Finally beat the 7* C3PO event I was excluded from!


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    exactly my point, unless u have some weird thing where ewoks are ur favorite team so for some reason u decided to g12 them then the event is pure luck. either max out or get stuck with an annoying person who wont leave u alone "RNG"
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    Painki11er wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    It seems like OP might have written a nice guide but all I see is complaining in the thread title and the start of the post.
    Vertigo wrote: »
    Too accurate haha

    yes I complained, are both u saying that u absolutely love everything about this game and theres nothing to change?

    No, I am saying (with full words and proper punctuation) that your complaint is not valid.
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    Painki11er wrote: »
    exactly my point, unless u have some weird thing where ewoks are ur favorite team so for some reason u decided to g12 them then the event is pure luck. either max out or get stuck with an annoying person who wont leave u alone "RNG"

    Patently untrue. Lots of players finished without g12, myself included. And lots of players anticipated needing ewoks to unlock C3PO, myself included. Here's what mine looked like, g10-11:

    I can empathize with you about the annoying "RNG" claims, though. Good luck in your future SWGOH goals.
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    well some of the other players must not get it, but they can let me know how fun and easy it is when they spend 4months worth of stockpiled gear and around an hour a day for 5days in one battle and are so frusturated out of their mind that they just don't want to deal with it. but by that point u have already put in so much effort it would be stupid to stop there.
  • Painki11er
    38 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    I actually also anticipated ewoks being needed for c3po months ahead of time cause I figured he would be needed for JL, but when I finally got them to 7* chewy came out so I figured c3 wasn't going to happen and chewy would take up the 5th slot for when JL came around. Bad judgement on my side
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Painki11er wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    It seems like OP might have written a nice guide but all I see is complaining in the thread title and the start of the post.
    Vertigo wrote: »
    Too accurate haha

    yes I complained, are both u saying that u absolutely love everything about this game and theres nothing to change?
    Im just trying to bring it to attention that there needs to be more to an event than pure luck, and whether anyone believes it or not EA has always geared everything in this game towards paying players.
    The only time the f2p players matter to them is when they have a complaint that's knocking down their front door. Money is all they care about, so one last time and u guys can wine all u want. "YES" f2p players are excluded from events like this, these events are setup to make u spend money and if u don't spend money than they don't care whether or not u are set back in places like the arena, tw, or ga.

    If you were excluded how did you play? To exclude someone in this case would mean to deny you access. You were not denied access and in fact you were granted access and you were capable enough to not gain access but complete. Therefore, you whole basis for a complaint is void and your case is thrown out. Perhaps you should complain how you wrongly claim you were excluded and be excited you were able to complete a challenge you believed to be difficult.

    Your argument is null and void and the basis that you were too good to be excluded.
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    Hey this is actually quite fun, Im beginning to enjoy myself.
    any other grammar gods out there want to pick apart my words and waste their time complaining about my complaint? Please shred this post to pieces, im curious to see how creative all of u together can be, besides u might actually make me laugh in the process, I could use a good laugh.
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    I think the problem is more the substantial "variance" in the RNG of these events. One try Chewie one shots one of my ewoks, then Han one shots an ewok, then the rebel commando one shots one of my ewoks. The next, my team survives the first assault with a couple debuffs on them. The next, I lose one. The next, I lose 4. And so on.

    Add to that, EE's cleanse / Ewok reviver is working for me about 1 time in 12 tries (far lower than over 1/3rd of the time in the description). I watched youtube vids on it and they're getting pretty much 100% revival rate with the darn thing and for me it works like crap. (Again, ridiculously large variance in RNG)

    Yes my Ewoks are gear 9 with one at 8 and one at 10. But, the RNG variance is still ridiculously broad. and I have guild mates with gear 10-11 ewoks that can't get it to work for them no matter how many times they run the event. It makes it more frustrating when people come to the forums and show their gear 7 ewoks and 7* C3P0.
  • Painki11er
    38 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    I feel ur pain man, that's why I had to drop chewy before his next turn cause if he was still up then him and han would one shot 2 of my ewoks and then they would get exposed and like u said then the taunter kills the next one. And I had the same bad luck as u with my revives, there was one time "ONE TIME" where half my team was dead and he revived all 3 of them, only for all of them to instantly die.
    Other people who were lucky enough to get good RNG with an under geared team don't seem to realize how bad the RNG really is. There were times where before I got my turn 3 of my ewoks would be dead, and then other times where not a single one died but as soon as chewy and han got their turn it was over.
    They also seem to have an issue with targeting EE first
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    Painki11er wrote: »
    Other people who were lucky enough to get good RNG with an under geared team

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    hey, u know its true! admit it, theres a ton of rng involved and if it finally lines up u can beat this with a full g9 team
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    Why are you so bitter that you were able to GET the Golden God? I only got him 5* this time and I accept that. That's how all the legendaries are, I get them unlocked but never 7* the first time.
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    Here check this out, this guy was able to complete it with a g9 team aside from elder who was g10.
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    Painki11er wrote: »
    hey, u know its true! admit it, theres a ton of rng involved and if it finally lines up u can beat this with a full g9 team

    So maybe don't use a full g9 team.

    As soon as we knew the event was coming, I focused on finishing farms on Logray, Paploo, and Chirpa. I hoarded resources and then started buying gear. When the event hit I was able to bring three toons to G11, two to G10, all to level 85, and give out a bunch of omegas and a zeta to Chirpa. Beat it no problem.

    You have no one to blame but yourself.
    I need a new message here.
  • Painki11er
    38 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    dude I did the same thing, as I said earlier I used 4months worth of gear that I had been saving to gear my ewoks but the RNG was absolutely savage to me. Here's my logic, if it can be beat with g9 then why does there have to be so much RNG that's just there to waste ur time, did they do that to intentionally make people mad to the point where they just give in and drop some money into the game to get it over with?
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    4 months of gear? It took me, like I said, from the time the Crumb puzzle was solved until the event dropped. My Ewoks were a mix of G8, G7, and a G6 Wicket. If you needed that long to get the gear I got in 2-3 weeks and couldn't even get past G9, I don't think RNG was your problem.
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  • Painki11er
    38 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    I never said my ewoks were g9, I said its possible to do it with g9. all of my ewoks were g6-7 at the start, u can read the description to see what gear lvl they were when I finally finished it
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    Ok it took you four months to get a few more gear levels. RNG was still not your problem.
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    RNG was the problem, the event was like farming fost, attempts galore with nothing in return
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ok it took you four months to get a few more gear levels. RNG was still not your problem.

    TVF this is you every. single. event. in SWGOH: "Bra, I started prepping like 45 years ago for this. It was SOOOOO EASY BRO! You can't do it because it's your fault."

    There is RNG involved, whether you admit it or not. If there was zero issue with RNG, anyone with a gear 11-12 and a Zeta Chirpa should be able to press auto on it and beat the 7* Tier on their first attempt. If everyone with Gear 11+ couldn't do that to 7* C3P0, then there IS RNG involved.

    When people post here about how they got it with a gear 8 team and/or without a zeta on Chirpa, that shows the obscene amount of variance in the RNG on this event. (It is also a marketing tactic to get people frustrated into spending money to do the rush to get an event done.)
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    Well good luck on the next legendary where you also struggle due to "RNG."

    I need a new message here.
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    im curious to know how long it took u to get chewy?
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    his event is exactly like this one in terms of RNG difficulty
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    Painki11er wrote: »
    his event is exactly like this one in terms of RNG difficulty

    Exactly. So you should have been prepared.

    After I gave Bossk a zeta it took two or three attempts.
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    at what gear lvl?
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    It doesn't matter. Your statement was " I definitely feel that f2p players (like me) have been harshly excluded from these events unless they've either already had the team required maxed out on gear, or have 5 hours of nonstop attempts to throw its way till they finally get good rng." This is false because you left out option three, which was to be ready to gear them up as necessary. You don't have to be p2p or have *any* RNG to do that.
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  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    In fact, this event was easier. I needed a G12/G11 mix for Chewie, this one I did it with G11/G10. So you were not excluded, and if you had learned anything from Chewie, you would have had zero issues.
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    option 3 doesn't exist anymore when u already used it. luckily I only need to gear 1 BH
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    also the fact that u completed both events with different gear lvls confirms that RNG is pretty heavily involved
  • TVF
    36759 posts Member
    I don't know what that is supposed to mean.
    I need a new message here.
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