Galactic Bounties Wampa

Soooo....any chance of getting Wampa without Bossk or Dengar?

G12 Zeta Boba, G12 Zeta Greedo, G12 Zeta Zam, G12 Cad Bane, G11 IG88.

I do better with a 6* g7 Dengar than IG88. But nonetheless, 20 infuriating attempts later I've only gotten Wampa into yellow once. Remodded everyone, super speed, super potency...still...super dead.

I'm pretty annoyed at this development. I should be able to pull it off, it's recommended G11+, and people with inferior setups and no zeta can pull it off because of only Dengar, but I can literally do nothing but die.

I've given props for good design in the past, but this is terrible design. I've got guys in my guild with only g12 Dengar and g8/9 everything else without Zeta on ANYONE who can beat the Wampa Bounty with ease, and at 220+ Speed and 80%+ potency each and I'm slaughtered without fail. I'm lucky if I even get to the last round with a full squad. Greedo rarely counters. Zam is dead in 3 shots. Ridiculous.


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    You need to keep him stunned. Simple as that.
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    It's way easier with zBossk but try any lead that has health/protection regen like Zam. Keep up the stuns on Wampa with Cad and Greedo and you probably do want Dengar over 88 for his mini mines
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    Kitch wrote: »
    You need to keep him stunned. Simple as that.


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    Or ability block.
    And you have to it before he takes a turn.
    Bossk help because he had a stun too, so less RNG.

    Use the previous phase to adjust turn meter and free your cooldown
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    I've done exactly these strategies. I stunned him 3 times before he went once. Still killed me. Even inflicted ability block with Boba. Didn't matter.

    Phase 3 I don't use anything but basic abilities so I'm free to use them against Wampa.

    So far, I'm 0 for 25 attempts today which only infuriates me more.

    In all these attempts, I've had one chance. I got Wampa into yellow once, but Zam was killed in phase 3/4 that time so I couldn't finish him off.

    Either I can't get to round 4/4 at full strength or he goes first when I do get there at full strength, or he resists stun from Dengar/Cad. Hell, I've had numerous runs where Greedo is dead in round 1/4 because he refuses to counter anything. If I do make it full strength the Wampa goes first which insta kills Greedo and Dengar(who even at g7 and 6* has = Survivability to Greedo at G12).

    So I'm giving up because this is just insanity. It's obvious that I can't beat it despite 4 G12 and 3 Zeta's. Glad I invested heavily into Bounty Hunters and still can't get Wampa.

    Tapping out.
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    Changed mods. Improved potency and speed. Tried Zam lead(which is a terrible idea as I barely make it out of round 1 with 3+ toons.) Had a couple tries with Zam as lead where she was killed before my first turn. I'm getting screwed on this. Extra hard.
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    This is like getting ticked off at the assault battles cuz I don’t have Chaze. Solution: quit whining, get Chaze.
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    Don't need Chaze for assault battles. Plenty of compositions work without Chaze.
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    Still don't have them, able to defeat highest tier on every assault battle with multiple teams.
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    Stunning is indeed the key. Last time my poor hunters got womped like Jawas at a Tusken gaffi party. After building them up as my arena team, Bossk now has a nice new pair of Wampa-hide pants. No problem.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Stunning is indeed the key. Last time my poor hunters got womped like Jawas at a Tusken gaffi party. After building them up as my arena team, Bossk now has a nice new pair of Wampa-hide pants. No problem.

    Gonna work on Bossk. And thanks for being helpful unlike Dave12 above.
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    You can do it without stunning him - sometimes he just decides not to do his AOE/protection gain move for some reason. You'd pretty much need Bossk though, as nobody else can stand up to his insane hits.

    I'd go for Bane, Dengar and Greedo for a no-Bossk run for maximum stun/TM drain. And hopefully speed down from Dengar.
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    Gave up on Wampa, got Paploo instead. Much more important to move on rather than let the **** stress affect me any further.

    Maybe next time.
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    I actually had Bossk, Dengar and Cad all stunning. It was a bit overkill to be honest. I think two of the three would have been enough.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    I actually had Bossk, Dengar and Cad all stunning. It was a bit overkill to be honest. I think two of the three would have been enough.

    It's RNG city because he's so fast. I've had runs where he never moves, and runs where I hit him once and then half my team dies.
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    I've done exactly these strategies. I stunned him 3 times before he went once. Still killed me. Even inflicted ability block with Boba. Didn't matter.

    Phase 3 I don't use anything but basic abilities so I'm free to use them against Wampa.

    So far, I'm 0 for 25 attempts today which only infuriates me more.

    In all these attempts, I've had one chance. I got Wampa into yellow once, but Zam was killed in phase 3/4 that time so I couldn't finish him off.

    Either I can't get to round 4/4 at full strength or he goes first when I do get there at full strength, or he resists stun from Dengar/Cad. Hell, I've had numerous runs where Greedo is dead in round 1/4 because he refuses to counter anything. If I do make it full strength the Wampa goes first which insta kills Greedo and Dengar(who even at g7 and 6* has = Survivability to Greedo at G12).

    So I'm giving up because this is just insanity. It's obvious that I can't beat it despite 4 G12 and 3 Zeta's. Glad I invested heavily into Bounty Hunters and still can't get Wampa.

    Tapping out.

    I managed to do it with g12 zbossk and g10-11 greedo 88 cad boba... Once.
    Then I spent literally 1,5 hours without success, so I just switches to paploo and called it a day.
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    <rolls eyes> yes it is technically possible to do the mythic tier military might without chaze. It involves incredible mods, same as here. But, the point I was making is quit whining and get Dengar.
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    Jarvind wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    I actually had Bossk, Dengar and Cad all stunning. It was a bit overkill to be honest. I think two of the three would have been enough.

    It's RNG city because he's so fast. I've had runs where he never moves, and runs where I hit him once and then half my team dies.
    Both runs were a stuning cakewalk with g12 zzBossk, g12 Boba, g11 zEmbo, g11 Cad, g10 Dengar, all arena-modded. Very different from last time around.

    Chewie's next. Fuzzball better laugh it up while he can! :D
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    U want all 5 to have AB or a stun. Zbossk is the best lead since he gives all 50 speed which u definitely will need.

    I use zbossk boba cad dengar and greedo. 2 AB, 2 stun, and a reliable tm removal. Im pretty sure ig88 works as well for the AB.
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    Dave12, you contributed nothing positive but told me to quit whining and "rolling your eyes" at my response. Everyone else in this discussion has been productive and helpful in this issue and did not resort to responding in the manner you did twice now.

    I don't have Chaze. I beat it on mythic. Even got it to 3* without Chaze. Your point? CLS, Fulcrum, Han, R2, Sabine, victory. CLS, Fulcrum, Han, Chopper, Leia, victory. CLS, R2, Han, Leia, Sabine, victory. CLS, R2, Ezra, Chopper, Fulcrum, victory. Etc. etc. etc. pretty sure I even got it 1* with my Phoenix.

    My point is this, you can beat Military Might without Chaze, but you can't beat Wampa without Dengar/Bossk? Despite gear levels and Zeta's.

    I asked if anyone was able to beat Galactic Bounties without Dengar and Bossk. So far, no one has provided me with anything to the contrary. So until you can contribute something helpful other than insults and eye rolls, please stay out of it.
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    Rath_Tarr good luck on the Wookie Hunt! Hopefully I have more luck with him than the Wampa lol
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    Rath_Tarr good luck on the Wookie Hunt! Hopefully I have more luck with him than the Wampa lol
    Thanks, good luck to you too.

    Funny thing is I'm a Rebel at heart so bounty hunting Chewie is really a perverse guilty pleasure! :D
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    My point is this, you can beat Military Might without Chaze, but you can't beat Wampa without Dengar/Bossk? Despite gear levels and Zeta's.

    I asked if anyone was able to beat Galactic Bounties without Dengar and Bossk. So far, no one has provided me with anything to the contrary. So until you can contribute something helpful other than insults and eye rolls, please stay out of it.
    What lead are you using? With your squad I would try Zam lead. Thermal Detonators & heals galore with a side of stuns for Wampa. :)
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    It’s possible so long as you can keep Wampa stunned, so Cad Bane and zeta Greedo may be able to do it. But, frankly, the more stuns you have the safer I’d feel.

    Bossk is a great choice because Wampa is the only character, so therefore is the weakest character and Bossk’s ability will stun. If you can get Bossk’s taunt up before Wampa becomes unstunned you should be good to go—every special used will give Bossk 100% tm thanks to Frenzy, so the cooldown on his special will refresh the ability before Wampa becomes unstunned.
    Shaeis wrote: »
    Or ability block.
    And you have to it before he takes a turn.
    Bossk help because he had a stun too, so less RNG.

    You can beat Wampa if it takes a turn, it just takes longer—but you have to keep it stunned!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36794 posts Member
    Bossk does not need to attack the weakest character for the stun. That reduces everyone's cooldowns by one.
    I need a new message here.
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    Need to stun as much as possible. Plenty of bounty hunters stun.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    I did it without Dengar but with Zbossklead.

    G12 ZBossk, Zboba, Aurra and G11 Cad and Greedo.
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    Aurra lead also works
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    Does z88 keep Wampa from gaining protection?
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    Aurra Sing auto stuns Wampa. Combine that with Greedo TM steal and its ez pz
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