Everyone has the same team in Arena


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    I run full ns team and rank consistently in top 200. I have no interest dropping crystals or $s just to fight extra to stay top 100.

    Top 200? Lol
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    FlyPhish wrote: »
    I run full ns team and rank consistently in top 200. I have no interest dropping crystals or $s just to fight extra to stay top 100.

    Top 200? Lol

    Maybe his server group is more competitive. The server I am on isn't competitive after the top 40 or so. If I don't play for a day or two I never drop out of the top 60 and getting back to the top 20 takes 2 days with no gems spent. Staying in the top 10 requires timing. I need to play 3 matches within 45 min of time.
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    nords21 wrote: »
    FlyPhish wrote: »
    I run full ns team and rank consistently in top 200. I have no interest dropping crystals or $s just to fight extra to stay top 100.

    Top 200? Lol

    Maybe his server group is more competitive. The server I am on isn't competitive after the top 40 or so. If I don't play for a day or two I never drop out of the top 60 and getting back to the top 20 takes 2 days with no gems spent. Staying in the top 10 requires timing. I need to play 3 matches within 45 min of time.

    Na, his problem is the full NS team. Any server seems competitive if you bring that to the fight.

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    I'm F2P running this team and taking top 20's, could be taking top 5 if I had the time to spend 2 hours every freaking day on arena.... New payout time doesn't help at all either but that another topic all together.

    All max geared

    QGJ 5* lead
    Ahsoka 6*
    Yoda 6*
    Eeth Koth 7*
    Lumi 7*

    After next Yoda event they will all be maxed.
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Why not run the same teams? There's no secrecy, and being a copycat is not only possible but encouraged. "Squad inventors" need to be able to enjoy some exclusivity, or chars should be able to be personalized. Nobody invests...everyone copies. No fun
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    With Free Lando, it's time to build Crit Phasma AOE Explosion Fabulousness
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    nords21 wrote: »
    Nearly all on mine run:
    Dooku (L)
    Variant of (Kylo, Daka,Yoda)

    Two people mention RG. Royal Guard?

    I have not found it too useful myself, his main attack can stun sure, but the defense buff seems weak and no matter how fast his turn meter is he seems to hit like a soft pillow and the stun doesn't seem to proc at 65%, more like 30-40% on a good turn. Maybe its just observational bias, but he always seemed underwhelming to me.

    At 80% on stun it procs often enough to be effective. Coupled by his taunt and high health pool, it gives glass canons some breathing room. Add Dooku and Daka, that is a high number of stuns being fired off.
    Much butt hurt I sense in you, this is why you fail...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Non-conformist teams stand out, and folks are trying to blend in.
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    For those interested in Teebo as leader. I've faced a couple squad builds this week with him as leader. The most effective I fought was healer/revive heavy with
    Ewok elder

    This set up proved to be one of the most difficult squads I've faced in weeks. It is a very creative and non-standard team. My hat is off to the player who came up with it and grinder out the characters.

    Much butt hurt I sense in you, this is why you fail...
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    nords21 wrote: »
    So I started to notice that the top 20 tend to have the same team compositions almost all the time, at least on my server group. QGJ as lead, Lumi, and Sid (~90% of teams, me included)

    You are responsible for diversity in your server shard. If you are sick of seeing the same teams then you need to start using different heroes yourself.

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • toxicwisdom
    9 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    7☆ Lumi
    6☆ Rex
    6☆ Sid
    5☆ Fives
    5☆ JC

    Each character Level 70 and Gear Level 8 ... Attacks & Abilities at 6up ... I'm comfortable with this right now in the 150 range and not spending extra crystals to go further just yet ... both Fives and JC hit 6☆ in the next day or so.
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    All I know is if I see JC on an arena team I attack automatically
    He is great for GW but get him off your arena teams
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    Each server is different and so you play toons to counter those around you. Obviously some characters are better than others, and some synergies are better than others, but the post named an 'everyone has this team' accusation and yet it's nothing like my team, or the players on my server.

    You wouldn't be BlackRangerVortex on my arena ladder, would you?
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    I don't care anymore about arena.
    GW is the only challenge.
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    theHejiN wrote: »
    I don't care anymore about arena.
    GW is the only challenge.

    Maybe we need other PvP modes.
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    nords21 wrote: »
    So I started to notice that the top 20 tend to have the same team compositions almost all the time, at least on my server group. QGJ as lead, Lumi, and Sid (~90% of teams, me included) then slight changes that always include a few of the following Yoda, Dooku, GS, Daka or Kylo Ren with majority running GS and Dooku (so roughly 60%-70% of teams runs QGJ, Sid, Lumi, GS and Dooku). So getting top 10 is usually up to you on how many gems you want to spend and RNGesus.

    Characters that could be interesting are pay-to-play and making them 6-star and above would cost over $1000 USD even with good luck. So where is the variation on teams in the game? I have seen the occasional droid team, but almost nothing else and droid teams are rarely in the top 20, in my group at least.

    I started leveling up (stars and items) Teebo <for leader> and Ewok Elder to try for something different, but I am unsure how it will play out for a while (Teebo 5* and Elder 4* atm both with gear 7).

    Ultimately, I think the game is getting bland since Arena is almost 100% always the same. In order to be highly ranked you have to run the same team and hope that RNGesus is with you and that you can time gem spending and wins with end of day.

    Any one else notice this, or feel the same way. Will there be any notable changes any time soon?

    I'd prefer your server. Mine has maxed QGJ, Leia, Rey, Yoda and RG sat in the top 5 all day.

    It's not rocket surgery.
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    nords21 wrote: »
    So I started to notice that the top 20 tend to have the same team compositions almost all the time, at least on my server group. QGJ as lead, Lumi, and Sid (~90% of teams, me included)

    You are responsible for diversity in your server shard. If you are sick of seeing the same teams then you need to start using different heroes yourself.

    Since you're not the first person to take this view, allow me to clarify for simplicity. The entire point to this thread was originally to point out how terrible choice is. Yes, you can run whatever you want, but if you really want to be competitive on a lvl 70 server group you have to run at least 3-4 of the same characters as everyone else. There are too many characters that have no place. Too many teams that synergy would be great for but the characters are average at best. A scoundrel team would be really fun to see, but they all have very low turn meters and in an Arena match you may lose one or two before they even attack. Etc. etc.
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    nords21 wrote: »
    nords21 wrote: »
    So I started to notice that the top 20 tend to have the same team compositions almost all the time, at least on my server group. QGJ as lead, Lumi, and Sid (~90% of teams, me included)

    You are responsible for diversity in your server shard. If you are sick of seeing the same teams then you need to start using different heroes yourself.

    Since you're not the first person to take this view, allow me to clarify for simplicity. The entire point to this thread was originally to point out how terrible choice is. Yes, you can run whatever you want, but if you really want to be competitive on a lvl 70 server group you have to run at least 3-4 of the same characters as everyone else. There are too many characters that have no place. Too many teams that synergy would be great for but the characters are average at best. A scoundrel team would be really fun to see, but they all have very low turn meters and in an Arena match you may lose one or two before they even attack. Etc. etc.

  • Phern
    172 posts Member
    I'm starting to think the same usage of teams has as much to do with the poor AI as it does the OP level of some toons. The AI can only function decently with a small set of toons. I think you'd see varied D slots if the control of the enemy team were better by the AI. There are more viable builds than what people put in D slots - but they are poor in D slots.

    This is what I go by for my team - who does AI use the best. Tough to screw up someone like gs
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    Not in my server.

    Top 20 consists of many team combinations some considered to be unnatural.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm am seeing more diversity on my servers top 50. Droid teams are starting to show up, maybe 30% of the squads have HK47 lead. Mostly QGJ, Sid, Phasma Lead. I stay top 20 only fighting 2 or 3 battles to worm my way down. Any attempt at diversity throws me way out of the running and demands a solid attempt to slide back down to my comfort spot. I don't like arena, and only play it for the rewards. Too much manipulation by players for my taste. I don't want to gain top ten by timing and colusion, I want to do it by team strength and attack strategy.

    I think diversity also makes you a target, players see a new team and want to go see how it works. So everyone piles on and attacks it. Enough people do attack you and a solid team might "seem" to be weak.
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    Since the release of Cheif Chirpa I've been gradually climbing on my server. I have not lost an arena battle I started, and have moved up from daily averages of 150 - 200, to now in the 25 - 30 range. My team is not very used either

    Chirpa(L) 5 star
    Ewok Scout 5 star
    Teebo 5 star
    Ewok Elder 7 star
    Rey 6 star

    All my characters are at least Gear 7 or higher
    Han Solo: No time to discuss this as a committee. Princess Leia: I am not a committee!
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    I am running
    Chirpa(L) 4 star
    Ewok Scout
    Ewok Elder 6 star

    Currently sitting at 3 but have been to 1. Generally people tend to run what works for them based on the toons they have. Since the teams you mentioned can basically beat any team around why wouldn't they run it. Sometimes people mix it up, I am finding arena more enjoyable now than when I first made it top 5 using the "standard" toons. So maybe instead of you asking others to change the toons they use so you can have fun, you could build a team you will have fun with?

    Haha I run the same squad! I mix in yoda/leia/daka depending on situation
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    Abyss wrote: »
    Most of my top 20 has switched to dooku lead. But this bothers me.....ppl are always conolaining about "the same teams in the top 20".
    This complaint makes 0 sense lol. If the top 20 all run a variation of the same them chances are, its because thats whats working in your arena group and the rest have either not caught on or dont have the toons to do it.

    I will never understand folks complaining about others using the best strategy available to them at the time smh

    The complaint is aimed less at the players and more at the devs for not broadening the playing field. Now you understand it. :smile:
    Ashishin wrote: »
    For those interested in Teebo as leader. I've faced a couple squad builds this week with him as leader. The most effective I fought was healer/revive heavy with
    Ewok elder

    This set up proved to be one of the most difficult squads I've faced in weeks. It is a very creative and non-standard team. My hat is off to the player who came up with it and grinder out the characters.

    LOL, I was gunna run something like this, but I don't have Elder!! Good to know there's some merit to it. :smile:

    Teebo's at 6 (60/100), all the rest are maxed and I'm missing Elder entirely.
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Been in top 1-10, mostly 1-2 at payout. Running QGJ (L) because of Yoda BM, then rotate Ashoka/Maul/GS/Lumi (because of assist, or Maul will never go, and protect everyone with RG (without him droid teams are a pain...). All 7* except Ashoka and RG (6*)... Impossible to keep rank, but will get first because max star teams if properly assembled (have to use Lumi if against droids, and CAN use Maul against Jedi). Maul is fun but I can see why any team loses on defense... AI on offense sprays like a drunken sailor peeing on the ship in a storm...

    I do refresh a lot, but mostly cause I like playing, and nothing else to do after all challenges/GW complete... Even gear is worthless once you hit level 70... Already have it, just wanna play...

    Would be so much fun to play against human... Then true meta would actually show itself... :-)
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    Arena is an afterthought. Run 3 a day for dailies and stay under 200. Anything else is a waste of time. Terrible AI discourages any hope for interesting matchups. Just build a team that the computer knows how to use and move on.
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    Foomerang wrote: »
    Arena is an afterthought. Run 3 a day for dailies and stay under 200. Anything else is a waste of time. Terrible AI discourages any hope for interesting matchups. Just build a team that the computer knows how to use and move on.

    Haha, while I see where you're coming from and agree in most part; I would love for it to be interesting - thats all.

    GM has been a more interesting challenge for the last three weeks. I tend to face only lvl 70 teams after the third or fourth match which makes it very hard to finish. I think I have only finished 3 or 4 times in that period; I tend to get to the last tier of matches and by then I have lost too many good teams/characters. The worst was a few days ago I had the final round and only Lumi left up and I couldn't get a team to beat her, most were under level 50 by that point and she was one shotting and evading like mad.
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    nords21 wrote: »
    Foomerang wrote: »
    Arena is an afterthought. Run 3 a day for dailies and stay under 200. Anything else is a waste of time. Terrible AI discourages any hope for interesting matchups. Just build a team that the computer knows how to use and move on.

    Haha, while I see where you're coming from and agree for the most part; I would love for it to be interesting - thats all.

    GM has been a more interesting challenge for the last three weeks. I tend to face only lvl 70 teams after the third or fourth match which makes it very hard to finish. I think I have only finished 3 or 4 times in that period; I tend to get to the last tier of matches and by then I have lost too many good teams/characters. The worst was a few days ago I had the final round and only Lumi left up and I couldn't get a team to beat her, most were under level 50 by that point and she was one shotting and evading like mad.

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    nords21 wrote: »
    Nearly all on mine run:
    Dooku (L)
    Variant of (Kylo, Daka,Yoda)

    Two people mention RG. Royal Guard?

    I have not found it too useful myself, his main attack can stun sure, but the defense buff seems weak and no matter how fast his turn meter is he seems to hit like a soft pillow and the stun doesn't seem to proc at 65%, more like 30-40% on a good turn. Maybe its just observational bias, but he always seemed underwhelming to me.

    Get his basic attack to lvl 5 and it is an almost guaranteed stun every turn he is above 50% health. He doesn't fit on my current team bc I already have a taunt but he is definitely a very good character to invest in. He is also excellent in GW bc the taunt and you can keep certain toons stunned with him, like Sid or poodle. Same in arena, especially if they run Sid and other fast aoe toons.
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    nords21 wrote: »
    nords21 wrote: »
    Foomerang wrote: »
    Arena is an afterthought. Run 3 a day for dailies and stay under 200. Anything else is a waste of time. Terrible AI discourages any hope for interesting matchups. Just build a team that the computer knows how to use and move on.

    Haha, while I see where you're coming from and agree for the most part; I would love for it to be interesting - thats all.

    GM has been a more interesting challenge for the last three weeks. I tend to face only lvl 70 teams after the third or fourth match which makes it very hard to finish. I think I have only finished 3 or 4 times in that period; I tend to get to the last tier of matches and by then I have lost too many good teams/characters. The worst was a few days ago I had the final round and only Lumi left up and I couldn't get a team to beat her, most were under level 50 by that point and she was one shotting and evading like mad.

    Once I got a deep enough roster, I found GW to be much more entertaining than SA. Just keep at it, it gets better.
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