Mythic Mods Removal


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm going to make a list of everything CG has done well in the last 4 months :

    1) artwork in ships

    This is one of my shortest posts ever.
    Post edited by Nikoms565 on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Clearly when cg plays they must not put mods on their toons, as that is the only explanation of their maddening statement. I must be playing a different game then them.
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    Whoever made that decision clearly doesnt play the game, mods are one of the most important parts of the game.
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    This is ridiculous. Mods are best rewards in mythic events.

    You are dangerously easily removing good parts of the game nowadays. New sith rewards are worser. New rewards structure across the guild is horrible. G12+ (more specifically guns and cuffs and carbanti) causes ppl to quit game, this was worst decision you made ever probably.

    Try to give instead of take to suprise us for once. Here is a small list if I may suggest.
    1. Let last tier of daily STR challenge drop fixed 7 shards of Mk3 carbanti.
    2. Let weekly training droids event drop a single omega each time.
    3. Let ship ability challenge last tier drop a single zeta each time, with super small chance of 2 drops.

    Try it. Forget economics and such. I am really sick to be treated this way.
  • Stokat
    833 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I'm going to make a list of everything CG has done well in the last 4 months : .

    1) artwork in ships

    This is one of my shortest posts ever.

    Lol that’s a bit harsh isn’t it? They have done many good things recently, I especially like the fleet battle table and there are a lot of other new fun stuff too.

    That said this reasoning makes absolutely no sense. If the wording regarding the mods was confusing, change the wording, don’t remove the reward. And mods were never the least significant reward, it was the main reason a lot of ppl did the event (or in my case tried and failed to do it). Hopefully they will have found a better way to describe potential rewards for when the event return next time, they have after all managed to do so in other mythic events.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Spang wrote: »
    I'm really interested in the decision-making process leading to this solution, please tell me. It was something like this?

    '- Dev1: People are complaining about the Mythic tier's mod rewards.
    - Dev2: Why?
    - Dev1: Something about misleading info in the event description. What should we do?
    - Dev2: Remove all mods as rewards, so there won't be confusing numbers and graphics in the Possible Rewards section. Problem solved. What's next?
    - Dev1: Sith raid rewards for Tier1-6.
    - Dev2: Mhm, whatever. What's next?'

    Lol! Great! Rephrased a bit:
    - Dev2: What’s next?
    - Dev1: Sith raid rewards for Tier1-6.
    - Dev2: Someoone plays them? Losers! What's next?
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    Did they say they were removing mods from mythic events?
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    Are you talking about how you didn’t get 1st time rewards a second time?

    EDIT: Never mind, hadn’t read Crumb’s post yet when I wrote this, sorry. Yeah, they need to get mods back as rewards ASAP.
  • zorglub
    56 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Mods, or riot...

    Decision Maker 1: "Some players are saying we messed up, did we mess up?"

    Decision Maker 2: "Nah we didn't they're just a handful of players who never beat a mythic event before"

    Decision Maker 1: "Man those are annoying, what can we do to prevent future complaints"

    Decision Maker 2: "Let's send a message, if you complaint we punish you"

    Decision Maker 1: "Brilliant, let's just remove the mods"

    Decision Maker 2: "Oh yeah and let's make fools of ourselves by telling them mods are useless"
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    Well i guess the one benefit for the company is that everyone to stop talking about the HST raid rewards and the "significant make good" for the bugs during territory?

    What surprises me is is that I and all of us keep falling for the same things, "more and better communication" being one or how they never redress any concerns like challenge gear being used for raid rewards, over and over and over again. I really think that a lot if the frustration stems from feeling like a lot of the response is just getting people to stop talking about things instead of fixing them.

    I mean it's not all sourgrapes of course. The ship table is wonderful and the artwork in it simply stunning. The company does a LOT of good work and it should be recognized but I'm all honesty they make it very hard to heap praise upon them when things like this occur so frequently. I would have loved for an extended period of time to go by where we could just tell the developers how awesome something like the ship table and really just enjoy it for a change. Because they really do excellent work 99 percent of the time and I wish they'd stop shooting themselves in the foot so they could just enjoy a bit of praise for a while.
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Please remove all rewards from all events and challenges, and hard nodes and cantina battle and raids....
    Most Character description are wrong, so please remove all character.
  • ShmurdaTK
    38 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Usually, in these threads, someone always argues for CG's point of view. This thread is unified. An absolutely incredible display of the complete disregard for community well-being seems to have.

    1: There are much more important issues than this that the player base has been asking them to fix.

    2: Those mods were the only reason I even bother completing mythic events.

    3: Really? Is it THAT bad to give us mods for an event that comes around once every few months?

    I usually only browse these threads for comedy. This, however, is worth a reply.
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    Hey...stop whining and be glad and thankful that the mods already earned do not get removed as well!

    Seriously...this is not OK...
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    So because some entitled whiners complained that they didn't get every single mod listed in the rewards, we all lose the reward? I thought it was ridiculous that they even thought they would get that in the first place. We all lose because some people are stupid.
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    "As the mod is the least significant component of the rewards, we are removing the mod reward for the moment" More like most significant. Oh well
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    Mythic Rewards; useful rewards we can use but you list them incorrectly. Decision; take them away immediately.

    Raid rewards; garbage challenge gear rewards we don't need we've been asking for months for you to remove, you said would be removed months ago. Decision; leave them in the game.

    At this point the only conclusion we can draw is that you just don't have a clue what you are doing.
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    Sometimes I get this weird feeling like they don’t want us to use the forums. And then there are times like this when I feel like they don’t want us to play the game lol

    I think BB8 was the first mythic or r2 - whatever. And there was a zeta in there and I’m like these are great rewards lol and then there were no more zetas.
    Mythic events are really becoming not worth my time at all.
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    What CG has done well in the last 4 months:
    - artwork in ships
    The above would have been even shorter. ;)

    P.S: not that I agree with it.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I'm going to make a list of everything CG has done well in the last 4 months : .

    1) artwork in ships

    This is one of my shortest posts ever.

    To be fair, they have also done a good job bringing the community together against them with continued acts of nonsense lol. Has there ever been a more unified community?
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    CG, just release 6-7* mods already that will nullify all of our hard work, and then i can finally quit this game already.
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    I'm really confused by this. How can anyone be able to beat the mythic tier, and yet not be advanced enough in the game to understand how the rewards work?

    I know there are some people who did not get the rewards after hours of tweaking and pounding; this just tells them to go pound sand, to put it politely.

    I haven't been in the forums in a while; I'm sure I haven't missed much.
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I feel like I need to remind everyone that, not so long ago, there were no mythic tiers. Players often requested a chance to replay the legendary events they had already beaten just for fun. No rewards needed, we just wanted to play the game and see how our teams had progressed.

    Then the mythics arrived and they brought gold mods with them

    And now you say you are removing the mods from said event because a few fools complained about something? Would that these highly influential fools complain about something useful. Why do you insist on shooting yourselves in the foot like this?

    Anyway, I don't need the mods to play the mythics. But don't try to tell me the mods are the least valuable part of them.

    Who's the bigger fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him?
    Post edited by EventineElessedil on
  • MntMan
    281 posts Member
    It reminds me of the Monty Python skit. Can't remember the exact line, but something like:

    We will increase the beatings until morale improves.

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    CG = Comic Genius - because this game is really becoming one massive Joke.
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    Maybe, Just, maybe they took it out to make room for the Super Extremely Exclusive Rewards next time.

    (CG even the gear XII rewards are of gear I have thousands of.)
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    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    The announcement is for GMY Training event. Not all mythic.

    I’m still bummed by this, but figured I’d clear up the confusion in here

    Frankly , for only yoda, or for all is rather immaterial , the point is that this is asinine

    I believe in facts. People need to address this factually and not from the position of "they removed mods from all Mythic events!!!" Because that is simply not true.

    I agree this decision is confusing and one I don't support.

  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Did they say they were removing mods from mythic events?
    That's not the impression I got. To be fair, the impression I got was that they were only removing the first time completion mods. What do I know, though?

    Aaaaaaanyway.... @CG_SBCrumb tagging you in on this because everyone else is doing it, and I'd hate for you to have missed the earlier post I made that literally solved everything because it wasn't tagged.

    You guys already have the solution implemented. Go into the Forest Moon rewards menu and it shows a whole bunch of mods using that generic mod icon with the symbol of the type you can get and the dots above it. Just use that. Shade it gold so people know it's what they'll get--or leave it white, when they get their gold they'll be pleasantly surprised. Stop making things hard on yourself by overthinking the solutions to problems, and don't make some overly dramatic post about "We'll remove these things until we can get it right," that's some straight up co-dependency nonsense right there, and I should know because I'm SUPER co-dependent :p
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member

    Its hard to take CG at their word about listening to feedback and improving on their communication when we see stuff like this and most everything else thats gone on the past week. Actions speak louder than words and this action shows you all you need to know.
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    CG: Yo dawg, you complained about semantics, so we gave you a legitimate reason to complain instead.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    Taking things away is never good. Unless the goal is to alienate your player base.
This discussion has been closed.