Everyone has the same team in Arena

So I started to notice that the top 20 tend to have the same team compositions almost all the time, at least on my server group. QGJ as lead, Lumi, and Sid (~90% of teams, me included) then slight changes that always include a few of the following Yoda, Dooku, GS, Daka or Kylo Ren with majority running GS and Dooku (so roughly 60%-70% of teams runs QGJ, Sid, Lumi, GS and Dooku). So getting top 10 is usually up to you on how many gems you want to spend and RNGesus.

Characters that could be interesting are pay-to-play and making them 6-star and above would cost over $1000 USD even with good luck. So where is the variation on teams in the game? I have seen the occasional droid team, but almost nothing else and droid teams are rarely in the top 20, in my group at least.

I started leveling up (stars and items) Teebo <for leader> and Ewok Elder to try for something different, but I am unsure how it will play out for a while (Teebo 5* and Elder 4* atm both with gear 7).

Ultimately, I think the game is getting bland since Arena is almost 100% always the same. In order to be highly ranked you have to run the same team and hope that RNGesus is with you and that you can time gem spending and wins with end of day.

Any one else notice this, or feel the same way. Will there be any notable changes any time soon?


  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Most of my top 20 has switched to dooku lead. But this bothers me.....ppl are always conolaining about "the same teams in the top 20".
    This complaint makes 0 sense lol. If the top 20 all run a variation of the same them chances are, its because thats whats working in your arena group and the rest have either not caught on or dont have the toons to do it.

    I will never understand folks complaining about others using the best strategy available to them at the time smh
  • Options
    I run full ns team and rank consistently in top 200. I have no interest dropping crystals or $s just to fight extra to stay top 100.
    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    I run full ns team and rank consistently in top 200. I have no interest dropping crystals or $s just to fight extra to stay top 100.

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    Dooku lead

    Got to 11 this evening. I am working on both Han and RG to prevent the free fall I experience while I'm at work.
    I am Darth Spartacus
  • RangerVortex
    214 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Each server is different and so you play toons to counter those around you. Obviously some characters are better than others, and some synergies are better than others, but the post named an 'everyone has this team' accusation and yet it's nothing like my team, or the players on my server.
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    I'm not complaining just to complain, there is almost no variation in the game, even if you pay money the odds of getting a different character over 5-stars in almost unseen.

    I have finished 2nd (best), 4th through 12th a lot with the same team QGJ lead, Lumi, Sid, GS and Dooku. I'm just saying its annoying that variation makes little sense since two things make all the difference. Turn speed and dodge.


    - It also doesn't matter how hard you hit if you have slow turn speed (see ventress and Ahsoka).
    - Debuffs take too long to matter (see Vader).
    - Characters that have the potential to be silly OP are pay-to-play (see Barriss lead, Darth maul <anti-jedi team>).

    Ultimately there is little incentive to try anything different, it takes too long to venture into new territory and most of the characters are absolute sh**.
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    Yay I am a little different!

    Qgj GS Lumi Yoda RP

    Top 50 and sometimes top 20. Usually just doing 5 battles. Not yet all 7* so should be able to improve.
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    Dooku lead

    Got to 11 this evening. I am working on both Han and RG to prevent the free fall I experience while I'm at work.

    I left an ON team of
    Ahsoka lead
    Old Daka
    Ewok Elder

    Since Daka and Elder rez way more for AI than they do for you, I only lost 2 spaces across 3 different nights. First night I went from 8th to 9th. Second night I went from 3rd to 5th and last night I went from 3rd to 4th. Today I left my normal team up during work (QGJ, Dooku, Sid, GS, Lumi) and fell to 25th.

  • Options
    Nearly all on mine run:
    Dooku (L)
    Variant of (Kylo, Daka,Yoda)

  • Options
    Nearly all on mine run:
    Dooku (L)
    Variant of (Kylo, Daka,Yoda)

    Two people mention RG. Royal Guard?

    I have not found it too useful myself, his main attack can stun sure, but the defense buff seems weak and no matter how fast his turn meter is he seems to hit like a soft pillow and the stun doesn't seem to proc at 65%, more like 30-40% on a good turn. Maybe its just observational bias, but he always seemed underwhelming to me.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Abyss wrote: »
    Most of my top 20 has switched to dooku lead. But this bothers me.....ppl are always conolaining about "the same teams in the top 20".
    This complaint makes 0 sense lol. If the top 20 all run a variation of the same them chances are, its because thats whats working in your arena group and the rest have either not caught on or dont have the toons to do it.

    I will never understand folks complaining about others using the best strategy available to them at the time smh

    Hipsters bro... Shhh, they are everywhere now. Beards and spectacles and all.. :open_mouth:
    2761 posts Member
    nords21 wrote: »
    Nearly all on mine run:
    Dooku (L)
    Variant of (Kylo, Daka,Yoda)

    Two people mention RG. Royal Guard?

    I have not found it too useful myself, his main attack can stun sure, but the defense buff seems weak and no matter how fast his turn meter is he seems to hit like a soft pillow and the stun doesn't seem to proc at 65%, more like 30-40% on a good turn. Maybe its just observational bias, but he always seemed underwhelming to me.
    It's the auto taunt that makes RG what he is. The stun is just gravy.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    J7000 wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    Most of my top 20 has switched to dooku lead. But this bothers me.....ppl are always conolaining about "the same teams in the top 20".
    This complaint makes 0 sense lol. If the top 20 all run a variation of the same them chances are, its because thats whats working in your arena group and the rest have either not caught on or dont have the toons to do it.

    I will never understand folks complaining about others using the best strategy available to them at the time smh

    Hipsters bro... Shhh, they are everywhere now. Beards and spectacles and all.. :open_mouth:

  • Options
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    nords21 wrote: »
    Nearly all on mine run:
    Dooku (L)
    Variant of (Kylo, Daka,Yoda)

    Two people mention RG. Royal Guard?

    I have not found it too useful myself, his main attack can stun sure, but the defense buff seems weak and no matter how fast his turn meter is he seems to hit like a soft pillow and the stun doesn't seem to proc at 65%, more like 30-40% on a good turn. Maybe its just observational bias, but he always seemed underwhelming to me.
    It's the auto taunt that makes RG what he is. The stun is just gravy.

    I see, so a quick shield when players fall under 50%. Not too bad, I will try him sometime soon (only 5*, gear 5 and lvl 64 atm).
  • swgohTesla
    36 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I've been able to do well on my server with these teams, but they may not do well in the next meta. I also think they may get attacked more because people want to battle something a little different.

    Duku (L), GS, HRS, Daka, Poggle
    Poggle(L), GS, 86, Daka, Duku/Poe
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    They need to make more characters as interesting or else we're going to continue seeing things like this. I got the same issue, 90% of the teams look the same.
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    I'm starting to think the same usage of teams has as much to do with the poor AI as it does the OP level of some toons. The AI can only function decently with a small set of toons. I think you'd see varied D slots if the control of the enemy team were better by the AI. There are more viable builds than what people put in D slots - but they are poor in D slots.
  • Options
    I'm usually #1 was again tonight, I run dooku QGJ rey lumi and royal gaurd sometime I'll sub lumi out for GS
  • isreal
    200 posts Member
    I use

    Phasma (L)

    Stun/ability block = good times

    I live between 50-25 without refreshing fights.
    333 posts Member
    Because they all come here to look at the current meta and follow suit.
  • Options
    nords21 wrote: »
    So I started to notice that the top 20 tend to have the same team compositions almost all the time, at least on my server group. QGJ as lead, Lumi, and Sid (~90% of teams, me included) then slight changes that always include a few of the following Yoda, Dooku, GS, Daka or Kylo Ren with majority running GS and Dooku (so roughly 60%-70% of teams runs QGJ, Sid, Lumi, GS and Dooku). So getting top 10 is usually up to you on how many gems you want to spend and RNGesus.

    Characters that could be interesting are pay-to-play and making them 6-star and above would cost over $1000 USD even with good luck. So where is the variation on teams in the game? I have seen the occasional droid team, but almost nothing else and droid teams are rarely in the top 20, in my group at least.

    I started leveling up (stars and items) Teebo <for leader> and Ewok Elder to try for something different, but I am unsure how it will play out for a while (Teebo 5* and Elder 4* atm both with gear 7).

    Ultimately, I think the game is getting bland since Arena is almost 100% always the same. In order to be highly ranked you have to run the same team and hope that RNGesus is with you and that you can time gem spending and wins with end of day.

    Any one else notice this, or feel the same way. Will there be any notable changes any time soon?

    I don't use Sid or Lumi. I use QGJ but not as lead. I'm typically 1 daily, 2 if a guild mate is up top and we coordinate a switch. I'm on a Late Nov shard.

    I run

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    Fixing leader abilities could help... (Teebo Ben maul) new resistance, that does something, will help (chewi leader, Daka lead Han lead)... Not able to oneshot people will bring back other leaders, but mostly turn meter manipulation (healers and phasma or clones or ewoks)... Thinking in terms of, what will Ai do if there were 2 turns or more each character before they die? Interesting situations could rase, and it will be a bit more like a chess match... I have few ideas I'm farming. I suggest everyone to farm a turn meter manipulation team. That will be useful in the long run because it will eventually go this way: if instead of one qgj + assist needed to kill there will be the need of other 2 autos in the first turn to exhaust hp and new fortitude then a team Ai controlled full of turn meter manipulation will probably have 7-8 actions. That could be a very nice trade for a character and eventually totally screw the opponent... Give Ai 3 stuns to work with and you can already feel how it will go vs an opponent if there were a couple of turns more to play in the early game... That will open up a lot of possibilities... Who will I use? A double Tap team to defeat that clone one? A debuff to defeat that healing team? A very good change would in my opinion be the possibility to change team even if not playing a match. It just look a bit a waste of time a arena ticket to put in a defensive team... Imagine to see that all Te teams around you are countered by ur option... The switch could be a move that force people to contend your spot with a different team. Having to choose a different combination is really what could make this game good. Adapting and learning, trying to predict Ai and formulate a strategy. Possibility to revenge a loss and steal that place even if it's 20 spot ahead... This is what will make strategy game a good game. And economically a lot of people will have to farm 4-5 combo instead than jus one meta... More money for ea
  • Options
    I've been running
    Phasma lead
    I finished at 16 today and never use refreshes.
    I tried to use more toons that have survivability.
    I can beat both QGJ and Droid teams with this line up
  • Options
    I took 6th today with

    Rex 6* (L)
    5s 7*
    Clone Sergeant 6*
    Phasma 7*
    Dooku 7*

    Rex, CS and Dooku are missing a few pieces of gear, too.

    I do agree that people tend to do a lot of "me too" type of building. When everyone started with the same sets of characters it can be pretty convincing when a new toon blast you in arena, then everyone jumps on board (Looking at you Rey, GS, and FOTP). That said there is room for unique builds, the main problem is trying to build up those teams. I was only able to put the clone team together because I stuck with clone sergeant longer than I should have, prior to Rex. Prior to that I had not spent much money on the game, either, but Rex was too tempting. (Just dont tell my wife where that money went. :smiley: )

    You can build a good team, you'll just need a lot of prior planning, and it'll take weeks/months to see if it works out, though. That, I think is the biggest problem. There is no way to try out toons before you get them to 7 stars and purple gear.
  • GhostSpider
    139 posts
    edited March 2016
    I am running
    Chirpa(L) 4 star
    Ewok Scout
    Ewok Elder 6 star

    Currently sitting at 3 but have been to 1. Generally people tend to run what works for them based on the toons they have. Since the teams you mentioned can basically beat any team around why wouldn't they run it. Sometimes people mix it up, I am finding arena more enjoyable now than when I first made it top 5 using the "standard" toons. So maybe instead of you asking others to change the toons they use so you can have fun, you could build a team you will have fun with?
  • Options
    TommySitt wrote: »
    godgiven45 wrote: »
    I've been running
    Phasma lead
    I finished at 16 today and never use refreshes.
    I tried to use more toons that have survivability.
    I can beat both QGJ and Droid teams with this line up

    Intriguing, but lacking in firepower. I could see something like this fitting into the new Meta if slower toons get a decent dmg buff. On offense I would use a droid team to take out GS, then Lumi, Savage, Phasma, and Fives in that order.

    Poggle buff, GS assist, 88 AOE can kill GS, and possibly Lumi, since she's slower without QGJ. If she heals, I would just use the 88 assist to take care of her, and it would be 5x3 very quickly.

    Maybe swap Lumi for RG, and soak up the rd 1 carnage?

    I have RG at 5 stars so I'm working on him. I am also working on Foo.
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    Nearly all on mine

    The auto-taunt works really well. It's really tough to Focus down RG post-taunt, much more difficult than taking out Poe. It can take almost 2 rounds to get rid of RG in severe cases.

    Thats cool to know. I am finishing up Anakin right now, have 6* and 78 of 100 tokens. After he is done I will try to finish up RG, but he still needs 2 stars and a few gear levels. Haha, probably get nerfed before I get him up.

    The team I am trying for is:
    Teebo lead (he usually stealths teammates 1-3x per match and I get turn meter a handful of times also)
    Elder Ewok (heals/rez/synergy with Teebo)
    Last 2 spots will depend on team I face, but (Yoda, Sid, Phasma, Dooku, GS and probably RG now will rotate)
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