No rewards TW non-participation


  • Bully
    27 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Boohoo get over, get better, or switch guilds. It’s called team work. I’ve got the strongest attackers and defenders in my guild and choose to put them all on defense. True, very few people can beat a 337 speed r7 drevan but that’s the point. It sucks for our opponent but it works. This is how all our wars turn the way their gp is higher.
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    Again, though, what kind of guild is filling the board in a few hours without coordination and communication? Not one full of 5M and 6M accounts, I can guarantee you that.

    Its coordinated that's why it fills up so fast because everyone has teams that meet the minimum requirements, I'm not sure what your implying.... is it that more gp means it takes longer to fill? I dont see how that's the case, if anything it's the opposite.
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    Again, though, what kind of guild is filling the board in a few hours without coordination and communication? Not one full of 5M and 6M accounts, I can guarantee you that.

    Its coordinated that's why it fills up so fast because everyone has teams that meet the minimum requirements, I'm not sure what your implying.... is it that more gp means it takes longer to fill? I dont see how that's the case, if anything it's the opposite.

    I’m implying that a guild full of 5M+ players know better than to fill the board without letting every member set some defence. It is poor leadership to do otherwise.

    We have marked zones, minimum requirements etc but ask that most members posts 4 ground and 1 fleet. The weaker rosters post less than that, the stronger take up the slack.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Again, though, what kind of guild is filling the board in a few hours without coordination and communication? Not one full of 5M and 6M accounts, I can guarantee you that.

    Its coordinated that's why it fills up so fast because everyone has teams that meet the minimum requirements, I'm not sure what your implying.... is it that more gp means it takes longer to fill? I dont see how that's the case, if anything it's the opposite.

    No... he's saying that if they coordinate they would make sure that everybody sets some defense rather than letting people put as many teams as they want and preventing others from setting any.
  • Hell8MySoul
    209 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Lol someone didn’t have time in 24 hours to set defence and couldn’t beat a single team in attack phase.... or your just a guild slacker and now complaining cause you didn’t get rewards for back seat riding this war... lucky your guild even kept you in, most guilds would of kicked you out for lack of participation. I’d set defence next time
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    If you can't be bothered to get online during two separate 24 hour periods to do *something*, that's on you, not the game.

    Got on to set D. Full. Got on to attack. No point. Fully cleared defense and the guild struggled mightily attacking the 2 front zones. No chance of winning. So, yes, apathy had set in after months and months of TW’s where we’ve constantly been up against guilds 20-25 mil gp above ours because of guilds sandbagging. Yes it’s a thing. Yes it’s easily provable. And yes it needs to be fixed. First time I’ve ever had a 0 banner in TW, so I didn’t realize it was a thing if it had been. Just remember reading about it recently for GA, so thought it was new. If I had known it was a thing I would’ve thrown a team in to lose, but it hardly seems like a thing that should be done for TW as there is a matchmaking issue.

    So, not only didn't you set defense, you let your guild "struggle mightily " without bothering to attack.
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    I don’t require people to set defense. I don’t require them to play offense. I do require them to do one or the other, or both, if they want to sign up. Maybe you couldn’t set a defense, but not doing a single offensive battle is 100% on you. You signed up, participate. You only ever have “no chance of winning” when people like you decide you don’t want to play.
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    Again, though, what kind of guild is filling the board in a few hours without coordination and communication? Not one full of 5M and 6M accounts, I can guarantee you that.

    Heh, Not that it's relevant to this conversation, but when you reference guilds that are made up of 5M/6M accounts, you know you are talking about a super small subset of this game right? Like literally 5,000 people or so.....
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    Again, though, what kind of guild is filling the board in a few hours without coordination and communication? Not one full of 5M and 6M accounts, I can guarantee you that.

    Its coordinated that's why it fills up so fast because everyone has teams that meet the minimum requirements, I'm not sure what your implying.... is it that more gp means it takes longer to fill? I dont see how that's the case, if anything it's the opposite.

    I’m implying that a guild full of 5M+ players know better than to fill the board without letting every member set some defence. It is poor leadership to do otherwise.

    We have marked zones, minimum requirements etc but ask that most members posts 4 ground and 1 fleet. The weaker rosters post less than that, the stronger take up the slack.

    While I’m not taking the OP’s side (I wouldn’t dare defend someone that wants free rewards for doing nothing), you can’t assume that all guilds act the same as yours. I agree with you that there’s poor leadership if defense is filling in a few hours and offense can’t clear 1 territory.

    I’ve been in plenty of guilds that have weak players filling up defense slots hours after opening with terrible teams (some teams with close to 30k should be an achievement to set a 30k defense team). Some guys get 600 points in the TW just from setting a ton of terrible teams on defense. Some of these smaller guilds have to weigh booting those players vs what they contribute in TW and other game modes like TB.

    But to the OP, if you want TW rewards, you should at least try.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    Is this really a thread complaining that you don't get rewards for doing nothing?

    Every time I think the complaints have hit rock bottom, someone busts out a shovel and starts digging.
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    your guild is overmatched by 20 million GP because the other guild sandbagged this hardly seems fair.

    Apathy isn't sandbagging.
    "Apathy is death" ~ Darth Traya
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    You did you got nothing. Sounds perfectly fine to me.
    Defenses take 5 seconds yes. But when you have 50 join and can only set 23 per zone because the other squad sandbagged, not everyone gets to set a D. Once they’re full, they’re full.

    That sounds like a guild management issue. 23 per zone is 230 teams total on defense. There's no good reason everyone can't set a defense...with 50 people, that's over 4 slots per person.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Again, though, what kind of guild is filling the board in a few hours without coordination and communication? Not one full of 5M and 6M accounts, I can guarantee you that.

    Heh, Not that it's relevant to this conversation, but when you reference guilds that are made up of 5M/6M accounts, you know you are talking about a super small subset of this game right? Like literally 5,000 people or so.....

    The premise is the same though, regardless aa to overall roster strength. TW is won by good coordination and strategy, not "everyone put whatever you want wherever you feel like". That is true with 5/6 million GP rosters and it's true with 2 and 3 million GP rosters. In fact, lower GP guilds should be more intentional on defense and possible counters, not less.

    ETA : And yes, if you do nothing, you should get nothing. So you got the rewards you earned - the ones that were commensurate with your effort.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Gabe9876543210
    286 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Our guild policy for defense placement is:

    Each player sets one defensive fleet and for every 400k of character GP you have, you set one defensive squad. When there is less than 2 hours left, you can fill up where needed.

    No one has ever not gotten to set at least one defense team with this system. I would think most organized guilds have similar directions.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Defenses take 5 seconds yes. But when you have 50 join and can only set 23 per zone because the other squad sandbagged, not everyone gets to set a D. Once they’re full, they’re full.

    So, you have 230 defensive slots, but not all 50 members got to set a defensive team? And you blame this on game design?
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    If you can't be bothered to get online during two separate 24 hour periods to do *something*, that's on you, not the game.

    Got on to set D. Full. Got on to attack. No point.

    Neither of this is a game design issue. Both are on yourself.
    First time I’ve ever had a 0 banner in TW, so I didn’t realize it was a thing if it had been.

    You can't blame game design for this either. Now you know, that you need to participate to be rewarded.

    It's your own fault, and you know it.
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    You can get rewards even with 0 banners as long as you DO something, like an attack even if it fails.
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    I think you just forgot to join they send that notification when you do.

    They give rewards for joining like GA does u don’t have to set defense.
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    If you can’t get a defense set that’s on your guild for not having better coordination. Speak up and get a strategy in place. Otherwise find a new guild.

    As for offense if you try several battles, fail them all and still don’t get rewards then I agree with you on that. You’re at least trying and shouldn’t be punished for not whaling harder.
    However if you’re not doing a single battle at all, not even trying? Then no, you don’t deserve any rewards.
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    hopefully constructive criticism... but it sounds like your guild is going slightly too heavy on defense.

    From my alt account I have experience being in a guild where we barely ever win TW. We don't expect to lose and put in lots of planning and effort to try and win... but given our roster quality to GP ratio it's kind of predictable with the current matchmaking setup. We have too many of the quote bloated unquote type rosters and members that don't focus their farming enough on PvP meta and counter meta teams. Would be great if matchmaking was adjusted to make more even outcomes but also we don't complain about the fact that in terms of GP we are rightly beaten by better guilds.

    The thing is we still have some fun with it because we always save enough firepower for offense so that we are at the least clearing 7 or 8 zones if not all of them. If you are not making it through the front zones then I suggest you ask your guild officers to look at changing up the TW plan a bit. If you do clear most or all of the board you will occasionally spring an upset on a better guild which would otherwise be impossible if you are not clearing zones. In either case, win or lose, you'll have more fun being able to attack your opponent.
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    Tw work by participating and so should everything else. Tw if you attack and lose with no banners you still get rewards.. I think I got told it want count if you jump to airplane mode to keep from apply preloaded turn meter. But it's more simple to put down a team on defense. So your cries are felt by the slackers every where, but I pray they keep this as is!
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    This epitomizes today’s society so much. “I did absolutely nothing but I should get rewarded anyways.”
    19 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    I can't beleive this post. Worse case u can wait til there is 5 min left in the event and attack knowing you'll lose the battle. Doing that counts as participating
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    Ltswb1 wrote: »
    Couldn’t disagree more. Our guild regularly has members with over 3 mil gp set 1 team or none on defense, and then never attack. But we can’t cut them because recruitment is so pitiful lately. The sandbagging thing is a non issue as it’s impossible to prove, and you’d only be punishing the people who actually play the event.

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    I got screwed over this TW. I had to exit to do a mod change, like 3 teams, and forgot to join again because by the time i finished it was like 1am and i fell asleep. Hope they change snap shot and it doesn’t become a permanent feature
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    I thought this was just for GA, which I understand, but for TW CG makes the matchups and when you have consistent matchups where your guild is overmatched by 20 million GP because the other guild sandbagged this hardly seems fair. For one, when you have all 50 join and there are only 23 squads needed per zone, not everyone will have to set defenses. For two, when you’re that overmatched and you go up against 2 front zones that are nearly impossible for your guild to get through without using everything you got it hardly seems worth attacking.

    Come up with a better matchmaking algorithm to prevent sandbagging before you start punishing players for your shortcomings. It’s not hard. Base matchmaking on total guild GP regardless of how many join or base it on avg gp of those that do and then keep the defensive zone requirements the same for 50 members. Penalize the guilds that don’t have everyone join; don’t give them the advantage over those that do.

    It would be understandable if your guild leader chucked you from the guild for freeloading.
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    Ltswb1 wrote: »
    Couldn’t disagree more. Our guild regularly has members with over 3 mil gp set 1 team or none on defense, and then never attack. But we can’t cut them because recruitment is so pitiful lately. The sandbagging thing is a non issue as it’s impossible to prove, and you’d only be punishing the people who actually play the event.

    That's the approach my old guild leader took. We can't kick them until we find replacements. Ok, enjoy watching all your actives eventually leave for other guilds as you sit there and wonder what happened. It's simple, inactive players murder guilds of you let them. You join the TW and get 0 banners? Peace be with you cause you're out of here regardless if there's a replacement or not. It's just how it goes if you want a thriving guild.

    I understand your point, and that’s always been our philosophy right up until they created the geo 80mil boundary. We were at 71 mil when that dropped. So which is more detrimental to the guild? Not being able to play new content, or having a few lazy people? Being under 80 KILLED our recruitment ability. We finally got over it last month and have seen a drastic change In requests, and are finally able to start chunking people again. But we still have to balance not going under 80.
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