Guilds Looking For Mergers - June 2019 *** READ RULES IN FIRST POST BEFORE POSTING ***


  • Hoos72
    12 posts Member
    21 Spaces.

    Disciples of Tulak Hord are a looking for a guild to merge with us.
    Guild GP is 70M - looking to get higher for the new Genosian TW

    We are quite relaxed, and get that people also have lives outside of the game, and everyone on chat is pretty cool.

    We'd love to hear from you.
    Ally code is 743-993-135
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    The LØFÂ alliance is looking for a smaller starter guild that is interested in a merger with our beginners guild.

    LØFÂ Tal'Galar is currently at 24m GP with 24 players.
    We offer hPit, HAAT and HSith whenever there are enough tickets and no events, so the Mercs from the main guilds can help us clear it.

    Ideally we are looking for 10 - 20 Members, there is room for more, some of our alts are parked here for ticket generation.

    All we are asking for is get your daily tickets and participate in TW and TB.

    If you are interested join our Discord chat and ask for Scoke, Outlaw or DeFekt713.

    Since we are in an alliance we will only accept mergers into our guild.

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    Gremio de hispanohablante con franja horaria +01:00.
    Uso de discord.
    Todas las raids heroicas.
    BTS 44 y 46 estrellas.


    Únete a nuestro discord.
    Rojo Cinco: 268-522-144
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    Our guild is looking for casual players willing to hit the "join" button on a TW when it pops up and participate in whatever EA throws our collective way. Very relaxed group.
    • Guild: The Seaforth Highlanders
    • GP: 80M (39/50 at posting)
    • Guild Activity Reset: 10:30PM EST
    • Raids: HPIT, HAAT, SITH 5/6
    • Both LSTB and DSTB are 20+
    If this sounds like your style, hit up the following ally code in game:
    Ethan Gelivta (officer), ally code 486-754-973
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    I don't care what level you are or what your galactic power is, taking all recruits at this moment. We are sitting at
    47 Million Galactic Power with 24 members. If you are still new to the game and want to get Han, Kenobi, and Traya then come on in. All I ask of you is to get daily tickets and participate in guild events.
    Also we love the dark side and Star Wars puns. Ally Code 633-689-266
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    Looking for a Group of 10-15 guys that want to do well in Geo TB.

    We're Part of a 5 guild community. With the new Geo TB, some of our members aren't fully ready for it and are struggling in TW, so we are shuffling our three top guilds:

    Heroes will be back to 220+ and will continue to be TW focused and Geo TB successful. Before this ensuing shuffle we were 228 million, 45* and 48* in TBs.

    More about our Guild:

    Hpit: Simmed
    HAAT: Launched at 11am CST
    HSith: Rotates between 11am CST and 3pm CST

    We require Discord, Active Participation and 600 daily.

    If you're interested in joining you should have:

    4+ Million GP
    Both Revans (and Ready if not already having Malak)
    Competitive in all areas of game and working towards all new META

    If you're interested, stop by our server:
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    Force of Change

    69 mil GP

    Our active guild of over 30 players would welcome the addition of a smaller guild (up to 18 people).
    Our members are very friendly and are willing to help new ones progress by offering advice on strategy when asked.

    We are looking for new team members (Level 60 and above), that enjoy playing the game every day and taking part in all events.

    We have no daily minimums, but we do have two rules:
    1) Treat all team members with respect.
    2) Please inform us, either via in-game message or our Discord server, if you plan on being away for more than 5 days.

    Raid start times (Hpit/ Haat/ Sith 5) are increased by one hour after each raid to keep it fair for ones in different timezones.

    My ally code is 869-513-187

    If you enjoy playing the game in a casual, family-friendly atmosphere, then consider joining our team!
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    Valhalla Nordic League

    Hello there!

    We are looking to merge with a smaller guild up to 10-12 players

    Our guild is for everyone. Whether you are new to the game, long time player or returning after a break.
    We seek to provide a guild that respect that each member has work, school, kids, personal lives, and that sometimes, wanting to play games doesn’t always fit in busy lives.
    Therefore, we don’t have requirements of reaching daily tickets or minimum GP.
    We do hope that you will participate in the chat, or at least read it to keep yourself updated.
    And we do expect you to hit join on that TW button.

    At the moment we have a few spots, we’re doing Heroic Tank and Rancor, and T6 Sith Raid, hoping to do the jump to Heroic sith raid within too long.
    Our GP is at 94 million

    Guild Name: Valhalla Nordic League

    Contact me here or ingame 724-971-271
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    40/50 players
    100M Guild GP

    We are looking for 10 players but might be able to clear up to 18 for the right merger*

    Guild started in 2014 with same leadership still intact.

    HAAT 1 hour clear farm
    STR T6
    TW 70-80 win %
    TB 30-35 Stars avg
    We have 2 whales in our guild, and a lot of good long-standing loyal players.
    We have full website and discord.

    Ally msg me at 845-523-546 for details, I am the Guild Master.

    There is no try.. do or do not.
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    BRG Jyn & Juice
    36 members
    96 mill GP

    Looking for 10 to 20 members to join us
    We will have HSTR on comfortable farm with new members

    Looking for players 1.5 mill GP and up ideally
    Guild operates at EST

    We won't split our guild up for Alliance guilds

    If you'd like to discuss the possibilities then please don't hesitate to join our server

  • Chessex
    19 posts Member
    Wir bremsen nicht für Jawas 30/50 (60mil)

    Nach einem Gildenmerge mit unserer Partner-Gilde, suchen wir jetzt für unsere Aufbau-Gilde bis zu 20 Member um wieder volle Stärke zu erlangen.

    Discord-Server vorhanden.

    Kontakt : Chessex#5095
  • Otsego
    45 posts Member
    Unsere Gilde ist seit einiger Zeit an der Schwelle zum HSTR, in absehbarer Zeit werden wir diese Schwelle überwinden.

    Leider wird uns derzeit immer klarer, das unsere ca. 20 tragenden Säulen nicht ausreichen um im Spiel konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben (GEO TB z.B. wird wohl für lange Zeit eine zu harte Nuss bleiben).

    Wir sind deshalb jetzt auf der Suche nach einem Partner mit ähnlichem Profil, um gemeinsam eine 100% aktive 50/50 Gilde zu bilden.

    Mitbringen würden wir ca. 25-30 Mitglieder (~80-90 Mio GP).

    Kontaktaufnahme gerne per

    discord (Otsego#7879)
    ingame (193-541-691)
  • Nekot
    4 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Guilds merged...
    Post edited by Nekot on
  • YodaDoc
    1071 posts Member
    Chairborne Rangers (

    We are looking for 20 people to join our guild. We are one guild of an alliance.

    • Be active - play daily
    • Be at minimum level 80
    • Have account
    Here's our rules...
    • Be active: do the daily guild activities and generate 300 tickets (20 misses in 2 months, get removed)
    • No login for 10 straight days without notifying me, get removed.
    • We have strike system... for TB/TW. If rule for strategy broken, get a strike. 3 strikes, get removed. Rules are as follow...
      • For TW defense, squad size requirement are set for few territories, go below, get a strike
      • For TB, anyone do rebel action, get a strike
    • TB: we get about 27 stars
    • TW: won at least 90% (50+ wins already)
    • Sith: tier 6 in short few days, start immediately
    • HPIT/HAAT: 24 hours wait period, start time is 8 local rotating with EST, PST, EU (Germany)
    • If already have 7* Hans/GK, do not solo it or get significance damage
    • Discord is optional
    Any questions? Or welcome aboard? :)
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    Hello everyone, I've been running a game industry guild since the launch of the game, called Nerfherders:

    We have 37 members, and are looking to merge with a smaller guild.

    Most of us work in the game industry, either in development or the business side. Having said that, being in games not a requirement, it just worked out that most of my friends are in the game industry and I recruited originally from Facebook. We're at the point where we've basically tapped out among our friends for new recruits, certainly those who are interested in daily play, and decided to post here to merge with a small guild.

    Some more detail about our guild and culture:

    1. Our guild is called Nerfherders, we have 37 active players, GP=89M
    2. My forum username and my name in-game are both Jamilion
    3. We use Discord and also FB
    4. We are mostly in the Pacific Time Zone, although we have members based across the US and in Europe
    5. For raids, we have Heroic Pit and HAAT on farm, and do Tier 6 for Sith Trio, with the goal of getting to Heroic there too; we do them all automatically when we have the tickets, with a 24-hour join period for the first two, all starting at 8am PT (4pm UTC)
    6. We generally get about 25 stars in TB, and generally win TW
    7. Our only requirement is daily play, removed after 30 days of inactivity
    8. Our only minimum level is that which is necessary to join a guild, but everyone is L85
    9. We're focused on fun and respect for others
    10. I host a dinner for the guild at the Game Developers Conference, and we meet for drinks at E3

    Let me know if you have any questions or interest in merging with us, we'd love to have you!


    Ally Code: 737-859-768
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    164 million GP
    All Raids Heroic
    International Guild

    Requirements: 2.75 Million GP (preferred),600 Tickets Daily, Territory Battles Participation (combat missions and deployment), Territory Wars, and discord.

    Looking to freshen up our ranks a bit with an active excited engaged group of players. Number of players in negotiable.

    We are part of an Alliance of 3 Guilds so if you are lower level shoot us a message we will find a spot for you.

    Discord: Craig#1832, omardubai#1903, kingnorth1121#9024, laga#7302
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    Guild: GhostsOfSparta
    GP: 148 Mil
    Average Player GP: 3 Mil
    Preferable New Player GP: 3 Mil +
    International guild with 46/50 members.
    Discord required for raid command/chat. account linked required
    Have won over 50 TWs (we win a lot)
    LS TB - 40* (have done more with extra players)
    DSTB - 41* (see above)
    Guild reset is 6:00pm BST (I believe)
    Hpit sims at 9pm BST with a 24 hour register period.
    HAAT runs at 7pm BST with a 24 hour register period.
    HSith rotates between 10am BST and 8pm BST with a 24 hour register period.
    Don Pedro X#5134
    Ally code:
    Looking for some extra fire power going into the new TB. Want active players who are going to contribute to the cause. Hit me up on here or on discord.
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    Hallo zusammen.

    Wir haben aktuell 12 Plätze frei und suchen eine Fusionsgilde oder neue Mitglieder. Trotz der 12 freien Plätze schaffen wir alle Raids heroisch. Die meisten TKs werden gewonnen. Keine Farmvorgaben.
    Die Regeln lauten: Wer sich bei einem Event anmeldet, muss auch teilnehmen (im TB reicht Stationieren), und kurze Info bei Urlaub. Ansonsten alles entspannt und manchmal zu albern :-)
    Ihr solltet mitbringen: ca.2,5 Mio GP (ggf. reicht weniger, wenn ihr dennoch im HSR eure 3-4Mio mit JTR schafft ^^ oder schon einen Revan vorweisen könnt), und Spaß :-) Heldengarde
    Mich kontaktiert ihr unter:
    Discord: Tyratron#5035

  • ocuelus
    52 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Post edited by ocuelus on
  • Halx
    89 posts Member

    Ihr wollt in den GEO TB? Ihr seid Einzelspieler oder eine Gruppe Spieler von 2,5M bis 6M+ GP?! Wir haben eine Menge Gilden in denen Ihr unterkommen könnt und wenn ihr mehrere seid, die unterschiedliche Ausrichtung (PvP/PvE) habt oder von der GP zu weit auseinander- Kein Problem: Bei uns bleibt ihr im Verbund doch auf demselben Discordserver einfach in Kontakt und der Wechsel in andere Gilden ist möglich (und freiwillig versteht sich)

    Dann kommt zu


    einer der stärksten Gildenverbünde in Mitteleuropa, sucht neue Mitstreiter, gerne auch größere und kleinere Gruppen!

    *New*: StarForge goes international:

    would you like to join one of the strongest guild alliances in milldel Europe? If you want faster progress, more loot and better arena ranking, you are in a guild alliance much better positionned than alone. We at StarForge, a guild group with a GP more than 2000M (2 billion) in Guilds from 80M up to 231M GP are always looking for active players who want to achieve high goals ..German based, but with international players and integrated translation bot. We ar looking to build our wings more international... Individual players, small groups or whole guilds .. We find a home.for all .. only engagement and activity is required.

    Was wir von dir wollen:

    *600 Tickets/Tag
    *Das Interesse/die Bereitschaft, mit uns ambitionierte Ziele zu erreichen
    *einen Account und Kommunikation über Discord
    *aktive Teilname an TB/TW

    Was wir dir bieten:

    *30k Tickets, das heißt maximale raids und maximaler Loot für Dich
    *Die richtige Gilde für dich: Von casual SF Takodana bis zu unserer Elitegilde SF Jedha - PvE oder PvP Focus- bei uns findest du sicher deine ideale Gilde
    *Eine der größten deutschsprachigen Communitys mit über 950 Mitgliedern, verteilt in 12 Gilden
    *einen großen discord-Server, in dem sowohl SWGoH als auch off-topic ihren Platz finden
    *das #padawan_projekt, in dem dir Top-Spieler detaillierte Pläne zu Modding, Farming etc erstellen
    *GK- und Han Solo-Splitter, in unseren full heroic Gilden Traya-Splitter

    Wenn du also Interesse hast, unserem Verbund beizutreten, oder einfach nur mehr erfahren willst, meld Dich bei mir,
    per PN oder auf Discord:


    oder tritt userem Server bei und frage nach Halx.:
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    Sinister ghosts is looking for a small group of players who would like to replace our inactives and low participants to get to 45* stars in TB as we have been a couple short for a bit and be ready for geo TB. We use the line app or in game chat and are a central time zone fully heroic guild. The core group has been together over a year and is really friendly and easy going. All potentials can be discussed. Thanks for your time.
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    Skywalkers Mentors is looking for a small guild of 14 or less to merge into ours.
    We currently have 71,600,000 Guild GP and are really wanting to do the Geonosis Guide Event.
    We are currently do Heroic Pit Raid and Heroic Tank Raid and are at the doorstep of doing Heroic Sith Raid.

    Casual players that are willing to help in all events with no stress and pressure of the bigger guilds.
    Just want to play, get better, and have fun.

    Contact 949-478-645 or just look up Skywalkers Mentors to join.
  • psyanyde
    33 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Scarif Beach Club (205m GP 50/50) is looking for some struggling guilds in the ~120-200m GP range. We want to start an alliance. We have multi-game and genre guild leadership experience. We have been running a swgoh guild since guilds launched. If you’d like to talk more about possibly joining the club, swing by or pm me on discord directly at psyanyde#8853
  • Cull
    22 posts Member
    Endor Alliance

    Hi All, we are the Endor Alliance which consists of 3 guild, Academy for new or growing player, Endor Dragons and Endor Vipers for heroic, our Dragon Guild has hit the 80 mil cap for the new event and we are looking for a merger for the Vipers currently sat at 44 mil 30 very active members. win TW 90% of the time

    we are looking for a small merger or individuals to join us so we can all take part in the new events. we could accommodate at least 30-35 members between the 2 guilds. we have a great team and community between the alliance, casual and fun and would love to get more like minded players on board with us! its never an easy decision to make and I promise you will not regret it.

    676-756-533 ROLLIN CLONES
  • RJTREE303
    93 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Massive Badgers are a casual UK based guild at 67M GP (32 members), We are looking for new players or a merger with another UK based guild at the same kind of level, we can take up to 20 members. Please message in game if interested.
    We are doing HPIT, HAAT, T6SR

    Now Full.
    Post edited by RJTREE303 on
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    Petzis`s Padawans suchen Verstärkung. Wir sind eine englisch und deutschsprachige Gilde, die in erster Linie Spaß am Spiel haben wollen. Unsere 63 Mio GP starke Gilde spielt den HRancor, HAAT und den Sithraid Level 6 sowie Tickets dafür vorhanden sind (Startzeit ist 6 p.m. UTC), mehrmals die Woche. Wir kämpfen im TW um Zeta Material und gewinnen eigentlich immer (mehr als 20 Siege in Folge!). Es ist jeder willkommen, der das Spiel genauso mag wie wir, ohne es zu ernst zu nehmen (das wahre Leben geht vor ;-). Wir würden eine Gruppe von bis zu 10 Personen herzlich bei uns aufnehmen, freuen uns baer auch auf einzelne aktive Spieler.
    Wer Interesse oder Fragen hat, kontaktiert mich hier oder Ingame (157-812-111)
    Ich hoffe man sieht sich.

  • GhostsGoblin
    48 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Sinner Among Saints
    Is looking for a small guild to merge with us, we currently have 31 active members totaling 69m gp.

    We are a UK based guild.
    We are looking for a maximum of 19 active players to fill our ranks.

    Heroic Pit
    Heroic HAAT (GK shards)
    Sith level 6 (heroic soon)
    TB/TW are compulsory

    Any queries please DM me here


    Ghosts Goblins#8224
  • tcgh0ss0uljah
    3 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Dark Voids (link)
    69.5 mil GP
    ~40 members

    We are looking for individuals or small mergers up to 10 players with an average GP of 1.5-2 million minimum. We are nearing HSTR readiness and would also really like to qualify for GeoTB. We have 3 JKRs and 1 DR in our guild at the moment.

    We are an active, casual guild and the base of this guild has a strong bond with each other and have been in the same guild for 1-2 years.

    Discord (link)
    Me: JawatheHutt#1144

    Ally Code:

    Thanks for your consideration!!!
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    9 spots available! ‘That Takes Effort’ is recruiting (152 GP 41/50)!

    All heroic raids on farm!! Raids at 8pm EST.

    Minimum 3mil GP, focused on endgame teams.

    We’re focused on participation and want to grow and excel in endgame content.

    Contact: Vulture am I#7284
    Ally Code: 472-868-918
This discussion has been closed.