Why I stopped slicing mods to 6*

The title should be "Why i stopped slicing my BEST mods to 6*"...

When mods 2.0 came out me and a few guild members had this discussion about this restriction and how it affects the game going forward, at that point i decided i would be very selective about which mods i upgrade and which i leave at 5A. I would not be upgrading any mods that have high speed can can be used to make lower geared characters viable. (sadly i had already sliced my first one by that point rip 23 spd)

But it comes down to the g12 restriction on 6* mods. It means you can never put them back on undergeared characters. However this is where your best mods can give the biggest benefit especially for special events like Legendaries where you may be required to use characters who are not g12 but suddenly find that your best mods are not usable on them.

This Chewbacca event I think has likely highlighted the issue for some users. I'd like to know how many people are struggling with g11/g10 BH and just wish they could put that 6* mod with 20 speed on them.

I think CG should reconsider this restriction and consider allow g10 or at least g11 characters to also apply them, to make upgrading less of a risk to players without big g12 rosters.


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    The first time this restriction became apparent to me was when I tried to switch my arena mods on to BH for chewie, just as you say. In game, as opposed to on here, I'm not sure it ever said this was the case.
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    Fortunately, I've only upgraded a single set of mods - Thrawn's - to tier 6, so I was able to put them on my only GL12 BH - Boba for this event. Otherwise I'd be in trouble.

    But yes, I do not like this restriction at all. Good mods are too hard to find as it is. There is no reason to restrict them further.
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    For now I've prioritized slicing good speed secondary mods to Gold because speed is the most important for arena. I've only sliced to 6* mods that had exceptionnal offense secondaries on offense primaries or crit damage, the speed gain is not worth it in my eyes
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I had a great run of luck on a green Defence Set diamond for KRU. Was +8 speed when at Level 15 then hit speed each time up to Gold. Now +21. Sadly most other slices haven't hit speed. Not looking forward to slicing up to 6 as like OP said, for raids or events I'd like to move them around to other toons without having to do massive gear investments. His full set might be the only ones I risk slicing to 6 as not many benefit from a full 6x defence.
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    This is a solid warning for folks who may not realize it. I think most of us only have the resources to get a few mods to 6 anyway - especially right now with all the panic farming/releases of farm-able characters in past weeks.

    I think some of this depends on your arena situation. If you are top 50-20 you need to slice them up to stay competitive. The speed differential matters when swimming with the whales. I do agree holding some back or being selective - like I too am working thrawn in first to get ship speed and other pilots - is a good way to begin.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    The first time this restriction became apparent to me was when I tried to switch my arena mods on to BH for chewie, just as you say. In game, as opposed to on here, I'm not sure it ever said this was the case.



    This came up when it was first introduced and it was discussed....
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    TL;DR on announcements 90% of the time @Kyno
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    Kyno wrote: »
    The first time this restriction became apparent to me was when I tried to switch my arena mods on to BH for chewie, just as you say. In game, as opposed to on here, I'm not sure it ever said this was the case.



    This came up when it was first introduced and it was discussed....

    I guess you're not big on reading posts that you reply to. It wasn't announced in the game. May have been announced on here, which I joined last week. Last I checked forum membership isn't a precursor to playing.
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    Slicing the Arrow shaped speed primary gives +2 and is therefore more worth wild and I tend to already have speed arrows on all my attackers so I really only need to move the other 5 mods. So going forward I'll be doing all the arrows on my G12 characters. The only times this strategy is not ideal is when you have an arena character that feeds the rest of the team TM like Darth Vader, Sith Assassin or BB8, going all in on that 1 character is worth wild for your arena team.
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    It is clearly stated in the newsletter and message that pops up in your inbox when updates go live. Paraphrasing, but along the lines of "Mod Update Notice - for all details head over to [insert link]"

    And you don't need forum membership to simply read the Developer Announcements. They told you there were numerous details. You knew it was a big update.

    That's like crashing your car then arguing with your insurance company that they didn't explicitly tell you every little detail of the notes and fine print contained in your accepted insurance agreement.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited September 2018
    Kyno wrote: »
    The first time this restriction became apparent to me was when I tried to switch my arena mods on to BH for chewie, just as you say. In game, as opposed to on here, I'm not sure it ever said this was the case.



    This came up when it was first introduced and it was discussed....

    I guess you're not big on reading posts that you reply to. It wasn't announced in the game. May have been announced on here, which I joined last week. Last I checked forum membership isn't a precursor to playing.

    As stated by the post above, every in game message about an update contains a "go to the forums for more details". You dont need to be a member to get those details, its an open forum to read, you only need to join to comment.

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    Vendi1983 wrote: »

    It is clearly stated in the newsletter and message that pops up in your inbox when updates go live. Paraphrasing, but along the lines of "Mod Update Notice - for all details head over to [insert link]"

    And you don't need forum membership to simply read the Developer Announcements. They told you there were numerous details. You knew it was a big update.

    That's like crashing your car then arguing with your insurance company that they didn't explicitly tell you every little detail of the notes and fine print contained in your accepted insurance agreement.

    You're right, casually playing a game is like buying car insurance. Was highlighting my experience rather than complaining. I've no particular interest in pouring over and analysing every detail of the game I.e. I'm a casual player.l
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    Well then in that case, ignorance is in the eye of the Casual Player? If you don't learn the details then find out otherwise, don't complain that they didn't beat you over the digital head with a specific requirement.
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    While they are at it , than can remove the G12 mod restriction that doesn’t allow lower star characters to equip them
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    I brought this up as an issue immediately after they announced it. I understood why they did it, but disagreed heavily with that decision. It introduces frustration where the goal of the mod update was to do the opposite. I still believe they should remove the restriction.

    Yes, this legendary event is the first time I REALLY felt the frustration of it. But I had been running into it beforehand too.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    The devs can do whatever they want. But the way they have things set up now I have no interest in 6 dot mods. The modulators to upgrade them can't be farmed by any other means than guild currency, which is the only thing that keeps the gear grind anywhere near manageable. To get 6 dot mods for just one team of characters is 90,000 guild currency.

    And if I'm going to sacrifice an absurd amount of gear to get a mod increase I want the mod to actually be better. The bump in stats is not worth losing the versatility of being able to use it on whomever I want. So I see absolutely no need to have any at the moment. They have put too high a price on them accompanied by a giant downside. So I will simply not use them.
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    Imo you should only 6 dot a mod if it's very specific to a certain toon.
    Eg. A speed mod, circle, with a health primary and 21 speed secondary is going to stay on my Sion for good. Im taking it to 6 dot as soon as Sion gets G12 to move 5.66% health to 16%.

    Only 6 dot a mod if it's tailor made for one of your key toons and you know who is using it will be using it for good.
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    Agreed, this is going to be a big problem. The next big raid character, like Traya, will be meta at 5*, but you won’t be able to put your best mods on him/her if they’re all 6*. The restriction should have been G11.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    Try to make them as interchangeable as possible. So the 4 Offense,Crit Damage and speed are always on the same shape. (Arrow, square, hexagon and circle) then the cross and triangle get crit Chance, health, defense and tenacity. All gear 6. Best mods of those wit the most beneficial primary stats and speed.

    Just an option.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The first time this restriction became apparent to me was when I tried to switch my arena mods on to BH for chewie, just as you say. In game, as opposed to on here, I'm not sure it ever said this was the case.



    This came up when it was first introduced and it was discussed....

    I guess you're not big on reading posts that you reply to. It wasn't announced in the game. May have been announced on here, which I joined last week. Last I checked forum membership isn't a precursor to playing.

    As stated by the post above, every in game message about an update contains a "go to the forums for more details". You dont need to be a member to get those details, its an open forum to read, you only need to join to comment.

    So what your saying is that reading the forum is indeed a precursor to playing. Understand that a large portion of the player base simply doesn't do that.
    So I guess that will have to figure it out the hard way....
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    JacenRoe wrote: »
    The devs can do whatever they want. But the way they have things set up now I have no interest in 6 dot mods. The modulators to upgrade them can't be farmed by any other means than guild currency, which is the only thing that keeps the gear grind anywhere near manageable. To get 6 dot mods for just one team of characters is 90,000 guild currency.

    And if I'm going to sacrifice an absurd amount of gear to get a mod increase I want the mod to actually be better. The bump in stats is not worth losing the versatility of being able to use it on whomever I want. So I see absolutely no need to have any at the moment. They have put too high a price on them accompanied by a giant downside. So I will simply not use them.

    Here we go. Saves me saying it too.

    All I've been doing is farming salvage and taking my green/blue/purple mods that have speed secondaries up to gold. Been getting some great results from it too. Haven't given 6* mods a second thought, especially based on the cost versus gear sacrifice I'm simply not willing to do.
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    Put 6-dot mods on your pilots.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Yeah I really regret slicing my 25 speed potency cross to 6*, I have really missed being able to swap it to my lower geared toons.
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    Imo you should only 6 dot a mod if it's very specific to a certain toon.
    Eg. A speed mod, circle, with a health primary and 21 speed secondary is going to stay on my Sion for good. Im taking it to 6 dot as soon as Sion gets G12 to move 5.66% health to 16%.

    Only 6 dot a mod if it's tailor made for one of your key toons and you know who is using it will be using it for good.

    I will never understand why they recommend a health primary data bus (circle) for sion. It makes zero sense.

    Sith get a ton of healing under Traya lead. Sion also has a self heal, and revives at full health only. It makes sense to me.
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    It’s not wise to ignore 6* mods. Of course you need 12 -18 very good 5* mods for your sub-G12 toon. But if you plan ahead and slice some of your best mods and take new set bonuses into account you can bring your toons to an unheard of level.

    For example: with only three 6* mods you can add 78% health to Enfys Nest. The new Chewie squads with Han and CLS can’t beat this single toon.
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    I thought about this, and honestly I cannot be more thankful for the restriction.

    6 star mods should be the killing mod, the ace card, the very best thing that shines through when both you and your enemies’ squad are equivalently strong that the 6E mods just give you that slight upperhand/ advantage.

    Without the restriction on g12, you will start seeing low level whales with level 50 toons at g7 running 6 6E mods and destroying everyone in the arena. By keeping it strictly g12, it minimizes the impact on the general gameplay ecosystem while allowing end game players and whales have something to pursuit after.
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    Aplus wrote: »
    I thought about this, and honestly I cannot be more thankful for the restriction.

    6 star mods should be the killing mod, the ace card, the very best thing that shines through when both you and your enemies’ squad are equivalently strong that the 6E mods just give you that slight upperhand/ advantage.

    Without the restriction on g12, you will start seeing low level whales with level 50 toons at g7 running 6 6E mods and destroying everyone in the arena. By keeping it strictly g12, it minimizes the impact on the general gameplay ecosystem while allowing end game players and whales have something to pursuit after.

    I never said they should allow it on g7-8 toons. I really only said g11.
    Reasoning being. you can not g12 toons who are not 7*.
    Not allowing mods on less than g12 really means that, with the exception of those willing to pay for them, those marquee and legendary toons you just can't get to 7* you will never be able to put your best mods on and as the game gets older it will just make them more useless than they already are.

    As 6* mods and g12 toons become more ubiquitous characters less than 7* will have no place left in this game.
    raid? unless you can't clear heroic you can't use them
    TB? i mean you can use them in phase 1-2, maybe 3 if you paid you can use them.
    Arena? no value everyone is g12 with 6* mods.
    ships? again g12 with 6* mods.
    TW... maybe if you are still new.

    Point is the limitations on 6* mods (and g12) have killed any value toons less than 7*

    So if devs are wondering, these kinds of things is part of what made us tired on of marquee, they were giving us toons that had depreciating value with the power creep in arena.

    I saw all kinds of 5-6* sion and traya in arena. Well those days are probably over for the next characters released, because you can't g12 or 6* mod them.

    Any way I'm being very selective with what mods I 6* and i hate it. I want to have all the exciting of upgrading my favorite mods but I won't because I was able to get chewie because I put my best mods on my undergeared BH... now just to g12 him.
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