What is the Best team for Galactic War!?


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    QGJ (L)

    GW is never too much of a problem for me. I do have a 7* max gear Sid, and Phasma I used to use too, but I've been tearing it up since maxing Dooku and Daka. The stun helps sooo much! Just throw a team out to absorb some special attacks if the team is really hard. Make sure your team is as close to max health at the end of the match as possible. GW has never been too hard for me, but I have never been higher than rank 25ish in arena, so that may mean something too.
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    Barriss (L) lumi QGJ GS fifth spot is situational usually Dooku or Dakka sometimes Sid
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    Thanks for all the answers guys
  • SDziad
    150 posts Member
    Barriss (L), Lumi, Sid, Phasma + Poggle/Old Ben/Luke according to situation. All battles finished with 5 toons alive, in crit situations I use truly suicide squad: Dooku, Rey, Kylo, Vader, Poe (FOTP in reserve) and finish with 2-3 of them alive. No problems with finishing GW.
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    I've been running Bariss (l), Sid, Lumi, GS, and Daka. All are 6/7 star in the top tier gear (not all filled - stupid purple hairdryer). I've completed GW every time since before the big retreat change, though I've had some rough fights and retreats and had to use a bench player at the end.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Part of the response also has to be:

    It depends on who you are facing.

    With a fairly deep bench, you can mix and match so that your team counters the opposing lineup. For example, if the opposing team has ________ I always try to have ___________:

    Jedi -> Sid, Dooku & IG88 (heal block)
    Han, Poe or Chewie -> QGJ (wipe those taunts!)
    Droids ---> Eeth Koth + Healers
    Sid, Kylo ---> Dooku, Fives (counters)
    Dooku, Fives --> Daka, Dooku, Asajj (stun - Daka can stun without directly attacking them)
    GS, Rey, IG88 -> Stunner + high DPS (just in case the stun doesn't take) Also Sid is good vs. Rey (debuff)
    Poggle - - - > Healers and more healers (or just send in suicide team/kill him)

    If the other team is not particularly terrifying (i.e. lower level) I find a solid Jedi team with Lumi or Barriss lead works very well. Just make sure to save some of those heals for later battles.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Don't think there is a perfect team. I see who my opposition is and pick a team from my roster to beat it
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    I've had consistent success with Barriss (L), Lumi, JC, QGJ and Sid, with a main bench of Phasma, Daka and Dooku. It's interesting that there are significant similarities between many of the successful squads.
  • Rider
    19 posts Member
    The Best one is a team whit 3 Healers and 2 Dmg dealers, mine is Barris lead, luminara, Jedi consul, Rey and Tie Pilot/ Qgj
  • scuba
    14130 posts Member
    Triqui wrote: »
    How does one figure that out?
    Mittens wrote: »
    Just move FOTP to whichever slot the assist is called and it's a 5v4 from the start.

    I guess this is why I suck st this game! I need a tutorial. How do you do that?

    Try first time. Then hit retreat and move your squad without changing members, justvjuggke them around

    This works for a lot of things. Most of ai and assist actions are slot specific.
    If one of your characters is getting focused on swap them around and put a character that can take a beating and has a good self heal in that slot.
  • Tuscan21
    514 posts Member
    First team- Barriss, Lumi, JC, Sid, Ren (for first two and last two nodes)
    Second team- Assaj, Daka, Talia, GS and Poe (for 3rd to 10th nodes)
    Other teams if second team doesn't make it to 10th node:
    Third team- QGJ, yoda, mace, eeth and Ahsoka
    Fourth team- Phasma, FOTP, RG, Leia and Rey.
    Spares- fives, Vader, scout, NS initiaite.

    I fight almost all level 70 on each node in GW so all the above are level 70 and max gear. Almost all 7 stars. Not all max abilities.
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    Lumi (L), Daka, sid, kylo, FOTP

    i win every time, with minimal deaths
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    I use:

    Lumi level 69 6* near max gear
    Sid level 69 4* Max gear
    Vader level 67 4* gear maxed
    Chew level 69 4* near max gear
    JC level 69 5* max gear

    I occasionally have to send in a level 58 (averaged) team to suicide, but maybe once every other day.

    Normally ill see how the battle goes, which attacks work or trigger the AI to attack which way or which Charecter and move and change my attack and positions accordingly. It takes me about 1 1/2 hour to get through I suppose?

    I only rank in the 499-200 range in Arena, with a slightly different, lower power team.

    I have shards to boost Lumi, Sid and Chew up a star, but waiting to see what happens with this Arena/GW ranking/Opponent issue thing
  • isreal
    200 posts Member
    I beat it every day with

  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    If you have an arena power rating of 27000 then you can face very different and powerful teams.. and the best thing to do is to change your team according to the enemies you have to fight.. Anyway as general rule i run QGJ-LUMI-JCON-SID-random utility hero (like daka, phasma, ig86, asajj, poggle, kilo)
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    J7000 wrote: »
    Mine is:

    Bariss-lead, Daka, Lumni, GS, Rey. It beats probably every team I've encountered also with full health and refreshes for the next match.

    Mine is similar. Just replace Daka with 86.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    Qui gon lead
    Almost never have to change it up
  • rosigod
    82 posts Member
    lumi L, sid, dooku, JC, daka.
  • Arora50
    80 posts Member
    Best team would probably be some combination of qgj lumi GS FOTP and Rey team. Like someone said earlier you can tweak the placement of FOTP to always be called in during qgj assist attack. I don't have FOTP at high enough star level however I use a ig86 which Crits for about 7.5k with qgj assist attack
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I've beaten GW now 50 days in a row, so my team should be viable. However, you may not have them, or they may not be the best chars to complete GW, but I am successful with following chars:

    all 70:
    Lumi 7* - 7,7,7,4 - VIII
    Sid 7* - 7,7,7,6 - VIII
    Kylo 7* - 7,7,6,5 - VIII
    JC 7* - 5,6,5 - VIII
    GS 5* - 6,7,5 - IX (still farming)
    QGJ 6* - 7,7,7,6 - VIII (still farming)
    CT-Fives 6* - 5,6,1,6 - VIII
    Phasma 7* - 7,7,7,6 - VIII
    Barris 6* - 3,3,3,3 - (low skills, but on my list for better GW results)
    Daka 5* - 7,6,1,6 - VIII
    Poe 6* - 4,7,1,6 - VIII

    Strongest Chars:
    Daka (Key!)

    Weak Chars:
    Poe (dead if taunt, bad cooldown)


    But I also 15 chars at lvl 40 and above, to sacrifice. It's easier if the enemy squads specials are on cooldown.

    I will get stronger if my Barris gets better stats, GS, Daka & QGJ have more stars, and Dooku, Poggle, RG have better gear, stars, lvl, skills.

    Also worth leveling:
    Assajj, Chewbacca, Old Ben, Ewok Elder, Boba Fett

    (and btw: I face several 7* lvl70 teams every day)
    Post edited by theHejiN on
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    Asajj (L), Daka, Dooku, Talia, GS

    Finish GW in ~30 minutes.

    Your Level Stars and Gear Rank in Arena.
    30 minutes me level 62 arenarank 820 max stars 5* strength 16,300 gear purple
    SİD JC Chewie Captain P Rey
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    Maskarii wrote: »
    Asajj (L), Daka, Dooku, Talia, GS

    Finish GW in ~30 minutes.

    Your Level Stars and Gear Rank in Arena.
    30 minutes me level 62 arenarank 820 max stars 5* strength 16,300 gear purple
    SİD JC Chewie Captain P Rey

    All chars are maxed (*, gear, lvl, abilities).

    Arena Rank: #1 (granted, I don't use the same team for arena, that would be silly :p )
  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    6* qgj
    7* lumi
    7* Ig86
    7* sid
    7* JC

    I find GW pretty easy with this team. It's an easy farmable team, qgj is slow farm but steady.
    The heal let me run it every day without any deaths. Sids heal immunity **** all over this worthless AI that exists in this game.

    And for dps I have two assists that takes out 1-2 every time the first two rounds.
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    @D_Millennial wow great! 1# at Arena, for me it will be a dream at my Server :D a friend of mine is at his 10-14 ten and he stated this game 13 days afters me... so I am with the big ones :tired_face: hahaha but it's cool to see a guy from 1# place!
    , nice job
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    k2solbri wrote: »
    I think a core of barriss (lead), luminara, and jc may be the 'best' for gw in general. I like two high speed attackers in the remaining slots such as Sid (heal block, sustain) and geo soldier (single target burst, short CD, broken in general). The last two slots can be changed around with other characters like daka, dooku, qgj or other specialists depending on the enemy team.

    You want to single target nuke the biggest threat asap, usually Sid before he can heal block. Only use luminara's heal on the first turn if needed so it will be off cd for the next battle. JC's heal is to be used liberally on CD. Barriss heal can be used for emergencies as needed.

    After the biggest 1-2 threats have been eliminated you should be in stabilization mode, killing the highest hp lowest damaging characters last and as slowly as possible to restore your cooldowns for the next battle.

    I disagree with Barris lead. She doesn't hit hard enough and her cooldown a are too long. I think the fast damage of QGJ lead and the opportunity for Lumi and JC to go early as well is better then self heal and extra HP.

    I run QG, GS, Sid, Lumi, JC.
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    Maskarii wrote: »
    @D_Millennial wow great! 1# at Arena, for me it will be a dream at my Server :D a friend of mine is at his 10-14 ten and he stated this game 13 days afters me... so I am with the big ones :tired_face: hahaha but it's cool to see a guy from 1# place!
    , nice job

  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    I do

    3 Glass cannons

    and usually clear in 10-15 mins with no issues.
  • Luke6108
    370 posts Member
    I beat it daily with my arena team QGJ(L),Lumi,Sid,Douku,GS, in the first few stages I use Lumi as leader
  • Devour
    262 posts Member
    I beat 7* max geared teams on all 12 nodes daily with:

    2* lvl 64 JC
    3* Talia lvl 67
    1* Royal Guard lvl 62
    3* Chewbacca lvl 59
    1* Nightsister iniate lvl 68

    Usually clear it in 10 minutes with no retreats.

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    Zapdoszaps wrote: »
    I started my Galactic Wars off by beating them every day. Then all the sudden they got impossible. Then all the sudden they got easy. Then all the sudden now they're impossible and have been for a few weeks.

    So i just want to know what the BEST team possible is for Galactic War so i can stop struggling with this -thanks

    A fast high health healer team.

    If they can constantly be healed before dying the team would be technically unbeatable. Something like QGJ lead with Barriss and Lum alongside IG86 and Poggle the Lesser all maxee out maybe... Switch out IG88 for GS possibly.
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