"Monthly Rewards" achievement not working


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    Hello, same here.. Did full January and full February but nothing.. Could we get an update on this please ?
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    I never received mine either for February.
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    I just got all for Feb and it didn't give it to me
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    Yes, this is a bug that not only happens to all of us, but one that hasn't fixed itself with the arrival of the 1st of March.
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    Yep, guess what, me too... logged in everyday for Feb and no reward. Really needed the 350k as well.
  • Tomek
    327 posts Member
    I confirm problem existence.
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    Same here, joined in January. Did not miss a day in Feb!
  • Teej
    1 posts Member
    I have also had this problem, I logged in every single day in February and have not received my 350k
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    medetec wrote: »
    I started in January so missed the full month for that, but I have February completely claimed and including January logins I'm at about 45 consecutive logins.

    Me too. Fix please!

  • pDp
    1 posts Member
    Same problem for me.
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    Same problem for me as well. Logged in all February, recieved all login rewards, wasn't credited the achievement.
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    anonidude wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Its February 29th - last day of the month - and have claimed all of the the February login rewards including the last with 8x shards for IG-86 but sadly the achievement is not triggering for me.


    need that 350k credits for some leveling!

    anyone else seeing this issue as well?


    Same problem :(
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    Same for me!
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    Seriously, has Jesse and the rest of EA abandoned the forums? This is a real issue effecting a huge potion of the player base, and they say NOTHING. Such poor customer service for a game that prices itself at a premium. Why the silence? Took me 20 seconds to post this. They can't spare 20 seconds?
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    Ive got the same issues here no achievement or 350k reward that not cool Ea better fix this by sending us a gift in inbox for that
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    Same. Was even nice enough to wait til the day after before I hit the forums to complain. Still nothing though
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    Same here :neutral:
  • eBitzu
    286 posts Member
    Was it a one time achievement cuz I got it in January ..?
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  • eBitzu
    286 posts Member
    Can we see a log of all the credits we get like in bank account.. only for a day cuz I'm pretty sure I got a lot of credits ... but can't recall if it's from GW or other rewards..
    Follow on twitter, Subscribe to my channel , 10$ free giveaway here
  • Aachthor
    138 posts Member
    The same for me... perhaps they check for 31 logins (like in December and January...) and forgot about the months having less days...

    Would be nice, if we would get a fix and the credits as well !
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    Same here. I opened a ticket with Tech Support and got a canned response, closed my ticket, and told to come here and post in the forums. That is **** tech support IMO. Expected more. My Tech Support rep was "Mohit Singh G." ...
    In case tech support actually reads this, my Ally code is 296-248-255
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    February is obviously a broken month. Looks like some shoddy B-grade coding for the "play for a full month" achievement.

    Rather than wasting breath here, I would suggest that everybody simply wait until the end of March. My guess is that March will trigger because it's a "standard" month of 30+ days. I doubt the devs will make a priority of this, they'd rather let it slide, knowing this will only bite them once a year or every four years, if it's the leap year making everything strange.
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    Same here. I put in a ticket for missing content. Would suggest everyone does that.

    I wouldn't do it If they would just acknowledge it and tell us what's going on. But like everything else....

    Well, hopefully you know by now...

    HEY EA.... How about some customer service?????

    Or is this inconclusive, like everything else?????
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    Same here!
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    Same as others, please fix. I need the money
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    This is getting silly - I logged a help request thru ea as well and was directed back to the forums for a fix. Clearly there hasn't been one yet with all the additional traffic on this post.

    EA/CG - would someone please respond to let us know what is actually happening?

    If it is bugged - so be it. If its being looked at with a view to correcting - even better. Timeframe for manual payout?

    Either way I don't really care - the big issue for me is ignoring the problem all together.

    If any one else is having the issue please log a support call and provide the URL of this thread in the request so you might get some resolution.

    Good luck all

    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    Add me to the list that didn't get the monthly login 350k achievement
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    I messaged EA_Jesse so hopefully we can clear this up soon
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    I think they are working on it... EAJesse posted that they are looking at it and will update when they know more. Didn't specify if you're out of luck for this month though.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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