Bastila Shan Gear Bug.

25 posts Member
When does toons need purple gear to level from g5-g6 and still stay blue.


  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    So basically need two purple gear items to increase to g6.
  • UdalCuain
    5050 posts Member
    I responded to your bug report. Incase you miss it:
    Not really sure this is a bug. A few of the newer characters require purple gear before gear 7, when characters gain the purple circles around their portrait.

    The characters still gain all the attributes the pieces grant. The only place this would be an issue is if those pieces increased protection before gear 7 (and it should be added at that level anyway), but none of the required pieces do.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If you have a bug report you should add to it and discuss any issues there. It will help them highlight and prioritize the issue.
    Your topic has been moved to the Bugs and Issues Archive. For better assistance and functionality, please report your bug over at Answers HQ.

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