Galactic Bounties Wampa



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    I used both Bossk lead and Dengar, with Cad Bane as a third stun. Also had boba and ig88 for ability block usage. I won my first one, lost the next 2, and won the last one. The timing (turn meter) is about as key as stunning since you have to ensure that they go in the correct order for stuns. I also recommend Bossk's taunt for the sole purpose of his frenzy to get him to use his stun (and cooldown reduction) as much as possible. Best of luck on the event in the future!
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    cfodder wrote: »
    Does z88 keep Wampa from gaining protection?

    IG-88 doesn’t prevent buffs, so no, he won’t prevent Wampa’s protection up.
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    I complete it with zBossk lead boba dengar zam and greedo. Zam goggles give a bunch of health. I also switched up for fun and beat her with Zam lead. Health got pretty low on zam lead though.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Jango lead makes it a breeze if u have jango....before I had jango i used bosskz lead dengar greedo boba and ig88 and it worked pretty decent
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    Tried it with:
    zBossk (L) g12+3
    Boba g12+3
    Dengar g12
    Cad g12
    IG88 g11

    No luck - Wampa just keeps regenerating protection...
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    He can't if he's blocked or stunned. You have more than enough to clear it.
    I need a new message here.
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    Tried it with:
    zBossk (L) g12+3
    Boba g12+3
    Dengar g12
    Cad g12
    IG88 g11

    No luck - Wampa just keeps regenerating protection...

    Just keep trying man. I have G12 zBossk Lead w/ G12 zBoba G9 Dengar/Greedo and G8 Cad

    I just 3*'d the Wampa bounty with that team, 88k Overall Power and only Bossk/Boba with high class mods then Dengar/Greed have mid teir and Cad had some leftovers.
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    @rodandreelguy Its worth noting that my Mods are as follows

    Bossk(21.3k) <-- All Health set w/ Speed/Crit/Prot/Prot Mains w/ Good Protection/speed/offense on substats
    Boba(21.1k) <-- Crit Dam + Health w/ Same as above (w/ 2x high CChance subs as well)
    Dengar <-- 2x Health 1 Pot w/ Speed/Crit/Protection/Potency w/ Some Speeds/Offense/Protection/Potency Sub
    Greedo <-- CChance + 2x Health w/ Speed/CC/Prot/OFF Mains w/ Speed/Off/CChance subs
    Cad <-- 2x Health + Pot w/ Speed/Crit/Prot/Potency Mains w/ Prot/Health/Potency subs
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    I've been working on my BH, getting ready for Chewie event. I have G12zBossk, G12 Boba, G11 Cad and Dengar and G10 Greedo. All omegas and payouts. Finished the Wampa levels today pretty easy. I agree with above posts, definitely got to keep Wampa stunned. I just kept stunning and chipping away at him.
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    Press start, hit auto, walk away, rinse & repeat.

    Eventually you'll come back to a victory screen
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    Pooomba wrote: »
    Aurra Sing auto stuns Wampa. Combine that with Greedo TM steal and its ez pz

    Just tht aurra is newer and less likely to be geared, seeing how she is overall less useful than bossk
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Shaunyvee wrote: »
    Press start, hit auto, walk away, rinse & repeat.

    Eventually you'll come back to a victory screen

    Or you could do it first try with a bit of strategy....
    I need a new message here.
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    Did it with zbossky,ig88,boba,greedo and cad. As it's stated above, keep ability block ( boba 2 turns, ig88 aoe 1 turn ) and stuns from bossk and cad bsne plus tm reduction from greedo and it went without single wampa counter
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    Keep him stunned. If he isnt stunned, reduce his turn meter, if you cant to that, ability block. You need to make sure that you alternate all of their abilities so that you have those options when you need them. I did it within 2 trys with G12 ZBossk, G12 BFett, G11 Dengar, G11 Greedo, G10 Cad Bane. Bossk is useful because of regen, but also adds an extra stun into the mix.
  • Gannon
    1667 posts Member
    Don't need God mods, but mod them to their purpose and hit auto. Most ppl mod them weird and push speed to try and compensate..
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    Gannon wrote: »
    Don't need God mods, but mod them to their purpose and hit auto. Most ppl mod them weird and push speed to try and compensate..

    U pretty much just need speed and potency. Speed to cycle cooldowns, potency to make sure stuns AB and tmr stick.
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