Bastila question ...

Why does this game allow 3* and 4* characters be viable in arena. Why is it i have a full g12 zeta team that loses to 3* and none g12 teams just because of the broken mechanics that these developers overlook. Why aren't players with lower star and gear toons at more of a handicap going up against g12 zeta teams?


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    For the same reason a 3 star g11 Rex lead could beat your fully zetad g12 squad. It's the other 4 members that carry it they are just their for the lead. I think you overlooked the other 4 members who probably were also g12 and fully zetad. If you lost to a full squad of 4 star g11s then you did something wrong
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    Rock, paper scissors.
    This topic was huge when every team in the top 100 was cls and NS came along.

    It can be frustrating but keep in mind that over time you can have multiple teams that compete in arena at any given time.

    Personally I switched from EP to NS and am having fun in Arena again rather than fight agaisnt the same team all the time. NS kill jedi, mix it up.
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    I understand how you could be frustrated by that, but than the heavens that we don't have the EXACT same teams filling the top 50 spots of the arena like we have seen in the past.
  • scuba
    14165 posts Member
    3* has been viable since release of DN and SA. This is nothing new or changed. Seems many where happy when DN and SA where arena viable at 3*.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Exodiiuz wrote: »
    Why does this game allow 3* and 4* characters be viable in arena. Why is it i have a full g12 zeta team that loses to 3* and none g12 teams just because of the broken mechanics that these developers overlook. Why aren't players with lower star and gear toons at more of a handicap going up against g12 zeta teams?

    Need more info to say why... but sounds like you either played wrong or dont understand how bastila works.

    Her zeta leadership is brutal to palp lead teams. Its not unbeatable but my bet is the other tean wasnt so under powered... and had grand master yoda and possibly hermit yoda

    You must get rid of grand master yoda or you are done. Bastila is there to grant the protection and speed. She also grants the powerups... but GMY is the key.

    Whats was on the other team?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    scuba wrote: »
    3* has been viable since release of DN and SA. This is nothing new or changed. Seems many where happy when DN and SA where arena viable at 3*.


    but my guess is the losing part, as to why people are starting to not like this.

    everyone has a right to be viable in arena, this is how F2P who make good choices and/or have invested time into this game can keep up and be competitive.
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    2 words:

    Overpowered synergy
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    You know what else is good for Jedi? Vader lead with Sid. Lots of DOT. Or “just get gudder”
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    It's the power creep in action. Once a team becomes meta a toon has to be created to counter it. That toon/team then becomes meta and the cycle of life continues.
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    Range1974 wrote: »
    You know what else is good for Jedi? Vader lead with Sid. Lots of DOT. Or “just get gudder”

    To quote Hermit Luke: "This is not going to go the way you think."

    Try and land dots on a zBastila team...
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member

    Have to agree with you on this one OP. While it's great to see jedi out here doing there thing, I hate to see how they are doing it. I've seen guys in my shard that are both F2P and P2NW that spent a lot of time getting their team up to par just to be beaten by this. Full g12, fully zeta'd teams stand no chance against it either. It's a blatant smack in the face that most people needed myself included. It's also the very reason I stopped giving them money. It's the way the game is designed, it's the reason the AI is horrendous. They want you to drop and lose on defense because they know competitive people will spend more money to stay on top.

    I wasted so much time theory crafting my teams and mods. First it was the cheaters, and now it's this. All they are doing is shooting themselves in the foot at this point. Why spend money or the time to improve teams when the AI just blows all your hard work right out the window. Oh well, lesson learned I guess.

    You are clearly in a young shard based on the teams at the top. Fully zeta'd g12 sith would have no trouble winning against those teams. Source: I am not in a young shard, and the top goes "Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya,..."

    Bastila is a great thing for the game. Already bad enough that they made JTR such a royal pain to get, then cut her off by reworking palp a couple months layer, then stacked Traya on top of that. No sympathy for the sith if this really is the beginning of the end of a very long meta run. Your pay to win friends can pay for some Jedi. They'll be ok.
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    Swordd wrote: »

    Have to agree with you on this one OP. While it's great to see jedi out here doing there thing, I hate to see how they are doing it. I've seen guys in my shard that are both F2P and P2NW that spent a lot of time getting their team up to par just to be beaten by this. Full g12, fully zeta'd teams stand no chance against it either. It's a blatant smack in the face that most people needed myself included. It's also the very reason I stopped giving them money. It's the way the game is designed, it's the reason the AI is horrendous. They want you to drop and lose on defense because they know competitive people will spend more money to stay on top.

    I wasted so much time theory crafting my teams and mods. First it was the cheaters, and now it's this. All they are doing is shooting themselves in the foot at this point. Why spend money or the time to improve teams when the AI just blows all your hard work right out the window. Oh well, lesson learned I guess.

    You are clearly in a young shard based on the teams at the top. Fully zeta'd g12 sith would have no trouble winning against those teams. Source: I am not in a young shard, and the top goes "Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya,..."

    Bastila is a great thing for the game. Already bad enough that they made JTR such a royal pain to get, then cut her off by reworking palp a couple months layer, then stacked Traya on top of that. No sympathy for the sith if this really is the beginning of the end of a very long meta run. Your pay to win friends can pay for some Jedi. They'll be ok.

    I never said anything about having problems beating Bastila teams. The problem is getting beat by teams that should not be beating us at the level they are, period.

    And it's not pay to win (obviously), it's pay to not wait. HUGE difference..... to not wait. That is ridiculous. The entire game is based on the time-intensive process of accumulating powerful characters, leveling and gearing them, modding them, etc. Paying to skip ahead is paying to win. I would love to hear you describe the HUGE difference. "I am not paying to win, I am just paying to access a character that no one who plays for free can counter effectively....way different.... because in 6-12 months they can get this character to 7* also, disregarding the fact that I will already be on to the next OP toon by then"

    I have done the same thing. Poured money in to get JTR so I could dominate arena for a few months. Worked like a charm. It was pay to win. Just embrace it.

    As for teams beating you who "shouldn't"....this is the nature of this type of battle system. Characters have strengths and weaknesses, and the AI is an additional weakness and always has been. Mirror matches are usually won due to exploiting the AI. When you throw a hard counter team against the AI, it is often easy to beat teams that are better geared or have more Zetas. This isn't new, nor is it in any way unique to swgoh or even uncommon in gaming in general. I do not understand the fuss.
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    Swordd wrote: »

    Have to agree with you on this one OP. While it's great to see jedi out here doing there thing, I hate to see how they are doing it. I've seen guys in my shard that are both F2P and P2NW that spent a lot of time getting their team up to par just to be beaten by this. Full g12, fully zeta'd teams stand no chance against it either. It's a blatant smack in the face that most people needed myself included. It's also the very reason I stopped giving them money. It's the way the game is designed, it's the reason the AI is horrendous. They want you to drop and lose on defense because they know competitive people will spend more money to stay on top.

    I wasted so much time theory crafting my teams and mods. First it was the cheaters, and now it's this. All they are doing is shooting themselves in the foot at this point. Why spend money or the time to improve teams when the AI just blows all your hard work right out the window. Oh well, lesson learned I guess.

    You are clearly in a young shard based on the teams at the top. Fully zeta'd g12 sith would have no trouble winning against those teams. Source: I am not in a young shard, and the top goes "Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya, Traya,..."

    Bastila is a great thing for the game. Already bad enough that they made JTR such a royal pain to get, then cut her off by reworking palp a couple months layer, then stacked Traya on top of that. No sympathy for the sith if this really is the beginning of the end of a very long meta run. Your pay to win friends can pay for some Jedi. They'll be ok.

    I never said anything about having problems beating Bastila teams. The problem is getting beat by teams that should not be beating us at the level they are, period.

    And it's not pay to win (obviously), it's pay to not wait. HUGE difference.....

    The pay 2 not win there is happening because you can't buy Hermit Yoda and he makes a huge difference in that team ;)
    Again, team composition is very important, not purely gear and zetas.
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    Sometimes it is good for a change. Understand the irritation as I run an EP line up w/o Traya. What I suggest is work with what u have ...

    If Traya is not an option look for something else.

    As for me ... I just kick JTR butts and take their spot, while they kick Bastila butt and take their place. And bastilla teams kick my butt and take my place. Sooo in a sense it is far.

    Try kicking traya’s butt if u dare ... it didn’t go well with my team
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    so many tears itt. I guess op wants whales to always win, not just usually?
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    I doubt whales are winning ... I’m a whale but decided to be FTP ... meta shifts too drastic and can’t keep up with synergy.

    Heck just image revan coming out and u need all 5 old republic toons to unlock ... I’m not willing to spend that amount of money ...

    JTR was already a cash grab for the vets that you don’t use ..
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Swordd wrote: »
    Range1974 wrote: »
    You know what else is good for Jedi? Vader lead with Sid. Lots of DOT. Or “just get gudder”

    To quote Hermit Luke: "This is not going to go the way you think."

    Try and land dots on a zBastila team...

    I do very easily right off the bat. Vader goes first thanks to all them jedi, and Zmaul lead.

    Against 150 pct tenacity + whatever tenacity the Jedi already had?

    I am glad I don't face your Vader in TW! Especially with either the maul or Vader leads you bonus I would love to know how you are getting through all that tenacity. Even with triple potency sets plus potency cross it is hard to push him much above 90%.

    Edit: NM, wasn't following you.
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    Looooki wrote: »
    I doubt whales are winning ... I’m a whale but decided to be FTP ... meta shifts too drastic and can’t keep up with synergy.

    Heck just image revan coming out and u need all 5 old republic toons to unlock ... I’m not willing to spend that amount of money ...

    JTR was already a cash grab for the vets that you don’t use ..

    CLS, JTR, Sith. Three meta teams for over a year, with JTR getting the shortest run. The shifts aren't that often, and the whales are doing just fine. If buying a few characters to get into the next meta a few times a year **** you off, you were never a whale (which isn't a bad thing, just a fact)
  • Options
    Swordd wrote: »
    Range1974 wrote: »
    You know what else is good for Jedi? Vader lead with Sid. Lots of DOT. Or “just get gudder”

    To quote Hermit Luke: "This is not going to go the way you think."

    Try and land dots on a zBastila team...

    I do very easily right off the bat. Vader goes first thanks to all them jedi, and Zmaul lead. Hits the taunting Old Ben giving him ability block (sit down old man) Then comes SA pops stealth and team gets TM back (Bastila still waiting, it will be a while before they go). Darth Nihulus hits him with increase cooldown followed by Sith Marauder popping Potency up (Bastila team still standing there twiddling them hands waiting for their turn. Still gonna be a while) Sion then pops AOE dealing pain (thanks to Potency up, they are still twiddling them hands) followed by maul hitting them with daze and double damage. By this time, most of their protection is just about gone and GMY gets his turn. Focus fire on Ezra and laugh as he goes down. But I like to save Bastila for last, no better feeling in the world than ending her with annihilate. Walk away the winner.

    Now if only my AI could learn from me............

    Theory crafting knowledge ;)

    No wonder you'd win if you have six on your team vs five (Vader, Maul, SA, Nihilus, Marauder, Sion).
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    Swordd wrote: »
    Swordd wrote: »
    Range1974 wrote: »
    You know what else is good for Jedi? Vader lead with Sid. Lots of DOT. Or “just get gudder”

    To quote Hermit Luke: "This is not going to go the way you think."

    Try and land dots on a zBastila team...

    I do very easily right off the bat. Vader goes first thanks to all them jedi, and Zmaul lead.

    Against 150 pct tenacity + whatever tenacity the Jedi already had?

    I am glad I don't face your Vader in TW! Especially with either the maul or Vader leads you bonus I would love to know how you are getting through all that tenacity. Even with triple potency sets plus potency cross it is hard to push him much above 90%.

    Sith Marauder gives Potency up ;)

    It was my bad....when you said Vader went right off the bat I thought you meant you were giving dots right off the bat.

    Yes, agreed if you chew the protection off then dots work great....but if you got to that point I don't think the dots mattered, you were already going to win. Until you set up on defense and the AI screws it up, of course, but that's always been true.
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    Swordd wrote: »
    Range1974 wrote: »
    You know what else is good for Jedi? Vader lead with Sid. Lots of DOT. Or “just get gudder”

    To quote Hermit Luke: "This is not going to go the way you think."

    Try and land dots on a zBastila team...

    I do very easily right off the bat. Vader goes first thanks to all them jedi, and Zmaul lead. Hits the taunting Old Ben giving him ability block (sit down old man) Then comes SA pops stealth and team gets TM back (Bastila still waiting, it will be a while before they go). Darth Nihulus hits him with increase cooldown followed by Sith Marauder popping Potency up (Bastila team still standing there twiddling them hands waiting for their turn. Still gonna be a while) Sion then pops AOE dealing pain (thanks to Potency up, they are still twiddling them hands) followed by maul hitting them with daze and double damage. By this time, most of their protection is just about gone and GMY gets his turn. Focus fire on Ezra and laugh as he goes down. But I like to save Bastila for last, no better feeling in the world than ending her with annihilate. Walk away the winner.

    Now if only my AI could learn from me............

    Theory crafting knowledge ;)

    No wonder you'd win if you have six on your team vs five (Vader, Maul, SA, Nihilus, Marauder, Sion).

    It's very advanced theory crafting, you wouldn't understand.
  • Swordd
    161 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Gifafi wrote: »
    so many tears itt. I guess op wants whales to always win, not just usually?

    No, OP would like gear levels to actually mean something. No tears needed.

    Perfect example

    We both buy 2018 **** Camaros. You decide you want to make it faster but can't really afford it, so you put an intake in it.

    I like what you did and I take it a few steps further and put an intake on, a super charger, NOS, dual clutch, and go overboard with extras.

    We both go to the strip and race. Your car with intake kicks the crap out of mine by 6 seconds. Fair? Of course not!

    Weird analogy but I think you get the picture.... welcome to SWGOH

    Edited for language. - EA_Cian

    Except the real analogy is you bought the fancy car, then got frustrated when it can't win a race through 6 feet of water against a rusty old boat. Your g12 team is still powerful, it just doesn't win in every situation.
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Except the fancy car he bought was from 4 generations ago. Or at least Zaul lead was about 4 metas ago or so.
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