Phasma leads in this speed meta

165 posts Member
Does it not work anymore?

Something like,
Phasma lead
ST han

Would they get destroyed? IS QGJ THE ONLY WAY?


  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    I'm not too crazy about Phasma lead, and no QGJ is not the only solution , but your team does need abit of adjusting I would definetly change fives on your team , doesn't really fit with that team
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    But everyone is really tanky I thought he'd be okay, plus All that turn meter manipulations
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    I got that lol from your team, but there should be balance, should have at least one heavy hitter on your team Rey/GS/FOTP etc... It would really change your game, try it in cantina battles or challenges just to test out let me know how it goes

  • Options
    I'm still successful with phasma, always top 5 sometimes 1st in my early December server.

    Phasma L

    The team works because of the early damage to go 5v4, then Poe reduces turn meter, phasma adds turn meter and all the toons go again.
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    @Shooting4life yes but your team has 2 heavy hitters, and @Higher doesn't have any.
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    With poggles buff don't they hit pretty heavy? Since he goes first they all hit with his buff
  • Options
    Phasma and Kylo are pretty poor in the current meta.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes they hit heavier, but for ex. Fives basic damage is 1871 and GS is 3020 (at max gear,max *) with offense up
    Fives is about 2900 and GS is about 4500 that's a big difference, again this is my opinion , but you can always test it out in cantina battles/challenges
  • Options
    Hardest team for me to beat on my board is
    Just a monster under ai control

    I don't think Phasma is over, just partly delayed at the moment.
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Phasma and Kylo are pretty poor in the current meta.

    I use all speed heroes and manage to stay top 10 in arena but is that all there is? Just stack ur team with the fastest?
  • Options
    Higher wrote: »
    Phasma and Kylo are pretty poor in the current meta.

    I use all speed heroes and manage to stay top 10 in arena but is that all there is? Just stack ur team with the fastest?

    Arena works like this.
    Each team is a table.
    Break off one of the legs and it WILL topple if you apply enough pressure.

    A table with all of it's legs functions far superior to a table with a missing leg.

    Essentially, turn 1 and 2 are the most important turns in Arena. If QGJ/GS/Rey are able to score a turn 1 kill the match is usually, essentially, over.

    The counter to this is a well placed stun by Dooku (Daka could be aided by Phasma lead), but generally Dooku is enough to stun a QGJ (70% success rate not that **** 90% amount).

    Speed is king baby, but only because the fastest toons bring the most damage/utility. *cough harmonious blow cough* *cough Reys Evasion cough*
    GS is at least a one trick pony.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    It's hard to beat a speed team, because speed team is not just fast but it does huge damage also. QGJ +1, GS + 1, Rey, they all go before your entire team, so it's going to be very hard for you to win.
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    Hardest team for me to beat on my board is
    Just a monster under ai control

    I don't think Phasma is over, just partly delayed at the moment.

    that team is even more deadly with QGJ lead.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    It's so darn hard to win that guys do it all day with Phasma as lead and take #1

    To the OP. Replace fives with GS. You'll be alright. Don't listen to those who regurgitate others speculations. Listen to those who hit #1 everyday Instead. You'll be more successful.
  • Options
    VIII wrote: »
    I'm not too crazy about Phasma lead, and no QGJ is not the only solution , but your team does need abit of adjusting I would definetly change fives on your team , doesn't really fit with that team

    Hey can you give me advise on my team :#
    Like if I should switch anyone out or who goes well together?
  • Options
    Phasma is still the most consistent turn two winning toon for f2p and is the most effective per slot (Poe + OB takes two slots). She has viability, IMO I would not focus on her assist as much, but rather capitalizing on victory march.
    She is perfectly viable, just don't expect the same rng defense that a pure speed damage team has. Also, consider trying for a Dooku in any non-speed team as a soft counter to QGJ to blunt a speed teams alpha strike.
  • Options
    I use QGJ, but not as a lead. OMG Blasphemy I know, but hey it keeps me top 5 and able to win #1 quite often. Very active up there on mine so often luck of the lock and if others are dropping crystals beyond what it is worth.
  • Options
    Phasma lead works for me. Been rank 1 in weeks. If i fail to snipe i get down 2 or 3 but not lower.
    I prefer him w/ QGJ as non leader because I want QGJ to dispel that 1st taunt by royal guard.
    Allowing me to 1 shot 1-2 or his DPS.
    The hardest team to face right now IMO is QGJ lead RG Rey FOTP and GS.
    My win rate against this team is around 8/10.
    So my team of Phasma Dooku QGJ GS FOTP counters this easy.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Higher wrote: »
    Does it not work anymore?

    Something like,
    Phasma lead
    ST han

    Would they get destroyed? IS QGJ THE ONLY WAY?

    Phasma lead works, I see them in my top at some ours. Probably that team is too slow, though.
    I have a team in my server with Phasma, GS, Rey, Kylo and Daka. It is annoying to attack them because if you don't kill Rey you are doomed, she can kill one of yours, put foresight, and hide behind Kylo's retaliation so you can't take foresight our with an AOE. If you kill Rey first, she has a chance to self-revive with Daka's passive and another chance with Daka's heal. And while you target Daka, GS is going to be decimating you. It is beatable, but competent enough in my server.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    On my server I do not believe any of the top 10 to 20 or so ever or very rarely win on defense. I used to lose occasionally but as I leveled up my gear up to the uncapped slots and ability mats as well as knowing which toons to focus down (from hitting the same teams I may have lost to previously) I do not even though I am always the least power. I still only have a 6 star Phasma lead. Most are using QGJ, few other Phasma, 2 Poggle, and an HK droid team as well as our original whale still running Sid as lead and was #1 for a very long time I imagine he is quite bored as he has fallen out of top ten recently.

    Most have 2 or more fast toons in for speed that combine to do a good amount of damage and another in for turn malipilation and finally something to stun, ability block or buff. It all works very well on offense but, and thankfully, we are just much smarter then the AI controlling defense. For example, why would the AI with a Jedi low on health attack Dooku not so low on health?
  • Options
    Before i used to fear phasma and i would avoid all teams with phasma. Now i think he is not that good
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    bbmiLo wrote: »
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    Hardest team for me to beat on my board is
    Just a monster under ai control

    I don't think Phasma is over, just partly delayed at the moment.

    that team is even more deadly with QGJ lead.
    You do know that QGJ's lead, only works on Jedi's
    Put QGJ in that team as lead, and I beat it with my GW Barriss team
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Options
    I do very well with phasma as leader. I'm currently ranked 14 on my server. I'm not lvl 70 (63) and probably the lowest level in my top 20. So I'm think I'm doing just fine. With phasma's leader ability I'm able to get daka to stun more. The only teams that consistently win against me are the Droid teams. Here's my team.
    Phasma (lead)6* max gear for lvl 63
    Kylo 6* max gear
    Daka 5* max gear
    Sid 7* max gear
    Lumi 6* max gear

    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    Your team is good , I would just put QGJ as your leader for your team, but their are so many combinations that you can make, it depends on your character list
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Basically if you want to win top arena the team you use is

    Qgj lead
    And GS

    Or small variations of that
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    Phasma lead works for me. Been rank 1 in weeks. If i fail to snipe i get down 2 or 3 but not lower.
    I prefer him w/ QGJ as non leader because I want QGJ to dispel that 1st taunt by royal guard.
    Allowing me to 1 shot 1-2 or his DPS.
    The hardest team to face right now IMO is QGJ lead RG Rey FOTP and GS.
    My win rate against this team is around 8/10.
    So my team of Phasma Dooku QGJ GS FOTP counters this easy.

    have you ever successfully de-taunt RG with humbling blow?? i failed about 20 times continuously.
  • Options
    VIII wrote: »
    Your team is good , I would just put QGJ as your leader for your team, but their are so many combinations that you can make, it depends on your character list

    But if I put qgj as lead. My kylo won't benefit much. And phasma won't be much help either. I don't see why people use phasma not leading
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Nickis852 wrote: »
    VIII wrote: »
    Your team is good , I would just put QGJ as your leader for your team, but their are so many combinations that you can make, it depends on your character list

    But if I put qgj as lead. My kylo won't benefit much. And phasma won't be much help either. I don't see why people use phasma not leading

    Currently I'm using phasma not lead,
    Team looks like this

    Qgj lead 7*
    Lumi 7*
    Yoda 5*
    Dooku 6*
    Phasma 7*

    Because basically I have limited options, between Kylo, poggle, JC, mace, fives phasma does the best at least I can turn meter buff everyone once they take their turn

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