No rewards TW non-participation



  • Scuttlebutt
    1190 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    artusa wrote: »
    I got screwed over this TW. I had to exit to do a mod change, like 3 teams, and forgot to join again because by the time i finished it was like 1am and i fell asleep. Hope they change snap shot and it doesn’t become a permanent feature


    Just join, make the mod changes, and then hit leave immediately followed by join. You don’t have to leave to make changes to your roster.

    You didn’t get screwed over. You messed up, so own it.
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    I thought this was just for GA, which I understand, but for TW CG makes the matchups and when you have consistent matchups where your guild is overmatched by 20 million GP because the other guild sandbagged this hardly seems fair. For one, when you have all 50 join and there are only 23 squads needed per zone, not everyone will have to set defenses. For two, when you’re that overmatched and you go up against 2 front zones that are nearly impossible for your guild to get through without using everything you got it hardly seems worth attacking.

    Come up with a better matchmaking algorithm to prevent sandbagging before you start punishing players for your shortcomings. It’s not hard. Base matchmaking on total guild GP regardless of how many join or base it on avg gp of those that do and then keep the defensive zone requirements the same for 50 members. Penalize the guilds that don’t have everyone join; don’t give them the advantage over those that do.

    Is this new? Are non participants getting this message?
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    I thought this was just for GA, which I understand, but for TW CG makes the matchups and when you have consistent matchups where your guild is overmatched by 20 million GP because the other guild sandbagged this hardly seems fair. For one, when you have all 50 join and there are only 23 squads needed per zone, not everyone will have to set defenses. For two, when you’re that overmatched and you go up against 2 front zones that are nearly impossible for your guild to get through without using everything you got it hardly seems worth attacking.

    Come up with a better matchmaking algorithm to prevent sandbagging before you start punishing players for your shortcomings. It’s not hard. Base matchmaking on total guild GP regardless of how many join or base it on avg gp of those that do and then keep the defensive zone requirements the same for 50 members. Penalize the guilds that don’t have everyone join; don’t give them the advantage over those that do.

    Is this new? Are non participants getting this message?

    Not new. Been like this since TW began.
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    That’s **** and you know it. We don’t get the opponent until after the join period. The second you see you’re 20 mil behind in gp, you know it’s a lost cause, so there’s no point in even attacking. Especially if the front zones contain squads you can’t beat.

    My guild regularly beats guilds 20M ahead of us. Stop getting psyched out.
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    If you can't be bothered to get online during two separate 24 hour periods to do *something*, that's on you, not the game.

    Got on to set D. Full. Got on to attack. No point. Fully cleared defense and the guild struggled mightily attacking the 2 front zones. No chance of winning. So, yes, apathy had set in after months and months of TW’s where we’ve constantly been up against guilds 20-25 mil gp above ours because of guilds sandbagging. Yes it’s a thing. Yes it’s easily provable. And yes it needs to be fixed. First time I’ve ever had a 0 banner in TW, so I didn’t realize it was a thing if it had been. Just remember reading about it recently for GA, so thought it was new. If I had known it was a thing I would’ve thrown a team in to lose, but it hardly seems like a thing that should be done for TW as there is a matchmaking issue.

    Its there to prevent people like yourself from signing up and not doing anything from getting rewards. You did nothing to deserve rewards.

    If the guild decides to remove a member for not helping and just collecting rewards that should be the guilds decision, not CG. Our members have plenty of other things to do in game other than participating in a lost cause. If we decide it’s not worth our time attacking after seeing the opponent, that’s our prerogative.

    It is the guild’s decision whether to remove a person for not participating. It is CG’s decision whether to give out *their* rewards to someone who didn’t participate.
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    Easiest fix is join another guild. If ur guild is tht lazy an wont participate then u have lots slackers who will only hurt u in other areas of game like tb as well. My guild doesnt make joining tw mandatory either but if u do join then ur required to set 3 def teams n get atleast 2 offense wins unless board was cleared quickly. An we won 10 straight tw’s before losing this last tw with a average of 43 ppl joining so even if all 50 doesnt join its still possible to win if the ppl tht did join just participate. So again easy fix is find u a more active guild tht actually cares about this game n their guild.
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    edited November 2019

    This guy’s JKR team fought off 34 battles, before the 35th took them out. Jolee died by about the 8th. It was the last team in its territory. We had a great time watching the numbers climb. But all credit to these guys, they stuck at it and got through eventually. They may not have won the war, but they earned a heap of respect from both sides for their never-give-up attitude.

    Your guild clearly lacks:
    1) decent leadership
    2) any TW tactics or plan
    3) players like the ones in the guild above who just do their absolute best.

    Time to leave and for the guild to dissolve and players can go somewhere where there is decent leadership. If recruitment is so hard, dispersing a guild won’t create problems finding new places. The sad reality is some people just aren’t going to be any good as guild officers and leaders, despite their egos allowing them to take those roles.
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