How do my maxed out characters get one-shot...



  • Nutteralex
    449 posts Member
    edited March 2016

    MrClean621 wrote: »
    There is a simple answer to this. The AI in GW has a huge advantage. I don't know how anyone that has spent extensive time playing can't see this. The AI opponent almost always has everything go perfect for itself.

    Toons that you could normally kill with a certain series of moves are almost always left with that sliver of red so that you either have to waste one more turn to finish them off, or they get healed, or get one last shot in on you. If you really pay attention you will see that it often doesn't matter if you switch a higher damage char to be the assist. You will either do the exact same amount of damage as before or you will suddenly get dodged.

    You almost never get a big critical hit when you need it to finish off an enemy char. The AI crits at a very high rate. The AI dodges at a very high rate. A squad that I would absolutely wipe the floor with in arena and walk out with all my toons at nearly full health can somehow manage to give me fits in GW, kill my toons, and so on.

    I could almost predict to you what will happen on almost every move in GW. Sid is almost dead and his turn meter is almost full, your next toon up is a Jedi, don't plan on hitting him about 90% of the time. Some other toon is almost dead and all you need is a critical hit to take them down, nope, not happening. Your own toon is below half health, your healer is up next and the AI needs a critical hit to take them down, count on it!

    For those of you that don't believe this, try something... Bring in a mirror image of the AI squad, mimic their moves. That should make it a really close match right? Even if your squad is more stars, level, gear, etc... You will notice that the AI squad somehow can take your chars down faster. They get some nice crits, you don't, they get some dodges, you don't. It's uncanny.

    Bent Wookie can bring out Pikachu if he wants to. Nobody will ever convince me that GW isn't formatted to give the AI an edge.
    That's a long post for just spewing ****.

    You suck, it's not that the AI gets advantages, it's simply that you need to L2P
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    Doga wrote: »
    I went up against a gear X Dooku, stunned my entire team, shocked me literally, dropped the phone, and when I picked it back up Phasma was pistol-whiping chewy who was crying in agony. :p


    Nobody still uses Chewy nowadays. B)
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Scyto
    10 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Arube wrote: »
    I've been able to complete GW for over 50 days in a row an counting. The point I was making there was that most players do not have more than 10 maxed characters - where you should be able to beat GW.

    I would love to understand how? I agree with some of the folks there is something strange in the matchmaking / way AI works. I hit brick wall in both Arena and GW around level 52 ish with level 3/4/5 abilities and level 5 gear. I am now working towards my first purple gear. Doing arena manual or GW manuall i win maybe 1 in 10 arena battles and i rarely get past level 3/4 of GW. It maybe the other teams all have equivalent of max gear and max abilities for their level - but given the power ratings of the team are way below me i am not sure of this. If there were away to see the ability levels and gear levels one could be sure. I have also seen my level 59 team with gear 5+ and ability ~5 have 3 chars slaughtered before i ever got a shot off. It is odd....

    oh extra data i am rank#1200 to 1300 ish - bubble around there (some times my rank improves without me winning battles o ****?) and power 15k
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    Arube wrote: »
    The fact of the matter is that, we can beat 60 (12 * 5) characters with a collection of 5-10 characters.
    In what universe can you do that? Have you read up the GW section lately?

    I have 20+ lv70 characters and I can't beat GW every night. Because I don't have hours to play the game every day. GW is all about suicide squads and retrying. There's no strategy involved at all.

    I'm on the same server as Arube and am currently on a 72 day winning streak for GW. I'm completely F2P with not a penny spent on this game. It takes me about 20-30 mins each day to complete GW. My GW team is usually:

    7* Lumi (L)
    7* Sid
    7* JC
    7* GS
    6* Rey

    7* Poe
    7* Phasma
    4* Daka

    The first 3 nodes are usually a breeze. Node 4 is when I usually start getting maxed out teams. But these are usually poorly constructed/low synergy teams that I can stomp easily. Nodes 7-11 is when I usually get a bunch of maxed out QGJ-led speed teams. This requires me to start using my bench characters but it's still not that hard to pull through. If things get really desperate just throw in some low level cannon fodder to eat specials.

    If you can't complete GW even with 20+ maxed characters then you just aren't playing correctly. GW isn't like arena where you can win with 1 char left in the red. You have to go into the next battle with good HP and also with enough major cooldowns up. That means killing certain targets extremely quickly (QGJ/GS/Sid/etc.), while dragging out turns against less threatening targets (Bariss/Chewie/Talia/etc.).

    Usually once I nuke down the most dangerous enemy DPS, I start using basic attacks only in order to get more turns and let my skills refresh. Any team with Bariss/Chewie is a GODSEND and is basically a free team heal and cooldown refresh. Using Lumi as a leader is great because of her passive healing which can really add up over 12 battles worth of turns.
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    also can you guys stop using sid on your GW teams so I dont have to face him in

    faced !!!!

    lol but seriously, its the most annoying thing about GW
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    lol but seriously, its the most annoying thing about GW

    It is. I 'm pretty sure we see arena teams in there though (someone faced my team in GW and showed me a screenie, it was my arena team, which I never use in this combination in GW).
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    Scyto wrote: »
    Arube wrote: »
    I've been able to complete GW for over 50 days in a row an counting. The point I was making there was that most players do not have more than 10 maxed characters - where you should be able to beat GW.

    I would love to understand how? I agree with some of the folks there is something strange in the matchmaking / way AI works. I hit brick wall in both Arena and GW around level 52 ish with level 3/4/5 abilities and level 5 gear. I am now working towards my first purple gear. Doing arena manual or GW manuall i win maybe 1 in 10 arena battles and i rarely get past level 3/4 of GW. It maybe the other teams all have equivalent of max gear and max abilities for their level - but given the power ratings of the team are way below me i am not sure of this. If there were away to see the ability levels and gear levels one could be sure. I have also seen my level 59 team with gear 5+ and ability ~5 have 3 chars slaughtered before i ever got a shot off. It is odd....

    oh extra data i am rank#1200 to 1300 ish - bubble around there (some times my rank improves without me winning battles o ****?) and power 15k

    There is a way to see ability and gear levels. Before you enter the battle, you can see the enemy team on the right side of the screen. Gear levels are apparent from the color of the border around their picture. If you tap and hold on each character, it will open up the character statistics screen. You can study their ability and power levels there as much as you want (but it doesn't show gear).
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    Arube wrote: »
    The fact of the matter is that, we can beat 60 (12 * 5) characters with a collection of 5-10 characters.
    In what universe can you do that? Have you read up the GW section lately?

    I have 20+ lv70 characters and I can't beat GW every night. Because I don't have hours to play the game every day. GW is all about suicide squads and retrying. There's no strategy involved at all.

    Really?! I compete GW every day only using 5 toons through the whole thing: All Nightsister squad, all 7*, max level, max gear and max skills.
    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
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    Rey can 1 shot. Its wack and she needs nerfed. The same match a gs hit me 4 10k that was luck. My team is full geared lvl 70 Rey one shot my sid. And the gs with bonus killed my phasma so in one turn I lost 2 and scratched 1 of there players.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Great to see another person from my leaderboard around here. Similarly to you, I also experience an increase in difficulty around the 5th node.
    AndyChrono wrote: »
    Arube wrote: »
    The fact of the matter is that, we can beat 60 (12 * 5) characters with a collection of 5-10 characters.
    In what universe can you do that? Have you read up the GW section lately?

    I have 20+ lv70 characters and I can't beat GW every night. Because I don't have hours to play the game every day. GW is all about suicide squads and retrying. There's no strategy involved at all.

    I'm on the same server as Arube and am currently on a 72 day winning streak for GW. I'm completely F2P with not a penny spent on this game.

    My strategy usually stays the same for 10/12 battles, or sometimes all. Keep in mine I use very low starred characters.
    QGJ 4*
    Lumi 7*
    JC 7*
    GS 7*
    Dooku 5* (all max gear)
    the strategy is to stun the most threatening Jedi on their team, usually QGJ or Lumi, and then pick off the rest of the players in a certain order.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • HokieFiend
    445 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    My main GW toons are 7* Sid (just finished maxing his stars...been playing a couple months), 5* Lumi, 5* Chewy, 5* Phasma, 5* JC and 4* Fett, Daka, Jawa, Luke and Talia.

    I seem to always hit a team I simply cannot beat it in GW. Today it was the 4th battle (4th overall battle not 4th set) facing 7* Lumi, Resistance Pilot and Sid and 6* Poe and JC. All purple.

    Nothing I could do. That's the real beef everyone has... Matching algorithm is WAY off.

    Hopefully they tweak the algorithm soon. It's good to know that arena ranking has something to do with GW matching. My team is 17k and I try to stay in the 600-700 ranking range . I am always surrounded by 19-21k teams. Maybe I just need to drop down... though that sucks and arena shouldn't have anything to do with GW. My guess is the devs might have cheated a bit on trying to get an assessment of how good a player is for GW by associating it with arena ranking. It should be separate and there should definitely be thresholds that cannot be crossed... A GW match that's impossible shouldn't exist. Refactor that GW code!!!!
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    My main GW toons are 7* Sid (just finished maxing his stars...been playing a couple months), 5* Lumi, 5* Chewy, 5* Phasma, 5* JC and 4* Fett, Daka, Jawa, Luke and Talia.

    I seem to always hit a team I simply cannot beat it in GW. Today it was the 4th battle (4th overall battle not 4th set) facing 7* Lumi, Resistance Pilot and Sid and 6* Poe and JC. All purple.

    Nothing I could do. That's the real beef everyone has... Matching algorithm is WAY off.

    Hopefully they tweak the algorithm soon. It's good to know that arena ranking has something to do with GW matching. My team is 17k and I try to stay in the 600-700 ranking range . I am always surrounded by 19-21k teams. Maybe I just need to drop down... though that sucks and arena shouldn't have anything to do with GW. My guess is the devs might have cheated a bit on trying to get an assessment of how good a player is for GW by associating it with arena ranking. It should be separate and there should definitely be thresholds that cannot be crossed... A GW match that's impossible shouldn't exist. Refactor that GW code!!!!

    This is where you do need a sucide squad. you want Poe to use his taunt then your toons to die their next round. You don't even need to fill all 5 spots, just hit ok and it'll let you battle with less. I've been slowly working on my droids as a GW assassin team; ideally I'll take out 2 toons before they are dismantled.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    You guys complaining really have no idea how to finish it in the first place. No tactics, just plain I lost from setup X.
    Like this easy to beat team:
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    My main GW toons are 7* Sid (just finished maxing his stars...been playing a couple months), 5* Lumi, 5* Chewy, 5* Phasma, 5* JC and 4* Fett, Daka, Jawa, Luke and Talia.

    I seem to always hit a team I simply cannot beat it in GW. Today it was the 4th battle (4th overall battle not 4th set) facing 7* Lumi, Resistance Pilot and Sid and 6* Poe and JC. All purple.

    Nothing I could do. That's the real beef everyone has... Matching algorithm is WAY off.

    Hopefully they tweak the algorithm soon. It's good to know that arena ranking has something to do with GW matching. My team is 17k and I try to stay in the 600-700 ranking range . I am always surrounded by 19-21k teams. Maybe I just need to drop down... though that sucks and arena shouldn't have anything to do with GW. My guess is the devs might have cheated a bit on trying to get an assessment of how good a player is for GW by associating it with arena ranking. It should be separate and there should definitely be thresholds that cannot be crossed... A GW match that's impossible shouldn't exist. Refactor that GW code!!!!

    If you can't beat this with said team, you are doing it wrong. Might be targetting, skill management or heal. Besides, who in their right mind still uses chewbacca? No wonder you get smashed.

    People need to use their brain and around an hour time to finish it on a daily base. Most people claim they don't have the time and I never read someone that retreats when a battle goes sideways.
    I maybe retreat 3x per GW if my team get's a very bad first RNG string. If you guys just keep playing and letting key players die without restarting, don't expect to finish it then.
    When I had a team like the one described above, I was lucky to make it to node 6. After 1 or 2 months of play (and I am a low spender even) I was able to finish it for the first time.
    I read too many new players with entitlement which have teams that doesn't make any sense. Chewbacca and JC are cannonfodder for me, certainly not A team material. Seeing you use these toons still says you are not entitled to win GW and should get smashed untill you do something about your roster.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    also can you guys stop using sid on your GW teams so I dont have to face him in

    faced !!!!

    lol but seriously, its the most annoying thing about GW

    Lol, I agree. His heal immunity is the only reason that I reset my GW fights. I usually use only 5 toons to complete GW and Sid almost always makes me reset.
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