Change to anakin!


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    They have to replace testing group or hire some real testers. They are just plain stupid. I don't need degree in businesses to know what they are doing its wrong just wrong. You do NOT release rework then a few hours later nerfing them. Put more on beta tests or something. Stop making plebs mad because this game is fading my interest
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    They don’t test Finn lead with C3PO
    Anakin with JKR against THE NEW meta?

    It’s probably the first thing people tried.

    I could understand other toons that are random. Like Chex mix is random.

    Make visas an OR Jedi
    Have JKR work with OR Jedi just like Drevan and sith empire.

    There are way too many jedis that should be touched up or will come out.

    We also just want to be done with KOTOR.

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    The dam that is the trust in CG and this game is bursting...
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    Please don’t nerf Anikin, CG. Malak is already very strong in arena, GW, and GA, and can still be difficult to deal with.
  • Iam
    1 posts Member
    My beef is they are selling JKA shard and gear packs still.....gunna make that dollar off a broken product.

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    I have a G12 Malak, and yet I agree Anakin's kit should not be nerfed, it should remain as-is. This was easily the most exciting content update of the entire year.
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    Honestly all they really need to do is change Darth Revans ferocity debuff.-15% to -45% defense will cripple anyone. What should happen is that ferocity modify stats based on the characters roll. Tanks receive bonus defense and lose offense for each stack would probably be a good start. Attackers and support would still function of the same way
  • Pariah_Anchorite
    836 posts Member
    edited April 2019
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    Nerfing Anakin would be far and away the worst change of the past year or more. We’ve literally been waiting years for Anakin to be good.
  • Kailen
    90 posts Member
    If this were an old character that someone just found a new combo for that was devastatingly effective, and they decided to nerf it, that's one thing. (And a thing they've done time and time again must to the frustration of many, myself included).

    However, they just updated his kit, and he is massively overperforming. He is dealing significantly more damage than he's supposed to. This reads as a bug. They didn't quite get his balance right, and are going to rebalance him to bring him more in line with their expectations.

    This is one of the few times it's actually appropriate to do so. Because it's coming off of an adjustment that didn't work as intended.
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    It’s not appropriate. We’ve waited years for this, the central character for most SW content, to actually be good and then they nerf it. With all the ridiculous, unbalanced characters they’ve released, it’s outrageous that they can’t let characters we actually care about be good for even 5 minutes.
    Kailen wrote: »
    If this were an old character that someone just found a new combo for that was devastatingly effective, and they decided to nerf it, that's one thing. (And a thing they've done time and time again must to the frustration of many, myself included).

    However, they just updated his kit, and he is massively overperforming. He is dealing significantly more damage than he's supposed to. This reads as a bug. They didn't quite get his balance right, and are going to rebalance him to bring him more in line with their expectations.

    This is one of the few times it's actually appropriate to do so. Because it's coming off of an adjustment that didn't work as intended.

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    I like this game, but if they are going to nerf everything non-kotor related that performs well they should be up front with those intentions
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Just my opinion:

    The issue still is Revans lead. How are they going rework Mace and Kit and all of the other Jedi without running afoul of this again? Just limit his lead to the OR tag and tweak it so it works better with the non-jedi OR.

    Its either that or all of the other reworks are going to have to be lackluster because they will be supercharged by Revan lead. I would much rather have one nerf and a bunch of good reworks than one superpower Revan lead (that everyone is tired of) and a bunch of crud reworks.

    Revan can still be one of the best teams in the game. That doesnt have to change. Just dont make it that he shines so bright that they have to gimp an entire faction because of him.
    Post edited by VonZant on
  • Options
    VonZant wrote: »
    The issue still is Revans lead. How are they going rework Mace and Kit and all of the other Jedi without running afoul of this again? Just limit his lead to the OR tag and tweak it so it works better with the non-jedi OR.

    Its either that or all of the other reworks are going to have to be lackluster because they will be supercharged by Revan lead. I would much rather have one nerf and a bunch of good reworks than one superpower Revan lead (that everyone is tired of) and a bunch of crud reworks.

    Revan can still be one of the best teams in the game. That doesnt have to change. Just dont make it that he shines so bright that they have to gimp an entire faction because of him.

    Yes. Let’s end KOTOR. Move on to a much loved and long awaited CW era. GR Jedi and seps! (Fix b1)
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    They don’t test Finn lead with C3PO
    Anakin with JKR against THE NEW meta?

    It’s probably the first thing people tried.

    I could understand other toons that are random. Like Chex mix is random.

    Make visas an OR Jedi
    Have JKR work with OR Jedi just like Drevan and sith empire.

    There are way too many jedis that should be touched up or will come out.

    We also just want to be done with KOTOR.


    Making Visas OR is a great idea and perhaps tweaking her kit to add more damage and coupling that with changes to limit Revan lead to OR would work wonders.
    Post edited by VonZant on
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Iam wrote: »
    My beef is they are selling JKA shard and gear packs still.....gunna make that dollar off a broken product.


    If I had spent money on the packs and they change him I would do a chargeback with my cc company. They are blatantly ripping people off and it needs to stop.

  • CahirDyffryn
    47 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Anakin is finally decent and you are nerfing him again for one single character? Take your Malak and get outta here CG, I'm done with this game.

    You clearly don't care about your players so it would be wiser for all of us to invest our money elsewhere, somewhere where we are not spit on.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Yes he's getting nerfed.

    The lack of pre-release testing is embarrassing. And it continues! On and on...

    How much do these guys get paid?

    But there are always people willing to play and pay it seems.

    Any business that believes that there are always people willing to spend their money with them doesn't last long.

  • Options
    Yes he's getting nerfed.

    The lack of pre-release testing is embarrassing. And it continues! On and on...

    How much do these guys get paid?

    But there are always people willing to play and pay it seems.

    Any business that believes that there are always people willing to spend their money with them doesn't last long.

    Again I could understand if JKA and nightsisters like became a thing. I could see how that would fall through the cracks.

    But the most dominant Jedi leader and a fan fav Jedi toon. Just like Finn and threepio. They would have been on top of my list to check.
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    Again I could understand if JKA and nightsisters like became a thing. I could see how that would fall through the cracks.

    But the most dominant Jedi leader and a fan fav Jedi toon. Just like Finn and threepio. They would have been on top of my list to check.'s all just so exhausting for them lol ;)

  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    Seems like the problem is really with Ferocity, not anakin. -15% defense stacking, when those stacks can easily go into the double digits, was a really poor mechanic. Perhaps Ferocity should be more like Bonds of Weakness, where damaging a hero with Ferocity causes bonus damage based on the number of stacks. That way you don't end up with crazy damage because armor is non-existent, and the bonus damage isn't dependent on enemy abilities or modding.

    But the real issue is that CG has overpriced these pinnacle characters, and they've painted themselves in the corner because there is no way they can be that dominant with 150+ different kits out there, and still remain somehow balanced. I don't think there is a fix for this one though, that ship has sailed.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Fahrius
    620 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    VonZant wrote: »
    I'm guessing the problem is not the Sith or Anakin. Its Revan. They just need to bite the bullet and nerf him, or limit his lead to only OR toons.

    Just a guess.

    the problem its not jkr, its darth revan and his ferocity debuff negating defense....
    look at gg, ig88 and any other toon with a decent aoe that can be upgraded with certain situations... they all can wipe darth revan teams with malak in under a minute...

    and as it was stated on his profile, he is meant to be all about offense... why people expect it to be unbeatable? - Discord - Fahrius#1194
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    Fahrius wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    I'm guessing the problem is not the Sith or Anakin. Its Revan. They just need to bite the bullet and nerf him, or limit his lead to only OR toons.

    Just a guess.

    the problem its not jkr, its darth revan and his ferocity debuff negating defense....
    look at gg, ig88 and any other toon with a decent aoe that can be upgraded with certain situations... they all can wipe darth revan teams with malak in under a minute...

    Well the problem is JKR. His kit and synergy are the best in the game. I think the devs are trying to get away from that. Look at GG and droids look at Drevan and co. The teams have their own built in weaknesses that JKR does not have.

    Also jedis are getting touch ups and reworks and probably new ones coming in. That’s the problem. I haven’t seen anyone really complain that anakin if left last us beating malak teams. That team is more beatable than the standard JKR team.

    The player base just doesn’t want to go through this every week. Also dealing with the hypocrisy of kits being changed off the bat while other kits have glaring holes in them that need a serious adjustment.

    JKR is the problem because CG made him the cream of the crop and they painted theirselves in a corner with counters for him.

    Especially when they wanted a severe investment that is now being beat by a journey hero that is coming around for the 3rd time and a toon that doesn’t even have a zeta lol
  • Gannon
    1658 posts Member
    Yes he's getting nerfed.

    The lack of pre-release testing is embarrassing. And it continues! On and on...

    How much do these guys get paid?

    But there are always people willing to play and pay it seems.

    Any business that believes that there are always people willing to spend their money with them doesn't last long.

    Again I could understand if JKA and nightsisters like became a thing. I could see how that would fall through the cracks.

    I've been using ani on my NS team since zombie was released, it's always been pretty great. That's the biggest reason I don't want him nerfed, cuz it's my one of my keystone defense lines.
  • Options
    Gannon wrote: »
    Yes he's getting nerfed.

    The lack of pre-release testing is embarrassing. And it continues! On and on...

    How much do these guys get paid?

    But there are always people willing to play and pay it seems.

    Any business that believes that there are always people willing to spend their money with them doesn't last long.

    Again I could understand if JKA and nightsisters like became a thing. I could see how that would fall through the cracks.

    I've been using ani on my NS team since zombie was released, it's always been pretty great. That's the biggest reason I don't want him nerfed, cuz it's my one of my keystone defense lines.

    Some guildies were using it in the sith raid yesterday. But I was just saying I would understand if that team slipped through the cracks. Ani with JKR is the first move I would have done. I hope his kit doesn’t get changed. I hope JKR’s does.
  • Fahrius
    620 posts Member
    Fahrius wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    I'm guessing the problem is not the Sith or Anakin. Its Revan. They just need to bite the bullet and nerf him, or limit his lead to only OR toons.

    Just a guess.

    the problem its not jkr, its darth revan and his ferocity debuff negating defense....
    look at gg, ig88 and any other toon with a decent aoe that can be upgraded with certain situations... they all can wipe darth revan teams with malak in under a minute...

    Well the problem is JKR. His kit and synergy are the best in the game. I think the devs are trying to get away from that. Look at GG and droids look at Drevan and co. The teams have their own built in weaknesses that JKR does not have.

    Also jedis are getting touch ups and reworks and probably new ones coming in. That’s the problem. I haven’t seen anyone really complain that anakin if left last us beating malak teams. That team is more beatable than the standard JKR team.

    The player base just doesn’t want to go through this every week. Also dealing with the hypocrisy of kits being changed off the bat while other kits have glaring holes in them that need a serious adjustment.

    JKR is the problem because CG made him the cream of the crop and they painted theirselves in a corner with counters for him.

    Especially when they wanted a severe investment that is now being beat by a journey hero that is coming around for the 3rd time and a toon that doesn’t even have a zeta lol

    jkr may have a really great kit and synergy... and even though he gets beaten by darth revan, traya, ep, cls, rjt, gg, droids, ns, scoundrels, bh, now that most people put their best mods on darth revan so they left their jedi revan team pretty weakly modded so ewoks can come back to kick his butt once again as they initially did, and who knows wich other teams can beat him...
    so, are you sure that jkr is a problem? - Discord - Fahrius#1194
  • Options
    Fahrius wrote: »
    Fahrius wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    I'm guessing the problem is not the Sith or Anakin. Its Revan. They just need to bite the bullet and nerf him, or limit his lead to only OR toons.

    Just a guess.

    the problem its not jkr, its darth revan and his ferocity debuff negating defense....
    look at gg, ig88 and any other toon with a decent aoe that can be upgraded with certain situations... they all can wipe darth revan teams with malak in under a minute...

    Well the problem is JKR. His kit and synergy are the best in the game. I think the devs are trying to get away from that. Look at GG and droids look at Drevan and co. The teams have their own built in weaknesses that JKR does not have.

    Also jedis are getting touch ups and reworks and probably new ones coming in. That’s the problem. I haven’t seen anyone really complain that anakin if left last us beating malak teams. That team is more beatable than the standard JKR team.

    The player base just doesn’t want to go through this every week. Also dealing with the hypocrisy of kits being changed off the bat while other kits have glaring holes in them that need a serious adjustment.

    JKR is the problem because CG made him the cream of the crop and they painted theirselves in a corner with counters for him.

    Especially when they wanted a severe investment that is now being beat by a journey hero that is coming around for the 3rd time and a toon that doesn’t even have a zeta lol

    jkr may have a really great kit and synergy... and even though he gets beaten by darth revan, traya, ep, cls, rjt, gg, droids, ns, scoundrels, bh, now that most people put their best mods on darth revan so they left their jedi revan team pretty weakly modded so ewoks can come back to kick his butt once again as they initially did, and who knows wich other teams can beat him...
    so, are you sure that jkr is a problem?

    Yes. Because he will always be viable in a star wars game. As long as there are new jedis (Luke, maybe Rey) and reworks and touch ups as we are entering now - JKR will always be a candidate for a leader.
    Also I don’t mind that anyone can be beaten. CG does. And it’s been exhausting the amount of times they will change toons so that the bright and shiny can stay that way.

    JKR’s kit was questioned for this exact reason when it came out. Why wasn’t Drevan synergized with all sith? He got Sith Empire.

    Also a “oh yea” for droids especially 88 being able to beat meta squads.

    JKR remains to have more upside than other toon in the game. Seps and Drevan - the made for counters of JKR have weaknesses brought on by their own team - which isn’t a bad thing. JKR is just the pinnacle of a power creep - so much so That guildies are already speculating Jedi Luke will only synergize with Rebels lol
  • RevanRevanMalak
    41 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    CG, EA with the "save the whale" campaign "nerf anakin he destroys our whales".

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    Look people. There are some things worth getting upset over and some things not.

    Yes. Ea is a predatory company. Yes this is a ptw game. Yes. CG has exceptionally poor quality control. Yes. The various community managers have frequently been outright dishonest. Yes the game had frequently used deceptive practices.

    All these things have been readily apparent for the past 3 plus years and are valid to complain about. (But you also accept them all by continuing to play.)

    All that said, it should also be just as obvious that Anakin would need to be tuned.
    His rework is very nice, and a GR squad can now compete on offense with the best of teams. The problem however, is that his rework allows him to be slotted with the previous meta team (JKR) and actually makes that squad the best on defense again. This is going backwards from every trend we have ever seen in the game. It’s an obvious mistake. It’s well established we move from one meta to another. Not forward and then back. Complaining about something that obviously needs fixed is dumb.

    I fully expect his unique to be changed to only trigger the extra damage if the ally in question is Galactic Republic. This would keep him incredible in that squad and limit his usefulness with JKR and others.
This discussion has been closed.