
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but am I the only one who thinks Speed needs a reworking? I love that turn meters and their manipulation are a thing in this game, adds a lot to strategy, and I love that speed determines who goes first, but I don't believe it should be linked to both. The way the game is right now, speed is absolutely the most important stat in the game. Successful arena teams are based soley off of who goes first and how much damage can I deal in one turn. That's all well and good, but when the same characters with high speed who go first every turn also have abilities to gain turn meter? I.e. Dooku, Sidious, Qui-Gon Jin.. It gets a little insane. Ive seen arena matches where a team gets 7-8 attacks before the other team goes once, and this is without phasma's leader ability being factored into the equation. I feel like speed kills the game. The game has a beautiful character pool full of variety, and yet speed makes about 90% of the characters useless because they'll never get a turn in a legit arena match. Idk, just shower thought's I suppose. Anyone agree with me or am I alone?
As far as a solution goes, idk, maybe have speed decide who goes first but still have every character gain turn meter at the same base rate? I think that would help. That way characters like Dooku and Sidious still go first, and their abilities to gain turn meter still grant them more attacks than other characters as time goes on, but they aren't going 90 times in a row


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    You're not alone and devs understand it as well. So game mechanic will be thoroughly reworked soon. Here you can find some clues:
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    Don't do drugs, kids. Speed is bad for you! ;)
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Thanks irrlicht, appreciate it
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but am I the only one who thinks Speed needs a reworking? I love that turn meters and their manipulation are a thing in this game, adds a lot to strategy, and I love that speed determines who goes first, but I don't believe it should be linked to both. The way the game is right now, speed is absolutely the most important stat in the game. Successful arena teams are based soley off of who goes first and how much damage can I deal in one turn. That's all well and good, but when the same characters with high speed who go first every turn also have abilities to gain turn meter? I.e. Dooku, Sidious, Qui-Gon Jin.. It gets a little insane. Ive seen arena matches where a team gets 7-8 attacks before the other team goes once, and this is without phasma's leader ability being factored into the equation. I feel like speed kills the game. The game has a beautiful character pool full of variety, and yet speed makes about 90% of the characters useless because they'll never get a turn in a legit arena match. Idk, just shower thought's I suppose. Anyone agree with me or am I alone?
    As far as a solution goes, idk, maybe have speed decide who goes first but still have every character gain turn meter at the same base rate? I think that would help. That way characters like Dooku and Sidious still go first, and their abilities to gain turn meter still grant them more attacks than other characters as time goes on, but they aren't going 90 times in a row

    I like this version of speed than it was before the update where everyone had the same team, Poe was a necessity, and whichever team's Poe went first won.

    This version of speed has provided much more diversity. For awhile I ran the QGJ team, but now with Dooku and RG my QGJ actually sits on my bench. Usually the fast toons do not have much health and do not do much damage theirselves. With QGJ as the example, his damage and HP are mediocre, but his ability to call another toon which does good damage is what makes him a great option. This allows for more diversity within the team and the ability to add slower toons to a team makeup where normally they would not be as viable.

    People complain because they had their butt handed to them. The solution is not to dumb down the game. Work on toons such as GS and QGJ allow you to add diversity to your team for high damage attacks who are slow. Stunners such ad Daka, HRS, Dooku allow you to freeze the other team where their speed will not matter. Taunters such as Poe, RG, and even Han force the other team to attack your tanks before attacking other toons and they can effect TM manipulation. Lastly, due to lack of HP for fast toons speed is only good for 1-2 rounds, but if you have options to last longer than that, then you can outlast speed teams. The teams that have made this challenge possible and a challenge for speed teams are ones that have healers/revivers like Daka or Ewok Elder. There are many options put there and my server sees a huge diversity in top 10 teams. Instead of complaining about the current meta, perhaps people can look into one of these options.
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    I feel that dodge is a good counter for speed. Before I had a good squad I would lose 2-3 of my team members without even getting a chance to do one ability. Then when it was my turn I had to heal up only to have the remaining members die. Since then I've fully geared my squads, leveled and stared the ones I use and now things are much more easier. Almost too easy but I'm not complaining.

    With a passive like dodge people actually have a chance at fighting instead of dying before its their turn to go.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I prefer slow to speed. Aka- alcohol over monster energy.

    Also, things are changing with speed in like a week or so. So hang tight.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Mittens wrote: »
    I prefer slow to speed. Aka- alcohol over monster energy.

    Also, things are changing with speed in like a week or so. So hang tight.

    I just hope they do not go backwards and we end up with cookie cutter teams like in the Poe era.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    EM650 wrote: »
    Mittens wrote: »
    I prefer slow to speed. Aka- alcohol over monster energy.

    Also, things are changing with speed in like a week or so. So hang tight.

    I just hope they do not go backwards and we end up with cookie cutter teams like in the Poe era.

    I hope they do not go backwards also, but there will always be cookie cutter teams. With slight variations. But there will always be certain characters who are better than others. Unless we go back to Pong, or a variation of 'attack, defend, heal' and everyone does the same thing just with a different skin, then there will always be cookie cutter builds. Such is the nature of the game. But I agree, I hope we don't go back to a 'who's Poe taunted first' or 'who can out heal who in a 5 min match' era. I'd like to see a balance between 'lots of little hits' or '1 big slow hit' type of matches. I'd like to see counter teams, aoe teams, droid teams, anti droid teams, Jedi teams, anti Jedi teams, sith teams, anti sith teams, in a sort of rock-paper-scissors type of match. Sith may counter Jedi, but droids counter sith, and anti droids counter droids, but aoe teams counter droids, but counter teams counter aoe, etc. but still leave a little wiggle room where many teams can shine in a 'jack of all trades' type of team. Not great versus any 1 team, but good against many. Ok, rambling done.
  • Ello_Asty
    562 posts Member
    edited March 2016

    People complain because they had their butt handed to them. The solution is not to dumb down the game. Work on toons such as GS and QGJ allow you to add diversity to your team for high damage attacks who are slow. Stunners such ad Daka, HRS, Dooku allow you to freeze the other team where their speed will not matter. Taunters such as Poe, RG, and even Han force the other team to attack your tanks before attacking other toons and they can effect TM manipulation. Lastly, due to lack of HP for fast toons speed is only good for 1-2 rounds, but if you have options to last longer than that, then you can outlast speed teams. The teams that have made this challenge possible and a challenge for speed teams are ones that have healers/revivers like Daka or Ewok Elder. There are many options put there and my server sees a huge diversity in top 10 teams. Instead of complaining about the current meta, perhaps people can look into one of these options.

    PREACH! This is it right here. I am getting tired of CG bending to every complaint. NEWSFLASH! Some compositions are going to beat you!

    This, right now, is the most balanced I have seen this game. It would be even more balanced if the Poe nerf never happened. Where could they improve? Tanks. That would be the thing right there. As it is, defense doesn't really exist and changing the stuff they plan on changing is going to make that worse.

    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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    To the 2 people who think I'm complaining for getting my butt handed to me, you assume way too much. I run poe, quigon, and dooku on my team. And i hate it. It's dumb. I'd like to use other characters but there is no point because no other team i comes close to the effectiveness that they have. Once i get them all starred it's going to be disgusting. My point is there are more characters im this game than i'd care to count and the top arena teams use a mix of about 10-15 and that's dumb as hell
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    If Jawa Engineer gets introduced, he will have 153 speed + 10 for each Jawa/Droid....getting you up to 193 potentially! I want Jawa Engineer and Chief Nebit so I can have 4 Jawa characters and then will put IG-86 in there...or Daka...or Poggle. Hmmmm, the fun I will have!
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