke so I could win. What happened? Ohhhh, Tarkin (who's cooldown is +1 compared to Thrawn) went right before my Thrawn ship and used his Imp Assault. (And of course wiped out all my ships)

    Your Fleet AI is giving itself better odds in RNG than us players. Whether you programmed it to do that purposely, or it is doing it on it's own (all hail our lord and savior Skynet), we aren't getting the same odds as the AI does. It is even worse in 3v3 because when your Biggs is killed in 3 shots, you can't really recover with only 3 ships. Especially when the AI brings in a 4th ship and you're at 4v2 in about 30 seconds.

    AI Tie Fighter still dodges as much as it used to in Ships 1.0. I've had it dodge 3 of 4 times in a row. That especially seems to happen when it is the last ship. Mine "might" dodge twice in a match. (Granted, in ships 1.0 I had one dodge 8 freakin' times in a row, but 4-5 dodges per match wasn't surprising.)

    Perhaps the AI was this bad in ships 1.0 and it took dropping the amount of ships down to 3v3 to really accentuate the level of RNG abuse the AI does?
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    So far I'm another having horrible RNG luck.

    Things I've noticed so far:

    If you strip Biggs' taunt with Tie Advanced, he often gains it right back after. So, you just wasted a turn because, without any other turns being taken to GIVE TL, he gains it right back. Yes, ships might have Target Lock already, but he shouldn't be gaining taunt without another ship being target locked (as it says in his description: gains taunt for 2 turns whenever an enemy "becomes" target locked.) Funny thing, I only ever see it happen for AI Biggs. (Almost as if the AI is cheating?)

    My ships (even my Gear 12 Vader crewed Tie Advanced) are not hitting with criticals. Even my Empire ships under a thrawn lead that have increased critical chance and critical damage. My ships might crit about 4-5 times in a match. Meanwhile, the AI ships are hitting with criticals as often as I'm not.

    Critical damage sucks. My crits, even with boosted offense, are hitting for 12-20K, rarely 30K. Meanwhile, the AI's fleet crits are 30, 50, even 111K damage. Yes, certain ships have higher crit damage, crit attacks, etc. My FOTF (if it even crits twice in a match) is hitting with crits at about 20K. Meanwhile, the AI's FOTF is critting for 40, 50, 60K damage. I actually saw a Tie Advanced with Offense DOWN crit against my vader for 32k, while my vader crit with no debuffs for 28K. Like, really? (Offense up might raise that up to help with hitting for 28-30K Crit)

    AI is reducing it's own cooldowns. At one point I had my Thrawn ship ready to use his Nuke so I could win. What happened? Ohhhh, Tarkin (who's cooldown is +1 compared to Thrawn) went right before my Thrawn ship and used his Imp Assault. (And of course wiped out all my ships)

    Your Fleet AI is giving itself better odds in RNG than us players. Whether you programmed it to do that purposely, or it is doing it on it's own (all hail our lord and savior Skynet), we aren't getting the same odds as the AI does. It is even worse in 3v3 because when your Biggs is killed in 3 shots, you can't really recover with only 3 ships. Especially when the AI brings in a 4th ship and you're at 4v2 in about 30 seconds.

    AI Tie Fighter still dodges as much as it used to in Ships 1.0. I've had it dodge 3 of 4 times in a row. That especially seems to happen when it is the last ship. Mine "might" dodge twice in a match. (Granted, in ships 1.0 I had one dodge 8 freakin' times in a row, but 4-5 dodges per match wasn't surprising.)

    Perhaps the AI was this bad in ships 1.0 and it took dropping the amount of ships down to 3v3 to really accentuate the level of RNG abuse the AI does?

    Level the playing field,I start the match attacking biggs on auto until my ship is ready which is always after the AI ship,i use tractor beam,back to auto until my reinforcement,again,always after AI,bring in reaper or old kylo to remove taunt off Slave 1 or whatever scimtar does,back to over I see alot more crits and TLs when its AI vs AI.
  • Options
    I just find it amazing that every great, hard to get ship got a nerf seemingly proportional to how hard it was to get. The Reaper is nigh useless now.
    Yet Biggs - who was in EVERY top 20 player's fleet and was a virtual necessity - got a BOOST.

    I mean, really? Who thought giving the best, most RNG dependant ship a BOOST was the way to make battles more strategic?

    We all know how Reaper's unique went from 35% tm reduction to 10%. How about doing the same to Biggs? Make him regen 10% protection on a target lock instead of 35%. And make his omega regenerate 15% instead of 50%.

    Nerf Biggs just like you guys did Reaper, and people will stop using him so much. And you'll start seeing the variety you promised.
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    To the Developers:

    The materials needed for upgrading reinforcement abilities are too rare for me to enjoy/appreciate the new facet of the game.
  • miaage
    31 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Just plain killing the game with greed. Ships 2. Stinks.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    MntMan wrote: »
    Sorry I'm tardy to the party and haven't read all of the above.What I love best about Ships 2.0 is the variety it created. I mean think about it. I can structure my team as a Chimaera with Tie Advanced, Imperial Tie Fighter and Biggs X-Wing, or I can change it up to a Chimaera, Biggs X-Wing, Imperial Tie Fighter THEN the Tie Advanced or if i'm feeling sassy and really want a challenge at the top I can go with Chimaera, Imperial Tie Fighter, Biggs X-Wing THEN the Tie Advanced.

    The options are limitless really. You're just held back by your own imagination. And it's so much more fun this way and exciting and more skill based now as opposed to just leaving it to RNG. I doing this right? trying to be positive, but I feel i's turning me into a bold faced liar.

    I like you
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    jjkriv wrote: »
    IF Biggs had a counter ship to eliminate his taunt for a turn or 2(buff immunity)ability block does nothing with protection regeneration,ship formations would be so more diverse.Biggs is such a crutch in this game and its been forever.

    It's not just Biggs though. It's also the fact that with reduced starting ships, a bad RNG start snowballs too fast for any recovery. One random dodge or multiple crits from the AI when you got none and you're too far behind for even the best strategies/reinforcements to catch up. Especially if you find yourself fighting 2 vs. 4 and/or his capital ship is ahead of yours.

    The whole thing is just a steaming pile of RNG mess, with a side of bugs and covered in nerf sauce with a glass of luke-warm, mundane, lack of variety. For dessert? Nothing. No PvE table, no new ships. NO DESSERT FOR YOU!

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    jjkriv wrote: »
    IF Biggs had a counter ship to eliminate his taunt for a turn or 2(buff immunity)ability block does nothing with protection regeneration,ship formations would be so more diverse.Biggs is such a crutch in this game and its been forever.

    It's not just Biggs though. It's also the fact that with reduced starting ships, a bad RNG start snowballs too fast for any recovery. One random dodge or multiple crits from the AI when you got none and you're too far behind for even the best strategies/reinforcements to catch up. Especially if you find yourself fighting 2 vs. 4 and/or his capital ship is ahead of yours.

    The whole thing is just a steaming pile of RNG mess, with a side of bugs and covered in nerf sauce with a glass of luke-warm, mundane, lack of variety. For dessert? Nothing. No PvE table, no new ships. NO DESSERT FOR YOU!

    I've said since this dropped, they should have ADDED ships to the opening roster, not reduced them. Start with 7 or 8 instead of 5 (or worse yet 3). More options means more strategy and less dumb luck.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    I used to do all 5 battles a day but to put it simply **** this ****. I auto 1 battle and say **** it. So close to quitting and playing Strike force since they do not seem to want to **** over their player base.
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    @CG_Dan @CG_RyDiggs @CG_JohnSalera @CG_CapGaSP @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Carrie @CG_isanyonehome, grow up and answer your customers. I know you all are embarrassed, but, really, someone should start tackling this issue, I don’t think letting everyone forget about it is an option on this one.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    jjkriv wrote: »
    IF Biggs had a counter ship to eliminate his taunt for a turn or 2(buff immunity)ability block does nothing with protection regeneration,ship formations would be so more diverse.Biggs is such a crutch in this game and its been forever.

    It's not just Biggs though. It's also the fact that with reduced starting ships, a bad RNG start snowballs too fast for any recovery. One random dodge or multiple crits from the AI when you got none and you're too far behind for even the best strategies/reinforcements to catch up. Especially if you find yourself fighting 2 vs. 4 and/or his capital ship is ahead of yours.

    The whole thing is just a steaming pile of RNG mess, with a side of bugs and covered in nerf sauce with a glass of luke-warm, mundane, lack of variety. For dessert? Nothing. No PvE table, no new ships. NO DESSERT FOR YOU!

    I've said since this dropped, they should have ADDED ships to the opening roster, not reduced them. Start with 7 or 8 instead of 5 (or worse yet 3). More options means more strategy and less dumb luck.

    Right - FLEET battles. Not little dogfights. Or if it was Star Wars Dogfighter simulator... what's up with the capitol ships blasting away?

    I want Fleets. I want to see squadron leaders going in with 3 wing men. Wingman should be able to break a target lock but sacrifice themselves to do so. I want to see more ships on that screen, not less. I want to see FLEETS in my fleetbattle.

    Mechanics aside, how you might feel about either version 1.0 or 2.0 , neither really was screaming waves of ship supporting bigger Cruisers and capitol ships... but going form 5 to 3 really was the wrong direction.
  • Deedlit
    118 posts Member
    I have to say fleet 2.0 is really crappy. Attached in the picture is one of many fights where the same player goes 1st on all 3 ships and his vader went twice before mines. How did 3v3 will be a faster fight than the original 5v5? Did EA play a version that was not the same version as us? 1.0 fleet took about 30-45sec. 2.0 fleet take about 2 1/2 mines. Was this even tested before lauching?
  • Semi
    133 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Edit:deleted my unfounded comment. Sorry for being so ingorent
    Post edited by Semi on
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Actually Biggs has a countership. Look at his buddy Wedge's reinforcement ability.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Actually Biggs has a countership. Look at his buddy Wedge's reinforcement ability.

    I usually have Biggs dead by the 1st reinforcement for that to make an impact,interesting tho.
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    Semi wrote: »
    Nerf Biggs just like you guys did Reaper, and people will stop using him so much. And you'll start seeing the variety you promised.

    Still there might be a bug with Biggs.
    I'm not a huge mechanics freaks .... But knowing that he Regen his protection even without any Target lock reapplied isn't right

    Chimera / Vader/biggs /tfp I read the kits and none makes the target lock reapply in any case .

    And on ANY of my target locked ship's turn , enemy biggs Regen.

    Actually.. Vader makes TL reapply.. read the kit over again.
  • Options
    The background idea of ships 2.0 is not bad, reinforcements abilities are good and fun and I, almost, agree with all of the nerfs. However, the devs dramatically failed in taking into account a few things that are making the current fleet experience really horrible and frustrating:

    1) We had one meta for the last 15 months, that is most of the players have all the same ships at similar high level and, of course, disregarded to upgrade other, previously useless, ships and pilots. That is, at present state, variety is likely to increase only in a very very long time. People will give omegas and reinforcements material to the few powerful ships they already have first in order to maintain their position in the arena. The result is that almost all have the same lineup and that most of the player will start upgrading the other ships only after they will have maxed out their ships 1.0 fleet.

    2) With all the players having the same maxed ships, in a 3vs3 fashion the fight is all resolved by RNG in the first two-three rounds. You miss to land a TL in your first strike while your opponent does? You lose. You land a TL first? you win. A random dodge by any of the ships? Same as before. The games are a coin toss, there's no strategy that match if your opponent score one crit more than you. On your side there's no smart play at all, you just hope to have the odds on your favor.

    Devs should have done things gradually. It would have been much better if they were reworking the ships and adding reinforcements abilities while maintaining the 5vs5 setup until the release of the fleet PvE table. This way players would have had much more time to get familiar with the new abilities and the reworks while the 5vs5 would have mitigated the devastating RNG effect we are all experiencing in the 3vs3 format.

    I do hope we will see a relevant change in the near future or fleet will became a meaningless part of the game exactly like the sith raid (unless you're heroic of course).

  • Rebmes
    376 posts Member
    It's a strange strategy, to focus your resources on continuing to develop the least popular feature of your game. Unfortunately, it looks like it's still the least popular feature of your game.

    I don't mind it, but it's hard to get all that excited about it. It's like learning another game, and generally, the characters that have ships are characters that I wouldn't otherwise gear, so I don't have much opportunity to get into it.

    I can understand the bigger spenders getting serious about ships once they gear up enough useful squads, but for the rest of us who are fighting to keep up, we don't have the resources to improve ship characters. Besides, Ship Arena doesn't reward crystals past 50, and TB/TW have very generic rewards.

    Give us something more exciting to strive for! Put in crystal rewards for all ship arena ranks, build legendary/mythic events for ships where we can unlock cool new characters - MAKE us care about ships, if that's what you're shooting for!

    Whether the combat experience is improved or not, we still don't have much of a reason to get into ships, and it becomes a big time drain that just isn't justified. As it stands, I would have rather had ships removed altogether than to waste any dev resources "reworking" them.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    jjkriv wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Actually Biggs has a countership. Look at his buddy Wedge's reinforcement ability.

    I usually have Biggs dead by the 1st reinforcement for that to make an impact,interesting tho.

    Same. I target lock him with 5s, this puts his TM above their Vader's so he does a basic attack on my Biggs, then it's my Vader, my Biggs with his special assist, Home One AoE with two assists, full round of attacks. If I need to finish him off with a reinforcement that can happen, but he's usually down by then and Poe comes in to dramatically explode the TIE.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Jedi_of_Oz
    547 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    What an abortion of an implementation this has been.

    The current version is even more subject to RNG that the previous incarnation.

    This is somebody's thought bubble around the coffee machine on a Monday morning - probably after a bender over the weekend.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    Jedi_of_Oz wrote: »
    What an abortion of an implementation this has been.

    The current version is even more subject to RNG that the previous incarnation.

    This is somebody's thought bubble around the coffee machine on a Monday morning - probably after a bender over the weekend.

    Agree, the variance is too big between each battles. Everything depends on whether your two starter ships (outside Biggs) process their debuff or not. If not, then it is a lose for sure.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    That's it! I've Given up! I'm joining the meta! ;-;
    No more Ahsoka in my starting lineup! She makes me too much of a target. Put in Tie Advanced in there instead of having his awesome reinforcement ability!

    Mainly cause the AI keeps not taking him out as my first reinforcement for some reason, so not only does Ahoska make me a target, but the AI doesn't even summon the right Reinforcement, like double fail.

    Seriously I miss when Ships was fun. 1.0 ships was fun. I Never complained. Many didn't complain. The whole thing was very settled in its place.

    If they wanted to change it up, why not ADD more ships to the battle! make the fights crazy fun! Start with more then five, have no max reinforce, turn one you can add another ship to it!

    Also give capitals a life bar! Let them take hits when nothing is out or something! Imagine if we could focus it and disable it!

    Have real ship battles! Something epic! Something fun!

    Instead of this 2.0 mess of AI randomness long battling **** of the same three ships again and again
  • Options
    I'm another person who hates ships v2.0
    Waaaay to random and no startegy needed if teams are even.

    Hate to say it but the ai wins more battles than i do, that's sad
    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
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