Finally beat the 7* C3PO event I was excluded from!

Ok so I know that EA caters to the money which means making events that are so hard that require a fully maxed out team to cut down the time it takes to beat the rng.
But I definitely feel that f2p players (like me) have been harshly excluded from these events unless they've either already had the team required maxed out on gear, or have 5 hours of nonstop attempts to throw its way till they finally get good rng. Mine was the latter, I spent attempt after attempt waiting for that perfect rng where I only lost 1 or less toons, elder didn't die or get stunned and the most crucial one of all, "chewie not getting stealthed".

So a quick guide to all the f2p players out there going through hell, here's what u need and need to do.
Elder dies u restart, more than 2 ewoks die before u get ur turn u restart, if anyone gets stunned at the start id play it out and see where it goes but chances are pretty bad as it ruins the tm train.
Now for what needs to happen and where ur focus needs to be.
If r2 puts chewie under stealth retreat its not even worth it to work on the taunter while hes under stealth, if u cant kill chewie before his next turn its pretty much game over as him and han will obliterate everyone. once chewie is down work on the taunter, make sure u are keeping elder under stealth and if hes not stealthed u need to taunt with paploo so that han wont kill him, after the taunter is down work on han, then r2, then leia, and then......well the last one is pretty obvious.

That's what it took to beat it, and as far as mods put on the fastest mods u have, the only 2 ewoks u need to worry about more than speed with is elder and wicket. I had my elder at around 20k health and 40k protection but he was also at 208speed, and I went all out on CD and CC sets for wicket don't even worry about his speed, he needs to crit so that he can keep the tm going and do max damage.
These are my gear lvls for anyone curious, Elder and logray g11, wicket g10, paploo and chirpa g9.
Its possible to do it with maybe 1 gear lvl lower on elder, logray and wicket, but its still going to be based on rng in the end. oh yeah and I had chirpa's zeta, never would have happened without it.
Anyways hope this helps all the f2p players out there, it sucks being excluded from events like this if u weren't already prepared but just remember that were the most determined players out there cause we have to actually put in real effort.

Whales u can hate on me all u want now for thinking I said u don't put in effort, I don't really care let the comments roll in if u dare, cause Im f2p and I finally beat this event! Eat that EA! lol


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    This event is not that hard
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    yeah? what gear lvl are ur ewoks an how many zeta's do u have on them?
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    I also had several omega abilities that I couldn't lvl up as well so I had hardly any buffs for my team
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    Would it be any fin if you can beat the event the first time? or any game for that matter?
  • Ultra
    11586 posts Moderator
    Painki11er wrote: »
    yeah? what gear lvl are ur ewoks an how many zeta's do u have on them?
    0 zetas
    +90 to +100 speed on each Ewok
    G9 to G11
    Took me 8 attempts

    Was pretty easy and there is no whale vs F2P animosity
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    There should be limits to it, having it based solely on rng after u meet a certain gear requirement just isn't cool. cause then I don't feel like I earned it, I just got lucky enough to have it drop.
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    Painki11er wrote: »
    I also had several omega abilities that I couldn't lvl up as well so I had hardly any buffs for my team
    I don’t think this was an event that excluded f2p.

    It was more an event that excluded newer f2p. People who’ve been around 2.5+ years should have had all those ewoks at 7*.
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    I disagree with your view on f2p exclusion (im happy with a 5star first time c3po as full f2p), but you took a lot of effort to write a great guide, to which I just wanted to express my gratitude.
    Thank you for helping others, and congratulations to your 7star c3po!
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    One zeta on chirpa g10, EE g11, paploo g10, wicket g10, logray g9

    I have guild mates lower than that are getting 7*.

    Took me 3 tries. You stealth EE with wicket then you remove taunt with logray or paploo. You Target Chewy. If you kill Chewy and keep EE stealthed then they don't do enough dmg to keep up with EE and you can grind it out.

    Speed over 200 is helpful. There are key toons like paploo for their debuff abilities. But they have all been farmable for a very long time. This event is not one to complain about.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Painki11er wrote: »
    yeah? what gear lvl are ur ewoks an how many zeta's do u have on them?
    0 zetas
    +90 to +100 speed on each Ewok
    G9 to G11
    Took me 8 attempts

    Was pretty easy and there is no whale vs F2P animosity

    As I said, It's rng there will be people who got lucky and made it in the first few attempts like u, and then others like me who sat there for hours getting obliterated before they finally made it.
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    Kill order Chew, Han, Leia, as you wish
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    @hikari, half my ewoks were over 240 speed but it took far to many attempts for the rng to finally work out for me
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    I disagree with your view on f2p exclusion (im happy with a 5star first time c3po as full f2p), but you took a lot of effort to write a great guide, to which I just wanted to express my gratitude.
    Thank you for helping others, and congratulations to your 7star c3po!

    thx, I hope it can help someone. as far as the f2p exclusion I get it, the ewoks have been there, but we are excluded if the ewoks weren't something we worked on. which I feel there are quite a few f2p players who don't have a g11-g12 ewok team. in a sense the f2p will always be excluded at a certain lvl cause we cant really keep up with everything being thrown at us so we just have to hope that we go for the best.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Why does being f2p mean you can’t gear your Ewoks?
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    Painki11er wrote: »
    I also had several omega abilities that I couldn't lvl up as well so I had hardly any buffs for my team
    I don’t think this was an event that excluded f2p.

    It was more an event that excluded newer f2p. People who’ve been around 2.5+ years should have had all those ewoks at 7*.

    I did have them at 7*, but my highest geared ewok when c3 launched was g7, I had to drop absolutely everything I was farming to spend my 3 refreshes just getting gear for them in hopes to 7* c3.
    Ewoks weren't a useful team to me, so I never had a reason to spend my gear on them. "until now"
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    Liath wrote: »
    Why does being f2p mean you can’t gear your Ewoks?

    It doesn't it just means that I wont be able to gear them to what I want to, which makes the event harder when ur under geared
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    Painki11er wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Why does being f2p mean you can’t gear your Ewoks?

    It doesn't it just means that I wont be able to gear them to what I want to, which makes the event harder when ur under geared

    This becomes a personal decision. It does not mean you were excluded from anything. You can't really expect them to make g6-8 the ceiling for these things.
  • Ultra
    11586 posts Moderator
    Painki11er wrote: »
    I disagree with your view on f2p exclusion (im happy with a 5star first time c3po as full f2p), but you took a lot of effort to write a great guide, to which I just wanted to express my gratitude.
    Thank you for helping others, and congratulations to your 7star c3po!

    thx, I hope it can help someone. as far as the f2p exclusion I get it, the ewoks have been there, but we are excluded if the ewoks weren't something we worked on. which I feel there are quite a few f2p players who don't have a g11-g12 ewok team. in a sense the f2p will always be excluded at a certain lvl cause we cant really keep up with everything being thrown at us so we just have to hope that we go for the best.
    By definition, You are only excluded if you don't have 5 ewoks at 7 stars for Tier 7.

    There are plenty of F2P players that have a gold ewok team. Just because they weren't a useful team to you, doesn't mean every single F2P is in the same boat
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    Personally I wish people would stop using P2P/F2P in any discussion that doesn't involve things that can only be gotten with $$. Everything in this game is technically F2P the moment it's released - every shard and every piece of gear can be gotten either with energy or crystals, both of which the game gives you.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    It seems like OP might have written a nice guide but all I see is complaining in the thread title and the start of the post.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    It seems like OP might have written a nice guide but all I see is complaining in the thread title and the start of the post.

    Too accurate haha
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    The passion that the players have for the game is evident in this post. I applaud that. But you were not "excluded" for your style of play. Proof: you finished the event and have a new 7* C3PO. Congratulations!

    In general you have a decent guide, but it is not the be-all, end-all truth of how the event must be approached to succeed. Case in point: my 7*-winning run broke two of your must-follow rules. I lost two furries on the opening round (Chirpa and Scout) AND R2 stealthed everyone except the Rebel Commando so I had to work him first, but Chewie went down second without too much fuss .

    Yes, an undergeared squad can prevail if a player is willing to continue rolling the dice for hours upon hours until the miracle sequence occurs. But the simple truth is that the event was intended for higher geared characters. That doesn't make it a bad event.

    I think the event was targeted toward g11 bears; you did it with less because you went unicorn hunting. Again, congratulations! Try a smile instead of a frown for your success. Cheers
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Painki11er wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Why does being f2p mean you can’t gear your Ewoks?

    It doesn't it just means that I wont be able to gear them to what I want to, which makes the event harder when ur under geared

    If you want to be able to consistently do these events as a f2p when they first come around you need to keep a stash of gear (and other materials) available for whatever becomes necessary unexpectedly. It’s the price of doing business.
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    yeah, that's the only reason I was able to beat it. I had been stock piling for about 4 months. had I not theres no way I ever would have even come close to beating t7
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    [ ] excluded from.
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    I’m f2p just have the wrong ewoks.
    Missing Wicket and Chirpa.
    Elder is G12, Paploo and Logray 11, Scout 10 and Teebo 9.

    I’ve given up on getting 3po to 7*
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    I unlocked as FTP, 7* Chirpa just last Friday, took Logray to G11 along with Paploo. I spent the rest of the week gearing, got lucky with a crystal purchase this morning and got my third bear to G11.
    EE g11, speed 234.
    Paploo g11, speed 184, put a crit avoid arrow on him this morning I think that made the difference.
    Logray g11, speed 228.
    Wicket, g10, speed 224.
    Chief g10, speed 202.
    Once I remodded this morning it took 4 attempts to 7*, for a total of 36 tries overall. Fun event!
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • Painki11er
    38 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    It seems like OP might have written a nice guide but all I see is complaining in the thread title and the start of the post.
    Vertigo wrote: »
    Too accurate haha

    yes I complained, are both u saying that u absolutely love everything about this game and theres nothing to change?
    Im just trying to bring it to attention that there needs to be more to an event than pure luck, and whether anyone believes it or not EA has always geared everything in this game towards paying players.
    The only time the f2p players matter to them is when they have a complaint that's knocking down their front door. Money is all they care about, so one last time and u guys can wine all u want. "YES" f2p players are excluded from events like this, these events are setup to make u spend money and if u don't spend money than they don't care whether or not u are set back in places like the arena, tw, or ga.

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    The passion that the players have for the game is evident in this post. I applaud that. But you were not "excluded" for your style of play. Proof: you finished the event and have a new 7* C3PO. Congratulations!

    In general you have a decent guide, but it is not the be-all, end-all truth of how the event must be approached to succeed. Case in point: my 7*-winning run broke two of your must-follow rules. I lost two furries on the opening round (Chirpa and Scout) AND R2 stealthed everyone except the Rebel Commando so I had to work him first, but Chewie went down second without too much fuss .

    Yes, an undergeared squad can prevail if a player is willing to continue rolling the dice for hours upon hours until the miracle sequence occurs. But the simple truth is that the event was intended for higher geared characters. That doesn't make it a bad event.

    I think the event was targeted toward g11 bears; you did it with less because you went unicorn hunting. Again, congratulations! Try a smile instead of a frown for your success. Cheers

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    Painki11er wrote: »
    Im just trying to bring it to attention that there needs to be more to an event than pure luck, and whether anyone believes it or not EA has always geared everything in this game towards paying players.

    The event is not dependent on "pure luck." You depended on luck because your squad had not reached the design level of gear/mods expected. There is a big difference.
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