Cheater & hacker update 11/18


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    Don’t slaughter players abruptly. Manage the gaming environment, forbid the vendors, give palyers more warnings would be more considerate.

    They are cheaters and you know this to be true. Your friends or anyone else that buys from these 3rd party vendors are well aware of their actions. They have to give up their account info and everything else just to get these crystals deposited in their accounts. I could see them making a mistake once and thinking they was actually buying crystals but after once a player can see it's actually fraudulent and warn CG/EA of this but greed steps in and they continue doing it. I know for a fact there is no way they didn't know it wasn't cheating especially if they did it more then once. Your making a case for them and yourself because you all got caught with your hands in the cookie jar. Suck it up and learn from your cheating ways.
  • JohnnySteelAlpha
    2794 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Shadroth wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy thanks not only for the actions taken but for taking the time to randomly converse with the player base in this thread. Cheers mate 👍

    You kidding? Crumb would hunt me down if I dropped this post and went back to my cave without making sure all is understood.

    But really it is my pleasure... I fracking love games and the communities they build. No way am I gonna not take this chance to converse.


    I can attest to this with history from past games regarding his passion for gaming / communities ... @CG_LucifersDaddy is 100% the People's Champ. He was at one time a key point person on CG's Heroes of Dragon Age game, and community involvement and morale was so high during his tenure; he put in a lot of extra personal time to change the arc of the game at that time. Honestly I have no idea why they don't have this guy more up front and interacting with players frequently in GoH. I think it's a big miss....
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    Very nice - the games a grind and I can see people wanting to get past that - but that right there is how CG makes their profit.

    And yes, I agree with many - almost better then culling the cheaters is the interaction with LD. Doesn't even have to meaningful - just makes the game a little less mega-corp verse us and more of a community.
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Actions like this are fueled by the effect 3rd party sales have on their bottom line. Players spend, but the game doesn't receive any revenue. It's that simple. Those that were doing so, will either move on, or start new accounts. It's like gold farming, which is legal in many countries and even considered a regular job. Games cannot take legal action globally, so punishing the players is their only recourse. It would seem to me that plugging the holes that allow transfer of gems etc would be their only method of finally stopping it. Sans that they will play whack a mole for as long as the game runs.

    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?

    The long range effects of these bans will be interesting to watch. I predict many guilds having openings.
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    Maybe I speak from personal experience, but I have spent maybe 7-8 thousand USD on a game where suddenly players started getting huge boosts without spending a dime by several exploits which left me feeling a complete **** for even trying to play fair. And the developer has kept doing perfectly nothing, making you certain that ever spending anything on the game rather than quitting is complete lunacy. Of course with zero income for years on end it would make no sense for the developer to continue the game and just incur net loss, so the game will die off. And all of us who actually liked it and therefore spent on it will be left feeling damned if I do damned if I don't.

    Then I found SWGOH and started buying here the packs I like, and seeing a different game where I can progress faster and have more fun with an easier time to get my targets with the spending I can allow myself. I have never had issues losing to someone who spends twice more than me. I cannot afford to buy an island in real life either. It is the people who get an island *for free* by doing things *the other way* that I find totally unacceptable. I do not care about losing PVP battles if that is the ONLY area of cheating, I very much mind people *instant maxing out* by trickery. I spent money on games I like and can only hope those developers get their cash to continue developing new games in future. So yes, it is not about greed only, it is about common sense. Same as when I go to work I expect to be actually paid for my work rather than told, nah this month nothing for you because our clients were using CashCheater platform.
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    @CG_LucifersDaddy LEgitimate question that doesn't apply to me (since I'm mostly FTP) but I felt the need to ask anyway:

    Some of the ads I see (on facebook groups, even google searches) look EXTREMELY deceptive for buying crystals. Now, to me, knowing what I know about the game and from my interactions (both with you and others) - I know these ads to be completely 100% fake. However, some people legitimately may not realize that.

    Oftentimes, these websites have names "similar" to EA's name, using EA's/Disney's trademarked logos, etc - and appear completely legit to get "Crystals on sale".

    Assuming that's the case - is there recourse for players who were legitimately duped?
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    Actions like this are fueled by the effect 3rd party sales have on their bottom line. Players spend, but the game doesn't receive any revenue. It's that simple. Those that were doing so, will either move on, or start new accounts. It's like gold farming, which is legal in many countries and even considered a regular job. Games cannot take legal action globally, so punishing the players is their only recourse. It would seem to me that plugging the holes that allow transfer of gems etc would be their only method of finally stopping it. Sans that they will play whack a mole for as long as the game runs.

    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?

    The long range effects of these bans will be interesting to watch. I predict many guilds having openings.

    I would also think a mass ban such as this would at least make players think twice about cheating in the future. I wouldn't doubt that it isn't being publicized for just that reason. Hard to say whether CG is acting more out of their own interest, or the players, but I think it's better for the game overall.
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    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Actions like this are fueled by the effect 3rd party sales have on their bottom line. Players spend, but the game doesn't receive any revenue. It's that simple. Those that were doing so, will either move on, or start new accounts. It's like gold farming, which is legal in many countries and even considered a regular job. Games cannot take legal action globally, so punishing the players is their only recourse. It would seem to me that plugging the holes that allow transfer of gems etc would be their only method of finally stopping it. Sans that they will play whack a mole for as long as the game runs.

    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?

    The long range effects of these bans will be interesting to watch. I predict many guilds having openings.

    I would also think a mass ban such as this would at least make players think twice about cheating in the future. I wouldn't doubt that it isn't being publicized for just that reason. Hard to say whether CG is acting more out of their own interest, or the players, but I think it's better for the game overall.

    How long have players conspired to hold top positions, and nothing was done (Chats)? The sanctions they are putting out now are to stop the loss of revenue. If they made the same amount as they were losing, this thread would not exist. Cheating is a relevant term. Cheating who is the proper question. It's going to be interesting to watch this unfold.
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    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?.

    In the facebook group I'm in - we have people pop in from time to time advertising these services.

    They usually pop in - say something very vague - and then wait for people to PM them. So there's a group of us that PMs them, acts like we're interested, and then "outs them" to get them removed.

    From what I understand, the general gist is this:

    You pay someone "x" amount of money for "x" amount of crystals. You then give them your login information.

    They then supply crystals to your account using either stolen credit cards (which is direct fraud and will get you in trouble beyond the game). You get the crystals, but the purchase is reversed once the cards are found to be stolen and their protection kicks in. CG loses money, you get crystals, the people from the Philippines/Taiwan/Russia/etc who you paid money to walk off scott free.

    You end up getting banned (or perhaps worse depending on the amounts).

    To me, it seems ridiculous to do as people would be given your google/ios account info - which is something one should never give anyone, let alone a stranger thousands of miles away.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Broxxor wrote: »

    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?.

    In the facebook group I'm in - we have people pop in from time to time advertising these services.

    They usually pop in - say something very vague - and then wait for people to PM them. So there's a group of us that PMs them, acts like we're interested, and then "outs them" to get them removed.

    From what I understand, the general gist is this:

    You pay someone "x" amount of money for "x" amount of crystals. You then give them your login information.

    They then supply crystals to your account using either stolen credit cards (which is direct fraud and will get you in trouble beyond the game). You get the crystals, but the purchase is reversed once the cards are found to be stolen and their protection kicks in. CG loses money, you get crystals, the people from the Philippines/Taiwan/Russia/etc who you paid money to walk off scott free.

    You end up getting banned (or perhaps worse depending on the amounts).

    To me, it seems ridiculous to do as people would be given your google/ios account info - which is something one should never give anyone, let alone a stranger thousands of miles away.

    No scams on Facebook lol. Or they just steal your profile and sell to someone else.
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    Just checked GP Top Grossing. SWGOH was at 27 now it's at 34. It normally was at rank 11. And so it begins. Will the effects of the sanctions have any lasting negative effect on the game? The drop I speak of may not be related to the sanctions, it could still be the Revan fall out. Which, come to think of it could be related. TOS violators with strong teams drove the whales out?
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    This is where the fun begins.

    Thx and
    May the Force Be With You!!!, always
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    This is AWESOME news! Thanks CG for protecting the legitimate players in this game. You just made my heart happy!
  • EA_Lanna
    623 posts EA Community Manager
    Removed a few posts that weren't forum appropriate. Please keep the rules in mind folks ^^ I'll link them here:
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    Good, get the cheaters out. I'm finally able to get somewhere in arena. Thanks.
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    EA_Lanna wrote: »
    Removed a few posts that weren't forum appropriate. Please keep the rules in mind folks ^^ I'll link them here:

    TY :)
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    We had someone show up in our discord channel the other day offering to sell crystals at a reduced rate. Didn't take a genius to work out that it was either a scam or illegal. However, if people are stumbling across official looking sites or finding gift cars that look genuine, I feel a little sorry for them. I guess the bottom line is CG/EA need to make clear exactly where you can buy crystals/gift cards from. As for countries where you can't purchase in-game, that really sucks. No idea how to help there.

    In game cheats/exploits are another matter entirely. Have no time for those people at all.
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    Ban them for life!
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    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Don’t slaughter players abruptly. Manage the gaming environment, forbid the vendors, give palyers more warnings would be more considerate.

    Why? There is no need for warning. They already know they are cheaters...

    I don't normally post but what is getting to me is that you knuckleheads keep saying to punish the vendors...Now I agree the vendors should be shut down but that is another issue... if you would actually read the TOS instead of just clicking "I have read and AGREE to the Terms Of Service" then you would know that just purchasing 1 time is cause for permaban... so if you want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars (or whatever your currency is) on a cheating/hacking website, then just be aware you are throwing good money out the window on something that is illegal and you will pay the piper eventually...because cg will catch you.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Actions like this are fueled by the effect 3rd party sales have on their bottom line. Players spend, but the game doesn't receive any revenue. It's that simple. Those that were doing so, will either move on, or start new accounts. It's like gold farming, which is legal in many countries and even considered a regular job. Games cannot take legal action globally, so punishing the players is their only recourse. It would seem to me that plugging the holes that allow transfer of gems etc would be their only method of finally stopping it. Sans that they will play whack a mole for as long as the game runs.

    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?

    The long range effects of these bans will be interesting to watch. I predict many guilds having openings.

    I would also think a mass ban such as this would at least make players think twice about cheating in the future. I wouldn't doubt that it isn't being publicized for just that reason. Hard to say whether CG is acting more out of their own interest, or the players, but I think it's better for the game overall.

    How long have players conspired to hold top positions, and nothing was done (Chats)? The sanctions they are putting out now are to stop the loss of revenue. If they made the same amount as they were losing, this thread would not exist. Cheating is a relevant term. Cheating who is the proper question. It's going to be interesting to watch this unfold.

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?

    We all know there are levels of players and some levels of play that are near impossible to keep going without some investment, but whether you are f2p, light spender, whale, or kraken, we are all cheated when someone is doing something either we cant or even something we can, but not investing as much time or money as we have. This is not about revenue to the player base that may have been losing for months or longer to a player who should not have been artificially better than them.

    That's my take on this scenario.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Imagine being caught cheating at school and your counter-argument is "but I paid for chegg (vendor), you should take action against the IT department for allowing WiFi (high crystal prices) during examinations and chegg for letting me go online and ask questions and answering them within minutes so that I could use them during the exam! You can't invalidate all the money I paid to cheat"
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    How long have players conspired to hold top positions, and nothing was done (Chats)? The sanctions they are putting out now are to stop the loss of revenue. If they made the same amount as they were losing, this thread would not exist. Cheating is a relevant term. Cheating who is the proper question. It's going to be interesting to watch this unfold.

    They have no way to regulate third-party chat services though. Are they supposed to monitor people's chats on Discord, etc. and their emails and text messages? Now, if a player is getting in-game currency of any form for less than it costs everyone else or without the effort everyone else must expend, then they are obviously cheating all of the other players.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Actions like this are fueled by the effect 3rd party sales have on their bottom line. Players spend, but the game doesn't receive any revenue. It's that simple. Those that were doing so, will either move on, or start new accounts. It's like gold farming, which is legal in many countries and even considered a regular job. Games cannot take legal action globally, so punishing the players is their only recourse. It would seem to me that plugging the holes that allow transfer of gems etc would be their only method of finally stopping it. Sans that they will play whack a mole for as long as the game runs.

    My question, and I do not expect an answer, is how do they transfer items? In some mmo's they use the auction halls. An item is posted at a ridiculous price and gold sellers buy it transferring the gold bought outside of the game. Here we have no such system. Gift cards are the only way?

    The long range effects of these bans will be interesting to watch. I predict many guilds having openings.

    I would also think a mass ban such as this would at least make players think twice about cheating in the future. I wouldn't doubt that it isn't being publicized for just that reason. Hard to say whether CG is acting more out of their own interest, or the players, but I think it's better for the game overall.

    How long have players conspired to hold top positions, and nothing was done (Chats)? The sanctions they are putting out now are to stop the loss of revenue. If they made the same amount as they were losing, this thread would not exist. Cheating is a relevant term. Cheating who is the proper question. It's going to be interesting to watch this unfold.

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?

    We all know there are levels of players and some levels of play that are near impossible to keep going without some investment, but whether you are f2p, light spender, whale, or kraken, we are all cheated when someone is doing something either we cant or even something we can, but not investing as much time or money as we have. This is not about revenue to the player base that may have been losing for months or longer to a player who should not have been artificially better than them.

    That's my take on this scenario.

    Answered in PM
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    i think this is solely about revenue not about the players otherwise these cheaters accounts would be removed from the game and given a true perma ban. the fact that in the past people were let back in to the game and they even acknowledged that they will take it in a case by case basis the only thing i see is revenue.

    so when people talk about feeling cheated. ya we lost spots to people cheating but the actions being taken dont seem to me to care about the community and point solely to wanting better control of revenue.

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    i think this is solely about revenue not about the players otherwise these cheaters accounts would be removed from the game and given a true perma ban. the fact that in the past people were let back in to the game and they even acknowledged that they will take it in a case by case basis the only thing i see is revenue.

    so when people talk about feeling cheated. ya we lost spots to people cheating but the actions being taken dont seem to me to care about the community and point solely to wanting better control of revenue.

    Isn't it both? Yes, they want to control the revenue spent on crystals. It's their game, no one outside of them should be able to sell in-game currency. Hence the now permanent removal of those accounts that do so. Now that they have monitored this for a while the past case by case basis is null and void (hopefully). And by doing this, the real community of players benefits by not getting screwed by cheaters and bogus account holders. No one should be allowed to buy in-game currency outside of the game. Thus making the community a better one.
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?
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    2smooth wrote: »
    Good thought it would take a rocket scientist for u to figure out nobody is buying ur packs and equipment at a rate that would have then 2.5 GP with like 5 G12 teams when they just hit 85 less than a month lol.

    Oh that still happens, and when it is legit is an impressive sight to behold.

    But yes, you will likely see a reduction in the number of accounts doing just this.

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    Gorem wrote: »
    Ah, good timing for this to come before grand arena, the most concern I saw was people complaining about cheaters ruining that mode, after they apparently ruined tourney's before... Luckily I missed that but didn't want to experience it in this mode, and now with this there is hope :)

    Levi and I have been eyeing Grand Arena for months now. We are fully committed to making certain that event runs true... if for no other reason than our own desire to see who legitimately comes out on top.

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    twstdbydsn wrote: »

    Isn't it both? Yes, they want to control the revenue spent on crystals. It's their game, no one outside of them should be able to sell in-game currency. Hence the now permanent removal of those accounts that do so. Now that they have monitored this for a while the past case by case basis is null and void (hopefully). And by doing this, the real community of players benefits by not getting screwed by cheaters and bogus account holders. No one should be allowed to buy in-game currency outside of the game. Thus making the community a better one.

    if the accounts were being removed i would be applauding ea/cg. they are not being removed so the community is left with revans in their arena in some cases where those accounts wont drop out of the top 100. so the community really didnt get taken care of. its not permament and alot is left to hope that ea/cg doesnt let some of these people willing to spend back into their accounts for a fee. thats not punishment imo

    at this point ive stated what i have to say but the actions speak louder than words. if they wanted to do the right thing they would remove these accounts from the game not leave them in the game for the community to deal with. we are left with the cheaters and hackers problems not.

    if you dont see where im coming from with what i posted then i dont think i can reach you. i love this game but its hard to have trust in it when the actions of the company fall short on issues like this.

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    Check your PM please thanks

    PM backlog is very deep, hundreds of messages deep... I will get to each and every one, just gonna take some time.

This discussion has been closed.