I hate the scoring in GA, it's so lopsided.


  • jhbuchholz
    1966 posts Member
    Dar, no way **** that! I always give my all. But just score wins and losses. If it takes more than 1 battle you get less. How hard is that? If there is an occasional tie what is the big deal?

    How do they score feats then? A win is 1 point and a feat is between 50 and 250 points? Doesn't seem balanced to me.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    You can make this same topic a thousand times and nothing is going to change

    So the 1001st post is really where it's at then?

    No because the winner gets 1000 posts and the loser gets zero.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    I mean, traditionally a loss is a loss.

    But everyone should get a trophy...
  • JediMaster2323
    159 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    JB what are you talking about? You can read correct? I never said score a win a point.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    You are still aware this is an exhibition right?

    so was Creed/Drago 1
  • jhbuchholz
    1966 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    JB what are you talking about? You can read correct? I never said score a win a point.

    Oh. I see. It's just as bad though. I don't know what division you're in but clearly it's not a top one. There would be ties all over the place in division 1 with your proposal. Two of my three battles in this GA would have been ties. And how do you manage the GA ranks for rewards then (especially if nobody gets 3 wins)?
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Again how can you compare sports to this game? Is there anyone with logic here?

    Did someone ask for logic?
    Here it is.
    A win is worth 1000pts
    A loss is worth 0pts
    You lost therefore you got 0 pts.

    That's about as simple as I can make it.

    End of class, enjoy your summer. KIT
  • Options
    In most competitions you get nothing for losing. Be glad you at least get some points.
  • Dnoff423
    403 posts Member
    If the argument is that you thought you had full protection on your units but it wasn't counted correctly then your only recourse is submit a ticket so they can see if there was a glitch.

    If the argument is "I lost by one point I should still get the same reward as the person who beat me by one point" then no I'm sorry but you don't deserve the winners purse. Your opponent strategized better team matchups and won. I've lost by similar margins, losing happens. It's a game.
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    Do you guys work for EA? What is so hard to understand? Just take out the scoring based on health & protection. You can still get more points for using less toons. That should cut out most of the ties. If it occasionally happens split the points. This will give most the incentive to avoid ties. To win or lose based on a technicality is ****. Peace I'm done here, its like talking to a bunch of ****.
  • UdalCuain
    5049 posts Member
    Do you guys work for EA? What is so hard to understand? Just take out the scoring based on health & protection. You can still get more points for using less toons. That should cut out most of the ties. If it occasionally happens split the points. This will give most the incentive to avoid ties. To win or lose based on a technicality is ****. Peace I'm done here, its like talking to a bunch of ****.

    Can you not see how that would end in more ties? Fewer variables means fewer different possible point outcomes, leading to more ties.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    1) You lost. Get over it.
    2) The 1000 pt win bonus is to spread players out across the Leagues relatively quickly which should improve matchmaking in subsequent GAs.
    3) Winning every match would earn you tougher opponents later on. If you cannot beat randoms, you will get stomped by the hardcore guys.
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    If all my toons are full health and protection when I'm done fighting you that means my team was better than yours.
  • Ultra
    11592 posts Moderator
    Again how can you compare sports to this game? Is there anyone with logic here?
    playjng swgoh makes me a professional eSports player
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Do you guys work for EA? What is so hard to understand? Just take out the scoring based on health & protection. You can still get more points for using less toons. That should cut out most of the ties. If it occasionally happens split the points. This will give most the incentive to avoid ties. To win or lose based on a technicality is ****. Peace I'm done here, its like talking to a bunch of ****.

    Scoring system is just fine. Factoring health and Protection adds more strategy. Your way would increase ties. Learn for this loss and do better next time, Simple as that.
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    Again how can you compare sports to this game? Is there anyone with logic here?

    Fine. If in TW the opposing team beats yours by 1 point, they get the rewards for first and your guild gets second. Hope that cleared everything up.
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    And the fact that you think sports which takes actual physical ablilty is the same as a video game makes me laugh. So I'm happy we made each others day.

    Some sports see one person play against another, where a point scoring system determines which competitor wins and which one loses.

    You’re right though, GA is totally different as it sees one person play against another where a point scoring system determines which competitor wins and which one loses.

    And remember, people are allowed to disagree with you. Doesn’t make them illogical, CG employees or trolls. Just means your argument didn’t convince them otherwise.
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    But the scoring isn't the same in tw as in ga. So what's is the comparison?
  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    And the fact that you think sports which takes actual physical ablilty is the same as a video game makes me laugh. So I'm happy we made each others day.

    What does physical ability have anything to do with a comparison of the scoring systems? It is clear that you just came here to get some self verification and are now upset that you didn't get it.
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    I rather like the scoring. It could use some work but when it's the same for everyone... he who makes the most mistakes loses.

    Had the best and most fair matchups since the new system went into play. Two thumbs up.
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    And the rewards are not that different. Very similiar actually.
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    @DarjeloSalas you do know Thomas Edison conducted 1000 failed experiments but the 1001th was the light bulb and the outcome was different that was not insanity, that was ingenious and determination
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    @DarjeloSalas you do know Thomas Edison conducted 1000 failed experiments but the 1001th was the light bulb and the outcome was different that was not insanity, that was ingenious and determination

    Not to get overtly pedantic, but if Edison conducted the exact same experiment 1000 times (no variation in steps, input, conditions), then, yes, that would be insane.

    I get what you're going for, but it doesn't apply to the context of the (ridiculously overused, thanks to Far Cry 3) quote.
  • Options
    @DarjeloSalas you do know Thomas Edison conducted 1000 failed experiments but the 1001th was the light bulb and the outcome was different that was not insanity, that was ingenious and determination

    Wouldn’t it be the 1001st?
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Yea, but when you lose because you weren't scored correctly it really sucks. At least three times this past ga I've ended a battle with full protection and it wasn't counted.

    I never saw that happen. However, if this is true, please document it and report it. Others may have the same problem.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    And when both opponents wipe each other in the same amount of attempts one shouldn't get 1000 extra points because they ended one battle with a **** hair more protection than the other. It's kind of ridiculous.

    Well, if they had 1 more character with full protection than you, they performed better and deserve the win.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Hey I've been on the other side too. I still don't agree with it. How can you call it outperforming? It's a fraction of protection that they ended their battle with. You think that's worth 1000 points? Lol

    A fraction more is still more.

    If you mised the world record by 1/100 of a second, you didn't beat the world record.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    How is this even debatable? You lose by a point or lose by 1000 it's still a loss. If health and protection weren't factored then most matches would be a tie. This is where strategy comes into play
  • mickyluv
    140 posts Member
    My final opponent and I drew the deciding match. I won because I have ~40k more GP than him/her.

    Their response? They sent me a message to say good game. I've done the same in the past when I've lost by a single point.

    Maybe that's the way ahead?
  • Budgernaut
    118 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    I see the OP's point of view. There is so much RNG in this game (because AI controls enemy squads) that I can't in good conscience say the winner has more skill.

    However, I think a win is a win. I, myself, won one round by 5 points and one roumd by 1 point this past GAC. But I was ready to admit defeat each time if my opponent managed to muster a squad that could take out my last defenses.
    Post edited by Budgernaut on
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