Arena Payout Times Visible For All Players



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    You're english is perfect!

    Not sure if you intentionally put “you’re” instead of “your” there...
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    CadoaBane wrote: »
    I understand your point, but it's still only for seeking comfort. What you call sniping is the most legit strategy. I have been in the top 5 of my fleet arena since before ships 2.0 came out. Of course, there is less activity overall than in squad arena, anyway has no shard chat at all. I am fighting for #1 more or less the same people everyday, so there's no need to chat to know that we have the same payout time. If it's a bad day and I don't win an important fight, or if someone can beat me during the last minute, I can respect that. In return, I'm sitting on the edge of my chair everyday, figuring out the perfect timing to not get dropped if on top. Knowing that at least 2-3 people are doing exactly the same, it encourages me to strengthen my pilots furthermore and literally count seconds before my last fight. I am always looking forward to that part of the day, and already quite a while ago planned my time around it. I consider the game a hobby, so I take the time for it and enjoy the advantage it gives me over those who don't.
    I did not intend to imply your shard chat was one of those that people get mad about in some threads. It actually sounds well thought out, but nevertheless I don't like the idea of teaming up in a pvp mode. Mainly because it takes away the idea of gaining advantage by putting time into the game, compared to those who put money into it, or none of the two.

    I disagree. If say i was competing with one other guy, i honestly wouldnt mind if he sniped me from #2. But chances are he’s gonna do it from #4 or #5. And when you want to give them #1, heck they just hit u down from #2 to #6 anyway so u can’t reach #1 when you weren’t intending to.

    Or what about those that go back and forth with u just 2hrs before ur payout, but 10hrs before theirs?

    Or what about players who seem to have nothing better to do than fight for #1 at every payout just to troll people?

    Now i haven’t faced such players on my main’s shard, but these guys appear often on my alt’s shard. So what should you do to such people?

    1. Invite them to the shard chat, maybe even offer them #1 everyday.
    2. If they refuse, give them what they deserve.

    Sure, it’s real fun to snipe someone nearly every day (trust me i’ve done it for my alt) but it gets tiring when you have life and a job to do. You could always have your own payout rules (e.g. FFA amongst top 3) with your shardmates, but if someone starts antagonizing every other payout, clearly we know what happens next.
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    So getting back on point, the arguments against adding visible payout times is that some think it will either encourage sniping or more collusion.

    My thoughts and some others agree that sniping and collusion are always going to exist and that adding visible payout times would not change that behavior. Personally I don't want to make enemies out of people by accidentally hitting them during my climb if it's right before their payout. With hundreds of active players on any given shard, figuring out who has what payout time after they have the ability to change payout times is gonna cause some chaos in some shards.

    But lastly, you can already get this information through 3rd party sites and using in game communication. Why make it harder to find out this information, at the very least give players the option to opt in to displaying their payout times, maybe on the same screen where we can pick a title. The default setting would be to opt out so players have to make the choice themselves. Thoughts?
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    Strubz wrote: »
    So getting back on point, the arguments against adding visible payout times is that some think it will either encourage sniping or more collusion.

    My thoughts and some others agree that sniping and collusion are always going to exist and that adding visible payout times would not change that behavior. Personally I don't want to make enemies out of people by accidentally hitting them during my climb if it's right before their payout. With hundreds of active players on any given shard, figuring out who has what payout time after they have the ability to change payout times is gonna cause some chaos in some shards.

    But lastly, you can already get this information through 3rd party sites and using in game communication. Why make it harder to find out this information, at the very least give players the option to opt in to displaying their payout times, maybe on the same screen where we can pick a title. The default setting would be to opt out so players have to make the choice themselves. Thoughts?

    That would be nice, but i don’t see why CG would implement it seeing that if they did a cost-benefit-analysis it wouldnt make much sense to them. As u said, the information is already mosty available elsewhere, so if someone really wants to know, he will know. U could also do a guestimate based on the person’s guild, though that isn’t completely reliable. If CG wanted to do this, it would cost programming resources with no substantial benefit to the community or the programming team.

    Not saying your idea is bad or not feasible or anything, just that it could possibly be on their list of “want to do” but probably ranks really REALLY low on the priority list.
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    Strubz wrote: »
    So getting back on point, the arguments against adding visible payout times is that some think it will either encourage sniping or more collusion.

    My thoughts and some others agree that sniping and collusion are always going to exist and that adding visible payout times would not change that behavior. Personally I don't want to make enemies out of people by accidentally hitting them during my climb if it's right before their payout. With hundreds of active players on any given shard, figuring out who has what payout time after they have the ability to change payout times is gonna cause some chaos in some shards.

    But lastly, you can already get this information through 3rd party sites and using in game communication. Why make it harder to find out this information, at the very least give players the option to opt in to displaying their payout times, maybe on the same screen where we can pick a title. The default setting would be to opt out so players have to make the choice themselves. Thoughts?

    That would be nice, but i don’t see why CG would implement it seeing that if they did a cost-benefit-analysis it wouldnt make much sense to them. As u said, the information is already mosty available elsewhere, so if someone really wants to know, he will know. U could also do a guestimate based on the person’s guild, though that isn’t completely reliable. If CG wanted to do this, it would cost programming resources with no substantial benefit to the community or the programming team.

    Not saying your idea is bad or not feasible or anything, just that it could possibly be on their list of “want to do” but probably ranks really REALLY low on the priority list.

    You are absolutely correct. If I were on their development team, this would probably rank low but it seems like an obvious enhancement given the direction they are taking with arena change time tokens and other QoL updates. I'm not going to pretend to understand the technical side and what it would require of them but it's not like asking for a brand new, untracked feature or addition. The game tracks everyone's payout times obviously so there must be some mechanics already in place. I know this is more a pipe dream at this point, feels like something they would have announced with the road ahead. Appreciate your input though.

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    @CadoaBane All excellent reasons and very well put. I appreciate your perspective. We play the game for different reasons and take different things away from it, which is just one of the things that makes this game great. It sounds like you really love the thrill of payout. I take no issue with this and completely understand it. I'm just glad for both of us we don't share a shard :wink:
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    Strubz wrote: »
    You are absolutely correct. If I were on their development team, this would probably rank low but it seems like an obvious enhancement given the direction they are taking with arena change time tokens and other QoL updates. I'm not going to pretend to understand the technical side and what it would require of them but it's not like asking for a brand new, untracked feature or addition. The game tracks everyone's payout times obviously so there must be some mechanics already in place. I know this is more a pipe dream at this point, feels like something they would have announced with the road ahead. Appreciate your input though.

    What i see with the arena time change tokens is more of a cost reduction strategy. They had admitted in the past that there are players who due to circumstances either created accounts in the wrong regions or moved to another timezone. Then they allowed such changes to be done on a case-by-case basis, which saw them seeing a massive influx of EA Help tickets, almost all of which get escalated to the swgoh experts or whatever they are called. It’s a total waste of resources verifying if such cases are true, so they came up with this option instead.

    In this case however, i don’t think it’s gonna save them anything. It’s not a highly requested QoL update since it’s available on swgoh, so they won’t get flak for it from the community. Instead, they may get more flak from those anti-shard chat players saying that it encourages collusion or whatnot, and some other player will find another absurd reason to complain about it.

    Further, if granted as an option, there is no guarantee that the majority would start using it. The worst that could happen is that only 10% of the player base actually use it, thus wasting their time actually implementing this. Elder players in established shard chats probably don’t care, while those below the 100s are unlikely to know what payout courtesy is for such a function to be useful.

    Not sure if u already did, but u could try tagging a mod or crumb to see if they have an input.
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    Nah, really, just take away all the competition and just give away crystals. Or set shard limit to 365 players and just allow each of them to be no. 1, once per year. I strongly disagree with players colluding in order to block others, but i’m also against prize socialism. Even more so, each player that still has remaining battles is actually entitled to use them whenever he wishes. But of course, you can’t stop the ‘that b*stard attacked me right before my payout, even though it wasn’t his payout time’ whining and moaning.
    Even if your payout time is approaching, you are not entitled to anything really. So stop blaming others for being trolls or rude or w/e for denying you what you believe that is rightfully yours for some reason. I start my attacks close to my payout, and in the last minutes keep refreshing pr entering battles to conserve my no. 1. Sometimes i don’t make it. Sometimes a troll pushes me back to another position. So what. Another day, another dolla. Competition. Soldier up
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    Iroquais wrote: »
    Nah, really, just take away all the competition and just give away crystals. Or set shard limit to 365 players and just allow each of them to be no. 1, once per year. I strongly disagree with players colluding in order to block others, but i’m also against prize socialism. Even more so, each player that still has remaining battles is actually entitled to use them whenever he wishes. But of course, you can’t stop the ‘that b*stard attacked me right before my payout, even though it wasn’t his payout time’ whining and moaning.
    Even if your payout time is approaching, you are not entitled to anything really. So stop blaming others for being trolls or rude or w/e for denying you what you believe that is rightfully yours for some reason. I start my attacks close to my payout, and in the last minutes keep refreshing pr entering battles to conserve my no. 1. Sometimes i don’t make it. Sometimes a troll pushes me back to another position. So what. Another day, another dolla. Competition. Soldier up

    Yea, so some players decide to use it against the guy that aggrieves others at their payout. But oh, looks like we can't stop the "they shouldnt be colluding" whining either.
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    I would agree with others that showing payout times will just paint a target on you with the trolls.

    I'm only on my fleet shard chat and the only people I've seen hits called on are trolls who enjoy sniping people right before their payout (incidentally the gratest offender's ranks in both arenas dropped like a rock the day before the devs posted their cheater update). Non shard members have largely been left alone except for normal pvp.

    The way my fleet shard works is you can hit whoever in your climb so long as they arent a payout mate or have the payout right after yours (provided you can attack someone else). Sure that means non shard chat members get hit instead of shard chat members who share my payout if its either them or a payoutmate but in fairness that cooperative behavior would be the goal of showing payout times (ie hit the guy who isn't a payout mate instead of the guy who is). For my part it isnt out of malice towards non shard chat members, its a matter of i can only kee track of so much in my daily life and a mobile game doesnt merit the time and effort to figure out the payout times of non shard chat members.
  • Captain_Apollo
    423 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Edit double post
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    What if rather than making your payout visible, they just make all players untargetable during their payout hour? Personally, I don’t want to hit somebody during their payout if I can help it, even if we’re both in the same payout.

    Maybe no. 1 should always be targetable, but when you beat no. 1, rather than swapping places, you become no. 1, no.1 becomes no. 2, and so on.

    Not on a happen, but it would relieve a lot of headaches.
    I demand Grand Arena Elo ratings.
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    Pile wrote: »
    I would agree with others that showing payout times will just paint a target on you with the trolls.

    I'm only on my fleet shard chat and the only people I've seen hits called on are trolls who enjoy sniping people right before their payout (incidentally the gratest offender's ranks in both arenas dropped like a rock the day before the devs posted their cheater update). Non shard members have largely been left alone except for normal pvp.

    The way my fleet shard works is you can hit whoever in your climb so long as they arent a payout mate or have the payout right after yours (provided you can attack someone else). Sure that means non shard chat members get hit instead of shard chat members who share my payout if its either them or a payoutmate but in fairness that cooperative behavior would be the goal of showing payout times (ie hit the guy who isn't a payout mate instead of the guy who is). For my part it isnt out of malice towards non shard chat members, its a matter of i can only kee track of so much in my daily life and a mobile game doesnt merit the time and effort to figure out the payout times of non shard chat members.

    The whole issue of posting payout times kind of takes away a piece of the shard chats importance. Sure, there are trolls who want to mess with people out there but most players just want to get a piece of the action without causing too much havoc. In your case, your last sentence should tell you all you need to know about the snipers motivations in your arena. Personally, I think the arena setup sucks and there is no real competition thanks to mods.

    I will grant it takes away that aspect of needing shard chats. That said posts on this thread clearly indicate the cooperative nature of shard chats would still be helpful.

    Aside from the one sniper who may have been banned as a cheater the only other sniper on my fleet shard snipes people right before their payout but hours before the sniper's payout and they've ignored efforts to reach out to them. So my experience is more with trolls where listing your payout time would make it that much easier.

    I do agree that mods suck the competition out of the other arena which is why i only bother being competitive in fleet.
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    Pile wrote: »
    I would agree with others that showing payout times will just paint a target on you with the trolls.

    I'm only on my fleet shard chat and the only people I've seen hits called on are trolls who enjoy sniping people right before their payout (incidentally the gratest offender's ranks in both arenas dropped like a rock the day before the devs posted their cheater update). Non shard members have largely been left alone except for normal pvp.

    The way my fleet shard works is you can hit whoever in your climb so long as they arent a payout mate or have the payout right after yours (provided you can attack someone else). Sure that means non shard chat members get hit instead of shard chat members who share my payout if its either them or a payoutmate but in fairness that cooperative behavior would be the goal of showing payout times (ie hit the guy who isn't a payout mate instead of the guy who is). For my part it isnt out of malice towards non shard chat members, its a matter of i can only kee track of so much in my daily life and a mobile game doesnt merit the time and effort to figure out the payout times of non shard chat members.

    The whole issue of posting payout times kind of takes away a piece of the shard chats importance. Sure, there are trolls who want to mess with people out there but most players just want to get a piece of the action without causing too much havoc. In your case, your last sentence should tell you all you need to know about the snipers motivations in your arena. Personally, I think the arena setup sucks and there is no real competition thanks to mods.

    I will grant it takes away that aspect of needing shard chats. That said posts on this thread clearly indicate the cooperative nature of shard chats would still be helpful.

    Aside from the one sniper who may have been banned as a cheater the only other sniper on my fleet shard snipes people right before their payout but hours before the sniper's payout and they've ignored efforts to reach out to them. So my experience is more with trolls where listing your payout time would make it that much easier.

    I do agree that mods suck the competition out of the other arena which is why i only bother being competitive in fleet.

    Fleet is actually less competitive so it is easier to do well, even though it gives one of the most important currencies in the game and technically should be more competitive than squad.
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