Getting a brand new level 1 character now vs then...



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    TVF wrote: »
    Natethorns wrote: »
    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do

    Lol hoarding is so enjoyable. I mean that’s totally why I want to play a game. 🤦‍♂️

    Hoarding to hoard is pointless.

    Hoarding so you can deploy the resources at the right time is an effective strategy.

    Yes I get the strategy. But it’s a horribly boring strategy. I mean the 2 seconds of satisfaction when you tap “upgrade” after hoarding for months is super duper worth it....
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    I hoarded gear and GET for months for when I unlocked Malak. Devs took too long to re-release him so I dropped all my resources on a variety of toons. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. I play this game for enjoyment and not just to tap sim and collect my stuff for the day. If I missed out on taking him straight to 7 stars and gear 12 then 🤷🏼‍♂️.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Natethorns wrote: »
    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do

    Lol hoarding is so enjoyable. I mean that’s totally why I want to play a game. 🤦‍♂️

    Hoarding to hoard is pointless.

    Hoarding so you can deploy the resources at the right time is an effective strategy.

    Yes I get the strategy. But it’s a horribly boring strategy. I mean the 2 seconds of satisfaction when you tap “upgrade” after hoarding for months is super duper worth it....

    For me, it's worth it when I get to upgrade an entire team and then start wrecking something with it.

    More importantly, it works. If you don't like it, and you aren't willing to spend to overcome it, then I don't know what to tell you.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    I hoarded gear and GET for months for when I unlocked Malak. Devs took too long to re-release him so I dropped all my resources on a variety of toons. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. I play this game for enjoyment and not just to tap sim and collect my stuff for the day. If I missed out on taking him straight to 7 stars and gear 12 then 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    That's fair enough. Everyone should play however they want and take enjoyment from the game however they want. But that's a personal choice.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    @TVF focusing on 1 makes a game stale and boring. Balance throughout characters would make this game a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

    For you.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Natethorns wrote: »
    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do

    Lol hoarding is so enjoyable. I mean that’s totally why I want to play a game. 🤦‍♂️

    Hoarding to hoard is pointless.

    Hoarding so you can deploy the resources at the right time is an effective strategy.

    Yes I get the strategy. But it’s a horribly boring strategy. I mean the 2 seconds of satisfaction when you tap “upgrade” after hoarding for months is super duper worth it....

    For me, it's worth it when I get to upgrade an entire team and then start wrecking something with it.

    More importantly, it works. If you don't like it, and you aren't willing to spend to overcome it, then I don't know what to tell you.

    Key word - team. Yes I agree, upgrading an entire team is worth it. But hoarding for months for just one of the five is bad game design. Players will eventually grow tired of this scheme. I want longevity because the SW universe is huge and there’s so many directions they could take. Instead they give us relics 😑
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    If you need months of hoarding for just one toon, you are doing something wrong.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    If you need months of hoarding for just one toon, you are doing something wrong.

    Hoarding GET takes months. Especially how much is needed for Malak.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    If you need months of hoarding for just one toon, you are doing something wrong.

    Hoarding GET takes months. Especially how much is needed for Malak.

    But you only need the GET for Malak, not for an entire team. So while hoarding that GET, you can also hoard the gear/zetas/etc. for the entire team.
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    And what about General Carbanti? Was that easy to gear him quickly without pile of gear? Or characters with 3 stanguns that are needed for half of your characters? I remember maxing NS when they become meta... and all 5 of them needed the same gear.
    Yes there were times when you can take 3* assassin and crash the meta. But that was ages ago. You might have said as well that the time without mods was better. Or time when you farmed character from 1 hard node with 3 free attempt... oh, no, that was the wrong example...
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    Yes, we all know the gear system is terrible. They will never fix it and so the complaints will never stop either. The worst thing about the game is definitely the gear grind only use of the elite geared squads is for PvP or Geo TB. Nothing else requires the G13.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    This discussion sums up the difference between casual players and dedicated, smart players. Casual players gear as they go in a sometimes haphazard manner while a dedicated player will plan out and focus his next team and when ready can bring that team to g12/13 instantly. Hoarding just to hoard is ridiculous but hoarding with a plan is the most intelligent way to play the game
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    Kokie wrote: »
    This discussion sums up the difference between casual players and dedicated, smart players. Casual players gear as they go in a sometimes haphazard manner while a dedicated player will plan out and focus his next team and when ready can bring that team to g12/13 instantly. Hoarding just to hoard is ridiculous but hoarding with a plan is the most intelligent way to play the game

    Of course it is. Doesn’t make it enjoyable.
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    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    I earn about 216 crystals a day (I'm not new player but not too old either), and I can still hoard. I prepare for a character that I want and don't spread my resouce too thin.
    Just because some people fail to manage their resource dosen't mean all is like that
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    I really don't understand how anyone can support that there is enough credits or gear in this game unless they have been playing for at least 18 months (more like 2+ years).

    Its INSANELY SLOW to start out.

    I've only been playing for 5 months as of tomorrow & been L85 for 2 months now.

    I can't even throw a full 5 teams of 7* chars at the HAAT raid yet.

    And I CERTAINLY can't fill out the 4 Off/Def minimum for GAC with L85 characters.

    My back row is defended by 3-6* L30-60 characters at G7 avg. (As are 1/2 my Offense teams)

    Today I fought a guy that actually left 5 L1 characters behind his G12 Empire team.

    I don't even HAVE a character at G12 yet & I faced off against 5 of them on that team!
    (I somehow won, Thank you Bastila, I Love You!)

    Heck, I don't even have a full group of G11's yet. (4)

    I counted less that 3 groups at G9+.

    G8 is a major stoppage point as are credits to level characters.

    Lets not even talk about FLEET credits too where there is no "Heist" to replenish those yet you have ZERO chance of beating the 5*/6* Fleet Challenges with the Recommended Level/Stars & it took me a month into L85 before I could even field 5 ships good enough & of the same L/D faction to try the mission only to have it steam roll me for over a month after the last one qualified.

    Had I known this "Game" was basically just a giant waste of time each day to log in, run some sims, get a couple shards & then log out, I never would have started playing.

    But its Star Wars & I want to love it, but the shear boredom of farming only to smack your head against a wall when you finally qualify to zone into an event makes that VERY difficult.

    I don't mind the idea of resource management or army construction, but lets not kid ourselves into saying this is even close to fast enough to be called a "game", more like a "waste of time & $$ digital chore".

    Its not like I'm saying we should be able to pay for L85 or a full Stun Gun in a single day or anything like that.
    But getting 1/3 of a Stun Gun per day w/o sacrificing every other farm option for that day would be nice.
    Being able to level a single character more than 5 (Upper) levels in a day would also be nice.
    Being able to do those levels while still exploring/leveling a couple mods each day shouldn't be out of the question.
    Doing all of this in a single sitting instead of having to log in 5x a day because of the way Fleet, Arena, Stores, & Energy all payout would be AMAZING. (My kingdom to have a single Email of Energy each day instead of a 2 hour quest that I have to log in for at work or lose out on!)

    Ok, I'm done ranting now.

    I've played for exactly one year. In this time, I've gotten,

    I've played for only 1 year and I have 3 of the 5 best teams in the game. Plus other ones like NS, by, ect.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    SemiGod wrote: »
    I really don't understand how anyone can support that there is enough credits or gear in this game unless they have been playing for at least 18 months (more like 2+ years).

    Its INSANELY SLOW to start out.

    I've only been playing for 5 months as of tomorrow & been L85 for 2 months now.

    I can't even throw a full 5 teams of 7* chars at the HAAT raid yet.

    And I CERTAINLY can't fill out the 4 Off/Def minimum for GAC with L85 characters.

    My back row is defended by 3-6* L30-60 characters at G7 avg. (As are 1/2 my Offense teams)

    Today I fought a guy that actually left 5 L1 characters behind his G12 Empire team.

    I don't even HAVE a character at G12 yet & I faced off against 5 of them on that team!
    (I somehow won, Thank you Bastila, I Love You!)

    Heck, I don't even have a full group of G11's yet. (4)

    I counted less that 3 groups at G9+.

    G8 is a major stoppage point as are credits to level characters.

    Lets not even talk about FLEET credits too where there is no "Heist" to replenish those yet you have ZERO chance of beating the 5*/6* Fleet Challenges with the Recommended Level/Stars & it took me a month into L85 before I could even field 5 ships good enough & of the same L/D faction to try the mission only to have it steam roll me for over a month after the last one qualified.

    Had I known this "Game" was basically just a giant waste of time each day to log in, run some sims, get a couple shards & then log out, I never would have started playing.

    But its Star Wars & I want to love it, but the shear boredom of farming only to smack your head against a wall when you finally qualify to zone into an event makes that VERY difficult.

    I don't mind the idea of resource management or army construction, but lets not kid ourselves into saying this is even close to fast enough to be called a "game", more like a "waste of time & $$ digital chore".

    Its not like I'm saying we should be able to pay for L85 or a full Stun Gun in a single day or anything like that.
    But getting 1/3 of a Stun Gun per day w/o sacrificing every other farm option for that day would be nice.
    Being able to level a single character more than 5 (Upper) levels in a day would also be nice.
    Being able to do those levels while still exploring/leveling a couple mods each day shouldn't be out of the question.
    Doing all of this in a single sitting instead of having to log in 5x a day because of the way Fleet, Arena, Stores, & Energy all payout would be AMAZING. (My kingdom to have a single Email of Energy each day instead of a 2 hour quest that I have to log in for at work or lose out on!)

    Ok, I'm done ranting now.

    I've played for exactly one year. In this time, I've gotten,

    I've played for only 1 year and I have 3 of the 5 best teams in the game. Plus other ones like NS, by, ect.

    It's all about the arbitrary game of -not catching up-. Try it sometime, if you have 30 g12, worry about ones with 50, 50 zetas, why don't you have 70? Your mods are not as good either. Frustration guaranteed.
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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Natethorns wrote: »
    Your point is completely invalid. I am a completely Free to Play player and I earn 200 crystals a day tops. Usually it is closer to 150. I only use them on 2 hard mode refreshes and then I am done and save the rest. Today I just got Darth Revan and within the hour of unlocking him, he was G13, all Zetas, and I even had enough gear left over to take my Jango Fett to Gear 12. All I had to save for was....... wait for it...... 3 weeks! I didn’t touch another character in that time frame, participated heavily in raids and Guild Events, Saved Gear and Zetas and checked for the gear Revan needed. I bought everything from the many stores we have in the game and all I needed to use crystals on was 100 Kryptech Shock Prods. 2800 crystals out of the 6,000 I had saved. Not too bad huh? And easy enough for anyone to do

    Lol hoarding is so enjoyable. I mean that’s totally why I want to play a game. 🤦‍♂️

    Hoarding to hoard is pointless.

    Hoarding so you can deploy the resources at the right time is an effective strategy.

    Yes I get the strategy. But it’s a horribly boring strategy. I mean the 2 seconds of satisfaction when you tap “upgrade” after hoarding for months is super duper worth it....

    For me, it's worth it when I get to upgrade an entire team and then start wrecking something with it.

    More importantly, it works. If you don't like it, and you aren't willing to spend to overcome it, then I don't know what to tell you.

    Yeah. You don't know the satisfaction of when I unlock DR and instantly G12 / Zeta'd him.

    Finally ending the JKR mirror match pain.
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