Struggling with Galactic War? Read Here First *Important



  • klay
    76 posts Member
    I don't really understand those that feel the need to keep reiterating that GW is easy and to always insinuate other players don't know what they are doing because they have a hard time with GW. There is clearly something wrong with it given the volume of complaints not too mention the very nature of the complaints.

    GW matchmaking is flawed from the beginning since they choose arena squad power to base the difficulty of GW. The two game modes should be independent of one another. GW should be a combo of your total squad power divided by the number of characters you have. That way, they get their way by getting you to deepen your bench in order to make it easier but it doesn't make it insanely hard for those who are lower levels.
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    level 70 with arena power of 26500 ish. with 8 main toons maxed at L70 with purple gear. every night, i fight 10 teams of 7 stars level 70 full gear in GW, from 3rd node to last. takes about an hour.

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    klay wrote: »
    I don't really understand those that feel the need to keep reiterating that GW is easy and to always insinuate other players don't know what they are doing because they have a hard time with GW.

    You don't understand? are you ok with 1000 separate OP about how hard GW is?

    What I don't understand is that if it bothers you so much, why are you posting in said thread?

    Im not sure I read one comment in this particular thread where any one insinuated that GW was easy and other people are doing something wrong. I read people saying what works for them or complaints about the lack of Dev interaction. Maybe I missed some posts or maybe you are just to sensitive about it?

  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Apollodo wrote: »
    GW is doable until u hit lvl 60 then it is rough till u hit lvl 65. Just keep upgrading and u will do fine.

    Sorry, not true
    klay wrote: »
    I don't really understand those that feel the need to keep reiterating that GW is easy and to always insinuate other players don't know what they are doing because they have a hard time with GW. There is clearly something wrong with it given the volume of complaints not too mention the very nature of the complaints.

    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • klay
    76 posts Member
    Xylo_Phona wrote: »
    klay wrote: »
    I don't really understand those that feel the need to keep reiterating that GW is easy and to always insinuate other players don't know what they are doing because they have a hard time with GW.

    You don't understand? are you ok with 1000 separate OP about how hard GW is?

    What I don't understand is that if it bothers you so much, why are you posting in said thread?

    Im not sure I read one comment in this particular thread where any one insinuated that GW was easy and other people are doing something wrong. I read people saying what works for them or complaints about the lack of Dev interaction. Maybe I missed some posts or maybe you are just to sensitive about it?

    Did you even read this thread (or any of the 1000 others)? The first reply to this thread by jabberwocky states to learn how to play GW and build a bigger roster. That has nothing to do with what the OP stated and most certainly will NOT help those facing teams 10 levels higher than themselves. I'm actually sticking to the topic of this thread, unlike you and those who always assume people who can't beat GW just suck.

    Not sure why you would even ask me why I posted? The OP of this thread is essentially doing a public service announcement and I wanted to help refute the comments that there is nothing wrong with GW, when clearly there is. How about actually reading the whole thread before insuating I'm making stuff up?
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    klay wrote: »
    GW matchmaking is flawed from the beginning since they choose arena squad power to base the difficulty of GW. The two game modes should be independent of one another. GW should be a combo of your total squad power divided by the number of characters you have. That way, they get their way by getting you to deepen your bench in order to make it easier but it doesn't make it insanely hard for those who are lower levels.

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    Or, just build a bigger roster and learn how to beat GW. Barriss helps a lot I run a 3 healer GW squad with Lumi and Daka plus Sid and Phasma in the lead. Most days I don't even need a retreat and only occasionally need suicide squads.

    I'm still not buying the story on GW matching, I've been first numerous times in Arena with a squad over 27k and GW matching seems random. Some days it's max 7*/70 dps speed killer teams from 3-12 other days it's a relative cakewalk except for one really tough matchup somewhere between 9 and 11.

    Tanking your arena squad is silly, it's the only source of significant amounts of crystals needed to farm gear.

    I am not sure how to post a pic on this forum, however I am level 68 and I am constantly fighting teams with 5 7* toons gear 7-8 lvl 70 from the 5th node.
    I own jc and luminara (maxed out), qgj, did, gs, dooku and other useful character, but when you face those teams so early it is barely impossible to win.
    2 weeks before I was auto playing it without using even 1 dude (never lost a GW for maybe 1month).
    Problem with this is that when you start loosing in GW a few days in a row, your credits and shards drop suddenly (as it is their main source), therfore it is super difficult to add new toons.

    Before people always advice ftp player to focus on 5toons only (which I did), but with the recent change in GW matchmaking, I strongly suggest new players to build a team of 10toons equally powerfull
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    klay wrote: »
    Did you even read this thread (or any of the 1000 others)? The first reply to this thread by jabberwocky states to learn how to play GW and build a bigger roster. That has nothing to do with what the OP stated and most certainly will NOT help those facing teams 10 levels higher than themselves. I'm actually sticking to the topic of this thread, unlike you and those who always assume people who can't beat GW just suck.

    Not sure why you would even ask me why I posted? The OP of this thread is essentially doing a public service announcement and I wanted to help refute the comments that there is nothing wrong with GW, when clearly there is. How about actually reading the whole thread before insuating I'm making stuff up?

    maybe if you weren't so upset with the whole thing,...

    A) you'd not have bothered to respond to me, prof it bothers you and

    B) you'd maybe see my and jaber and others as people just trying to help

    C) you'd see I did post to the subject, maybe you missed where I agreed it's broken but I keep my ATeam team low so that I can beat GW?

    I rank in the 200-499 range in Arena. I'm not trying to push higher than that now. So I have a lower powered team and still make the top 500 everyday, against teams that out power me by a minimum of 1000, usually it's about 1500.

    And I also beat GW everyday, some days are harder than others and it's certainly broken.

    My current Arena Squad
    Lumi level 69 6* near max gear
    Sid level 69 4* Max gear
    Vader level 67 4* gear maxed
    GS level 63 4* near max gear
    Ewok Elder level 70 3* max gear

    My GW squad I replace EE and GS with
    Chew level 69 4* near max gear
    JC level 69 5* max gear

    I got shards to put Lumi to 7*, Sid to 5*, GD to 5*, Chew to 5*...I'm just sitting back waiting to do so when This GW/Arena thing is fixed.
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    I think people have credibility here.

    In the reddit thread, here is a powerful quote about why some are able to still beat GW:

    GW is a system that encourages players to widen their available roster. Many players still successfully clear their table on a daily basis due to a number of potential reasons:
    It's possible that the "bug" is simply not affecting some players.
    They have a solid squad of those recommended heroes that really do make GW significantly easier.
    They simply have an expansive enough roster that they can complete the table despite taking losses.
    GW gets easier as you approach level cap, simply because of the fact that you won't be facing teams of a significantly higher.
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    And also,

    "I think it's important to realize that there are at least two different scenarios where GW becomes impossible.
    1) Midgame - level 40-60's 3-5*s. RNG will occasionally throw out a few hard nodes. One can overcome this by having a deep bench of characters.
    2) Endgame - level 60+ 6-7*s. There are a lot of players getting 70 7* nodes throughout GW. No one except whales will have a deep enough bench to clear GW. This includes a lot of P2P players who are stuck in a credit crunch since they can't clear GW.
    Devs need to address #2, whereas they could say #1 need to have a deeper bench."
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    *bumping* to keep this on front page of forum results so duplicate GW posts may stop popping up...
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
    I wish gw had more teams to fight with
    Its a very short table
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    Nie chcę mi się już pisać po angielsku bo i tak żaden zjeb z ea tego nie przeczyta, ale chociaż tak wyładuje chwilowo swoją frustrację. Dobieranie przeciwników jest z dupy bo w niektórych przypadkach nie ma możliwości w jakikolwiek sposób wygrać walki z gościem nawet o kilkanaście levele większym. Także cioty z ea zróbcie coś z tym. Lubię wyzwania, ale to przypomina bardziej masochizm niestety bo jakiś debil sobie tak wymyślił system żeby wkurwiać ludzi.
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    meandro wrote: »
    Nie chcę mi się już pisać po angielsku bo i tak żaden zjeb z ea tego nie przeczyta, ale chociaż tak wyładuje chwilowo swoją frustrację. Dobieranie przeciwników jest z dupy bo w niektórych przypadkach nie ma możliwości w jakikolwiek sposób wygrać walki z gościem nawet o kilkanaście levele większym. Także cioty z ea zróbcie coś z tym. Lubię wyzwania, ale to przypomina bardziej masochizm niestety bo jakiś debil sobie tak wymyślił system żeby wkurwiać ludzi.

    Not entirely sure what that means but I think you're mentioning being frustrated and hurt by the bug, which I can understand.

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    Today i have 57 lvl and must fight with 70 lvl nice joke:(
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    meandro wrote: »
    Today i have 57 lvl and must fight with 70 lvl nice joke:(

    I'll throw out the response now - use retreat, fodder, strategy, get a better star character and gear, quit whining. That seems to be all what the company men forum posters sya anymore, crying that 'GW is eays, your characters just suck, throw more money in and overcome things since you cant get credits, characters or gear using GW!'

  • USAmazing
    1157 posts Member
    I'm convinced that GW difficulty has nothing to do with Arena power, my experience with playing this game is that it is based on the power of your last GW squad.

    I have no problems with GW and find it fun I see NO need to Nerf or change GW... I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
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    I don't think the last GW squad works. I've been trying that and I'm still running into squads 10+ levels above my best that absolutely annihilate me, usually on the second leg. I haven't hit the final leg in two weeks. Really struggling to even pull 400 tokens a day. I had to start over recently (phone hard reset, lost local game) and I think I'm finishing GW about as much as then just not consistently making it close.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    meandro wrote: »
    Nie chcę mi się już pisać po angielsku bo i tak żaden zjeb z ea tego nie przeczyta, ale chociaż tak wyładuje chwilowo swoją frustrację. Dobieranie przeciwników jest z dupy bo w niektórych przypadkach nie ma możliwości w jakikolwiek sposób wygrać walki z gościem nawet o kilkanaście levele większym. Także cioty z ea zróbcie coś z tym. Lubię wyzwania, ale to przypomina bardziej masochizm niestety bo jakiś debil sobie tak wymyślił system żeby wkurwiać ludzi.

    Lol.. Just keep trying until they work out the bugs
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    I run a full 7* L70 arena team and only face maybe 3-4 equivalent teams. I definitely don't want GW to change. I clear it every day and look forward to the guaranteed 12000 tokens per day.

    They should only change GW if they also bring in new characters, preferably another jedi such as kit fisto

    If you are getting 12,000 GW tokens per day then I think you have a bug that you shouldn't report.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I run a full 7* L70 arena team and only face maybe 3-4 equivalent teams. I definitely don't want GW to change. I clear it every day and look forward to the guaranteed 12000 tokens per day.

    They should only change GW if they also bring in new characters, preferably another jedi such as kit fisto

    If you are getting 12,000 GW tokens per day then I think you have a bug that you shouldn't report.

    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    So am I to understand that, currently as it stands, if the highest power team I've beaten is say 20K for example, there will be no difficulty increase if my own squad power stays the same but I defeat a squad with 23K power?
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    So am I to understand that, currently as it stands, if the highest power team I've beaten is say 20K for example, there will be no difficulty increase if my own squad power stays the same but I defeat a squad with 23K power?

    Hypothetically yes - if you use a sqyad power in arena of 20k, beating whoever(it doesnt matter the opponent power), you would expect a slightly stronger opponent in GW based on that. So if you used a record power squad EVER in Arena of 20k power, I'd expect the max power squad you would see in GW to be around 23-25k power - that's theory and even the theory is admittedly bugged bui thats how it SHOULD work.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    So am I to understand that, currently as it stands, if the highest power team I've beaten is say 20K for example, there will be no difficulty increase if my own squad power stays the same but I defeat a squad with 23K power?

    My theory says no, it will get harder. There r a few unknown factors, and the power of enemy u beat could be one
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    Ah interesno...bliat bliat bliat...

    now I can take the Popcorn and many Einsteins...but there are so many roomers about GW...

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    J0K3R wrote: »
    So am I to understand that, currently as it stands, if the highest power team I've beaten is say 20K for example, there will be no difficulty increase if my own squad power stays the same but I defeat a squad with 23K power?

    My theory says no, it will get harder. There r a few unknown factors, and the power of enemy u beat could be one

    That'sy theory as well, but I do notice that as I promote and gear up, I take on stronger opponents too. So it's a chicken-egg thing. I haven't run this exact experiment because the factors seems very volatile.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    Well let me explain

    10 Galacticwar 10 Wins

    Sid 5* Lumi 5* Phasma 5* Chemie 4* Rey 4*

    everyone purple gear / lumi not.

    Rank in Arena between 1000 and 900.

    Remember 10 GW 10 Wins
    Opponents level 47 till maximum 64 purple Gear 6* but no really heavy Teams.

    I was between level 61-65.

    After I * up Phasma and started to jump higher in Arena this night, GW started with a few 50/54/56 opponents after that.

    three fights to go every team was 7* 7* 6* 6* 7* level between 65-70

    Lost my suicide Squad my c team my b team my a team ( got 27 Chars ).

    so somebody explain me this or do you also test a 10 Serie ?

    Now think about this if you level up a fast 7* Charakter and his gear your power will raise and boom harder opponents.

    I think there is a level limit how much strength your team has...
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    So am I to understand that, currently as it stands, if the highest power team I've beaten is say 20K for example, there will be no difficulty increase if my own squad power stays the same but I defeat a squad with 23K power?

    My theory says no, it will get harder. There r a few unknown factors, and the power of enemy u beat could be one

    That'sy theory as well, but I do notice that as I promote and gear up, I take on stronger opponents too. So it's a chicken-egg thing. I haven't run this exact experiment because the factors seems very volatile.

    I used to think so too, but its hard to test
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    My main strategy now:
    I dont have enough toons for two squads, so i use 4 main characters (2 healers and two fast units)
    I alternate the 5th with between a 3rd healer, tank, or another fast unit.

    Basically if my dooku doesnt stun on first hit and things go south, i swap out the 5th character and that changes everything sometimes. Dooku starts stunning multiple units.. Things r easier, etc
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Make GW harder. Make it so I can't finish it without anyone surviving and even throw my 1 level ugnaught into the oblivion.

    Also, make award 10x what they are now.
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