59.99 is an atrocious price for the Jedi bundle


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    It is an odd price point. Really this is the same price as a console version of "Starwars Battlefield". I know they are different audiences and all, but even EA has to put that on sale to get a few more million sold. So, part way towards farmable toons or "Star Wars Battlefront"? Wished there were a few more $5-10 toon packs. I don't mind throwing virtual tip money at a game I like, but not the full MSRP of a PS4/XB1 game.
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    EA greed is not surprising
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    @VikingSith , I have been asking the same question ...no answers or solution' other than restart the game... Which of course I have tried numerous times.
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    I would just like the opportunity to buy it or not to buy it... Have NOT received any notifications or advertisements for the pack! ...and yes I have restarted the game! : several times in fact
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    Works for me, I'll not spend a fortune on a few pixels in a F2P app game, instead I'll get some pizza in for the family and still be able to buy.a spanking new AAA game with money left over.

    Pricing in this game is disgusting.
  • LukeSkywalker420
    460 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Lol definitely too pricey for what is included. Should be 10$ max.
  • Leaky
    29 posts Member
    I thinks it's funny that the two ppl that voted no cant see the offer.
  • Goose
    26 posts Member
    Full price console/pc game $49-69, year long subscription for an mmo- free to 20$ per month plus incidentals. One share of the parent company, 98$ give or take. Or 24-99$ for a toon or two.

    What you spend your entertainment dollar on is your business, but it doesn't take a great deal of examination to determine where there is or is not value........
  • Hbk146
    215 posts Member
    U dont have to spend a single dime on this game and probably shouldnt as u will never feel the regret of spending huge amounts for nothing. I am f2p, top 20 everyday and getting every character with enough time as i save my shards for buying super chromium pack two or three times a week.
    Just because u dont have patience(btw if u have everything u ever need quickly this collection game would be over so u basically spend money to be tired of the game faster) doesnt mean this game is unreasonable.
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    I think they added an extra 9 to the price by mistake!
    Amalthea wrote: »
    I think it's high, but it's not out of whack with how they price shards.

    Being more serious though, I realize this bundle is priced in line with the rest of their pricing, but the rest of their pricing is BONKERS! I bought one $5 bag of crystals to give me a cushion against the days where I don't make back the 200 crystals I spend on refreshes, and that is probably going to be the last purchase they see from me, unless they drastically reevaluate their pricing model. I've spent $200+ on Hearthstone and around $30 on Heroes of the Storm, but there's just nothing to spend money on in this game that feels like you get anything worthwhile. Chromium Packs are a non-starter, and this jedi bundle? I'm actively starring up Ahsoka, I want QGJ next, and I'd like to get Anakin soon as well, so you would think this bundle is perfect for me. But $60 dollars? $60? SIXTY? And it doesn't even come with the credits I'd need to level them!

    I've said in other threads, and I'll repeat it here, if they ran a monthly or weekly sale of one character for $5, I guarantee I'd buy a few characters I like that way. But $60 for 3? Nah, the price is 4x too high.
    Barris irl imo idk
  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    $60? What a bargain! It's $85 here in Canada.

    Still wouldn't buy it at that price either though. I'm still a bit new to mobile gaming (2 years vs. 25+ years of PC gaming) and I'm still floored by the fact that people spend hundreds, if not thousands, on a mobile game. But that just seems to be the norm, and until people stop there's not reason for companies like EA to stop offering expensive packs.

    Luckily you don't need to buy anything if you don't want. I bought a crystal pack at the beginning, but find it more rewarding to unlock heroes after long farming grinds. Some players don't, and kudos to them for supporting the game.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
  • LukeSkywalker420
    460 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I am F2P so it doesnt effect me. I just dont get the marketing on this. If they made it $9.99 they would probably make a lot more money and the amount of P2P would increase by a lot. Instead it is a complete rip off. I mean cmon 25 Ashoka shards you get in 4 days. 2 Star QGJ you can get in 5 days. 1 million credits is 1-2 days. The only thing decent is Anakin and you would need like 10 of these packs to get him to 7*.
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    If they made it $9.99 they would probably make a lot more money and the amount of P2P would increase by a lot.

    THIS. Going for the whales spending thousands seems like incredibly poor business sense compared to a more reasonable goal of getting lots of people to spend $5 here and there. I know the whales are out there spending their $1200 at a time, but I bet players like me outnumber them 500 to 1.

    I mean cmon 25 Ashoka shards you get in 4 days. 2 Star QGJ you can get in 5 days. 1 million credits is 1-2 days.

    Seriously, it's unbelievable.

    Barris irl imo idk
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    I am F2P so it doesnt effect me. I just dont get the marketing on this. If they made it $9.99 they would probably make a lot more money and the amount of P2P would increase by a lot. Instead it is a complete rip off. I mean cmon 25 Ashoka shards you get in 4 days. 2 Star QGJ you can get in 5 days. 1 million credits is 1-2 days. The only thing decent is Anakin and you would need like 10 of these packs to get him to 7*.

    Yeah! They no Anakin is one of the mist popular characters and an overall powerhouse. I also like how his skills reflect both light and dark with him getting stronger when his companions are harmed. Since the Light side characters are more defensive the the dark side characters, he a must have for a balanced team.

    I should be able to get Yoda in the next event. I give my self maybe 2-or 3 weeks before Qui-Gon is at 5.
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    I was thinking about springing for it, but probably wont. It's funny because I buy shards all the time but only to farm, reset or whatever. Most of the time it's a couple bucks here and maybe $10 there. I am not sure if a $60 chunk is for me though.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Yeah in Canada it will run you just under 100 dollars after tax is added on. That's basically a new console game and then food and snacks for two days. Crazy. Even for a character that wouldn't be obtainable without paying money.. Not worth it for a non tangible thing. A hard copy FULL game with online experience is one thing.. A 4 star (still hard to farm) fairly good cell phone game character out of several dozen characters ... Not worth it. If it was 85 plus tax to unlock the first variation of every character it MIGHT be worth it. Obviously at these prices that would NEVER happen. But for me that's about the only way I'd drop money. Even in WWE immortals and injustice I've never dropped a dime, but this game is fun in a different way and I did buy the 4.99 dark side character when I first got the game. Price seemed reasonable.
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    Rafini wrote: »
    I've never dropped a dime, but this game is fun in a different way and I did buy the 4.99 dark side character when I first got the game. Price seemed reasonable.

    This is what I'm saying! :-)

    Barris irl imo idk
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    Rafini wrote: »
    Yeah in Canada it will run you just under 100 dollars after tax is added on. That's basically a new console game and then food and snacks for two days. Crazy. Even for a character that wouldn't be obtainable without paying money.. Not worth it for a non tangible thing. A hard copy FULL game with online experience is one thing.. A 4 star (still hard to farm) fairly good cell phone game character out of several dozen characters ... Not worth it. If it was 85 plus tax to unlock the first variation of every character it MIGHT be worth it. Obviously at these prices that would NEVER happen. But for me that's about the only way I'd drop money. Even in WWE immortals and injustice I've never dropped a dime, but this game is fun in a different way and I did buy the 4.99 dark side character when I first got the game. Price seemed reasonable.

    Yet you voted no to the poll question?!
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    Even though it includes 10 whole purple ability mats and I still haven't unlocked QGJ, I'm going to pass on this one. It won't get any of my 4* jedi to 5*, so won't help me unlock Yoda.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Yeah I thought I voted yes. In saying that now, I definitely voted yes. Clearing that up right now haha
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    More useless polls. What is it with people being insecure about buying something without having to know the general opinion? Whats so constructive about this poll other than: I just found out I can't get a yoda 5☆ in time, might as well throw poll out there and let the toxic spread.
    Don't want to be mean but I see bans flying around already for nothing but provocation.

    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    How is it a bad price? For that price you can get around 7000 -7500 crystals which would equal to 3 mega chromium and even at that you might get scrap heroes and not even be able to upgrade, with this pack you get anakin and QGJ guaranteed plus 55 for QGJ and 25 for Ahsoka , credits, ability mats, and 1350 crystals, so for this price compared to what else you can get in the game is actually amazing
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    VIII wrote: »
    How is it a bad price? For that price you can get around 7000 -7500 crystals which would equal to 3 mega chromium and even at that you might get scrap heroes and not even be able to upgrade, with this pack you get anakin and QGJ guaranteed plus 55 for QGJ and 25 for Ahsoka , credits, ability mats, and 1350 crystals, so for this price compared to what else you can get in the game is actually amazing

    Yes, it's better than spending $60 on chromiums, but that doesn't make it good, not by a looooong shot. $60 on chromiums is an abysmal value. In comparison, this jedi bundle is merely atrocious.
    Barris irl imo idk
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    $39.99 I would do, but that extra $20 puts it just that much beyond me.
    I CAN do it, I'm just not willing to.
    In the end though, it doesn't matter. They will set prices as they see fit and we will either pay or pass. Multiple threads on the subject will not change that.
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    Honestly, it's a lot for some shards. I wanted Anakin though. Farming him takes a lot of time. So for me, it was a shortcut and the bonus was some shards toward another character I really wanted, Yoda. So for me, the cost outweighed the time in this case. It wasn't that way for me with the Kylo Ren pack, but for this it was. To each their own. Each person determines value. And quite frankly, if they offered it again to those that previously purchased it, I'd consider it again.
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    Paarngfig wrote: »
    I would just like the opportunity to buy it or not to buy it... Have NOT received any notifications or advertisements for the pack! ...and yes I have restarted the game! : several times in fact

    Did you try clearing the games data cache in your devices application manager?
    517 posts Member
    It could be 5€ and still not buying it... this game has nothing good to offer by now
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    Spend months farming Anakin shards and you won't think it's atrocious. If you want a shortcut to characters then pay for it, or farm them the long way and get them for free.
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Spend months farming Anakin shards and you won't think it's atrocious. If you want a shortcut to characters then pay for it, or farm them the long way and get them for free.

    its not like buying this pack is really going to save much farming time, even with it you'd still have to farm a couple months to get him 7*
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