Rewards 11-50 [MERGE]

3393 posts Member
edited July 2018
Wow rewards from #11 to #50 In the heroic sith raid really really suck now. Progress for G12+ pieces is non existent even in #20 to #11 we're getting 2 to 4 pieces of this and that and 10 or so pieces (at max) of G12+ NEW pieces regardless of the fact it'll take 20 or more raids to actually craft a full piece at this stage.

Can't speak for #10 or higher
Post edited by Kyno on


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    Agreed. It’s ridiculous
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    I got 1 the other night, and thought the rewards were terrible. They do things to the extreme. One would have thought they would have learned after the last time they wouldn't nerf the rewards so hard, but nope. Here we go again.
  • Dztn
    48 posts Member
    The most Player in this game got no Access to this gear pieces. So you should be lucky to got Traya, g12+ …
    It's 12 Speed g12+ … the most Player in this game will never seen such gear pieces and extra Speed. Arena is broken and unbalanced in fact of this. So i think that its good that the minimum of HSTR don't get to early this pieces.
  • Stokat
    835 posts Member
    Traya shards aside the rewards really are horrible. I usually end up around 14-16 in hstr and the rewards I have gotten after the update are utter kitten. I really hope they can look at this again and make some adjustments. Sure some salvage for gear 12+ which is nice of course but 2-4 salvage pieces for regular lv 12 gear is not ok, you can farm more than that from the fleet battles. At least give a single gear 12 piece.
  • Rimzo
    120 posts Member
    ^yeah ive been 11-13 the last 3 HSTR and the drops are utter garbage for me.
  • Foxer
    461 posts Member
    Hate to tell you guys but the top 19 rewards suck too, 4 sith raids in the top 10 and have one gear 12+ price and soread our pieces. One guy who finished top 3 each time doesn’t have a finished piece and they are all spread out. It’s just as RNG as anything, and we now get junk gear 12 (2-4 pieces for top 10) we used to get 1-2 fully crafted gear 12 pieces.
  • What_Why
    59 posts Member
    Should be part of one of the other mega threads. Oh wait, that's right.... CG had completely ignored nearly all feedback in the past several weeks. The 1.1k comments of feedback are pointless if business is still good.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    I cant do HSTR yet, so I know my opinion doesn't count for much. However I feel like now the rewards sound more balanced with previous raid rewards. Getting fully crafted G12 pieces every raid was way too much and was further increasing the gap between have and have not.

    Personally I feel like if they're gonna give full G12 pieces for HSTR they need to increase the G12 pieces for HAAT as well to allow others to grow enough to qualify for HSTR.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    I'm not HSTR either, but nerfing the Heroic rewards to garbage levels to match tiers 1-6 garbage rewards was probably the backwards way to do things.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    I dont see it as matching 1-6 levels. They still get treya shards, G12, and G12+ gear. However because they started with full G12 pieces (which should be a rare drop like full pieces in other raids) players will complain that their efforts are undervalued if they're given anything less. If HSTR is gonna give G12 fully crafted pieces HAAT should always give a fully crafted stun gun to top 10.

    While that sounds nice it also unbalanced the gear economy which is what HSTR has been doing for awhile with it's full G12 pieces.

    Now HSTR is the only place to get exclusive gear pieces (that give bonus speed) and the amounts given seem to be more inline with other raid heroic versions.

    I think giving bonus rewards the first 5 times HSTR is beaten would be a good way to balance old and new tho. First 5 times HSTR is beaten all players should get 1 bonus fully crafted G12 piece. Make this tracked per player not per guild, so players couldn't disband and create a new guild to get the bonus again.
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    Yeah, I actually feel like the kitten gear below in tier 6 is better than heroic, aside from the shards
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    Lol c'mon really people, they wanted everyone to chase jtr and spend now it's back to why run heroic traya shards aside. They even said it in the post. They literally used the excuse that we can beat it as the reason why gear was scaled back.
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    Sneekypete wrote: »
    Lol c'mon really people, they wanted everyone to chase jtr and spend now it's back to why run heroic traya shards aside. They even said it in the post. They literally used the excuse that we can beat it as the reason why gear was scaled back.

    Right the number of "JTRs in the wild doubled" so because my guild has 14 JTR teans we can beat the entirety of HSTR?
  • stiiillwaiting
    40 posts Member
    edited July 2018

    Right the number of "JTRs in the wild doubled" so because my guild has 14 JTR teans we can beat the entirety of HSTR?

    oh let’s be clear, it’s not just JTR teams; it’s fully geared to 12+ with full zetas & optimized mods JTR teams. and Imperial Trooper teams. and Nightsister. and the stupid AF Chex Mix team.

    i can’t wait til 7 months from now after they’ve realeased the new & reworked toons when we’ll all stop complaining about HSTR, but until that day i hate it. i’d rather go through a T5 STR
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    Honest question: with so many guilds not having the ability to even do heroic, how quick are you supposed to get these pieces?
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    Maybe their reasoning is since we can't fix rewards in the lower tiers, make the rewards poor for everyone???
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    Daishi wrote: »
    I cant do HSTR yet, so I know my opinion doesn't count for much. However I feel like now the rewards sound more balanced with previous raid rewards. Getting fully crafted G12 pieces every raid was way too much and was further increasing the gap between have and have not.

    Personally I feel like if they're gonna give full G12 pieces for HSTR they need to increase the G12 pieces for HAAT as well to allow others to grow enough to qualify for HSTR.

    There ya go. I'm in a guild farming Sith with ease, and I miss those full g12 pieces, however, the balance is somewhat fair. What would alleviate so many problems though, is adding g12 pieces to haat and rancor.
  • Sharkeater_23
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    My guild mate today recieved 2 fully crafted gear pieces for 7th place. One of the old g12 and one of the g12 +. And the rest of the guild 40 people just got utter garbage. Verry motivating knowing that now i will never cath up with the top 10. Thank you CG for the nice gift...
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    That's close to how other raids are... maybe 1-3 people will get fully crafted pieces and the rest get salvage.
    My guild mate today recieved 2 fully crafted gear pieces for 7th place. One of the old g12 and one of the g12 +. And the rest of the guild 40 people just got utter garbage. Verry motivating knowing that now i will never cath up with the top 10. Thank you CG for the nice gift...

  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    Even for top 3 rewards are bad.
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Wow rewards from #11 to #50 In the heroic sith raid really really suck now. Progress for G12+ pieces is non existent even in #20 to #11 we're getting 2 to 4 pieces of this and that and 10 or so pieces (at max) of G12+ NEW pieces regardless of the fact it'll take 20 or more raids to actually craft a full piece at this stage.

    Can't speak for #10 or higher

    Since the update I have been always in the top 3 and my rewards so far are:

    Not a single G12 full piece
    Each raid 2x half of a new piece (50% of the new salvage that is required for G12+).
    2-3 salvage pieces of the regular G12 salvage

    Which means also tip 3 players will have to grind endlessly. The only difference is that top 3 gets 50% of that new salvage, top10 gets less (30%?)

    I am also extremely disappointed in this update.
  • locodiel
    92 posts Member
    Antares wrote: »
    Wow rewards from #11 to #50 In the heroic sith raid really really suck now. Progress for G12+ pieces is non existent even in #20 to #11 we're getting 2 to 4 pieces of this and that and 10 or so pieces (at max) of G12+ NEW pieces regardless of the fact it'll take 20 or more raids to actually craft a full piece at this stage.

    Can't speak for #10 or higher

    Since the update I have been always in the top 3 and my rewards so far are:

    Not a single G12 full piece
    Each raid 2x half of a new piece (50% of the new salvage that is required for G12+).
    2-3 salvage pieces of the regular G12 salvage

    Which means also tip 3 players will have to grind endlessly. The only difference is that top 3 gets 50% of that new salvage, top10 gets less (30%?)

    I am also extremely disappointed in this update.

    One of my guildmates already equipped 3 G12+ items. Amazing rewards ... But he is the only one. All other guys do not have a single full item so far.

    One can only shrug and stop thinking about what CG intended. They just do what they do.
  • Options
    Antares wrote: »
    Wow rewards from #11 to #50 In the heroic sith raid really really suck now. Progress for G12+ pieces is non existent even in #20 to #11 we're getting 2 to 4 pieces of this and that and 10 or so pieces (at max) of G12+ NEW pieces regardless of the fact it'll take 20 or more raids to actually craft a full piece at this stage.

    Can't speak for #10 or higher

    Since the update I have been always in the top 3 and my rewards so far are:

    Not a single G12 full piece
    Each raid 2x half of a new piece (50% of the new salvage that is required for G12+).
    2-3 salvage pieces of the regular G12 salvage

    Which means also tip 3 players will have to grind endlessly. The only difference is that top 3 gets 50% of that new salvage, top10 gets less (30%?)

    I am also extremely disappointed in this update.

    2 people in my guild which get rank 1 and 2 have gotten 3 full pieces total between them after 4 raids
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.
  • Fives5555
    331 posts Member
    I just get the same rewards no mixing it up whatsoever. So it looks like I’ll never get RJT any g12+. Honestly CG should put the new gear in packs. It’s benefit everyone and more than likely people will drop some money to improve their rosters
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Daishi wrote: »
    That's close to how other raids are... maybe 1-3 people will get fully crafted pieces and the rest get salvage.
    Except that in other raids it was possible to drop a full piece even if you came in 31. They rework made it impossible for anyone NOT in the top 10 to get a full g12+ piece. Ever. The salvage differential for top 3 is much higher too. Basically, instead of being more random, HSith rewards are significantly more top heavy than other raids. It guarantees garbage rewards outside the top 10. Nothing like posting 8+ million across multiple phases, making several attempts at each only to end up 14th with junk rewards. Yes, that fun.
    That's the issue.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    This was a bathroom idea so stand by.

    1. Leave top ten rewards as they are now. They will still have the edge in the best gear.

    2. 11-25 greatly reduced chance to get top end gear. They also CANNOT get challenge gear in their loot boxes, making their loot great for getting caught up.

    3. 26-50 same as 11-25 but they get less gear. However their loot boxes drop bonus GET.

    I feel like this will keep the top still going forward but will help the middle and lower end stay competitive and be able to gain traction on the top 10.
  • Bane1492
    121 posts Member
    All that matters is how much money they can make.

    Deaf ears are everywhere.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Since the rework I've ranked in top—10 twice and in the 11—20 range twice. Still no fully crafted g12+ piece, and when ranking 11—20, I've received 20 salvages of g12+ gear both times. In top—10 it was 25 salvages both times. For me personally there's not such a huge gap. The general view may be different, though.

    My post isn't comparing 11-50 to the top 10 I'm just speaking for 11-50 ranks.

    You claimed that progress for g12+ pieces was non—existant in ranks 20—11. My experience is different than yours. The progress is there. 20 salvages both times I ranked 20—11 as I wrote in my post. You're claim was and still is wrong.
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