Getting a brand new level 1 character now vs then...


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    No_Try wrote: »
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.

    Yeah say that to the all those who maxed they accounts and still love the game and enjoy it probably more than you do

    Who are those hypothetical people that maxed their accounts?

    They aren’t hypothetical. I had 2 in my shard. All toons g12 long before g13 was a thing.

    There’s quite a lot of them actually - though I’d be surprised if anyone had 7* Wat Tambor yet.
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    No_Try wrote: »
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.

    Yeah say that to the all those who maxed they accounts and still love the game and enjoy it probably more than you do

    Who are those hypothetical people that maxed their accounts?

    They aren’t hypothetical. I had 2 in my shard. All toons g12 long before g13 was a thing.

    There’s quite a lot of them actually - though I’d be surprised if anyone had 7* Wat Tambor yet.

    Just reaching G12 hasn't been "maxed out" for a long time. Until G13, "maxed out" would have been every toon at G12+5 plus 6 dot mods in all slots for all toons. Now that G13 is a thing, there are no maxed out accounts. I don't even know if anyone had every character at G12 before they released the left side G12 pieces.

    Point being, a maxed out account is hypothetical at this point in time.
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    I remember when I first started R2 was brand new, Phoenix and Thrawn were added and I was frustrated over how badly toons that worked well in PVE did not perform in Arena.

    Ya know who stepped up and helped me unfrack myself? Kyno, Paladin, and a few other moderators and players who helped me understand and focus on single characters or a single teams instead of being all over the place. And my game is much better for it. I place #1 in fleet almost every day for last 7 months. My Arena team is doing top 80-200 each day depending on how far I am pushed back. My HSTR is top 3, number 1 in HAAT, I score well in TW and my teams have good survivability in both TW and GAC.

    The game is fun. If you’re not having fun, either listen to those reaching out to help you or continue to bang your head on a wall making an argument for stun gun use on Bespin Lando.
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    Who remembers the time when you unlocked a character for the first time and you could get them to level 85, g11, max their abilities, mod them and have them ready to go? I used to love that time but now we have to overcome 12 finishers, 5 g12 pieces and the g13 finishers on top. We can't equip 6 dot mods until g12 and now we will also have relics... As if that's not bad enough the zeta and omega crunches are worse than ever with so many reworks coming to the game and characters who didn't have Zetas before got 1 or even 2 Zetas but our zeta income was actually reduced due to the reduction of TW to make room for GA.

    I remember a time when it didn't take MONTHS to get a level 1 character to maximum...

    Hey maybe dont play resource grinding games if you dont want to grind.

    What, did you expect this game to not add more gear tiers? And not increase the power levels?
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    Who remembers the time when you unlocked a character for the first time and you could get them to level 85, g11, max their abilities, mod them and have them ready to go? I used to love that time but now we have to overcome 12 finishers, 5 g12 pieces and the g13 finishers on top. We can't equip 6 dot mods until g12 and now we will also have relics... As if that's not bad enough the zeta and omega crunches are worse than ever with so many reworks coming to the game and characters who didn't have Zetas before got 1 or even 2 Zetas but our zeta income was actually reduced due to the reduction of TW to make room for GA.

    I remember a time when it didn't take MONTHS to get a level 1 character to maximum...

    I don't remember that time. I remember when I was short on credits, farming mods required not farming shards or gear, some gear was not in shops and you needed to be lucky with raids (so many scanners, so few droid callers or furnaces...), zetas were scarce... You have idealized the past.
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    Balding head always gets into arguments lol.

    I don't think he has won one yet :P

    Why you do u always pick such controversial topics
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    I remember a long time ago in a galaxy far away when stun guns dropped from trees like avocados, credits flowed in like the Amazon river, zetas were as bountiful as baldies complaint threads and all characters were maxed out the day we unlocked them. Oh those were the days.....
  • UnbelieverInME
    451 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    That's not realistic unless you're prepared to spend money.
    I didn't even look at the forums for a year or so and now am so far behind I'll never catch up. I'm simply too many Zetas in the hole compared to my peers in my shard. I'm not complaining, I accept that it's either this or start fresh.. but when someone's spent a year getting 60 crystals from arena and none from fleets it's disingenuous to say you just need to prepare better in the future. When I started it was also just Arena for PvP, so it didn't matter nearly as much as it does now that PvP is the focus of the game. The simple fact is, if you're not winning from the start, you're very likely going to lose until the end unless you throw cash at it.

    *edited for spellchecking
    This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken..” -Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    That's not realistic unless you're prepared to spend money.
    I didn't even look at the forums for a year or so and now am so far behind I'll never catch up. I'm simply too many Zetas in the hole compared to my peers in my shard. I'm not complaining, I accept that it's either this or start fresh.. but when someone's spent a year getting 60 crystals from arena and none from fleets it's disingenuous to say you just need to prepare better in the future. When I started it was also just Arena for PvP, so it didn't matter nearly as much as it does now that PvP is the focus of the game. The simple fact is, if you're not winning from the start, you're very likely going to lose until the end unless you throw cash at it.

    *edited for spellchecking

    Not really, I spent like $40 this year max.

    And I have JKR, (will have DR tmrw), padmè 5*, GG seps (17 salvage off g13 GG)

    And I'm 100% ready for Malak.

    Not that hard.

    People just give up too easily.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    That's not realistic unless you're prepared to spend money.
    I didn't even look at the forums for a year or so and now am so far behind I'll never catch up. I'm simply too many Zetas in the hole compared to my peers in my shard. I'm not complaining, I accept that it's either this or start fresh.. but when someone's spent a year getting 60 crystals from arena and none from fleets it's disingenuous to say you just need to prepare better in the future. When I started it was also just Arena for PvP, so it didn't matter nearly as much as it does now that PvP is the focus of the game. The simple fact is, if you're not winning from the start, you're very likely going to lose until the end unless you throw cash at it.

    *edited for spellchecking

    No one is saying it would be easy, and it may take time, but it is absolutely possible.

    One step at a time.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    That's not realistic unless you're prepared to spend money.
    I didn't even look at the forums for a year or so and now am so far behind I'll never catch up. I'm simply too many Zetas in the hole compared to my peers in my shard. I'm not complaining, I accept that it's either this or start fresh.. but when someone's spent a year getting 60 crystals from arena and none from fleets it's disingenuous to say you just need to prepare better in the future. When I started it was also just Arena for PvP, so it didn't matter nearly as much as it does now that PvP is the focus of the game. The simple fact is, if you're not winning from the start, you're very likely going to lose until the end unless you throw cash at it.

    *edited for spellchecking

    No one is saying it would be easy, and it may take time, but it is absolutely possible.

    One step at a time.

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    The simple fact is, if you're not winning from the start, you're very likely going to lose until the end unless you throw cash at it.

    Huh? What do you mean? I've never finished 1st in squad arena, ever. For a while at the start of the game I thought I was doing pretty well when I was riding the border between the top 2500 category and the top 1000 category. It was a great day when I got better than 700th place for the first time. For more than a year I couldn't breach top 200 in fleet arena.

    Except for the last couple days (because of slowly falling for a week while I've been busy) I've been finishing between #60 and #90 consistently for months. I finish fleet #1 every day.

    Do I have the highest GP in the game? Nope.
    Have I ever gotten top 10 in squad arena? Top 25? Top 50? Nope, nope, and twice.
    Do I win every GAC? top 4? bottom 4? Not hardly. Always. Never.
    Have I always finished top4 in my group in GA? Nope. When GA first came out it was a struggle to finish with two wins out of three, and I felt like I'd won a glorious victory when I came in 2nd by winning my first two matches and getting trounced in the third. But I can say that I finished top-4 in all 5 rounds last GAC, and came in #1 in 2 of them.

    And have I spent any money at all during this period of growth and improvement? None. Zero dollars, zero cents.

    So... am I winning the game or losing it?
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    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    That's not realistic unless you're prepared to spend money.
    I didn't even look at the forums for a year or so and now am so far behind I'll never catch up. I'm simply too many Zetas in the hole compared to my peers in my shard. I'm not complaining, I accept that it's either this or start fresh.. but when someone's spent a year getting 60 crystals from arena and none from fleets it's disingenuous to say you just need to prepare better in the future. When I started it was also just Arena for PvP, so it didn't matter nearly as much as it does now that PvP is the focus of the game. The simple fact is, if you're not winning from the start, you're very likely going to lose until the end unless you throw cash at it.

    *edited for spellchecking

    I did feel I was falling behind at some point near JKR release last year. That's when I stepped up my game (I was still running BH in arena, stuck in top 1000).
    I went for fleets, farmed HT and broke into top 20. Falcon was blow to me but luckily few on my shard unlocked it so I could still grab top 20 if lucky but usually top 50. Then unlocked Falcon the second time around, maxed it on third coming. Now I finish in top 5 fleet (at times 1) almost everyday unless I end up being too busy irl.

    The crystal income is nice, and I still don't care about squad arena (I run NS just for the lolz). Point is, its still possible to turn things around.
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    I really don't understand how anyone can support that there is enough credits or gear in this game unless they have been playing for at least 18 months (more like 2+ years).

    Its INSANELY SLOW to start out.

    I've only been playing for 5 months as of tomorrow & been L85 for 2 months now.

    I can't even throw a full 5 teams of 7* chars at the HAAT raid yet.

    And I CERTAINLY can't fill out the 4 Off/Def minimum for GAC with L85 characters.

    My back row is defended by 3-6* L30-60 characters at G7 avg. (As are 1/2 my Offense teams)

    Today I fought a guy that actually left 5 L1 characters behind his G12 Empire team.

    I don't even HAVE a character at G12 yet & I faced off against 5 of them on that team!
    (I somehow won, Thank you Bastila, I Love You!)

    Heck, I don't even have a full group of G11's yet. (4)

    I counted less that 3 groups at G9+.

    G8 is a major stoppage point as are credits to level characters.

    Lets not even talk about FLEET credits too where there is no "Heist" to replenish those yet you have ZERO chance of beating the 5*/6* Fleet Challenges with the Recommended Level/Stars & it took me a month into L85 before I could even field 5 ships good enough & of the same L/D faction to try the mission only to have it steam roll me for over a month after the last one qualified.

    Had I known this "Game" was basically just a giant waste of time each day to log in, run some sims, get a couple shards & then log out, I never would have started playing.

    But its Star Wars & I want to love it, but the shear boredom of farming only to smack your head against a wall when you finally qualify to zone into an event makes that VERY difficult.

    I don't mind the idea of resource management or army construction, but lets not kid ourselves into saying this is even close to fast enough to be called a "game", more like a "waste of time & $$ digital chore".

    Its not like I'm saying we should be able to pay for L85 or a full Stun Gun in a single day or anything like that.
    But getting 1/3 of a Stun Gun per day w/o sacrificing every other farm option for that day would be nice.
    Being able to level a single character more than 5 (Upper) levels in a day would also be nice.
    Being able to do those levels while still exploring/leveling a couple mods each day shouldn't be out of the question.
    Doing all of this in a single sitting instead of having to log in 5x a day because of the way Fleet, Arena, Stores, & Energy all payout would be AMAZING. (My kingdom to have a single Email of Energy each day instead of a 2 hour quest that I have to log in for at work or lose out on!)

    Ok, I'm done ranting now.
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    Being able to level a single character more than 5 (Upper) levels in a day would also be nice.

    Don't do this.

    The difference in power between a toon with level 80 and a toon with level 85 is not noticeable if your abilities and gear remain the same.

    Don't level any toon above level 80 until either
    a) you want to put a zeta on it and the zeta is ready right now, or
    b) you want to put a piece of gear on it that requires a higher level and you've filled in every single piece of gear on that tier that you can add without leveling up.

    Leveling up to add a piece of gear you don't qualify for yet isn't usually very useful if you are still lacking other pieces of gear at the same tier. (Some gear is better than other gear, however, and this bit should be taken as a guideline, not a rule)

    Since even if you leveled everyone to 85, you wouldn't have the gear or ability mats to finish them off, don't push their levels beyond 80 unless it allows you to get a real benefit. The leveling benefit just isn't enough.

    Once you stop leveling toons past 85 without a reason, you'll start to have a little credit in the bank so that when you really need a toon leveled to drop that fancy new zeta on, you won't be frustrated that you've got no credits because you leveled up Jawa Scavenger just the day before.

    At your stage of the game, you're not supposed to have extra credits. You'll ALWAYS have a place to put your credits, and you could spend them down to zero every day for years. Even now, I could spend myself to zero credits every day by buying and leveling mods. But things come along that are more important than leveling your 400th mod. You have to anticipate that and choose to keep a minimum in the bank. One way to make sure you can keep that minimum is by deciding in advance that certain spending is not a priority. Leveling from 80=>85 when you don't have any abilities or gear to improve is just one way you can help limit yourself to reasonable priorities so as to not face daily frustration.

    Over time, you'll come up with your own rules for other things as well. I never buy mods from the mod store unless I have a very particular one in mind (right now I'm trying to get a tenacity diamond with better speed for my Enfys Nest), or unless it meets certain general criteria. For me, those criteria are:

    1. Speed Arrow with a set mod that is not Defense, Speed, CD, CC, or Health
    2. Speed Arrow with an Dffense, CD, or CC set mod and Offense primary and visible Speed secondary
    3. Triangle with matching set bonus and primary, with Speed secondary showing
    4. Triangle with offense or CC set bonus and CD primary, with Speed secondary showing
    5. Triangle with Speed, tenacity, or potency set bonus, CD or Offense primary, with speed secondary showing
    6. Plus with any set bonus except defense, with an Offense, Tenacity, or Potency primary, and with speed secondary showing.

    If something meets these criteria but has some undesirable qualities (like 2x defense secondaries showing, or a blue mod with even 1x defense secondary showing), then I consider giving it a pass anyway. At that point, if the speed secondary is +3 instead of +4-5 or if I feel like I'm a bit lower than I want to be on credits, I consider the mod close-but-no-cigar, and give it a miss.

    Your criteria might be different, but there are always things to spend cash on. If you don't have rules, you'll blow your credits on any brand new Ronco Turnip Twaddler that comes along. That's a recipe for at least frustration, and very possibly disaster.
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    I’m usually a little suspicious of @BaldingHead90 ‘s motives when he suggests / demands a change to the grind that will benefit newer players, because said change almost invariably benefits him too.

    But @Schwartzring has highlighted some issues that really should be changed to help newer players.

    - the credit cost for taking a toon to lvl85 should be reduced.
    - Ditto for taking a ship to lvl85

    For those of us who had to endure the “old money” for these things, yeah it would seem unfair if the new players got to do it for cheaper than us. But what difference would it make to us? We’re not going to meet these guys in any game mode (unless they join a guild way ahead of their standing and we draw them in TW).

    I can’t imagine many of us veterans ever have to worry about taking a new toon to lvl85 when they come out, as we’re likely sitting on a credits stockpile that could cover the cost easily.

    If they made that process cheaper for all, it would really help the new players when the credit crunch hit, and it wouldn’t be horrendously unfair to us time-served war horses.

    As for the gear aspect, sadly the Devs have created a system whereby easing a bottleneck at a lower level necessarily eases another one further up the food chain.

    The g8/9 crunch centres around carbanti, stun guns and to a lesser extent cuffs, droid callers and furnaces. The first 4 of those things all feature in some shape or form in the gear needed to take a toon to g12 or g13.

    So if the g8/9 crunch is alleviated, it just means it’s even easier for those pushing to g12/13 to get there concurrently.

    And, to be honest, I’m not sure that the bottleneck situation is that bad a thing. If they’d devised a system where the gear pieces needed to take toons to g8/9 was hard to get but totally different from the gear pieces needed to take toons to g12/13, veteran players wouldn’t face tough decisions. You could slap those pieces on any lower gear toon knowing it wouldn’t slow you down one bit with your top gear toons. And that would be dreadful for newer players!
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    Who remembers the time when you unlocked a character for the first time and you could get them to level 85, g11, max their abilities, mod them and have them ready to go? I used to love that time but now we have to overcome 12 finishers, 5 g12 pieces and the g13 finishers on top. We can't equip 6 dot mods until g12 and now we will also have relics... As if that's not bad enough the zeta and omega crunches are worse than ever with so many reworks coming to the game and characters who didn't have Zetas before got 1 or even 2 Zetas but our zeta income was actually reduced due to the reduction of TW to make room for GA.

    I remember a time when it didn't take MONTHS to get a level 1 character to maximum...

    TW still occurs at the same rate it always has. There are not less TW's because of GA. The weeks alternate 2 TW's/1 TB, and has been doing so for a long time.

    Most players are actually blocked around G8 due to stun cuffs and stun guns, unless they saved resources up for those. And if they are saving resources for those for a specific character, they are also just as likely saving them for G11/12. And they will now start saving them for G13 and relics too.

    Zeta/omega crunch is not any more an issue then it has ever been. Stop trying to omega and zeta EVERY ability. Pick the ones that matter. For a fresh character from level 1 to 85 and full abilities that is about a month of work (if you didn't save any). That isn't all that long.

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    Liath wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you weren't doing any hoarding (or spending) you weren't getting characters to g11 immediately upon unlock either. Or did you forget about your dozens of threads complaining about stun guns?

    It's not like we maniacally just spend resources , but there were alot less things we had to worry about and 2 gear levels less

    Sorry for dredging up the past @BaldingHead90 - but <3 months ago you posted this...

    I know it’s not gear, but how on earth you could run out of these things without maniacally upgrading toon abilities is beyond me 😜!
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you weren't doing any hoarding (or spending) you weren't getting characters to g11 immediately upon unlock either. Or did you forget about your dozens of threads complaining about stun guns?

    It's not like we maniacally just spend resources , but there were alot less things we had to worry about and 2 gear levels less

    Sorry for dredging up the past @BaldingHead90 - but <3 months ago you posted this...

    I know it’s not gear, but how on earth you could run out of these things without maniacally upgrading toon abilities is beyond me 😜!

    I had just unlocked Revan I think, I had to upgrade HK, Bastila, plus the characters required for Revan and then Revan himself. It's alot more than you think
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    Wow... PURPLE mats?

    I mean, sure, I constantly wish I had more omegas. I make great progress on zetas (tracked it for 2 months and got 66 or 68 the first month and 73-ish the 2nd month (can't remember exactly now)), but there was a long time when I didn't make great progress on zetas and there have been a lot of multi-zeta toons released recently, so I could find truly good use for maybe 12-15 zetas if they dropped in my lap fully formed. And gear, it goes without saying that another 50 full stun guns, 30 full stun cuffs, and 20 full fusion furnaces would be quite useful.

    ...But PURPLEs? I don't even know how many I have, because i haven't worried about them in at least a year, and probably longer than that.
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    I’m usually a little suspicious of @BaldingHead90 ‘s motives when he suggests / demands a change to the grind that will benefit newer players, because said change almost invariably benefits him too.

    I noticed that as well.

    The trick is providing benefits that are marginal or non-existent for end-game players but of great value to new players. Imagine, for instance, if you got 350k every time you unlocked a new toon. By the time you unlock a hundred toons, that's 35M credits, which would greatly improve things for a focussed new player who only levels up 1-in-3 new toons right away, but if you're at end game, there aren't many toons to unlock, which means you wouldn't even get an extra 350k once per week.

    Game design is a tricky thing, but there are easy ways to make things better for new players without changing the game economy for established players. Since it is pretty easy to propose that sort of thing, when people at endgame propose making things easier for new players by giving away more X that endgame players also need, that makes me deeply suspicious.
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    sry, but i honestly think your expectations from this game ist not covering with state of things what this games offers

    there is no need for catchin up. if you start new, you get into a new shard, so everyone is in the same situation.

    and for me, this game is real fun. Star Wars, collecting Fighters of this universe and battle in a guild with friends.

    no pressure in wanting to be No.1, just a bit ambitious
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    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    Focusing on 1 character/team seems like a waste, especially when there are close to 180 characters in the game. It would be nice to have use of most of them

    Focusing on more is how you end up complaining that there aren't enough resources available to you.
    I need a new message here.
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    Natethorns wrote: »
    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do

    Lol hoarding is so enjoyable. I mean that’s totally why I want to play a game. 🤦‍♂️
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Natethorns wrote: »
    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do

    Lol hoarding is so enjoyable. I mean that’s totally why I want to play a game. 🤦‍♂️

    Hoarding to hoard is pointless.

    Hoarding so you can deploy the resources at the right time is an effective strategy.
    I need a new message here.
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