Why is 'speed' being encouraged when it's clearly not working as originally intended?

11 posts Member
The elephant in the room (or game) right now is speed. It is not balanced, it is ruining the fun and it's driving people away... yet they continue to encourage it. Why?

I have enjoyed the game since December 2015 along with most of my guild but it's getting the point now where people are getting bored of worrying about character viability because of they can't match up on 'speed'

It's easy to go on here about balance I.E. Traya and also have a whinge about the G12+ stuff... but the root of the problem (as far as myself and many others are concerned) continues to be encouraged via speed and it's making no sense.

I get the whole concept of the game is turn based... but the whole point, much as it was at the start was utilising other characters with base speed from upgrades and that created a much more enjoyable experience. Now if you aren't going first, it's game over. Speed being the issue.


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    Mod set bonuses are gonna get reworked. Sit tight, for all we know crit damage will be the new meta
  • Kanjo
    11 posts Member
    Mod set bonuses are gonna get reworked. Sit tight, for all we know crit damage will be the new meta

    I get your point entirely.. and whilst I am not against hoping on this said change... the same problem will persist in my opinion. I really hope something gives soon. It's becoming more of a job right now :'(
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    Im sure Bruce Lee would approve
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    How much did the meta change after ships 2.0? I'm expecting the mod rework to fall short, or even do the opposite of their intentions. Speed will still be better than anything else because if you go first and kill the enemy, it doesn't really matter how much crit damage he had.
  • jkray622
    1636 posts Member
    Speed was already "changed" and "nerfed" years ago, back when Qui-Gon Jinn was the dominant meta leader.

    But getting to go first and more frequently will forever be dominant - the only way to change that is to take the ships' approach and have everyone be the same speed.
  • Kanjo
    11 posts Member
    jkray622 wrote: »
    Speed was already "changed" and "nerfed" years ago, back when Qui-Gon Jinn was the dominant meta leader.

    But getting to go first and more frequently will forever be dominant - the only way to change that is to take the ships' approach and have everyone be the same speed.

    That is how it was originally.... in fact back in the day the leader was the often deciding factor, not who went first. The game has lost it's way on this point.
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    Kanjo wrote: »
    jkray622 wrote: »
    Speed was already "changed" and "nerfed" years ago, back when Qui-Gon Jinn was the dominant meta leader.

    But getting to go first and more frequently will forever be dominant - the only way to change that is to take the ships' approach and have everyone be the same speed.

    That is how it was originally.... in fact back in the day the leader was the often deciding factor, not who went first. The game has lost it's way on this point.

    Right, . . Cuz the Poe meta era was oh so much fun lol. Y’all are hilarious, speed is not the end all be all, for light easy playing, sure , for mirror matches, sure, but there is always a way via squad comp to handle another squad, and you do not need to be the fastest around.
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    evoluza wrote: »
    More sets. Say this all the time.
    Tenacity gets a first turn immunity on the set.
    We get a new 'take a second turn chance' set.
    Cooldown decreasing chance set.
    Quatruble the amount on the offense set.
    Don't know with defense.
    And then getting 6 dot mods
    They teased a retribution mod set but it never made it to the final cut. Counter chance mod set would be pretty cool imo
  • XiXiS
    48 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    They teased a retribution mod set but it never made it to the final cut. Counter chance mod set would be pretty cool imo

    Where did that happen? :open_mouth:

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    XiXiS wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    They teased a retribution mod set but it never made it to the final cut. Counter chance mod set would be pretty cool imo

    Where did that happen? :open_mouth:

    It was just an image that was used that showed a bunch of mods and had a retribution symbol on it. Nothing was ever said about it as far as I know. It shows they at least thought about the idea.
  • Zevox
    172 posts Member
    There's not likely much of anything that they can do about it, honestly. It's fundamental the game's base mechanics - speed determines turn order and turn frequency, which are always going to be extremely important factors in a turn-based game. They'd need to rebuild things from the ground up to change that.

    The most they could do short of that is either take away the ability of mods to affect speed at all, in which case base speed becomes extremely important and characters that lack in that area would need very potent kits to make up for it or else they'd end up useless, and you'd have a lot more matches coming down to literal coin-flips as to who goes first if both teams run the same character with the highest speed. Or they could make it much easier for everyone to get max-speed mods, but they won't do that because that would reduce or eliminate their ability to make money off mods.

    So basically, we're likely stuck with speed being as important as it is forever.
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    You could always add a new stat, “Max Speed”, not let characters speed get beyond a certain point. That’s not going to be very popular though,

    Most likely though is 7 dot mods, stealth nerf to all the current mods you have, basically creates a “start over situation” for everyone. When +30 speed mods are the new possible max, +19 +20 aren’t as impressive.
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    evoluza wrote: »

    Luckily there are more turn based games out in the wild and in no game speed is destroying everything as in SWGoH.
    If they really don't find a way to reduce the viability of speed, they never should make a game.

    That’s not true. Speed is the most important stat in a lot of turn based games like swgoh, including the most successful one ever Summoners War. You could find the same complaints on the forum there and the same thoughts, although no one has ever been able to explain exactly what they want.

    What do people want exactly ? Delete speed from the game and every single taken turn is a gamble ? Because short of doing that, or taking out all positives/negatives effects, speed will always be the most important stat by far.
    Even in pokemon attackers would always be chosen for their speed. That’s been around for as long as turn based game have existed.
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    Speed secondaries should never have existed. A speed arrow, sure. Everyone can get a speed arrow. Not everyone can get +20-25 speed secondaries unless they're extremely lucky. It's an aspect of the game over which we have no control. You can't buy them, you can't make them happen.

    Speed secondaries pretty much killed all other mods. It's more important than any other stat. A bad decision in development voided out their other work.

    Sadly there's no way to turn back time and fix it. It's just something we have to accept and hope to get lucky one day, or leave the game.
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    Everybody runs same exact teams! Getting boring..
  • Pulsehammer
    158 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    I agree.

    In my early playing days, I mistakenly assumed that maxxing out a set of six 5-dot tenacity mods would make debuffs roll off my team like water on a duck. Similarly, I guessed that investing in a six-pack of potency mods would reap a sea of red on my opponents.

    I quickly learned neither were true and have always wondered why the game would not reward someone for putting that level of commitment in a player trait.

    A nightmare squad with vader will roast my rebel Rogue One team without batting an eye, for example, since Vader will always go first. My only chance of winning is my empire squad with heavy speed mods and a double-zeta Tarkin lead. And my batting average there is probably still a bit short of .500. This has led me to have minimal interest in PvP and place my focus on fleet.

    I really hope the upcoming mod rework adds value for the other mod variants. Right now, they're all the ugly red-headed stepchildren while speed dominates.
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    I think it would be cool if the two mod sets got a bonus for having two pairs assigned. Like if you have 4 defense mods, you don’t just get the normal bonus, on top of that, you get a +15% counter chance, upgraded to 30% if all your mods are defense mods.
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    Speed doesn't ruin my fun.

    Just another aspect of the game to work with and around.
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    Speed isn't really the problem. The problem is that going first is such a huge advantage. You can't get around that problem tweaking the speed itself. Even if it's less numbers, even if it's same numbers (ie totally random turn order), the one going first would have the same huge advantage.

    To resolve the problem, the disabling abilities and huge no-setup damage burst abilities need to be looked at. Some might be solvable by fixing the really bad potency/tenacity system to something that works better, so you can mod your team for tenacity to not get stunned/blocked/whatnot first round if you can't beat the other on speed. Which would force the other one to focus a bit more on potency to defeat you, leading to not using as much speed. Add some kind of setup on the huge damage dealers so they can't KO someone properly prepared the first turn.

    Also, with a healthy resist system, the irresistable keyword can be removed, which I am certain would be very good for the game in may aspects.
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    It always seemed pretty simple to me. Characters should have strengths and weaknesses. You may be fast so you get to attack a lot, but as a trade off, you don't hit as hard. Maybe you hit like a truck, but can't take a hit worth a ****. Maybe you're slow, so you don't get to attack often, but when you do its a hell of a hit. Pros and cons to every character. There are a few characters built like that, but all the best ones are just good at everything, and it comes down to who has better mods to put you ahead of your opponent. At least that's the way it feels to me.
  • Dryff
    672 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Smygelfh wrote: »
    Speed isn't really the problem. The problem is that going first is such a huge advantage. You can't get around that problem tweaking the speed itself. Even if it's less numbers, even if it's same numbers (ie totally random turn order), the one going first would have the same huge advantage.

    To resolve the problem, the disabling abilities and huge no-setup damage burst abilities need to be looked at. Some might be solvable by fixing the really bad potency/tenacity system to something that works better, so you can mod your team for tenacity to not get stunned/blocked/whatnot first round if you can't beat the other on speed. Which would force the other one to focus a bit more on potency to defeat you, leading to not using as much speed. Add some kind of setup on the huge damage dealers so they can't KO someone properly prepared the first turn.

    Also, with a healthy resist system, the irresistable keyword can be removed, which I am certain would be very good for the game in may aspects.

    This is the best post on the subject yet.

    I remember when the Sith meta was first starting, I had like 99% tenacity on my Sith Trooper thinking that he'd be a debuff resisting MACHINE...yeah, um, NO.
  • locodiel
    92 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    They said explicitly: Speed Set will not be changing (here).

    And the "issue" is not raw speed alone but TM mechanics. Bastila gives 15% at the beginning of the battle making a fast GMY operate with 400+ speed at the beginning of a battle. ZEP gives 5% TM per expired or cleansed debuff. Rex gives 7,5% TM per critical hit. Several TM mechanics counter each other and this is why we see so many battles being won/lost after 2 turns.

    Even the G12+ items dont make a difference because +12 raw speed is nothing compared to +50 or +75 or +150 TM that is granted event-based. I think they will keep the speed/TM thing going and make other sets more useable. Maybe they come up with something new: new stat types or new sets. On the other hand battles need to be controlable and predictable to a certain degree. So I dont expect them to add many new features to mods that would make us spend even more time to study (!) every toon we encounter.
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    Yes, Strong TM manipulation available at start on a fast character as also a kind of disabling/KO factor, as it allows your entire team to move first if you get your manipulator to move first. But again, if moving first wasn't such a huge advantage, having your entire team move first wouldn't be that big a problem either.

    Worst problem here is the TM lock. Due to strong TM manipulation, there are scenarios where you don't get another turn (at least no in recoverable shape) if the opponent is allowed to even begin his manipulation. This is also a huge problem with scaling raids. Give the boss +100% damage and +100% hit points won't make it harder if there are no turns for the boss to begin with.

    There is a good reason many games implement diminishing returns on buffs and debuffs. Sith raid tenacity appears to be a really horrible attempt to implement something like that.
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    Id simply cut the speed value on mods to 1/5.
    So if you had a speed secondary of 20, it will now give 4.
    +4 is still usrful for mirror matches, but maybe other stats are actually more important than that. I would probably choose 6% crit chance over the nerfed +2 speed mods that I would have.
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