Mythic Mods Removal


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    Any rewards besides ally points are insignificant part of the game so we should get 20 ally points for achieving 45 stars in TB too.
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    @CG_Crumb. Fix the wording. The mods are what makes it worth it.
  • Rimzo
    120 posts Member
    Pretty obvious they hate their fan base and try to get revenge
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    Someone show him how much mods like these used to cost in crystals.
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    Nooooo just no.... Is this a joke??? Bring back @CG_RyDiggs or @CG_Kozispoon
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    They are obviously looking at the value of selling the mods as opposed to buying them.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    I'm really curious as to how they determined 5 dot Gold Mods to be the least significant part of Mythic tier rewards :smile:

    Probably the same way they think character shards are the reason people run heroic raids.
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    Lol SBCrumbs has nothing to do with this decision so bringing back rydiggs or kozi won't help. I agree there seems to be a massive disconnect between the players and the devs/legal/management
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    Clearly a response is needed here.
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Jordylee24 wrote: »
    Let's keep it somewhat respectful so the mods dont move it out of sight.

    But they moved the mods out of sight!
    I need a new message here.
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    This is what happens when you all complain about everything. This is why we can’t have nice things. I picked up 2 speed arrows from that event. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don’t take the mods
  • Nomad1941
    55 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Are you kidding me?!? One event a few people complained and they take out the best part of doing mythic events. Everyone has been complaining about worthless challenge gear in herioc raids but that crap is still there. What a disconnect CG has with its player base. @CG_SBCrumb where did this come from?? And don’t tell me the player base because they have been complaining about other things louder and for a longer time. If it’s becaue the mods are turning into too valuable of a reward then be honest. The explanation you are trying to give makes less sense.
    Post edited by Nomad1941 on
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Why take mods out? Just use the generic “mod” symbol that you use with Forest Moon’s rewards. Shade it gold, give it five dots. Easy-peasy.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Hands up, those who actually thought they would get every free purple or gold mods and actually raised a ticket that they did not get it?


    Must have been an overwhelming number for CG to remove it.

    Stay woke, CG. Stay woke.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member

    *reads announcement again*


  • johnne
    330 posts Member
    Well Played and very proper Wording. Please remove all chance to get free quality mods and make them be p2p exclusive. Thx >:)
  • Vorgen
    254 posts Member
    This is their way of giving y’all the giant middle finger for all the hstr raid reward nerf complaints.
  • Xezee
    274 posts Member
    Next step will be removing carbantis from STR challenge, because possible 7 is confusing for people only getting 3.
  • Ultra
    11583 posts Moderator
    I applaud CG's new move where they remove confusion entirely

    Maybe they can get rid of other confusing stuff they're doing like:

    1. Ships 2.0
    2. RNG heavy meta right now
    3. coin flip 100% TM
    4. managing mods without mod management
    5. Yoda's g12+ gear
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb I think you owe the player base an explanation for this terrible decision. The community has been begging you now for several months to take challenge gear out of the raids. Silence.

    We’ve all asked you to reconsider the reward structure that was just release because it doesn’t do anything except push competition in guilds rather than collectively working towards a common goal. Silence.

    We’ve asked for fixes to the many bugs that hamper so many major aspects of this game such as STR, TW, TB special missions, etc. Silence.

    But a couple people complain because they can’t understand that you aren’t going to get all of those mods listed as a reward, and you respond in this manner. The quickest and honestly easiest fix is to just simply change the description. I’ll even do it for you. “Completion of this tier awards x amount of credits, x amount of ally points and x amount of mods from the following list...”

    What’s the issue here? Why do you guys continue to make a mountain out of a mole hill while ignoring the actual major problems that face the game.
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    Do you want 30 pages?

    'Cause that's how you get 30 pages.
  • Drazz127
    770 posts Member
    Mods were the worst part? How about remove the gear and just give us more mods. Atleast with no mods I won't spend crystals refreshing anymore.
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    Man CG really knows how to anger to player base. Some of my best mods have come from mythic events, WHY would they think they are the least important rewards?!?
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member

    Here is your real issue. Right here. More challenge gear. A pathetic amount of g12 salvage. Gear that drops very frequently in the HAAT raid (mk4 holo’s). So outside of the currency and traya shards, what is my motivation to complete this raid? But by all means please ruin one the best rewards and events in the game by taking mods out of mythic events.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    JaggedJ wrote: »

    *reads announcement again*


    This. Least significant part, you guys have really never played this game before huh? So bad, just so bad. Did Larry, Curly and Moe take over at CG? 'Cmon you can tell us. At least then we would understand your decisions lately.
  • iluro
    15 posts Member
    Well... it really solves the problem as EA's point of view... and it's not the first time they do it. If there's a mistake WE create... remove the confusing part and let the CUSTOMERS complain saying that it's all right now.

    Does anyone remember when a Mythic event came out and needed Phoenix, many people PAID for getting the 5th Phoenix at lvl7 and you couldn't play because you needed a specific phoenix (Sabine, the hardest to lvup) and they "corrected" the bug changing the text and specifying Sabine in it? (and of course, saying that they fixed the bug and all money wasted was your problem)

    It's their way of making things, go against their customers and being happy "fixing issues".
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb I think you owe the player base an explanation for this terrible decision. The community has been begging you now for several months to take challenge gear out of the raids. Silence.

    We’ve all asked you to reconsider the reward structure that was just release because it doesn’t do anything except push competition in guilds rather than collectively working towards a common goal. Silence.

    We’ve asked for fixes to the many bugs that hamper so many major aspects of this game such as STR, TW, TB special missions, etc. Silence.

    But a couple people complain because they can’t understand that you aren’t going to get all of those mods listed as a reward, and you respond in this manner. The quickest and honestly easiest fix is to just simply change the description. I’ll even do it for you. “Completion of this tier awards x amount of credits, x amount of ally points and x amount of mods from the following list...”

    What’s the issue here? Why do you guys continue to make a mountain out of a mole hill while ignoring the actual major problems that face the game.

    This bears repeating, if only because it’s so absolutely on point.

    As for removing mods from mythic events, . .. I had to double check it wasn’t April first before I read that post again, sad sad sad pathetic fix to a non existent problem.
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    The announcement is for GMY Training event. Not all mythic.

    I’m still bummed by this, but figured I’d clear up the confusion in here
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    This wasn’t important enough for a fix but reward removal was.? Well done! How about the confusion on ship challenge wording? Let’s see those ship and pilot specs that we are going against.
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    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    The announcement is for GMY Training event. Not all mythic.

    I’m still bummed by this, but figured I’d clear up the confusion in here

    Frankly , for only yoda, or for all is rather immaterial , the point is that this is asinine
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