Why are we getting two new currencies?

We already have 7 different stores that use 7 different currencies (cantina, guild, credit/crystal, squad, galactic war, shard shop and gold guild currency. Why are we getting 2 more on top of that? Why not just combine those stores into the gold guild currency store and just make the price higher for anything that comes with the new update. Regular grand arena, territory battles and territory wars already share that one currency.


  • vice
    90 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    because not even tunnel vision, tapered vision
  • Options
    Because you can't hoard for new stuff when new stuff comes with new currency.
  • Vos_Landeck
    1666 posts Member
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.
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    If the new stuff came out with GET currency in the guild store for example, it would really suck because it would just make progress slower by making you have to choose between an even larger amount of essential items. New currencies and stores are great for the game.
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    Same reason why all new characters require the new gear with the horrible drop rate.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    New currency and stores, means they can offer new things without rewarding RNG dependent reward boxes.

    They seem to be trying to make this new TB a step up, think of it like a T7 raid vs T6 raid. something you move up to, and a way for them to offer things you cannot get by being down a level.
  • Options
    Because CG wants everything in your bank account and this way they can charge more.

    At this rate you’ll have to pay 50 crystals just to log in.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Because CG wants everything in your bank account and this way they can charge more.

    At this rate you’ll have to pay 50 crystals just to log in.
    I am forever baffled by the people who turn every decision they do not immediately like into an immediate knee ****, "CG is evil and greedy."

    How is this CG trying to get more money out of you?

    GAC getting its own currency seems pretty unquestionable. I don't think many people have issue with that, and if they do, they're wrong. Grand Arena is a new mode that wasn't associated with a store before. It will be soon. Perfectly reasonable.

    The part that can be questioned is GET 2 and the GET 2 store. This is surprising. But who is most impacted by this decision? People who horded GET. Who hordes GET? People who can afford to horde GET. Who can afford to horde GET? By the haves/have nots view, the whales are the ones who can afford to horde GET.

    Creating GET 2 instead of putting Geonosis TB stuff in the GET store means everyone starts on an even playing field with respect to GET 2 store content, instead of the people who horded getting a several month head start as soon as that race begins. If anything, it's a benefit to the free to play.

    As to two stores vice one... that's literally arbitrary. It prevents crossing the streams on these new high-end rewards with respect to solo and guild play. You get the same amount of rewards regardless of whether it's one store or two.

    There is no devious greed plan here. Just reasonable game design decisions.
    Still not a he.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Because CG wants everything in your bank account and this way they can charge more.

    At this rate you’ll have to pay 50 crystals just to log in.
    I am forever baffled by the people who turn every decision they do not immediately like into an immediate knee ****, "CG is evil and greedy."

    How is this CG trying to get more money out of you?

    GAC getting its own currency seems pretty unquestionable. I don't think many people have issue with that, and if they do, they're wrong. Grand Arena is a new mode that wasn't associated with a store before. It will be soon. Perfectly reasonable.

    The part that can be questioned is GET 2 and the GET 2 store. This is surprising. But who is most impacted by this decision? People who horded GET. Who hordes GET? People who can afford to horde GET. Who can afford to horde GET? By the haves/have nots view, the whales are the ones who can afford to horde GET.

    Creating GET 2 instead of putting Geonosis TB stuff in the GET store means everyone starts on an even playing field with respect to GET 2 store content, instead of the people who horded getting a several month head start as soon as that race begins. If anything, it's a benefit to the free to play.

    As to two stores vice one... that's literally arbitrary. It prevents crossing the streams on these new high-end rewards with respect to solo and guild play. You get the same amount of rewards regardless of whether it's one store or two.

    There is no devious greed plan here. Just reasonable game design decisions.

    You need to consider the rate of acquisition for the "MkII GET" as well. They keep bragging about how hard the new TB is, which means that it will be mostly whale guilds getting higher stars and in turn getting substantial amounts of MkII GET and therefore better access to G12 finishers (and, in turn, even more stars in TB and so on...). If they kept just one version of GET, everyone would have a somewhat reasonable access to the top-end gear and whatever else they add there.
    Of course, we don't know what amounts of the MkII GET will be awarded at what stars, but I'm not holding my breath for anything more than scraps (if anything at all) for FTP-attainable levels. Cyanides has probably run the numbers to make sure of that...
  • Options
    Ravenclaws wrote: »
    Because you can't hoard for new stuff when new stuff comes with new currency.

    I for one welcome the introduction of a new GET version. Means I won't have to choose whether to get 7* Malak or the new stuff. That would have been a tough call indeed
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    Nute Gunray: This is getting out of hand! Now there are *eleven* of them!

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    Yea more stores/currencies = able to farm more gear easier and different toons imagine hoda, wampa, malak, + more toons rotating in those 3 spots or having more gear rotating to make it harder to acquire so allows better access to the gear u need to farm bettet
  • Options
    Cawpikolo wrote: »
    We already have 7 different stores that use 7 different currencies (cantina, guild, credit/crystal, squad, galactic war, shard shop and gold guild currency. Why are we getting 2 more on top of that? Why not just combine those stores into the gold guild currency store and just make the price higher for anything that comes with the new update. Regular grand arena, territory battles and territory wars already share that one currency.

    Because I hate GA and would rather have it taken out, so let's give it a currency instead. I hate it so much.
  • Jpfit262
    545 posts Member
    I like it because a lot of folks hoarded their current GET and they would have had a huge advantage over the folks that can’t do that.

    Also you have to realize that the gear and toons in the current GET store are focus on light and dark side. Making the new store bigger to include the genosian and galactic republic would make the store ridiculous. This allows you an opportunity to continue farming from the GET store AND have a new store to get different gear and toons from. There really is no negative that I can see. I think it would suck if you had to pick and choose between factions like you would if they combined them. Also with Malak in the current GET there won’t be outrage with folks saying they can’t farm him because there is too much other stuff they need now.

    And the championship store is pretty common sense. Why allow folks who aren’t maximizing their potential in the game access to better rewards? I look at this similar to guild store and the arena stores. If you aren’t using all the game has to offer then that’s on you. Folks don’t want to participate in grand arena now and they still get rewards. With championships they will get rewards but they won’t get near the loot others who are active will get.

    I see all positives so far. I actually feel a lot better about the state of the game compared to when the q&a was posted with a lot of “next question” or “we thought about it” and “we liked that idea” answers.
  • Options
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Jpfit262 wrote: »
    I like it because a lot of folks hoarded their current GET and they would have had a huge advantage over the folks that can’t do that.

    Also you have to realize that the gear and toons in the current GET store are focus on light and dark side. Making the new store bigger to include the genosian and galactic republic would make the store ridiculous. This allows you an opportunity to continue farming from the GET store AND have a new store to get different gear and toons from. There really is no negative that I can see. I think it would suck if you had to pick and choose between factions like you would if they combined them. Also with Malak in the current GET there won’t be outrage with folks saying they can’t farm him because there is too much other stuff they need now.

    And the championship store is pretty common sense. Why allow folks who aren’t maximizing their potential in the game access to better rewards? I look at this similar to guild store and the arena stores. If you aren’t using all the game has to offer then that’s on you. Folks don’t want to participate in grand arena now and they still get rewards. With championships they will get rewards but they won’t get near the loot others who are active will get.

    I see all positives so far. I actually feel a lot better about the state of the game compared to when the q&a was posted with a lot of “next question” or “we thought about it” and “we liked that idea” answers.

    You are making the optimistic assumption that the MkII GET will be awarded to everyone, which might well not be the case. If this new currency rewards start at a certain number of stars, it can be out of reach for casual guilds for a long while.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.
  • TVF
    36799 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    Don't give them any ideas, they will cap currency and gear and then what will @Edward do???
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Because they want people to use their stuff instead of horde it.

    Stop being a Smaug.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36799 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Because they want people to use their stuff instead of horde it.

    Stop being a Smaug.

    "Horde" :p

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    Well why don't they just make another store like the mod store which accepts crystals and credits. It uses existing currencies but puts it in another tab in the store. When you go to the supermarket is it sensible to make one aisle payable to USD while another aisle can only be bought with euros?
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    We already have too many stores imo. i have to scroll through so many diffrenet stores, than scroll down to find the item i am looking for is tedious and not fun, hence my unsustainable part. I want to play content, not shop. I am not sure why you cant make up your mind on what to buy, but 25 different currencies doesnt solve that.

    Personally, I dont want CG dictating what i should spend my currency on. I should be free to spend it on whatever i want, otherwise its just another gate, which also isnt fun.
  • Options
    Nauros wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Because CG wants everything in your bank account and this way they can charge more.

    At this rate you’ll have to pay 50 crystals just to log in.
    I am forever baffled by the people who turn every decision they do not immediately like into an immediate knee ****, "CG is evil and greedy."

    How is this CG trying to get more money out of you?

    GAC getting its own currency seems pretty unquestionable. I don't think many people have issue with that, and if they do, they're wrong. Grand Arena is a new mode that wasn't associated with a store before. It will be soon. Perfectly reasonable.

    The part that can be questioned is GET 2 and the GET 2 store. This is surprising. But who is most impacted by this decision? People who horded GET. Who hordes GET? People who can afford to horde GET. Who can afford to horde GET? By the haves/have nots view, the whales are the ones who can afford to horde GET.

    Creating GET 2 instead of putting Geonosis TB stuff in the GET store means everyone starts on an even playing field with respect to GET 2 store content, instead of the people who horded getting a several month head start as soon as that race begins. If anything, it's a benefit to the free to play.

    As to two stores vice one... that's literally arbitrary. It prevents crossing the streams on these new high-end rewards with respect to solo and guild play. You get the same amount of rewards regardless of whether it's one store or two.

    There is no devious greed plan here. Just reasonable game design decisions.

    You need to consider the rate of acquisition for the "MkII GET" as well. They keep bragging about how hard the new TB is, which means that it will be mostly whale guilds getting higher stars and in turn getting substantial amounts of MkII GET and therefore better access to G12 finishers (and, in turn, even more stars in TB and so on...). If they kept just one version of GET, everyone would have a somewhat reasonable access to the top-end gear and whatever else they add there.
    Of course, we don't know what amounts of the MkII GET will be awarded at what stars, but I'm not holding my breath for anything more than scraps (if anything at all) for FTP-attainable levels. Cyanides has probably run the numbers to make sure of that...

    That's exactly what we want!!! Everyone getting access to the end game stuff. This will help whales get stronger and leave p2p in the dust. They can just as easily make another tab in the store that accepts GET.
    Ravenclaws wrote: »
    Because you can't hoard for new stuff when new stuff comes with new currency.

    I for one welcome the introduction of a new GET version. Means I won't have to choose whether to get 7* Malak or the new stuff. That would have been a tough call indeed

    Yeah but at least you have the choice between the two. If these two new events gave GET you could easily afford both if you spend strategically.
  • Options
    Nauros wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Because CG wants everything in your bank account and this way they can charge more.

    At this rate you’ll have to pay 50 crystals just to log in.
    I am forever baffled by the people who turn every decision they do not immediately like into an immediate knee ****, "CG is evil and greedy."

    How is this CG trying to get more money out of you?

    GAC getting its own currency seems pretty unquestionable. I don't think many people have issue with that, and if they do, they're wrong. Grand Arena is a new mode that wasn't associated with a store before. It will be soon. Perfectly reasonable.

    The part that can be questioned is GET 2 and the GET 2 store. This is surprising. But who is most impacted by this decision? People who horded GET. Who hordes GET? People who can afford to horde GET. Who can afford to horde GET? By the haves/have nots view, the whales are the ones who can afford to horde GET.

    Creating GET 2 instead of putting Geonosis TB stuff in the GET store means everyone starts on an even playing field with respect to GET 2 store content, instead of the people who horded getting a several month head start as soon as that race begins. If anything, it's a benefit to the free to play.

    As to two stores vice one... that's literally arbitrary. It prevents crossing the streams on these new high-end rewards with respect to solo and guild play. You get the same amount of rewards regardless of whether it's one store or two.

    There is no devious greed plan here. Just reasonable game design decisions.

    You need to consider the rate of acquisition for the "MkII GET" as well. They keep bragging about how hard the new TB is, which means that it will be mostly whale guilds getting higher stars and in turn getting substantial amounts of MkII GET and therefore better access to G12 finishers (and, in turn, even more stars in TB and so on...). If they kept just one version of GET, everyone would have a somewhat reasonable access to the top-end gear and whatever else they add there.
    Of course, we don't know what amounts of the MkII GET will be awarded at what stars, but I'm not holding my breath for anything more than scraps (if anything at all) for FTP-attainable levels. Cyanides has probably run the numbers to make sure of that...

    That's the whole point. Why isn't everyone given access to the new stuff? This is gate keeping at its finest and twists arms for more money so they get to end game content. These people did not work hard to get access they either played for years like me or they tossed a bunch of cash. Cyanide definitely ran the numbers. They ran the numbers to see what action would get EA more cash in its coffers and want you to say "thank you" as they do it.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Cawpikolo wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    Well why don't they just make another store like the mod store which accepts crystals and credits. It uses existing currencies but puts it in another tab in the store. When you go to the supermarket is it sensible to make one aisle payable to USD while another aisle can only be bought with euros?

    How does making another store that uses the same currencies solve anything? That just means I have to look in more places to try to decide what to spend the currency on. It doesn't help me decide what to spend it on.
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    We already have too many stores imo. i have to scroll through so many diffrenet stores, than scroll down to find the item i am looking for is tedious and not fun, hence my unsustainable part. I want to play content, not shop. I am not sure why you cant make up your mind on what to buy, but 25 different currencies doesnt solve that.

    Personally, I dont want CG dictating what i should spend my currency on. I should be free to spend it on whatever i want, otherwise its just another gate, which also isnt fun.

    Having more currencies absolutely helps solve that. For example, there is no longer a choice in GW. There is nothing to spend the currency on except shard shop shards. Therefore I have a choice made for me and don't have to think about it. I get enough guild store currency to buy the gear I need most at the time without worrying about running out. Therefore I can buy the cuffs/carbantis/whatever is blocking me at the time and not have to think about it. If instead I had to decide between the carbantis I need to get somebody to g11 vs. the new stuff I need for somebody else to get to g13, then that's a tough choice. Some people, like you, don't prefer this. You are entitled to your opinion. I am just expressing mine because it differs from yours and demonstrates that just because a bunch of vocal people say they want one thing, that doesn't make it a universal preference.

    As for the last sentence, there is no "should" here. CG has no obligation to give you whatever you want just because you want it. The game won't actually function without gates no matter how much people think they want the gates to go away.
  • Options
    Cawpikolo wrote: »
    We already have 7 different stores that use 7 different currencies (cantina, guild, credit/crystal, squad, galactic war, shard shop and gold guild currency. Why are we getting 2 more on top of that? Why not just combine those stores into the gold guild currency store and just make the price higher for anything that comes with the new update. Regular grand arena, territory battles and territory wars already share that one currency.

    Because I hate GA and would rather have it taken out, so let's give it a currency instead. I hate it so much.

    That makes no sense. If you hate GA and want no participation in it. Would you not want the grand arena championship store to share GET currency? Because if they give you a different currency like they are now they are literally locking you out of that gear unless you play GA
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    Cawpikolo wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    Well why don't they just make another store like the mod store which accepts crystals and credits. It uses existing currencies but puts it in another tab in the store. When you go to the supermarket is it sensible to make one aisle payable to USD while another aisle can only be bought with euros?

    How does making another store that uses the same currencies solve anything? That just means I have to look in more places to try to decide what to spend the currency on. It doesn't help me decide what to spend it on.
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    We already have too many stores imo. i have to scroll through so many diffrenet stores, than scroll down to find the item i am looking for is tedious and not fun, hence my unsustainable part. I want to play content, not shop. I am not sure why you cant make up your mind on what to buy, but 25 different currencies doesnt solve that.

    Personally, I dont want CG dictating what i should spend my currency on. I should be free to spend it on whatever i want, otherwise its just another gate, which also isnt fun.

    Having more currencies absolutely helps solve that. For example, there is no longer a choice in GW. There is nothing to spend the currency on except shard shop shards. Therefore I have a choice made for me and don't have to think about it. I get enough guild store currency to buy the gear I need most at the time without worrying about running out. Therefore I can buy the cuffs/carbantis/whatever is blocking me at the time and not have to think about it. If instead I had to decide between the carbantis I need to get somebody to g11 vs. the new stuff I need for somebody else to get to g13, then that's a tough choice. Some people, like you, don't prefer this. You are entitled to your opinion. I am just expressing mine because it differs from yours and demonstrates that just because a bunch of vocal people say they want one thing, that doesn't make it a universal preference.

    As for the last sentence, there is no "should" here. CG has no obligation to give you whatever you want just because you want it. The game won't actually function without gates no matter how much people think they want the gates to go away.

    It solves it by making it accessible to everyone including new players which is a plus. These two new events can just give vastly more GET than the regular GA and TB. If they just separate them into to tabs in the store labeled "g13" and keep the GET tab there it solves everything without gate keeping new players and motivating people to toss money at the game to gain access. These two new currencies are taking advantage of the consumer.
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    For people that are buying into the **** that this game needs to gate keep to keep it running because it needs money all you have to do is look at Japanese mobile games. Dragon ball dokkan battle is number 5 grossing in the world despite giving hundreds of dollars of free stuff. Final fantasy Opera omnia will eventually make more money than this game due to the sheer volume of players that want to play because of how much free stuff they get, access to characters they love in the series and how fun the game is with new content every two weeks.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Cawpikolo wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Cawpikolo wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    Well why don't they just make another store like the mod store which accepts crystals and credits. It uses existing currencies but puts it in another tab in the store. When you go to the supermarket is it sensible to make one aisle payable to USD while another aisle can only be bought with euros?

    How does making another store that uses the same currencies solve anything? That just means I have to look in more places to try to decide what to spend the currency on. It doesn't help me decide what to spend it on.
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Because new things are being added for GA Championships and the Geo TB that they don't want people to be able to get from just grinding out Galactic War, Cantina Battles, etc. I never understood the complaint about "too many" currencies....I mean is it really that freaking hard to deal with? People will gripe about anything that costs them a few seconds of time. The other option is having the rewards for GA Championships and Geo TB be more tied into a reward drop....no thanks, gear drops are pretty bad in this game. I'd much rather have currency so I can buy what I want or need as opposed to having to rely on drops.

    The issue is more about sustainability. They are clearly introducing new currencies as nothing more than gates to the new content? My issues is we will eventually have 25 different currencies to deal with in the long term, if the game even lasts that long. Its a poor way to introduce a new wall/gate.

    Personally I would rather have 25 different currencies, each with limited choices, with which I can focus on different things, than to have one currency with which I have to choose between 75 different things, all of which I need. Otherwise I will wind up getting nothing because I can't decide.

    I don't see what's unsustainable about it, it's not like you need room in your pocket to hold them.

    We already have too many stores imo. i have to scroll through so many diffrenet stores, than scroll down to find the item i am looking for is tedious and not fun, hence my unsustainable part. I want to play content, not shop. I am not sure why you cant make up your mind on what to buy, but 25 different currencies doesnt solve that.

    Personally, I dont want CG dictating what i should spend my currency on. I should be free to spend it on whatever i want, otherwise its just another gate, which also isnt fun.

    Having more currencies absolutely helps solve that. For example, there is no longer a choice in GW. There is nothing to spend the currency on except shard shop shards. Therefore I have a choice made for me and don't have to think about it. I get enough guild store currency to buy the gear I need most at the time without worrying about running out. Therefore I can buy the cuffs/carbantis/whatever is blocking me at the time and not have to think about it. If instead I had to decide between the carbantis I need to get somebody to g11 vs. the new stuff I need for somebody else to get to g13, then that's a tough choice. Some people, like you, don't prefer this. You are entitled to your opinion. I am just expressing mine because it differs from yours and demonstrates that just because a bunch of vocal people say they want one thing, that doesn't make it a universal preference.

    As for the last sentence, there is no "should" here. CG has no obligation to give you whatever you want just because you want it. The game won't actually function without gates no matter how much people think they want the gates to go away.

    It solves it by making it accessible to everyone including new players which is a plus. These two new events can just give vastly more GET than the regular GA and TB. If they just separate them into to tabs in the store labeled "g13" and keep the GET tab there it solves everything without gate keeping new players and motivating people to toss money at the game to gain access. These two new currencies are taking advantage of the consumer.

    I was asking how it solved anything I was talking about, since you responded to my post about what I want and like. Your suggestion does not help me, it hurts me more.

    Using existing currencies most certainly does not "solve everything." It doesn't solve what I was talking about and it also doesn't solve the issues that cause CG to introduce a new currency here, which are (a) wanting new stuff to be locked behind participation in new game modes and (b) wanting everybody to start at zero on the new stuff, whereas some people have hoards of the existing currencies.
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    I think there are a couple of good reasons to do it. First, is obviously for "exclusivity", or if you prefer to think of it this way, not allowing everyone to get all of the new content the second it drops. Lots of people horde currencies (I've got like 30K GET so far in preparation for Malak), and the developers want you to feel rewarded for doing well in the new TB maps. If you don't get anything new (or rather, nothing that you can't get by doing something else), then it's not really a reward.
    Second, and an often missed point, is that the developers are trying to make "dated" content more accessible. Now that G12 finishers are coming out, want everyone to be able to get those G12 pieces from the GET store. They want people to finish farming Hoda, Wampa, etc. And people won't do that if those older items are competing for currency with the new hotness. I'm personally glad that the new stuff is coming out in these new curencies, for this specific reason. I don't have my Wampa up to 7*, nor do I have Malak. It's gonna be a while to get them there, and I don't want to also have to wait until after I spend all my GET on G12 finishers for my arena teams.
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