Let me get this straight?



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    I blame this on the road ahead debacle.
    Revan came out late and then they only have a month and a half left in the quarter to push out the rest of the updates.
    It would have been more spaced out if the road ahead had been the first week of Oct like Carrie had said originally instead of half way through Nov.
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    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »

    Traya teams without BSF require luck and very specific modding to win. Not what I would call "relatively easy".

    You can get a relatively high winpercentage vs revan teams with traya, so i'd say you need to not get unlucky moreso than need luck to win. Obviously you need to set your team up correctly, but it's not like you need insane mods to win or anything like that.

    ****. Without using cheese zaul or qira nest, using standard traya team with thrawn requires exceptionally fast thrawn. Or even ep lead, still a fair bit of luck.

    Nope, thrawn doesn't even need to be the fastest toon on your team. It's not like you're gonna outspeed revans anyway, unless you're facing players with worse mods than you have ofcourse. Haven't tried palp lead myself because i'm content with my current winratio.
    It's not ideal, especially not compared to the close to 100% winratio i assume most people in the top of their leaderboard are used to, but it gets the job done.
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    Boov wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »

    Traya teams without BSF require luck and very specific modding to win. Not what I would call "relatively easy".

    You can get a relatively high winpercentage vs revan teams with traya, so i'd say you need to not get unlucky moreso than need luck to win. Obviously you need to set your team up correctly, but it's not like you need insane mods to win or anything like that.

    ****. Without using cheese zaul or qira nest, using standard traya team with thrawn requires exceptionally fast thrawn. Or even ep lead, still a fair bit of luck.

    Nope, thrawn doesn't even need to be the fastest toon on your team. It's not like you're gonna outspeed revans anyway, unless you're facing players with worse mods than you have ofcourse. Haven't tried palp lead myself because i'm content with my current winratio.
    It's not ideal, especially not compared to the close to 100% winratio i assume most people in the top of their leaderboard are used to, but it gets the job done.

    thrawn slower(-1) than sion is the way to go and then swap tm with DN
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    It's about the timing of the release and the value lost based on it. I won't buy the next one based on the ridiculousness of this release. So that's lost revenue and I'm hearing that from lots of people which is bad for the game. You guys keep saying about not being able to auto my battles? I like playing arena and don't auto them anyways. That being said I can auto every traya on my shard if I want. Traya was meta for 8 straight months, don't think her run needs to he extended imo, let alone after less than a month of something else.

    Once again it's the timing of the release not the release itself. ROI is based over time and it's to have that without the TIME.
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    Enerdrizer wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »

    Traya teams without BSF require luck and very specific modding to win. Not what I would call "relatively easy".

    You can get a relatively high winpercentage vs revan teams with traya, so i'd say you need to not get unlucky moreso than need luck to win. Obviously you need to set your team up correctly, but it's not like you need insane mods to win or anything like that.

    ****. Without using cheese zaul or qira nest, using standard traya team with thrawn requires exceptionally fast thrawn. Or even ep lead, still a fair bit of luck.

    Nope, thrawn doesn't even need to be the fastest toon on your team. It's not like you're gonna outspeed revans anyway, unless you're facing players with worse mods than you have ofcourse. Haven't tried palp lead myself because i'm content with my current winratio.
    It's not ideal, especially not compared to the close to 100% winratio i assume most people in the top of their leaderboard are used to, but it gets the job done.

    thrawn slower(-1) than sion is the way to go and then swap tm with DN
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    Ace0187420 wrote: »
    It's about the timing of the release and the value lost based on it. I won't buy the next one based on the ridiculousness of this release. So that's lost revenue and I'm hearing that from lots of people which is bad for the game...]
    What did you lose? You will have to make 1 more battle in the arena?
    So don't buy it next time. Maybe they will learn... something... that when paywall character comes to the game, it has to be always ridiculously op and for a long enough time.
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    The Team with dark basti is the hard counter to revan even with 3-4* . But you need the right team, to and mods and its a 100% win.
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    Is it disappointing to have a 6week Jedi meta, sure. I also say this because we all know Darth Malak and Darth Revan are on the horizon. But, I’m always excited about new content and new team strategy, so i’ll take it.
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    Iwells911 wrote: »
    Traya deserves to have the spot light for much longer. HSTR was and still is the hardest content to date in the game and CG rewarded players that can spend $300+ in a single sitting on this game, negating months of coordination and farming to beat HSTR. I'm perfectly happy that CG realized they screwed up and gave Traya a fighting chance.

    To all those that bought Revan, I'm sorry you now have to do more than simply hit "auto" ;-)

    THIS! ... and i own Traya and Revan as well.
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    I don’t understand why anyone is surprised that there was little value in spending to get Revan. If you’ve been in the store you see the prices they charge for crap, why would Revan be any different?
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    First, I agree they devalue their products too quickly.
    But Revan was beatable before this. I have only lost to revan in offense once. (Out over well over 50+ battles, and my loss came when I tried to take out a second revan team-and I made a mistake). I have 2 separate teams that can take then out and one of those teams is no where close to arena quality mods. (Do my teams hold? No. Does revan hold better definately appears so.) Obviously their ppl are at different points in the game, I would bet that a 750gp member with revan has little competition, but at 2M plus has counters or can build counters and that is healthy. I find more irony in the fact they they nerf raid teams after ppl have invested in them because they think it is u healthy for one team to be able to do so much damage....then they release a very epensive character that puts up massive numbers. (I am not against this, just don't like the inconsistency)
  • scuba
    14164 posts Member
    Umm... mostly likely DS revan is coming for sith February (at least that is the speculation) so that means this is the time they have to start releasing the characters to unlock him, I was a little suprised till I looked at the calendar and did maths.

    As for spending, of the characters I have spent on in this game this was by far the cheapest one for me to have gotten and it was 6 characters not 1 like with wicket or MT.
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    And that is why I went F2P and now gearing up Fallen Bastilla and Ordo to get Darth Revan. Even as F2P I got Revan the first time. To all those who dropped hundreds for him...... :D:D:D
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    Is it disappointing to have a 6week Jedi meta, sure. I also say this because we all know Darth Malak and Darth Revan are on the horizon. But, I’m always excited about new content and new team strategy, so i’ll take it.

    Except the Jedi meta is not over and literally nothing has changed other than people can now use a different fifth Sith character. Revan has in no way lost value and is still head and shoulders above any current team available. Until characters are released that Revan teams struggle with on offense then you will see the same amount of Jedi teams at the top of the perch as there has been. You're likely looking at another three months of Revan running his way through the field before he hits a roadblock.
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    As being a revan owner and a dolphin, i stop spending on this game. This is not only because of bsf release but also currency conversion algorithm is so broken for the crystals and packs.
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