Rewards 11-50 [MERGE]



  • Boba_The_Fetter
    3393 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.

    Oh so you've crafted a new G12+ piece? Or you just have some salvage and lucked out getting same salvage across multiple raids for the same piece? Your claim is vague, progress is slow as hell 10+ raids for sure to craft a piece best case scenario
  • NasRegal
    142 posts Member
    I've crafted a full piece of G12+ in 2 raids!!
    Another of my guild took 3 whole raids to get his piece done
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    Yes this is yet another post about heroic sith raid rewards. Yes I left my guild which I very much liked to seek out a heroic sith raid. I did that because I wanted the gear not so much for Traya as I'm sure counters for her will exist, they already do anyways. shortly after you decided to nerf the rewards and show disrespect to anyone who isn't making the top 10.

    I can't describe my disappointment with this decision. We contribute to the raid also and without the other 40 members the raid would not be on farm. I am not even a player who finishes in the 30s or 40s, I can comfortably finish in the top 15-20, I just can't get in the top 10. Imagine how it feels like to end up 11th or 12th.

    We as a community need to fight this, we must be all over the forum until we get out justice. This highly exploitive behavior should not be tolerated. You wanna jeopardize our ranks since you also decided to implement overpowered pieces in the raid which can add 6 speed each. I already left a guild once, I don't keep leaving my guilds until I can find one which is able to complete the raid AND where I can be a top 10 contributor. This whole thing is very absurd...
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Ummm I think this post is absurd. You leave to better yourself. You don’t get the results you wanted so you want everyone else to help in your revolt. Git gud is all I can think to tell you. Doesn’t sound like you will find that magic guild that is almost able to beat heroic but hey just need you and are waiting for you to join lol.
  • Byakuya
    392 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    do you know what's absurd? when i mod to 98% cc and do 1000 attacks EVERY SINGLE ATTACK CRITS. yet ships with 2%dodge chance DODGE EVERY 2ND HIT. This is the true injustice
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    NasRegal wrote: »
    I've crafted a full piece of G12+ in 2 raids!!
    Another of my guild took 3 whole raids to get his piece done

    That’s 2 people. And the other 48? They must all have a crafted piece too yeah?
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    It’s funny, our top ten members hit the heroic sith raid for over 108 mil collectively. The rest of the entire guild hits for half that amount. (Spit balling amounts). So why shouldn’t they get the meatiest rewards??? No one in my guild ever complains about the rewards. Hardest workers should get the top pay. People say “that’s not fair, they wouldn’t beat the raid without the other 40 members”. I say nobody would get squat if it wasn’t for the top ten doing the heavy lifting. This game is more and more about “collective” events and less and less about “single” mentality.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.

    Oh so you've crafted a new G12+ piece? Or you just have some salvage and lucked out getting same salvage across multiple raids for the same piece? Your claim is vague, progress is slow as hell 10+ raids for sure to craft a piece best case scenario

    I haven't crafted a single piece yet, no. I never claimed, that I did. However, I have progressed towards crafting both the two times I ranked in top—10 and the two times I have ranked in the 20 — 11 range. This makes your original statement wrong. You didn't claim a lack of crafting full pieces. You didn't claim that progress was slow. You claimed a total lack of progression towards g12+ gear. You are wrong. I am right.

    Further more, you claimed, that you get 10 salvages at most in ranks 11 or worse. I have received 20 salvages at rank 14. Again : You are wrong. Discussing this further won't make you right.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    The problem is since they were giving away tons of fully crafted G12 pieces, even the it was flooding the gear balance, people will not be satisfied unless they all get fully crafted gear again. Even tho any player who can look at things logically understands that it was unbalanced rewards...

    Personally I think CG needs to make sure everyone has a chance at fully crafted gear pieces at any level, but keep the avg rewards salvage only. Keeping it in line with other heroic raids.

    Edited for content. - EA_Cian
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Leafty91 wrote: »
    Yes this is yet another post about heroic sith raid rewards. Yes I left my guild which I very much liked to seek out a heroic sith raid. I did that because I wanted the gear not so much for Traya as I'm sure counters for her will exist, they already do anyways. shortly after you decided to nerf the rewards and show disrespect to anyone who isn't making the top 10.

    I can't describe my disappointment with this decision. We contribute to the raid also and without the other 40 members the raid would not be on farm. I am not even a player who finishes in the 30s or 40s, I can comfortably finish in the top 15-20, I just can't get in the top 10. Imagine how it feels like to end up 11th or 12th.

    We as a community need to fight this, we must be all over the forum until we get out justice. This highly exploitive behavior should not be tolerated. You wanna jeopardize our ranks since you also decided to implement overpowered pieces in the raid which can add 6 speed each. I already left a guild once, I don't keep leaving my guilds until I can find one which is able to complete the raid AND where I can be a top 10 contributor. This whole thing is very absurd...


    Don't abandon your guild that you like to chase the new shiny objects.
    I need a new message here.
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    It s ridiculous
  • Bz183
    170 posts Member
    Yeah only about 20-15 people in my guild hit all 4 phases, and we are not a whale guild at all.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.

    Oh so you've crafted a new G12+ piece? Or you just have some salvage and lucked out getting same salvage across multiple raids for the same piece? Your claim is vague, progress is slow as hell 10+ raids for sure to craft a piece best case scenario

    I haven't crafted a single piece yet, no. I never claimed, that I did. However, I have progressed towards crafting both the two times I ranked in top—10 and the two times I have ranked in the 20 — 11 range. This makes your original statement wrong. You didn't claim a lack of crafting full pieces. You didn't claim that progress was slow. You claimed a total lack of progression towards g12+ gear. You are wrong. I am right.

    Further more, you claimed, that you get 10 salvages at most in ranks 11 or worse. I have received 20 salvages at rank 14. Again : You are wrong. Discussing this further won't make you right.

    My personal experience is the weaker of the new G12+ gear (2000 health piece) drops at lower prize tiers. I've done 3 or 4 HSTR raids in the bottom 40 and can craft it as soon as I get enough black eyeball shards.

    But the OTHER G12+ piece (6000 health piece) is basically reserved for top 10. I haven't gotten a single piece of salvage for ANY of its component parts.

    You're both right.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.

    Oh so you've crafted a new G12+ piece? Or you just have some salvage and lucked out getting same salvage across multiple raids for the same piece? Your claim is vague, progress is slow as hell 10+ raids for sure to craft a piece best case scenario

    I haven't crafted a single piece yet, no. I never claimed, that I did. However, I have progressed towards crafting both the two times I ranked in top—10 and the two times I have ranked in the 20 — 11 range. This makes your original statement wrong. You didn't claim a lack of crafting full pieces. You didn't claim that progress was slow. You claimed a total lack of progression towards g12+ gear. You are wrong. I am right.

    Further more, you claimed, that you get 10 salvages at most in ranks 11 or worse. I have received 20 salvages at rank 14. Again : You are wrong. Discussing this further won't make you right.

    My personal experience is the weaker of the new G12+ gear (2000 health piece) drops at lower prize tiers. I've done 3 or 4 HSTR raids in the bottom 40 and can craft it as soon as I get enough black eyeball shards.

    But the OTHER G12+ piece (6000 health piece) is basically reserved for top 10. I haven't gotten a single piece of salvage for ANY of its component parts.

    You're both right.

    I see your point. However, neither I nor the OP distinguished between the types of g12+ pieces in our post. We are simply discussing progress towards crafting g12+ pieces — not specific types of g12+. OP is hence still wrong.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.

    Oh so you've crafted a new G12+ piece? Or you just have some salvage and lucked out getting same salvage across multiple raids for the same piece? Your claim is vague, progress is slow as hell 10+ raids for sure to craft a piece best case scenario

    I haven't crafted a single piece yet, no. I never claimed, that I did. However, I have progressed towards crafting both the two times I ranked in top—10 and the two times I have ranked in the 20 — 11 range. This makes your original statement wrong. You didn't claim a lack of crafting full pieces. You didn't claim that progress was slow. You claimed a total lack of progression towards g12+ gear. You are wrong. I am right.

    Further more, you claimed, that you get 10 salvages at most in ranks 11 or worse. I have received 20 salvages at rank 14. Again : You are wrong. Discussing this further won't make you right.

    My personal experience is the weaker of the new G12+ gear (2000 health piece) drops at lower prize tiers. I've done 3 or 4 HSTR raids in the bottom 40 and can craft it as soon as I get enough black eyeball shards.

    But the OTHER G12+ piece (6000 health piece) is basically reserved for top 10. I haven't gotten a single piece of salvage for ANY of its component parts.

    You're both right.

    I see your point. However, neither I nor the OP distinguished between the types of g12+ pieces in our post. We are simply discussing progress towards crafting g12+ pieces — not specific types of g12+. OP is hence still wrong.

    My whole point is how slow it is. So you're saying it's not slow?

    Alright though sure sure, you're right. Have your bottle
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.

    Oh so you've crafted a new G12+ piece? Or you just have some salvage and lucked out getting same salvage across multiple raids for the same piece? Your claim is vague, progress is slow as hell 10+ raids for sure to craft a piece best case scenario

    I haven't crafted a single piece yet, no. I never claimed, that I did. However, I have progressed towards crafting both the two times I ranked in top—10 and the two times I have ranked in the 20 — 11 range. This makes your original statement wrong. You didn't claim a lack of crafting full pieces. You didn't claim that progress was slow. You claimed a total lack of progression towards g12+ gear. You are wrong. I am right.

    Further more, you claimed, that you get 10 salvages at most in ranks 11 or worse. I have received 20 salvages at rank 14. Again : You are wrong. Discussing this further won't make you right.

    My personal experience is the weaker of the new G12+ gear (2000 health piece) drops at lower prize tiers. I've done 3 or 4 HSTR raids in the bottom 40 and can craft it as soon as I get enough black eyeball shards.

    But the OTHER G12+ piece (6000 health piece) is basically reserved for top 10. I haven't gotten a single piece of salvage for ANY of its component parts.

    You're both right.

    I see your point. However, neither I nor the OP distinguished between the types of g12+ pieces in our post. We are simply discussing progress towards crafting g12+ pieces — not specific types of g12+. OP is hence still wrong.

    My whole point is how slow it is. So you're saying it's not slow?

    Alright though sure sure, you're right. Have your bottle

    So, you're changing your statement from your original 'progress is non—existant' to 'progress is slow'? I take that as an indication that you realize, that your original statement was wrong.

    Furthermore, I never claimed that progress was fast, neither that it was slow. Your straw man is riddiculous.

    Over and out.

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    All gear drops 1 - 50 should be same chance and amounts. Only difference should be amount of traya shards. I hate this rich get richer policy in rewards of this game.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    All gear drops 1 - 50 should be same chance and amounts. Only difference should be amount of traya shards. I hate this rich get richer policy in rewards of this game.

    If your guild mates are with you, you can set up a rotation for who gets to take top—10. Or put a dmg limit for top players, just like some guilds put a dmg limit on players in pit raids once they took Han to 7*. Just a suggestion.
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    I think its set as well as possible, there is no way to make everyone satisfied. Main reason to do the gap between rewards of top10 and the rest imo was that there were bunch of players who did 0 dmg and got same rewards as players who participiated fully and spend their precious time on it.
    In addition, maior Gap is not between top 10 and the rest of heroic rewards but between heroic rewards generaly and t6 trash rewards.
    For those of you who are unsatisfied with current great heroic rewards, go to weaker guilds, help them finally do heroic, players from weaker guilds will be very greatfull even for 50th spot in heroic while you will be their saviours and top 10 contributors with best rewards possible.
    To close this, my guild started to do heroic few weeks ago. Although i had bunch of offers to leave my guild and join top guilds which did heroic just from its release, i decided to stay, help my guild and now finally as top 3 contributor i have some profit for being solidary with them.
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