Struggling with Galactic War? Read Here First *Important

409 posts Member
edited March 2016

Hey all, read that link.

I know a lot of us forum members don't use reddit.

This game's developers do, however. I have combed comments from engineers. I wanted to put this out there for people struggling with GW.

Officially, GW opponents are calculated by assessing the highest power squad YOU have ever used in the Arena. That's how it's designed but there are still a few bugs. From what I understand and can understand, there is no imminent fix for GW matchmaking because they're already reworking Arena and how it works - since GW is tied to Arena, they have to finish polishing the Arena system before hammering out the GW Problem.

My estimate is Major Arena update will be done in this March update, with GW being fixed either late this month or next month.

My suggestion, for those struggling at lvl 70... you're kinda screwed cuz you've already used high power squads on Arena - however if you have alt accounts or are under lvl 60, I suggest purposefully using weak squads in Arena and not pursuing an Arena ranking so you generate weak GW Campaigns each day and may complete GW.

I hope this post helps people, it certainly helped me.
Post edited by DarthCyren on


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    Furthe clarification: I am not tied to anything or anyone, just passing along info.

    I also speculate that because it determines opponents based on equivalent highest arena power lvl squad, as GW is intended to be challening, it's potentially designed to have a 10 level flex, with a 1 or 2 star higher grade opponents in the end stages - So I think they intended by design if say you have a lvl 50 5 star Darth Sid and 4 star remaining troops lvl 50, towards end of GW u would run into opponents on line of lvl 60 with 6 star troops and equivalent gear.

    The issue is that many player characters don't 'scale' in power. For example JNK and JC and LUMI have HIGH power ratings but their utility tied to their power isn't sensible. So in theory you use those 3 and the game sees no issue in spitting out slightly higher 'power rating' characters like 7 star yoda, sid, rey, Poe etc. So that's what's generating crazy tough opponents... on TOP of that the 'node order' isn't scaled generating each node randomly to be designed like the final battle should be. And it's all tied to the total squad power you've used in Arena with GW consistently giving you 20% stronger then that teams through GW.
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    Or, just build a bigger roster and learn how to beat GW. Barriss helps a lot I run a 3 healer GW squad with Lumi and Daka plus Sid and Phasma in the lead. Most days I don't even need a retreat and only occasionally need suicide squads.

    I'm still not buying the story on GW matching, I've been first numerous times in Arena with a squad over 27k and GW matching seems random. Some days it's max 7*/70 dps speed killer teams from 3-12 other days it's a relative cakewalk except for one really tough matchup somewhere between 9 and 11.

    Tanking your arena squad is silly, it's the only source of significant amounts of crystals needed to farm gear.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Altoon33
    565 posts Member
    Clear and well put . THANKYOU.
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Or, just build a bigger roster and learn how to beat GW. Barriss helps a lot I run a 3 healer GW squad with Lumi and Daka plus Sid and Phasma in the lead. Most days I don't even need a retreat and only occasionally need suicide squads.

    I'm still not buying the story on GW matching, I've been first numerous times in Arena with a squad over 27k and GW matching seems random. Some days it's max 7*/70 dps speed killer teams from 3-12 other days it's a relative cakewalk except for one really tough matchup somewhere between 9 and 11.

    Tanking your arena squad is silly, it's the only source of significant amounts of crystals needed to farm gear.

    They've admitted to a bug in how the nodes are populating the order of those types of battles but they admit it is bugged and skewed towards consistently generating hard matches node 3-12, but as its bugged in the RING in general, on rare occasion you will get a beatable GW but the developers have acknowledged it's completely screwed up and are working on fixing it, they admit GW was never intended to be THIS difficult.

    Also tanking Arena to finish GW is more lucrative as finishing GW gives tons of credits, purple ability mats and character shards. I suggest sniping with a no power squad to a decent rank in Arena then focusing on GW for time being
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    I still dont buy that either. I barely bother with arena and have ran into insane squads in GW. I have a decent bench but im a f2p and only have one toon at 7*. Ive faced or well avoided several squads that are full gear, full 7* because they literally decimate even my a team quickly, suicide squads stand even less of a chance.
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    Have to agree with jabberwocky here. Everyone believes that they know how GW works. There's a reason the developers haven't come out with an explanation, and most likely never will. They know that as soon as they do, everyone will find a way to exploit it. At this point, mystery is the best option. If everyone "thinks" they know how it works, then no one truly knows. If you have a way to beat it, great! Shut up and get your rewards. My arena squad has consistently won with an increasingly higher powered team. Yet my GW has stayed as jabberwocky explained above. I have been lucky enough to win the past 40+ tries.
    Have you ever stopped to consider that people might have been putting rumors out there about arena squad ranking, in the hopes that people would weaken their teams, thus making it easier for them to get better rewards in arena and GW? Until the developers come out with a definitive way that GW works, people are just going to have to struggle through it. Unless of course you have your way to win it. In that case, enjoy your rewards. Hopefully they'll put a new character in the GW store for those who have been successful.
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Khayman wrote: »
    I still dont buy that either. I barely bother with arena and have ran into insane squads in GW. I have a decent bench but im a f2p and only have one toon at 7*. Ive faced or well avoided several squads that are full gear, full 7* because they literally decimate even my a team quickly, suicide squads stand even less of a chance.

    If you have EVER used that 7 star to on or even when was 5 or 6 stars in Arena, that's why you're perpetually running into insane squads. They're recording the highest squad to on your EVER ran in Arena and generating squads full of TOONS with 1 or 2 star more throughout GW. That's the bug - the battles you're running into throughout were intended to be the FINAL battle on GW but the node order is bugged essentially pumping out 12 end round battles when there's only supposed to be one or 2

    To clarify further, the developers have acknowledged the following: there is a bug causing the 'Final Round' battle in GW to occur on almost every round (node) battle in GW. As RNG us a factor it's not a permanent calculation or GW Experience but due to the bug, on an almost daily basis, this 'Extreme' GW difficulty campaign is regularly generated there's a lot of variables and because it's multiple bugs in GW, daily results may vary but in general, most commonly GW has been bugged to have endgame battles every round on a constant basis due to the bug.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Thanks bud
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    I run a full 7* L70 arena team and only face maybe 3-4 equivalent teams. I definitely don't want GW to change. I clear it every day and look forward to the guaranteed 12000 tokens per day.

    They should only change GW if they also bring in new characters, preferably another jedi such as kit fisto
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    jsaras12 wrote: »
    Have to agree with jabberwocky here. Everyone believes that they know how GW works. There's a reason the developers haven't come out with an explanation, and most likely never will. They know that as soon as they do, everyone will find a way to exploit it. At this point, mystery is the best option. If everyone "thinks" they know how it works, then no one truly knows. If you have a way to beat it, great! Shut up and get your rewards. My arena squad has consistently won with an increasingly higher powered team. Yet my GW has stayed as jabberwocky explained above. I have been lucky enough to win the past 40+ tries.
    Have you ever stopped to consider that people might have been putting rumors out there about arena squad ranking, in the hopes that people would weaken their teams, thus making it easier for them to get better rewards in arena and GW? Until the developers come out with a definitive way that GW works, people are just going to have to struggle through it. Unless of course you have your way to win it. In that case, enjoy your rewards. Hopefully they'll put a new character in the GW store for those who have been successful.

    This isn't speculation - these ARE confirmed bugs acknowledged by the ACTUAL developers on the official reddit page. They just don't use the forus hence why I'm relaying the message.
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    GW is doable until u hit lvl 60 then it is rough till u hit lvl 65. Just keep upgrading and u will do fine.
  • EricsonX
    703 posts Member
    Hell, I have a mid 40s crew, player level is admittedly 62 right now, and my final GW node today was 6 and 7 star characters, 20+ levels higher, with purple gear. I'd maybe have gotten through it if I had another 15 odd chars to throw at it.
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Just to clarify, I am not looking for help I'm GW, nor is this the 9 millionth complaint thread on GW. I am just passong along word that the developers and game designers have acknowledged GW us bugged and intend to fix it.

    I am just relaying to the forum that the developers are not ignorant and that they do actually care. I'm also trying to give people a realistic estimate, totally on my part as there is no official ETA on the GW Patch, that help is coming and people are truly not insane when looking at their GW each day.

    GW is admittedly, officially, undeniably broken and the developers are working to fox it, just hang in there folks.
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    And also, from what I have read and understand, we shouldn't hate on the developers/peogrammers/engineers for not being on the forums

    EA/Capital Games and I am sure indepdenqnt consultants and contractors... there are teams and tears here. EA Jesse and For Adkins are, I am assuming, employed directly through an EA Department. Capital Games is either a Subsidiary company or a contractor in partnership with EA. There is a lot of political and organizaton here. It takes a large number of people to design new content and upkeep game.

    We all want to be in that design room with the heads of each department with a marker and a whiteboard and provide feedback and get answers in kond. We can't and we shouldn't as its not our place. And the people we interact with are on a 'bottom teir' customer liason/correspondence role. They are here to process what we say and politely tell the true decision makers what the community wants or needs.

    We all want to cut out the, go directly to the programmer and his boss and say ****, but we can't and never will - they don't have time for this so they assign people like Jesse, not a Jedi, the reddit cast to provide a communication chain... the people we talk to know more then they are contractally permitted to say and we should respect that.
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    And also, from what I have read and understand, we shouldn't hate on the developers/peogrammers/engineers for not being on the forums

    My main complaint with them is that the don't share more info on the In game linked forum. It seems if you want to have better updated info from developers you need to go to the reddit forum.
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    scuba wrote: »
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    And also, from what I have read and understand, we shouldn't hate on the developers/peogrammers/engineers for not being on the forums

    My main complaint with them is that the don't share more info on the In game linked forum. It seems if you want to have better updated info from developers you need to go to the reddit forum.

    This is true.

    People in the actual office where this game is created, are on reddit.

    I, too wish they would maintain a strong, constant presence on these boards bur I understand them not wanting to get mired in the stress of a large Internet chat board and put themselves at risk of saying something wrong ob an even larger public forum, jeapordizing their jobs with a slip of the tongue.
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    How hard is it for the same person to post the info on both forums. Most Web browsers have tabs.
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    And also, from what I have read and understand, we shouldn't hate on the developers/peogrammers/engineers for not being on the forums

    My main complaint with them is that the don't share more info on the In game linked forum. It seems if you want to have better updated info from developers you need to go to the reddit forum.

    This is true.

    People in the actual office where this game is created, are on reddit.

    I, too wish they would maintain a strong, constant presence on these boards bur I understand them not wanting to get mired in the stress of a large Internet chat board and put themselves at risk of saying something wrong ob an even larger public forum, jeapordizing their jobs with a slip of the tongue.
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    And also, from what I have read and understand, we shouldn't hate on the developers/peogrammers/engineers for not being on the forums

    My main complaint with them is that the don't share more info on the In game linked forum. It seems if you want to have better updated info from developers you need to go to the reddit forum.

    This is true.

    People in the actual office where this game is created, are on reddit.

    I, too wish they would maintain a strong, constant presence on these boards bur I understand them not wanting to get mired in the stress of a large Internet chat board and put themselves at risk of saying something wrong ob an even larger public forum, jeapordizing their jobs with a slip of the tongue.

    A way to look at things is this: EA is the Movie Producer (Paid for game to get made, paid costs) and Capital Games is the movie crew making the movie.

    This forum is like talking with Warner Bros Executives about how they directed Sam Jackson in a movie scene. They wouldn't know **** is going on. Similar case here.

    Capital Games(the game studio who physically makes this game) can't create their own messageboard because EA owns those rights. So, to talk with us directly, CG has a reddit.
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    Hey all,

    I know a lot of us forum members don't use reddit.

    This game's developers do, however. I have combed comments from engineers. I wanted to put this out there for people struggling with GW.

    Officially, GW opponents are calculated by assessing the highest power squad YOU have ever used in the Arena. That's how it's designed but there are still a few bugs. From what I understand and can understand, there is no imminent fix for GW matchmaking because they're already reworking Arena and how it works - since GW is tied to Arena, they have to finish polishing the Arena system before hammering out the GW Problem.

    My estimate is Major Arena update will be done in this March update, with GW being fixed either late this month or next month.

    My suggestion, for those struggling at lvl 70... you're kinda screwed cuz you've already used high power squads on Arena - however if you have alt accounts or are under lvl 60, I suggest purposefully using weak squads in Arena and not pursuing an Arena ranking so you generate weak GW Campaigns each day and may complete GW.

    I hope this post helps people, it certainly helped me.

    Thank you. It helps understanding what's going on more.
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    @DarthCyren I did not realize it was the different groups on the different boards thanks for that info.
    I have come to not expect anything to be answered or acknowledged on this forum. The only answers here are from other players. Your info reaffirms and explains why.
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    Or, just build a bigger roster and learn how to beat GW. Barriss helps a lot I run a 3 healer GW squad with Lumi and Daka plus Sid and Phasma in the lead. Most days I don't even need a retreat and only occasionally need suicide squads.

    I'm still not buying the story on GW matching, I've been first numerous times in Arena with a squad over 27k and GW matching seems random. Some days it's max 7*/70 dps speed killer teams from 3-12 other days it's a relative cakewalk except for one really tough matchup somewhere between 9 and 11.

    Tanking your arena squad is silly, it's the only source of significant amounts of crystals needed to farm gear.

    They've admitted to a bug in how the nodes are populating the order of those types of battles but they admit it is bugged and skewed towards consistently generating hard matches node 3-12, but as its bugged in the RING in general, on rare occasion you will get a beatable GW but the developers have acknowledged it's completely screwed up and are working on fixing it, they admit GW was never intended to be THIS difficult.

    Also tanking Arena to finish GW is more lucrative as finishing GW gives tons of credits, purple ability mats and character shards. I suggest sniping with a no power squad to a decent rank in Arena then focusing on GW for time being

    I don't tank my arena team and still manage to finish GW. I refute your argument that it's more lucrative, they're different, Arena gives you arena tokens and crystals, GW gives tokens, credits and ability mats, you need them all.

    By the way, that same developer on reddit was running around telling people how GW worked for a long time with completely incorrect information, then he changed the story. It's an unofficial source, take everything there with a big grain of salt.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    jsaras12 wrote: »
    Have to agree with jabberwocky here. Everyone believes that they know how GW works. There's a reason the developers haven't come out with an explanation, and most likely never will. They know that as soon as they do, everyone will find a way to exploit it. At this point, mystery is the best option. If everyone "thinks" they know how it works, then no one truly knows. If you have a way to beat it, great! Shut up and get your rewards. My arena squad has consistently won with an increasingly higher powered team. Yet my GW has stayed as jabberwocky explained above. I have been lucky enough to win the past 40+ tries.
    Have you ever stopped to consider that people might have been putting rumors out there about arena squad ranking, in the hopes that people would weaken their teams, thus making it easier for them to get better rewards in arena and GW? Until the developers come out with a definitive way that GW works, people are just going to have to struggle through it. Unless of course you have your way to win it. In that case, enjoy your rewards. Hopefully they'll put a new character in the GW store for those who have been successful.

    This isn't speculation - these ARE confirmed bugs acknowledged by the ACTUAL developers on the official reddit page. They just don't use the forus hence why I'm relaying the message.

    There is no "official" reddit page. John Salera from CG has stated here, on the only official forum, that "I'm not a Jedi" is a developer but he's posting on reddit of his own accord and nothing he says there is official in any way.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    jsaras12 wrote: »
    Have to agree with jabberwocky here. Everyone believes that they know how GW works. There's a reason the developers haven't come out with an explanation, and most likely never will. They know that as soon as they do, everyone will find a way to exploit it. At this point, mystery is the best option. If everyone "thinks" they know how it works, then no one truly knows. If you have a way to beat it, great! Shut up and get your rewards. My arena squad has consistently won with an increasingly higher powered team. Yet my GW has stayed as jabberwocky explained above. I have been lucky enough to win the past 40+ tries.
    Have you ever stopped to consider that people might have been putting rumors out there about arena squad ranking, in the hopes that people would weaken their teams, thus making it easier for them to get better rewards in arena and GW? Until the developers come out with a definitive way that GW works, people are just going to have to struggle through it. Unless of course you have your way to win it. In that case, enjoy your rewards. Hopefully they'll put a new character in the GW store for those who have been successful.

    This isn't speculation - these ARE confirmed bugs acknowledged by the ACTUAL developers on the official reddit page. They just don't use the forus hence why I'm relaying the message.

    There is no "official" reddit page. John Salera from CG has stated here, on the only official forum, that "I'm not a Jedi" is a developer but he's posting on reddit of his own accord and nothing he says there is official in any way.

    In the same tone that there is no "official" on paper, contractually bound super duper stamped reddit for Capital Games - however in lieu of that, for all practical intents and purposes it is by default an unofficial official reddit... I don't like to get caught up in convoluted gibberish so I call a horse a horse.
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    Also, I'm not a Jedi went the distance to own up to his own miscalculations and re explain how GW Functions paraphrasing the actual engineers doing the coding. I am calling that about as official as you can get, regardless of weather or not it has a flashing spanky CH symbol on the page.
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    Also, I'm not a Jedi went the distance to own up to his own miscalculations and re explain how GW Functions paraphrasing the actual engineers doing the coding. I am calling that about as official as you can get, regardless of weather or not it has a flashing spanky CH symbol on the page.

    And also, even as bugged as it is, people can still beat GW with a deep enough bench and roster and patience. So simply because you have a larger then average roster of all stars then most, makes you and many on the foruns, an exception and not the rule.

    I want to know why you're objecting so heavily to this and trying to deter people away from credible information from their only available legitimate source, regardless of how condoned it is? What are you getting out of this?

    Are you trying to take the stance that GW is some kind of flawless.masterpiece and convince people to even more so spin into a wild mob of people screaming bloody murder over GW? No one is "officially" throwing them a bone due to all the red tape so someone has to clue others into available information.
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    GW should be based off your entire libraries' power and not the squad you used in the arena.

    Having 20 maxed toons makes GW tremendously easier than if you only have 5 maxed toons.

    And GW is supposed to be challenging for everyone. Not easy for those with tons of toons and impossible for those with only a few good toons.
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    GW should be based off your entire libraries' power and not the squad you used in the arena.

    Having 20 maxed toons makes GW tremendously easier than if you only have 5 maxed toons.

    And GW is supposed to be challenging for everyone. Not easy for those with tons of toons and impossible for those with only a few good toons.

    100% agree here. Thus is currently how GW functions at the higher levels aND it will, with a little lyck, be corrected shortly.
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    DarthCyren wrote: »


    I've held back on calling on Charecters that I've upgraded in gear, level or stars and not added them to my Arena squad. So I sit at about rank 350 in Arena.

    But in GW I am using my best squad and I make it through GW everyday. Today is the first day in 2 weeks that I had to use a suicide squad to get the AI to trigger all its specials and such, then sent in A team and cleaned up.

    So, in my experience, this idea that a lower Arena squad power does help the opponent draw in GW.
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