DRevan event should end 3/28



  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    Isnt free DR enough tho?
  • TJax
    101 posts Member
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They missed an internal date. There was no announced date to miss. There was no express commitment, at any point, which they have failed to uphold. Your expectations =/= commitments on their part.

    They have also never expressly promised a week to complete the dark side revan event. Your expectation=/= commitments on their part.
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They missed an internal date. There was no announced date to miss. There was no express commitment, at any point, which they have failed to uphold. Your expectations =/= commitments on their part.

    They have also never expressly promised a week to complete the dark side revan event. Your expectation=/= commitments on their part.

    That's true. But these events are always 7 days, and literally the only reason not to have this one be is to appease people like you. Probably not going to happen.
  • TJax
    101 posts Member
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!

    you are, that was an easy implication.
  • TJax
    101 posts Member
    Riffinator wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!

    you are, that was an easy implication.

    no u!
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!

    you are, that was an easy implication.

    no u!

    lol he got me
  • Options
    It’s only appropriate that it ends on April 1st...
  • TJax
    101 posts Member
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They missed an internal date. There was no announced date to miss. There was no express commitment, at any point, which they have failed to uphold. Your expectations =/= commitments on their part.

    They have also never expressly promised a week to complete the dark side revan event. Your expectation=/= commitments on their part.

    That's true. But these events are always 7 days, and literally the only reason not to have this one be is to appease people like you. Probably not going to happen.

    I think I layed out a few good reasons to cut it short. Also I could say the only reason to keep it 7 days is literally only to appease people like you.

    What we both want (I think) is what’s best for the game. And what’s best for the game is what keeps players paying because nothing runs for free. Do you want to have to watch add pop ups before your arena matches and in between raid phases?

    What is currently happening in my view damages the game in the long term. A short event would be less damaging in the long term. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s CGs business.
  • CorpseMaker77
    602 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Fiscal Year 2019 Expectations – Ending March 31, 2019

    Financial metrics:

    Net revenue is expected to be approximately $4.875 billion.
    Change in deferred net revenue (online-enabled games) is expected to be approximately $65 million.
    Mobile platform fees are expected to be approximately $(190) million.



    With EA's fiscal year ending soon, they need to cash in with Darth Revan event as much as they can. Pushing to next week only gives them more time for that. Simple.
  • Atzel
    56 posts Member
    Not many people are willing to spend 300-400 for a charecter
    A lot more people are willing to spend 50-150 for a charecter

    I consider myself as dolphin and DR will cost me around 100-150 euros , I did not spend any money on Jedi Kevin because he was too expensive.

    Probably some F2P that saved Crystals and participated in carebear shard chat to switch 1st place will also get it , which is FINE and i have no problem with that , but overall most of the people will have to pay to get DR for sure
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    You built a straw man by stating that I want to “shaft” unprepared players, and therefore because I have nefarious intent you do not need to argue against the merit of my claims, which you have yet to do.

    Your second paragraph is barely worth responding to. CG announced the event a week before its intended start date when they confirmed the OR toons needed for the event. That event triggered an anticipated timeline which has been layed out by cg in the past. The same posts that claim the event should last a week state that the needed toons will be announced a week before start.

    CG missed the start date by their own admission.

    CG now must choose to break one of two remaining commitments pertaining to journey events which are now mutually exclusive because the event did not start on 3/21. Those are 1. The event will last a week, or 2. The event will close on 3/28.

    I argue that is is better for the community and long term health of the game that CG choose to keep commitment 2. I’ve yet to see an argument supporting commitment 1 that doesn’t involve some entitlement to an unearned benefit.

    But I didn’t initially state that you wanted to shaft people. That was someone else. And you’re right that my first comment should have removed the phrase “shafting others” and replaced it with something like “your intent is simply to limit the number of players that get Darth Revan.”

    Honestly, I posted earlier here and just forgot to remove the tag on the thread. I thought before removing it, I’d read the last few comments. After reading yours, I just couldn’t stop myself lol.

    To see someone so upset that more people than expected would get Darth Revan that a post was needed to keep CG in line.

    I say just ask yourself how many more people will get DR as a result of this delay? Of those, how many are in your shard? Or how many will you face in GA? What will you’re reduction in rewards be as a result of this delay?

    If you can’t answer those then how is any of this argument relevant? If you can’t quantify the effect the delay will have on you then you don’t even know if it will have an effect.
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!

    You might not be pouting, but if you've been reading all these Revan threads, I doubt you could say with a straight face that there aren't some tantrum prone whales out there.
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They missed an internal date. There was no announced date to miss. There was no express commitment, at any point, which they have failed to uphold. Your expectations =/= commitments on their part.

    They have also never expressly promised a week to complete the dark side revan event. Your expectation=/= commitments on their part.

    That's true. But these events are always 7 days, and literally the only reason not to have this one be is to appease people like you. Probably not going to happen.

    I think I layed out a few good reasons to cut it short. Also I could say the only reason to keep it 7 days is literally only to appease people like you.

    What we both want (I think) is what’s best for the game. And what’s best for the game is what keeps players paying because nothing runs for free. Do you want to have to watch add pop ups before your arena matches and in between raid phases?

    What is currently happening in my view damages the game in the long term. A short event would be less damaging in the long term. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s CGs business.

    I'm going to be fine no matter what they do. My OR squad is ready, and I play every day, so there is no danger I miss it if it's short. My opinions really are about what I think are objectively the best practices.

    While I doubt they would ever release the numbers to let us see, I have a suspicion that dolphins and minnows (as a group) probably constitute more of their revenue than whales and krakens do, as a group. If I'm right about that, then any time they have a choice to make, and one is more likely to please a large group of small spenders, and the other more likely to please a small group of large spenders, they should go with pleasing the larger group.

    Of course, if I'm wrong, and the whales/krakens provide more total revenue, the decisions should go in that direction.
  • Options
    Just a quick addition, how can someone want the event to end at a stated time because they said so in a post, but they don't want the event to last for that same period of time that was originally scheduled. They intended it to go for a week. Why would they cut that off and not the end date? They're just making it start at a later date, that will continue for the length of time. Like I said I have em all 7 and G12. 2 of them zetad. I'm chillin working on grinding ships. Sith ships to be exact. It's nice for me, to take a break from all this crazy farming and just chill and focus on ships and gathering gear.
  • Options
    I doubt it will end then, but agree it should on the 28th. We shall see, as I feel it will drop on Tuesday not Monday, CG are casual like that.
  • Options
    I doubt it will end then, but agree it should on the 28th. We shall see, as I feel it will drop on Tuesday not Monday, CG are casual like that.

    Tuesday is more likely. If they postponed it due to testing purposes, there's no point in moving it to Monday. It's not like they'd overdo the testing during the weekend.
  • Options
    I doubt it will end then, but agree it should on the 28th. We shall see, as I feel it will drop on Tuesday not Monday, CG are casual like that.

    Tuesday is more likely. If they postponed it due to testing purposes, there's no point in moving it to Monday. It's not like they'd overdo the testing during the weekend.

    They specifically said no earlier than Monday because they wanted the weekend to test. I don't think they are all just taking those days off.
  • Wampa
    53 posts Member
    the only people to complain.I can have him with all my toons at G12. dont let anybody else have him!!!
    other people to complain i dont have toons ready for G12 unlock I want more time...
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They don't change journeys between the first time and subsequent releases. Which means the way they give it to us initially has to be the way it's going to be later, and regardless of what you think should happen now, in the long run there is absolutely zero justification for Dark Revan to have stronger requirements than Light Revan.

    They wouldn’t change the journey by expanding the duration of the subsequent release. We don’t play the journey all week, you complete it once and it’s done. Making this duration shorter doesn’t make it “harder” than any previous or future journey event.

    The established release cadence led the community to believe that we needed to be ready to have DRevan unlocked by 3/28. That was always the deadline that all expected.

    So you want to really screw with the cadence by shortening the event to meet an unofficial deadline. Brilliant, tbh I hope atleast 50% of players unlock him first go just because the greed and entitlement people are showing over him.
  • Options
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    Why do you not want them to keep the commitment that journeys last seven days?
  • TJax
    101 posts Member
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    Why do you not want them to keep the commitment that journeys last seven days?

    Because giving more time reduces the value of crystal purchases, and in the long term, that’s worse than breaking the 7 day tradition.
  • TJax
    101 posts Member
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!

    You might not be pouting, but if you've been reading all these Revan threads, I doubt you could say with a straight face that there aren't some tantrum prone whales out there.
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They missed an internal date. There was no announced date to miss. There was no express commitment, at any point, which they have failed to uphold. Your expectations =/= commitments on their part.

    They have also never expressly promised a week to complete the dark side revan event. Your expectation=/= commitments on their part.

    That's true. But these events are always 7 days, and literally the only reason not to have this one be is to appease people like you. Probably not going to happen.

    I think I layed out a few good reasons to cut it short. Also I could say the only reason to keep it 7 days is literally only to appease people like you.

    What we both want (I think) is what’s best for the game. And what’s best for the game is what keeps players paying because nothing runs for free. Do you want to have to watch add pop ups before your arena matches and in between raid phases?

    What is currently happening in my view damages the game in the long term. A short event would be less damaging in the long term. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s CGs business.

    I'm going to be fine no matter what they do. My OR squad is ready, and I play every day, so there is no danger I miss it if it's short. My opinions really are about what I think are objectively the best practices.

    While I doubt they would ever release the numbers to let us see, I have a suspicion that dolphins and minnows (as a group) probably constitute more of their revenue than whales and krakens do, as a group. If I'm right about that, then any time they have a choice to make, and one is more likely to please a large group of small spenders, and the other more likely to please a small group of large spenders, they should go with pleasing the larger group.

    Of course, if I'm wrong, and the whales/krakens provide more total revenue, the decisions should go in that direction.

    The amount of small spenders is not likely to change with an extended farming period. Ending the event on 3/28 will leave a some barely short and necessitate spending, while leaving some too far away to spend. But moving that window only means some that would have had to spend now get it for free, and a few that were too far away to spend at all are now close enough to pull the trigger.

    So it still comes back to cg choosing a course that reinforces crystal purchase value, or choosing a course that undermines crystal purchase value.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Atzel wrote: »
    Not many people are willing to spend 300-400 for a charecter
    A lot more people are willing to spend 50-150 for a charecter

    I consider myself as dolphin and DR will cost me around 100-150 euros , I did not spend any money on Jedi Kevin because he was too expensive.

    Probably some F2P that saved Crystals and participated in carebear shard chat to switch 1st place will also get it , which is FINE and i have no problem with that , but overall most of the people will have to pay to get DR for sure

    Where can I get me a Jedi Kevin?
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    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    There is zero reason to change the event from the standard 7 day format. Journey and legendary events are always 7 days long and starting a dangerous new precedent of shortened events is a bad idea. Many people wisely stockpile gear, ability mats and zetas that they may need for the event put don't put it all on the characters until they can get in and play the event and see what the difficulty level is. Other people rely on information to trickle out in terms of strategies, modding, etc. in order to beat these events. Cutting the clock on the event by over half is just a recipe for disaster. If you rushed and dropped hundreds of dollars on packs and dumped all your gear onto these toons a few weeks ago to G12 them all, then that was your choice...I get that you want to shaft other players out of getting DR if you can to keep some sort of competitive edge...just be upfront about it.

    I have not geared any of my toons past g7 because of this event, though BSF is G12+2 because of GA, HK is G10 because waaay back in the day I used him for p2 of tank. I haven’t purchased any crystals for this event. I don’t want to “shaft” any players. I want CG to maintain the status quo of release cadence that they themselves had intended, and I and many others like me planned for.

    They intended to release the event today, and have it run for a week, this is not disputed by anyone and they made those intentions clear as soon as they officially posted the required toons. Again as I said before, if they post the expected difficulty level of g10, 9,12, whatever today, everyone would have the one week duration to prepare even though the event isn’t playable.

    Delaying only benefits the people who are terrified they might waste a single carbanti where they didn’t absolutely have to. Those people will never support this game in a way that will guarantee its perpetuity. If CG wants to cater to them that’s their business.

    If you’re prepared for the event then why do you care how long it will run? You’ll get DR on day 1 and get the rest of your time and resources to gear up and prepare his team.

    I agree with Vos, just be upfront about wanting to shaft other players.

    I care for reasons I’ve stated in previous posts. It’s interesting that you would feel “shafted” if you didn’t get to reap a benefit that you did nothing to earn, and is only a result of a staffing issue at cg.

    Why do you feel entitled to extra time just because cg underestimated the difficulty of preparing this event? Why do you feel it is appropriate to attribute malice to me simply because I want cg to keep the perceived commitment they made to the player base that this event will close 3/28?

    I don’t feel shafted here. I’ll be close by the end of the event, so either I’ll get him or I won’t. I missed the first Revan narrowly too, and I didn’t quit the game.

    I just think it’s funny that you say you don’t want to shaft any players, but you feel the need to make a thread to get CG to essentially do that lol. It doesn’t affect you at all, so why do you care?

    The personal part for me is that I find it humorous when people try to veil their true intentions behind something that seems righteous or just. Instead, just be honest: you’ll get your Darth Revan because you farmed right (maybe paid too), and you want to limit as many people as possible from getting him because you don’t want to share rewards (arena, GA, TW, and anything else that may come along).

    If I had already had g12, 7* Old Republic toons, I’d want to limit as many people as possible from getting him too.

    The intentions of those that are prepared and those that aren’t, but will be if the event close is extended are of equal weight. Some players will benefit by the event closing 3/28, others will benefit from a later close. I don’t go around accusing the supporters of an extended farming period of trying to “shaft” those of us that are prepared. I’m just arguing the case for ending the event on time, which is in my best interest, and laying out the case that there are other justified reasons for doing so other than the personal benefit of the players that are prepared.

    Why don’t you stop with the straw man, people who wanted the event on time aren’t trying to “shaft” anyone and aren’t otherwise unrighteous or unjust. We are trying to reap rewards we feel we earned. People that want the delay are trying to reap a reward they haven’t earned. I want cg to keep their commitment. I want those that need time to PAY cg to be ready now, or wait and let me and others like me receive dividends on our investment until the next release.

    Wouldn’t I need to be arguing one side of this to be using a straw man tactic? Are you sure of the meaning of that?

    Regardless, in this last post you were at least closer to being honest about this.

    By the way, where did this expected close date of 3/28 come from? I don’t remember CG announcing a date for any of this (maybe I missed). I don’t know how anyone can anticipate and prepare for an expected close date on this event when a start date was never announced.

    But, but, but... the Cadence!

    But, but, but, muh free stuff!

    What free stuff? I spent a fair amount, and I've been ready for a while. I'm just not so petty that I'm going to pout about it because fractionally more people get to play with the same toys.

    Who’s pouting? I enjoy debate bro!

    You might not be pouting, but if you've been reading all these Revan threads, I doubt you could say with a straight face that there aren't some tantrum prone whales out there.
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    TJax wrote: »
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    They missed an internal date. There was no announced date to miss. There was no express commitment, at any point, which they have failed to uphold. Your expectations =/= commitments on their part.

    They have also never expressly promised a week to complete the dark side revan event. Your expectation=/= commitments on their part.

    That's true. But these events are always 7 days, and literally the only reason not to have this one be is to appease people like you. Probably not going to happen.

    I think I layed out a few good reasons to cut it short. Also I could say the only reason to keep it 7 days is literally only to appease people like you.

    What we both want (I think) is what’s best for the game. And what’s best for the game is what keeps players paying because nothing runs for free. Do you want to have to watch add pop ups before your arena matches and in between raid phases?

    What is currently happening in my view damages the game in the long term. A short event would be less damaging in the long term. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s CGs business.

    I'm going to be fine no matter what they do. My OR squad is ready, and I play every day, so there is no danger I miss it if it's short. My opinions really are about what I think are objectively the best practices.

    While I doubt they would ever release the numbers to let us see, I have a suspicion that dolphins and minnows (as a group) probably constitute more of their revenue than whales and krakens do, as a group. If I'm right about that, then any time they have a choice to make, and one is more likely to please a large group of small spenders, and the other more likely to please a small group of large spenders, they should go with pleasing the larger group.

    Of course, if I'm wrong, and the whales/krakens provide more total revenue, the decisions should go in that direction.

    The amount of small spenders is not likely to change with an extended farming period. Ending the event on 3/28 will leave a some barely short and necessitate spending, while leaving some too far away to spend. But moving that window only means some that would have had to spend now get it for free, and a few that were too far away to spend at all are now close enough to pull the trigger.

    So it still comes back to cg choosing a course that reinforces crystal purchase value, or choosing a course that undermines crystal purchase value.

    U assume moving this window results in a linear change. Im inclined to believe that there will be more players moved into the “i will spend” bracket as compared to those that are moved out. If they pushed it back by say 3 weeks then the reverse would happen.
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    All unlock events last a week get over it this is not new
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    I find it very amusing that it's ending on April Fool's day.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    I find it very amusing that it's ending on April Fool's day.

    Imagine what would happen if the whole Darth Revan turned out to be an April Fools joke. The forum would implode.
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