The scary trend of the game

Since the promise of more legendary character events, I've gotten excited, but Chewie had me spent 4 hours of countless retries on tier 7, which was baffling because my BH were each G11 with a zeta bossk lead. Yeah, G11 squad with the best BH lead and I spent hours beating the event with the proper kill order every time I went in to fail. That morning was infuriating for me, and I spent those 4 hours swearing every imaginable nasty thing to whoever designed the event. I even considered making a thread, but eventually I beat the event. Now 3P0 comes along. I have zeta G9 chirpa (thanks for making me waste a zeta guys), G11 wicket elder teebo, G9 scout. No Paploo or Logray sadly, but attempt 32 and the closest I've gotten was nearly knocking down chewie with only 3 ewoks even alive, so to say my heart was beating even though I wasn't winning anything. Next up is Wicket zeta, (yeah thanks for making me waste another, my JTR squad is still waiting). I'm furiously farming Paploo, 64/85, so we all know he's not hitting 7 star in 4 days without money. But this all leads to the center of my argument. The requirements are getting out of hand. CG, you honestly need to shut down the events and rename the requirements to G11 and up, have the toon that every single person here knows you intentionally centered the event around (cough cough logray for daze), and meet a zeta minimum. I mean do you take us for fools? There are SIX enemies this time all gold and all with ambiguous speeds going not only first but assists everywhere I can't even keep track. My elder is 241 speed and with his 70% turn meter per turn, he's still slow compared to these rebels. I remember the day when I was raging about trying to beat Palpatine's event with G8, now I can barely beat these events with zetas and G10+, something I know will only continue to get worse. This game is truly a wonderful game, it's concept and design is unrivaled, CG does phenomenal with the core of the game, but every one can tell EA is milking this game to an extreme, and it just keeps making me want to quit so much. I've never experienced anger like I have with this game. I've thrown my phone at the wall and shattered it before, my face gets so red from yelling to the point I get a headache afterwards, and my blood pressure gets so high it's actually dangerous, and this stems from being a competitive free to play player. As a free to play player, trying to compete in the high end results is so much anger, and that's not due to my play style. Every time these new events pop up, I spend so much energy to complete it just because I need to keep up. for 3m gp, I have a very spread out roster, and I blow through hard node farms, as right now 7 more shards for Hound and that's 7 star, but why should I keep going? This game just needs one thing and that's money, so I essentially have zero value to the game, and as such I'll be treated that way. CG, I just really wish the game wasn't so hostile to competitive free to play. Any one can be a free to play person, but this game is built on competing with other people, and the only way to do good in this game is pay money. There are some people out here that are brilliant with how they play without spending, and that is truly impressive, but I'm can barely keep my head above the water with all the farms being thrown our way. The only thing keeping me from quitting is the built up addiction, and when I've tried to quit before, I came back because noon comes and I reach for the game that's uninstalled and think oh yeah. I managed to quit an actual illegal drug way easier than this game, and that's a problem. Because this problem is only getting worse, the next step is to figure out how to delete my my google account. I've been pushed past what I can handle in tolerance, and this has gone for years. It's time to call it a day, because I have zero value to the game as a player without giving my wallet, and one way or another I refuse to give money to the game. I would give my money to charity, to real struggling causes long before I do to this game. SWGOH was fantastic, but over time it just get's ruined, and if you're a new player, I advise you to quit now if you plan on being free to play and competitive. I will never recommend this game to anyone, and I truly honestly hope these words make a difference if devs read this. I know I'm not the only one who starts being sick of the way the system works. You would think that with data would state a clear point on how many free to play 4m gp accounts there are vs how many pay to play 4m gp accounts there are. Let's be honest. If you're 4m, there is a very high chance that you've spent a fair amount of money. Anyways that's it from me.

TL;DR: Events are only getting more expensive inducing, this game has no place for competitive f2p, this 3P0 event is bananas in vigor, and that's only going to get worse, CG is amazing but EA is messing everything up. Also I'm gonna delete my google account or something because this game gave me a bad case of anger management.


  • Options
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.
  • Options
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd
  • Options
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    If you can’t understand why people,are telling you that, then it begs the question of how long you have been playing,
  • Options
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    Just get it next time so you have 3 months.
  • Options
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    These events are always gated. And that gate comes in one of two formats: stars or gear.

    BB8, JTR, CLS were all star gated, as was revan. The toons required were (at least partly) recently released and players had to farm like crazy or spend to unlock the toons. The event itself wasn’t too hard though.

    Chewy, C3PO and I would argue r2 were gear gated. The toons had been available for a long time, so the devs needed to ramp up the difficulty to ensure players had something to spend their money on!

    Thrawn sat somewhere in the middle of these. There was a massive panic farm, for sure, but the characters needed taken to a reasonable gear level as well.

    I don’t know about you and your guild, but the in game ticker in ours had been showing nothing but ewok gear / star upgrades from at least 1 week prior to the official announcement that ewoks were required for C3PO. On this occasion we could smell this a mile off.
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    Both factions do work in TW. Was chewie's event difficult? Yes. Absurdly so. However that BH team does work in TW, and more recently Grand Arena. So, the resource investment has a definite payoff. The fact that four of those BH are pilots, and bc three of the four ships excel in in ship battles is icing on the cake.
    Ewoks, are a tremendous asset in TW and GA.
    I would say both teams are worth the resource investment, and, provide ample returns in TW, TB, GA, Ship Arena...
    I fail to see the motivation of your complaint.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    Legitimate reasons to gear Ewoks, before C-3PO events.

    - EE is the only toon that can revive allies across factions and also one of the best cleanser, one of the first plug and play toon.
    - Paploo is one of the best tank with a fake pretaunt and above all one the few toons that dispel reliably (DN, Nest and SF are the other). zPaploo and EE have great synergies and can be used in any faction.
    - Ewok Scout is an easy gearing (I used him for Logray) and provides on more attacker for P3 HSTR.
    - Ewoks are one of the few teams that don’t rely exclusively on speed and hence provide an advantage for TW when you fight preloaded TM teams.
    - Chirpa was required for P3 HAAT back in the old days, same for Teebo.
    - Finally, in the level of resource management skill, once the Chewie event was released, anyone could predict that event requiring an old faction would be difficult. Hence if one cared about having the last legendary toon, one should hedge himself and stock enough gear/crystal for such surprise event.

    Revan’s event though, that was a P2W event.
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    I thought this event was really quite fine. If you had not farmed Logray and Paploo that was a choice you made. Both are relatively easy to get.
    To do this event, you don't need particularly high gear. More importantly, I did this event without expending a single Stun Gun. You don't need all the omega's on the ewoks, you definitely don't need any zeta's although Chirpa's makes things easier.

    Yes it does require specific Ewoks, but it net you a good team.
    I'm usually very critical of CG, but this event is very forgiving, and quite well-balanced.
  • Options
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    People need to stop saying the game was built on resource management. It wasn't.

    It's built on having a higher demand than supply so people will pay to bridge the gap.

    F2P may be forced to play the resource management game due to an unwillingness to pay but the game itself was built on the same principles casinos have been using to make money for years and those principles start with - don't give everything away for free first time everytime.
  • Options
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    Legitimate reasons to gear Ewoks, before C-3PO events.

    - EE is the only toon that can revive allies across factions and also one of the best cleanser, one of the first plug and play toon.
    - Paploo is one of the best tank with a fake pretaunt and above all one the few toons that dispel reliably (DN, Nest and SF are the other). zPaploo and EE have great synergies and can be used in any faction.
    - Ewok Scout is an easy gearing (I used him for Logray) and provides on more attacker for P3 HSTR.
    - Ewoks are one of the few teams that don’t rely exclusively on speed and hence provide an advantage for TW when you fight preloaded TM teams.
    - Chirpa was required for P3 HAAT back in the old days, same for Teebo.
    - Finally, in the level of resource management skill, once the Chewie event was released, anyone could predict that event requiring an old faction would be difficult. Hence if one cared about having the last legendary toon, one should hedge himself and stock enough gear/crystal for such surprise event.

    Revan’s event though, that was a P2W event.

    And ppl are using ewoks to fight rancor at the very beginning.
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    Forest Moon-Event is about one year old.
    Bounty Hunter Events exist since april, Rebel Roundup since may.
    If you ignore this - your fault.
    If you had nott ignored these events, you should have Ewoks and Bounty-Hunters to at last unlock Chewie and C-3PO ... with some planing before you should have farmed enough gear to get the event-chars at 6* ... If you played these toons before outside of the events, there should be no problem to get the event-chars on 7*
    Revan was different - no early event and almost no time to farm as f2p
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    This is what you need. I think it's fair!

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    Comparing to palp they're essentially adjusting for new levels cause iirc palp was back when the cap was 80 and around when mods were new, and Yoda before that. Since then we've added 2 gear levels a wave of ability upgrades, zetas, and expect people to have better mods hence "recommended G11+"etc. it took me dozens if not a hundred attempts to do palp when he first came out, or Thrawn, or R2. These events are difficult so you can earn them, and once you do you never touch it again until mythic where you usually have the faction built up to 3* it
  • Options
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    Bounty Hunters are a required faction for dark side Territory Battles and collectively have great ships. Ewoks have been a fantastic team for Territory Battles, Territory Wars and did extremely well in arena (until the Triumvirate and Revan teams took over) since the releases of Paploo, Logray and Wicket. There was ample reason to build both teams. They didn't ask you to jump 2 or 3 gear levels in a few days. They rewarded the folks who have worked on those factions with Legendary events.
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    Correct that to "mobile micro-transaction game". If you buy/bought console games for a fixed initial price you'd eventually have access to everything, particularly back before constant online play. I never had to whip out my credit card to finish an RPG, max out a character, get a better car in a racing game, or unlock better attack combos. All it took was patience, perseverance, and sometimes luck. That's the part that's frustrating. They intentionally stonewall people until they're so frustrated by bottlenecks, over-the-top gear requirements, or insanely truncated timelines for events that they give up and whip out the VISA. It's borderline predatory and a really sad comment on corporate greed versus customer satisfaction.

    @Neo2551 Old Daka is sad that you're forgetting her any-faction revive chance. :(
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    People need to stop saying the game was built on resource management. It wasn't.

    It's built on having a higher demand than supply so people will pay to bridge the gap.

    F2P may be forced to play the resource management game due to an unwillingness to pay but the game itself was built on the same principles casinos have been using to make money for years and those principles start with - don't give everything away for free first time everytime.

    Dont you think people should stop saying this too.

    There is a difference between a whale and a kraken. Not every whale can spend any amount of money. Just because a player spends doesnt mean they have unlimited means. That means that they still have to manage resources just like the rest of us.

    It is resource management.

    I'm also a little confused, dont they give away a 3* toon to everyone (above lvl 60) the first go around? A 3* toon that is viable if properly geared in many cases.
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    EmeraldZx wrote: »
    TL;DR: Events are only getting more expensive inducing, this game has no place for competitive f2p, this 3P0 event is bananas in vigor, and that's only going to get worse, CG is amazing but EA is messing everything up. Also I'm gonna delete my google account or something because this game gave me a bad case of anger management.

    1. Spending is optional. If you can't get it at first try, get it "x" months later since you know the requirements/difficulty.

    2. To be honest, mate, I feel like you're only angry at the requirements of the event. Not the strategy. Explore Youtube, Discord etc and there are helpful peers who have cracked the event(s) with a minimalistic approach. But as several players have pointed out, and unless you're a relatively new player, the Forest Moon event, Wicket event and drop locations for the bears have been out for so long.

    3. This may seem hard to believe but you have the ability to make decisions in this game. Choice to farm whoever you want, choice to hit arena hard to get top, choice to solo the raids if you have the team etc. It's good to see that you want to win and get whichever toons are available but why make it seem like it is a must-do thing? Even CG's Revan rush was dealt a blow (allegedly) when Bastila Fallen came out.

    4. Regardless of FTP or PTP, if you know you need work in a certain event/game mode, focus on it until you're done with it.

    5. Lastly, I am sorry to hear about the addiction of yours. I get that it is habit hard to break and if you're quitting this game, I truly hope you wont latch on to another game with similar mechanics for your healths sake.

  • Options
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    Correct that to "mobile micro-transaction game". If you buy/bought console games for a fixed initial price you'd eventually have access to everything, particularly back before constant online play. I never had to whip out my credit card to finish an RPG, max out a character, get a better car in a racing game, or unlock better attack combos. All it took was patience, perseverance, and sometimes luck. That's the part that's frustrating. They intentionally stonewall people until they're so frustrated by bottlenecks, over-the-top gear requirements, or insanely truncated timelines for events that they give up and whip out the VISA. It's borderline predatory and a really sad comment on corporate greed versus customer satisfaction.

    @Neo2551 Old Daka is sad that you're forgetting her any-faction revive chance. :(

    Yes, but you pay for those console games upward to 60 or 70 bucks before you ever play it. This is free to download and play. If people want to advance faster than f2p can take you, you pay for that chance. No difference.
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    icanectc wrote: »
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    People keep pointing out to the fact that Bounty Hunters and Ewoks have been in the game for a while which somehow justifies the difficulty of these events. I disagree, the game is built on the principle of resource management and careful use of gear, ability materials and energy. There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks. I wouldn't expect anyone with resource management skills to have invested past g8 for this faction. Asking us to hop 2-3 gear tiers for 5 characters in just a few days is absurd

    You can disagree if you want but it's been standard operating procedure for an event to either be a gear check (when characters have been out a long time) or a star count (characters newly released).

    Revan used brand new faction toons thus the only potential pay wall was shards to get to 7*. 3po and legendary chewie used factions long in the game thus required a gear check.

    That absolutely seems reasonable. When CG includes both a shard and gear check pay wall then i could see that argument.

    Not to mention that C3P0 wasnt even a gear-check event as people cleared it with g9 teddies. Mine were mostly G10, I did have to farm shards for Paploo and Logray tho (Wicket 7* is a no-brainer for the zeta event...)
  • Formerly_Randy
    333 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Considering the Chewie and C3PO events alone, this game is almost 100% resource management and knowing which characters are important to farm/gear. If you're not wise enough to save up on gear, crystals, credits, etc. then you will not stand a chance as a F2P player.

    I'm 100% F2P and I have gotten every legendary/hero's journey character on the first try save for the characters that needed massive panic farming (i.e. Thrawn, Revan).
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Beyol wrote: »
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    Correct that to "mobile micro-transaction game". If you buy/bought console games for a fixed initial price you'd eventually have access to everything, particularly back before constant online play. I never had to whip out my credit card to finish an RPG, max out a character, get a better car in a racing game, or unlock better attack combos. All it took was patience, perseverance, and sometimes luck. That's the part that's frustrating. They intentionally stonewall people until they're so frustrated by bottlenecks, over-the-top gear requirements, or insanely truncated timelines for events that they give up and whip out the VISA. It's borderline predatory and a really sad comment on corporate greed versus customer satisfaction.

    @Neo2551 Old Daka is sad that you're forgetting her any-faction revive chance. :(

    Yes, but you pay for those console games upward to 60 or 70 bucks before you ever play it. This is free to download and play. If people want to advance faster than f2p can take you, you pay for that chance. No difference.

    Not exactly. $60-70 used to net you a complete game. Hours and hours of content. All at your fingertips without the need to buy it again. If they wanted to add more, they released an expansion set for maybe $15-30 that added entirely new content, sometimes effectively doubling the size of the game.

    Here, they sell an Ewok pack for more than that game plus expansion that doesn't even guarantee your ability unlock a SINGLE new character. I'm surprised by how much money people are willing to throw into this game without pausing to reflect on the actual scale of the investment compared to the rewards. It's insane.

    There's a MASSIVE difference.
  • Options
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Beyol wrote: »
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    There is no video game on the planet that makes the best end-game characters easy for F2P to get. The Revan event was not high in difficulty.....this one, like the Chewie one, was higher in difficulty because the characters that can be used for the event have been farmable for a long time.

    Correct that to "mobile micro-transaction game". If you buy/bought console games for a fixed initial price you'd eventually have access to everything, particularly back before constant online play. I never had to whip out my credit card to finish an RPG, max out a character, get a better car in a racing game, or unlock better attack combos. All it took was patience, perseverance, and sometimes luck. That's the part that's frustrating. They intentionally stonewall people until they're so frustrated by bottlenecks, over-the-top gear requirements, or insanely truncated timelines for events that they give up and whip out the VISA. It's borderline predatory and a really sad comment on corporate greed versus customer satisfaction.

    @Neo2551 Old Daka is sad that you're forgetting her any-faction revive chance. :(

    Yes, but you pay for those console games upward to 60 or 70 bucks before you ever play it. This is free to download and play. If people want to advance faster than f2p can take you, you pay for that chance. No difference.

    Not exactly. $60-70 used to net you a complete game. Hours and hours of content. All at your fingertips without the need to buy it again. If they wanted to add more, they released an expansion set for maybe $15-30 that added entirely new content, sometimes effectively doubling the size of the game.

    Here, they sell an Ewok pack for more than that game plus expansion that doesn't even guarantee your ability unlock a SINGLE new character. I'm surprised by how much money people are willing to throw into this game without pausing to reflect on the actual scale of the investment compared to the rewards. It's insane.

    There's a MASSIVE difference.

    Only if you're impatient enough to want the toons now. I don't have such a problem. Plus any that feels the need to throw money at this, well that's up to them, nobody is twisting any arms.
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    Get over yourself bro.

    Both the Chewie event and the C3P0 event are clearly designed to be very hard events. It’s states right in the game that 7star, lvl 85, and G11+ are the expected minimums. It not like CG is hiding the difficulty.

    Plus, you’re clearly aware that you are using an undergeared and incorrect team. Of course that is going to make the event even more difficult.

    Excelling in GoH is all about prioritizing. It sounds to me like you are struggling to focus on one thing at a time and because of that your roster is stretched too thin, which just makes everything seem harder than it is.
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    EmeraldZx wrote: »
    Since the promise of more legendary character events, I've gotten excited, but Chewie had me spent 4 hours of countless retries on tier 7, which was baffling because my BH were each G11 with a zeta bossk lead. Yeah, G11 squad with the best BH lead and I spent hours beating the event with the proper kill order every time I went in to fail. That morning was infuriating for me, and I spent those 4 hours swearing every imaginable nasty thing to whoever designed the event. I even considered making a thread, but eventually I beat the event. Now 3P0 comes along. I have zeta G9 chirpa (thanks for making me waste a zeta guys), G11 wicket elder teebo, G9 scout. No Paploo or Logray sadly, but attempt 32 and the closest I've gotten was nearly knocking down chewie with only 3 ewoks even alive, so to say my heart was beating even though I wasn't winning anything. Next up is Wicket zeta, (yeah thanks for making me waste another, my JTR squad is still waiting). I'm furiously farming Paploo, 64/85, so we all know he's not hitting 7 star in 4 days without money. But this all leads to the center of my argument. The requirements are getting out of hand. CG, you honestly need to shut down the events and rename the requirements to G11 and up, have the toon that every single person here knows you intentionally centered the event around (cough cough logray for daze), and meet a zeta minimum. I mean do you take us for fools? There are SIX enemies this time all gold and all with ambiguous speeds going not only first but assists everywhere I can't even keep track. My elder is 241 speed and with his 70% turn meter per turn, he's still slow compared to these rebels. I remember the day when I was raging about trying to beat Palpatine's event with G8, now I can barely beat these events with zetas and G10+, something I know will only continue to get worse. This game is truly a wonderful game, it's concept and design is unrivaled, CG does phenomenal with the core of the game, but every one can tell EA is milking this game to an extreme, and it just keeps making me want to quit so much. I've never experienced anger like I have with this game. I've thrown my phone at the wall and shattered it before, my face gets so red from yelling to the point I get a headache afterwards, and my blood pressure gets so high it's actually dangerous, and this stems from being a competitive free to play player. As a free to play player, trying to compete in the high end results is so much anger, and that's not due to my play style. Every time these new events pop up, I spend so much energy to complete it just because I need to keep up. for 3m gp, I have a very spread out roster, and I blow through hard node farms, as right now 7 more shards for Hound and that's 7 star, but why should I keep going? This game just needs one thing and that's money, so I essentially have zero value to the game, and as such I'll be treated that way. CG, I just really wish the game wasn't so hostile to competitive free to play. Any one can be a free to play person, but this game is built on competing with other people, and the only way to do good in this game is pay money. There are some people out here that are brilliant with how they play without spending, and that is truly impressive, but I'm can barely keep my head above the water with all the farms being thrown our way. The only thing keeping me from quitting is the built up addiction, and when I've tried to quit before, I came back because noon comes and I reach for the game that's uninstalled and think oh yeah. I managed to quit an actual illegal drug way easier than this game, and that's a problem. Because this problem is only getting worse, the next step is to figure out how to delete my my google account. I've been pushed past what I can handle in tolerance, and this has gone for years. It's time to call it a day, because I have zero value to the game as a player without giving my wallet, and one way or another I refuse to give money to the game. I would give my money to charity, to real struggling causes long before I do to this game. SWGOH was fantastic, but over time it just get's ruined, and if you're a new player, I advise you to quit now if you plan on being free to play and competitive. I will never recommend this game to anyone, and I truly honestly hope these words make a difference if devs read this. I know I'm not the only one who starts being sick of the way the system works. You would think that with data would state a clear point on how many free to play 4m gp accounts there are vs how many pay to play 4m gp accounts there are. Let's be honest. If you're 4m, there is a very high chance that you've spent a fair amount of money. Anyways that's it from me.

    TL;DR: Events are only getting more expensive inducing, this game has no place for competitive f2p, this 3P0 event is bananas in vigor, and that's only going to get worse, CG is amazing but EA is messing everything up. Also I'm gonna delete my google account or something because this game gave me a bad case of anger management.

    Massive wall of text crits you for 1,000,000 HP
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    PeteBajama wrote: »
    There was never a legitimate reason tto justify sinking resources into a weak class like the ewoks.

    This attitude shows everything that is wrong with the base of this game that spends their time on the forum. It shows a fundamental lack of understanding about how legendary characters work, and why we're always going to get the hue and cry of "IT'S ALL A CASH GRAB!" every time something is released.

    Legendary characters aren't cash grabs. They're easily attainable for free to play players who have farmed up those teams in advance to 7*. My C3-P0 is only 6* because my Paploo and Wicket are only 6*, but I have never bothered to farm them, I've gotten their shards only by doing the repeating Ewok events (the same ones that some forum-goers like Pete up here say is dumb and pointless and worthless). Their gear is between 8 and 9, I brough Chirpa up to 10 after I finished T6.

    This event is easy.

    The "scary trend" of this game is how many people dogmatically refuse to interact with teams that aren't the tippy-topmost meta and then complain when they can't do something because some easily-farmable character turns out to have been useful this whole time. Specifically I'm thinking of Pao for the Sith Raid here. Or Chirpa (again) for the tank raid. Or Dathcha for the tank raid. Or Imperial Troopers for basically every mode of gameplay where they're available.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    11605 posts Moderator

    >A LOT of anger issues
    I recommend you take counseling or something regarding your ongoing unchecked anger

    >Wants to use toons that are useless in the event
    CG didn't force you to zeta a single ewok. That was your decision. Playing this event for hours and hours without a tank is your decision. Its easier if you had a tank to control who AI targets but without Paploo, its up to RNG if they go after Ewok Elder or not. You also need to gear them up. These toons have been available for free to play players for over a year now. You chose to ignore them. You made that decision. CG didn't force you to. I didn't force you to. People in this forum or on reddit didn't force you to.

    >Gives nothing to the game and is mad that he is treated like nothing

    This is not even true. I've seen players spend a lot and waste the resources they gathered by spending on junk. Game is very F2P friendly allowing people who don't even spend a dime to stay competitive. You just need to be smart about it and focus on some things not everything but yes, if you plan on playing for free you will be shafted by spenders. That is the nature of this game, and the real world itself. If you are not going to spend on this game, stop complaining about it. That's your decision.

    >more anger

    I'm really concerned about your health (high blood pressure, emotional outbursts etc) and it seems some of your gameplay decisions are made on these short bursts of rage (zeta usage, farming priorities for example)

    >7 shards away from Hounds Tooth

    um weird flex but ok
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    After reading your description of the anger you experience playing the game, you should absolutely quit.

    Breaking a phone, blood pressure, screaming and addictive behavior that you’re trying to stop... these all extremely unhealthy reactions to a game and have nothing to do with the game’s setup.

    I wish you the best.
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    OP might've made the greatest point in the universe, but I'll never know because there's no way I'm subjecting my eyes to that wall of text with no line breaks.
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