Close the legendary flask please



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    This dude does not speak for me
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    Still another LS unlocking LS favoritism of game design. 5th one now. DS unlocks exactly 0 DS. It’s highly aggravating to DS fans.
    If we're talking legendaries, it's just Yoda and C-3PO.

    Regardless, "light side" is not a faction. Most dark side factions do not meaningfully interact, let alone in a way that would easily justify them fighting. That's not favoritism. That's the source material.

    A lot of the best characters in the game are dark side. They kick plenty of butt. That none of the legendary ones are specifically unlocked in a legendary event using only dark side units is not bias. It's trivia.

    Stop stirring the pot over made-up tribalism.
    Still not a he.
  • TVF
    36772 posts Member
    DEATHCOYOTE only plays the game in order to complain about LS/DS imbalance. Every post.
    I need a new message here.
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