Invest in Juhani, Ordo, or both?

1263 posts Member
I missed Drevan by a decent margin, and was planning to get him second time around. Easy, no biggie. I'm still on target for that, but there's also the issue of Malak, who I also want to get next time.

Drevan, HK, and Fallen Bast are the core of getting him, so I'll probably have them around g12 and zetaed or whatever, but that still leaves 2 between Juhani, Ordo, and Carth.

I decided to just go for it and have Mission, Z, and Carth zetaed, which means I can make a decent team out of those three and Juhani and Ordo. However, since Malak needs high power toons and I don't plan to drop another zeta on Juhani or Ordo, I need to get one of them up to somewhere along g12. I don't know which to pick.

I don't think I need to get both of them because I have other lost souls who can fill in the gap that don't really have teams of their own.

So, I'm here to ask which is better for the event/team? Juhani, with her cleanse and long taunt cd, or Ordo with his dots and low damage? Or does the team really need all five member and I should just suck it up and gear them both.


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